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1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

meta infos for this blog

Source: html

Introduction: From AC, AI, and AIH to WAHM, WOHM, and WM. P.S. That was all pretty pointless, so I’ll throw in this viral Jim Henson link (from the same source) for free.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 That was all pretty pointless, so I’ll throw in this viral Jim Henson link (from the same source) for free. [sent-4, score-0.942]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('ac', 0.495), ('viral', 0.407), ('ai', 0.39), ('pointless', 0.359), ('jim', 0.321), ('throw', 0.256), ('source', 0.234), ('free', 0.181), ('link', 0.158), ('pretty', 0.121), ('ll', 0.113)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

Introduction: From AC, AI, and AIH to WAHM, WOHM, and WM. P.S. That was all pretty pointless, so I’ll throw in this viral Jim Henson link (from the same source) for free.

2 0.18334363 1908 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-21-Interpreting interactions in discrete-data regression

Introduction: Mike Johns writes: Are you familiar with the work of Ai and Norton on interactions in logit/probit models? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. Ai, C.R. and Norton E.C. 2003. Interaction terms in logit and probit models. Economics Letters 80(1): 123-129. A peer ref just cited this paper in reaction to a logistic model we tested and claimed that the “only” way to test an interaction in logit/probit regression is to use the cross derivative method of Ai & Norton. I’ve never heard of this issue or method. It leaves me wondering what the interaction term actually tests (something Ai & Norton don’t discuss) and why such an important discovery is not more widely known. Is this an issue that is of particular relevance to econometric analysis because they approach interactions from the difference-in-difference perspective? Full disclosure, I’m coming from a social science/epi background. Thus, i’m not interested in the d-in-d estimator; I want to know if any variables modify the rela

3 0.15573914 2198 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-04-Special discount on Stan! $999 cheaper than Revolution R!

Introduction: And we’ll throw in RStan and PyStan for free! Details here .

4 0.13190788 781 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-28-The holes in my philosophy of Bayesian data analysis

Introduction: I’ve been writing a lot about my philosophy of Bayesian statistics and how it fits into Popper’s ideas about falsification and Kuhn’s ideas about scientific revolutions. Here’s my long, somewhat technical paper with Cosma Shalizi. Here’s our shorter overview for the volume on the philosophy of social science. Here’s my latest try (for an online symposium), focusing on the key issues. I’m pretty happy with my approach–the familiar idea that Bayesian data analysis iterates the three steps of model building, inference, and model checking–but it does have some unresolved (maybe unresolvable) problems. Here are a couple mentioned in the third of the above links. Consider a simple model with independent data y_1, y_2, .., y_10 ~ N(θ,σ^2), with a prior distribution θ ~ N(0,10^2) and σ known and taking on some value of approximately 10. Inference about μ is straightforward, as is model checking, whether based on graphs or numerical summaries such as the sample variance and skewn

5 0.13124736 1050 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-10-Presenting at the econ seminar

Introduction: Jim Savage saw this and pointed me to this video. I didn’t actually look at it, but given that it is labeled, “For new econ Ph.D.’s about to look for a job . . . what you might expect when you give your first talk presenting your research,” I can pretty much guess what it’ll look like.

6 0.12156817 864 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-21-Going viral — not!

7 0.092602514 2066 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-17-G+ hangout for test run of BDA course

8 0.091824442 596 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-01-Looking for a textbook for a two-semester course in probability and (theoretical) statistics

9 0.083920479 806 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-17-6 links

10 0.081585974 1667 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-10-When you SHARE poorly researched infographics…

11 0.07654161 1719 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-11-Why waste time philosophizing?

12 0.070346579 1739 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-An AI can build and try out statistical models using an open-ended generative grammar

13 0.069783375 1606 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-05-The Grinch Comes Back

14 0.069316186 1689 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-23-MLB Hall of Fame Voting Trajectories

15 0.068573505 681 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-26-Worst statistical graphic I have seen this year

16 0.064550132 2347 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-25-Why I decided not to be a physicist

17 0.064447008 1002 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-10-“Venetia Orcutt, GWU med school professor, quits after complaints of no-show class”

18 0.063337997 501 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-04-A new R package for fititng multilevel models

19 0.062494803 1010 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-14-“Free energy” and economic resources

20 0.06009363 1553 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-30-Real rothko, fake rothko

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.033), (1, -0.014), (2, -0.028), (3, 0.025), (4, 0.017), (5, 0.006), (6, 0.013), (7, -0.023), (8, 0.011), (9, -0.016), (10, 0.002), (11, -0.002), (12, 0.038), (13, 0.012), (14, -0.008), (15, 0.019), (16, 0.007), (17, -0.002), (18, -0.034), (19, 0.002), (20, -0.004), (21, -0.016), (22, 0.026), (23, -0.032), (24, -0.008), (25, 0.015), (26, 0.018), (27, -0.0), (28, 0.007), (29, 0.008), (30, 0.004), (31, 0.012), (32, 0.037), (33, -0.012), (34, 0.037), (35, 0.027), (36, -0.011), (37, -0.023), (38, 0.016), (39, 0.048), (40, 0.05), (41, -0.001), (42, 0.044), (43, 0.004), (44, 0.026), (45, 0.024), (46, -0.056), (47, 0.023), (48, -0.022), (49, 0.047)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.98163265 1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

Introduction: From AC, AI, and AIH to WAHM, WOHM, and WM. P.S. That was all pretty pointless, so I’ll throw in this viral Jim Henson link (from the same source) for free.

2 0.84411156 587 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-24-5 seconds of every #1 pop single

Introduction: This is pretty amazing. Now I want to hear volume 3. Also is there a way to download this as I play it so I can listen when I’m offline? P.S. Typo in title fixed. P.P.S. I originally gave a different link but was led to the apparently more definitive link above (which allows direct download) from a commenter . Thanks!

3 0.8247121 2066 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-17-G+ hangout for test run of BDA course

Introduction: Try this link . . . . OK, it worked (as well as might be expected given that we don’t have any professional audiovisual people involved). Tomorrow 8h30, I’ll post a new link with the new G+ hangout. We’ll be going through the first two sets of slides (class1a.pdf and class1b.pdf) following the link for the slides here .

4 0.80058849 1433 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-28-LOL without the CATS

Introduction: Mayo points me to this discussion [link fixed] on parsimony by philosopher Elliott Sober. I don’t really understand what he’s talking about but I am posting the link here because it might interest some of you. P.S. More discussion on this from Mayo here .

5 0.74662328 357 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-20-Sas and R

Introduction: Xian sends along this link that might be of interest to some of you.

6 0.73596764 1318 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-13-Stolen jokes

7 0.7174769 1080 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-24-Latest in blog advertising

8 0.71304721 380 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-29-“Bluntly put . . .”

9 0.69972152 806 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-17-6 links

10 0.67832816 290 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-22-Data Thief

11 0.65795434 612 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-14-Uh-oh

12 0.65419251 734 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-28-Funniest comment ever

13 0.65284556 2028 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-17-Online conference for young statistics researchers

14 0.64501745 1240 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-02-Blogads update

15 0.63829958 1871 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-27-Annals of spam

16 0.63345361 1005 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-11-Robert H. Frank and P. J. O’Rourke present . . .

17 0.6164692 1440 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-02-“A Christmas Carol” as applied to plagiarism

18 0.61585099 199 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-11-Note to semi-spammers

19 0.60705149 2283 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-06-An old discussion of food deserts

20 0.60648054 2198 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-04-Special discount on Stan! $999 cheaper than Revolution R!

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(16, 0.042), (34, 0.422), (44, 0.103), (99, 0.195)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.96995139 1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

Introduction: From AC, AI, and AIH to WAHM, WOHM, and WM. P.S. That was all pretty pointless, so I’ll throw in this viral Jim Henson link (from the same source) for free.

2 0.85990745 648 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-04-The Case for More False Positives in Anti-doping Testing

Introduction: No joke. See here (from Kaiser Fung). At the Statistics Forum.

3 0.83682907 2031 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-19-What makes a statistician look like a hero?

Introduction: Answer here (courtesy of Kaiser Fung).

4 0.83150816 2198 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-04-Special discount on Stan! $999 cheaper than Revolution R!

Introduction: And we’ll throw in RStan and PyStan for free! Details here .

5 0.67908865 1911 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-23-AI Stats conference on Stan etc.

Introduction: Jaakko Peltonen writes: The Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ( will be next April in Reykjavik, Iceland. AISTATS is an interdisciplinary conference at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. ============================================================================== AISTATS 2014 Call for Papers Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics April 22 – 25, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland Colocated with a MLSS Machine Learning Summer School ============================================================================== AISTATS is an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the primary goal of AISTATS has been to broaden research in the

6 0.66969001 292 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-23-Doug Hibbs on the fundamentals in 2010

7 0.63608956 703 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-10-Bringing Causal Models Into the Mainstream

8 0.63374567 929 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-27-Visual diagnostics for discrete-data regressions

9 0.63295996 1734 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-23-Life in the C-suite: A graph that is both ugly and bad, and an unrelated story

10 0.62335724 2098 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-12-Plaig!

11 0.62025875 1501 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-18-More studies on the economic effects of climate change

12 0.62025529 1500 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-17-“2% per degree Celsius . . . the magic number for how worker productivity responds to warm-hot temperatures”

13 0.61252403 1132 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-21-A counterfeit data graphic

14 0.60971713 1111 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-10-The blog of the Cultural Cognition Project

15 0.60678071 1144 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-29-How many parameters are in a multilevel model?

16 0.60457051 956 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-13-Hey, you! Don’t take that class!

17 0.56589955 884 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-01-My course this fall on Bayesian Computation

18 0.55734742 1001 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-10-Three hours in the life of a statistician

19 0.55518985 219 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-20-Some things are just really hard to believe: more on choosing your facts.

20 0.55361724 2203 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-08-“Guys who do more housework get less sex”