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1908 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-21-Interpreting interactions in discrete-data regression

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Introduction: Mike Johns writes: Are you familiar with the work of Ai and Norton on interactions in logit/probit models? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. Ai, C.R. and Norton E.C. 2003. Interaction terms in logit and probit models. Economics Letters 80(1): 123-129. A peer ref just cited this paper in reaction to a logistic model we tested and claimed that the “only” way to test an interaction in logit/probit regression is to use the cross derivative method of Ai & Norton. I’ve never heard of this issue or method. It leaves me wondering what the interaction term actually tests (something Ai & Norton don’t discuss) and why such an important discovery is not more widely known. Is this an issue that is of particular relevance to econometric analysis because they approach interactions from the difference-in-difference perspective? Full disclosure, I’m coming from a social science/epi background. Thus, i’m not interested in the d-in-d estimator; I want to know if any variables modify the rela

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Mike Johns writes: Are you familiar with the work of Ai and Norton on interactions in logit/probit models? [sent-1, score-0.227]

2 A peer ref just cited this paper in reaction to a logistic model we tested and claimed that the “only” way to test an interaction in logit/probit regression is to use the cross derivative method of Ai & Norton. [sent-10, score-1.295]

3 It leaves me wondering what the interaction term actually tests (something Ai & Norton don’t discuss) and why such an important discovery is not more widely known. [sent-12, score-0.862]

4 Is this an issue that is of particular relevance to econometric analysis because they approach interactions from the difference-in-difference perspective? [sent-13, score-0.449]

5 Thus, i’m not interested in the d-in-d estimator; I want to know if any variables modify the relationship between the focal IV and DV. [sent-15, score-0.191]

6 The standard method of calculating and testing the interaction term seems perfectly reasonable for answering this question. [sent-16, score-0.935]

7 My reply: My quick answer is that with nonlinear functions, there is no single summary that tells the whole story. [sent-17, score-0.238]

8 Different coefficients and different average predictive quantities are appropriate in different contexts. [sent-18, score-0.419]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('ai', 0.47), ('norton', 0.404), ('interaction', 0.333), ('interactions', 0.154), ('ref', 0.141), ('term', 0.128), ('johns', 0.12), ('probit', 0.118), ('derivative', 0.118), ('disclosure', 0.115), ('econometric', 0.112), ('iv', 0.11), ('modify', 0.11), ('method', 0.109), ('answering', 0.107), ('estimator', 0.105), ('calculating', 0.105), ('cross', 0.102), ('issue', 0.099), ('leaves', 0.098), ('nonlinear', 0.097), ('quantities', 0.097), ('logit', 0.094), ('tested', 0.093), ('different', 0.089), ('letters', 0.088), ('mike', 0.088), ('discovery', 0.088), ('peer', 0.085), ('perfectly', 0.085), ('relevance', 0.084), ('cited', 0.082), ('functions', 0.082), ('relationship', 0.081), ('claimed', 0.081), ('widely', 0.08), ('tells', 0.077), ('logistic', 0.077), ('coefficients', 0.076), ('curious', 0.075), ('reaction', 0.074), ('familiar', 0.073), ('wondering', 0.07), ('predictive', 0.068), ('material', 0.068), ('testing', 0.068), ('hear', 0.068), ('http', 0.067), ('tests', 0.065), ('summary', 0.064)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0 1908 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-21-Interpreting interactions in discrete-data regression

Introduction: Mike Johns writes: Are you familiar with the work of Ai and Norton on interactions in logit/probit models? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. Ai, C.R. and Norton E.C. 2003. Interaction terms in logit and probit models. Economics Letters 80(1): 123-129. A peer ref just cited this paper in reaction to a logistic model we tested and claimed that the “only” way to test an interaction in logit/probit regression is to use the cross derivative method of Ai & Norton. I’ve never heard of this issue or method. It leaves me wondering what the interaction term actually tests (something Ai & Norton don’t discuss) and why such an important discovery is not more widely known. Is this an issue that is of particular relevance to econometric analysis because they approach interactions from the difference-in-difference perspective? Full disclosure, I’m coming from a social science/epi background. Thus, i’m not interested in the d-in-d estimator; I want to know if any variables modify the rela

2 0.22511294 888 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-03-A psychology researcher asks: Is Anova dead?

Introduction: A research psychologist writes in with a question that’s so long that I’ll put my answer first, then put the question itself below the fold. Here’s my reply: As I wrote in my Anova paper and in my book with Jennifer Hill, I do think that multilevel models can completely replace Anova. At the same time, I think the central idea of Anova should persist in our understanding of these models. To me the central idea of Anova is not F-tests or p-values or sums of squares, but rather the idea of predicting an outcome based on factors with discrete levels, and understanding these factors using variance components. The continuous or categorical response thing doesn’t really matter so much to me. I have no problem using a normal linear model for continuous outcomes (perhaps suitably transformed) and a logistic model for binary outcomes. I don’t want to throw away interactions just because they’re not statistically significant. I’d rather partially pool them toward zero using an inform

3 0.19044496 781 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-28-The holes in my philosophy of Bayesian data analysis

Introduction: I’ve been writing a lot about my philosophy of Bayesian statistics and how it fits into Popper’s ideas about falsification and Kuhn’s ideas about scientific revolutions. Here’s my long, somewhat technical paper with Cosma Shalizi. Here’s our shorter overview for the volume on the philosophy of social science. Here’s my latest try (for an online symposium), focusing on the key issues. I’m pretty happy with my approach–the familiar idea that Bayesian data analysis iterates the three steps of model building, inference, and model checking–but it does have some unresolved (maybe unresolvable) problems. Here are a couple mentioned in the third of the above links. Consider a simple model with independent data y_1, y_2, .., y_10 ~ N(θ,σ^2), with a prior distribution θ ~ N(0,10^2) and σ known and taking on some value of approximately 10. Inference about μ is straightforward, as is model checking, whether based on graphs or numerical summaries such as the sample variance and skewn

4 0.18334363 1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

Introduction: From AC, AI, and AIH to WAHM, WOHM, and WM. P.S. That was all pretty pointless, so I’ll throw in this viral Jim Henson link (from the same source) for free.

5 0.16877016 823 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-26-Including interactions or not

Introduction: Liz Sanders writes: I viewed your 2005 presentation “Interactions in multilevel models” and was hoping you or one of your students/colleagues could point me to some readings about the issue of using all possible vs. only particular interaction terms in regression models with continuous covariates (I think “functional form validity” is the term I have encountered in the past). In particular, I am trying to understand whether I would be mis-specifying a model if I deleted two of its interaction terms (in favor of using only 2-way treatment interaction terms). The general full model, for example, is: Y = intercept + txt + pre1 + pre2 + txt*pre1 + txt*pre2 + pre1*pre2 + txt*pre1*pre2, where txt is effect coded (1=treatment, -1=control) and pre1 and pre2 are two different pretests that are assumed normally distributed. (The model is actually a multilevel model; the error terms are not listed for brevity.) The truncated model, on the other hand, would only test 2-way treatment inte

6 0.14482844 1739 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-An AI can build and try out statistical models using an open-ended generative grammar

7 0.13421635 1686 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-21-Finite-population Anova calculations for models with interactions

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11 0.11145376 753 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-09-Allowing interaction terms to vary

12 0.10992305 1719 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-11-Why waste time philosophizing?

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15 0.093712144 251 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-02-Interactions of predictors in a causal model

16 0.088891439 368 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-25-Is instrumental variables analysis particularly susceptible to Type M errors?

17 0.082082674 288 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-21-Discussion of the paper by Girolami and Calderhead on Bayesian computation

18 0.081810631 782 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-29-Putting together multinomial discrete regressions by combining simple logits

19 0.08024019 1431 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-27-Overfitting

20 0.078274719 2294 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-17-If you get to the point of asking, just do it. But some difficulties do arise . . .

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.97650468 1908 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-21-Interpreting interactions in discrete-data regression

Introduction: Mike Johns writes: Are you familiar with the work of Ai and Norton on interactions in logit/probit models? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. Ai, C.R. and Norton E.C. 2003. Interaction terms in logit and probit models. Economics Letters 80(1): 123-129. A peer ref just cited this paper in reaction to a logistic model we tested and claimed that the “only” way to test an interaction in logit/probit regression is to use the cross derivative method of Ai & Norton. I’ve never heard of this issue or method. It leaves me wondering what the interaction term actually tests (something Ai & Norton don’t discuss) and why such an important discovery is not more widely known. Is this an issue that is of particular relevance to econometric analysis because they approach interactions from the difference-in-difference perspective? Full disclosure, I’m coming from a social science/epi background. Thus, i’m not interested in the d-in-d estimator; I want to know if any variables modify the rela

2 0.8106637 257 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-04-Question about standard range for social science correlations

Introduction: Andrew Eppig writes: I’m a physicist by training who is transitioning to the social sciences. I recently came across a reference in the Economist to a paper on IQ and parasites which I read as I have more than a passing interest in IQ research (having read much that you and others (e.g., Shalizi, Wicherts) have written). In this paper I note that the authors find a very high correlation between national IQ and parasite prevalence. The strength of the correlation (-0.76 to -0.82) surprised me, as I’m used to much weaker correlations in the social sciences. To me, it’s a bit too high, suggesting that there are other factors at play or that one of the variables is merely a proxy for a large number of other variables. But I have no basis for this other than a gut feeling and a memory of a plot on Language Log about the distribution of correlation coefficients in social psychology. So my question is this: Is a correlation in the range of (-0.82,-0.76) more likely to be a correlatio

3 0.79207879 1967 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-04-What are the key assumptions of linear regression?

Introduction: Andy Cooper writes: A link to an article , “Four Assumptions Of Multiple Regression That Researchers Should Always Test”, has been making the rounds on Twitter. Their first rule is “Variables are Normally distributed.” And they seem to be talking about the independent variables – but then later bring in tests on the residuals (while admitting that the normally-distributed error assumption is a weak assumption). I thought we had long-since moved away from transforming our independent variables to make them normally distributed for statistical reasons (as opposed to standardizing them for interpretability, etc.) Am I missing something? I agree that leverage in a influence is important, but normality of the variables? The article is from 2002, so it might be dated, but given the popularity of the tweet, I thought I’d ask your opinion. My response: There’s some useful advice on that page but overall I think the advice was dated even in 2002. In section 3.6 of my book wit

4 0.78493792 888 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-03-A psychology researcher asks: Is Anova dead?

Introduction: A research psychologist writes in with a question that’s so long that I’ll put my answer first, then put the question itself below the fold. Here’s my reply: As I wrote in my Anova paper and in my book with Jennifer Hill, I do think that multilevel models can completely replace Anova. At the same time, I think the central idea of Anova should persist in our understanding of these models. To me the central idea of Anova is not F-tests or p-values or sums of squares, but rather the idea of predicting an outcome based on factors with discrete levels, and understanding these factors using variance components. The continuous or categorical response thing doesn’t really matter so much to me. I have no problem using a normal linear model for continuous outcomes (perhaps suitably transformed) and a logistic model for binary outcomes. I don’t want to throw away interactions just because they’re not statistically significant. I’d rather partially pool them toward zero using an inform

5 0.77031153 1462 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-18-Standardizing regression inputs

Introduction: Andy Flies, Ph.D. candidate in zoology, writes: After reading your paper about scaling regression inputs by two standard deviations I found your blog post stating that you wished you had scaled by 1 sd and coded the binary inputs as -1 and 1. Here is my question: If you code the binary input as -1 and 1, do you then standardize it? This makes sense to me because the mean of the standardized input is then zero and the sd is 1, which is what the mean and sd are for all of the other standardized inputs. I know that if you code the binary input as 0 and 1 it should not be standardized. Also, I am not interested in the actual units (i.e. mg/ml) of my response variable and I would like to compare a couple of different response variables that are on different scales. Would it make sense to standardize the response variable also? My reply: No, I don’t standardize the binary input. The point of standardizing inputs is to make the coefs directly interpretable, but with binary i

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3 0.96307349 439 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-30-Of psychology research and investment tips

Introduction: A few days after “ Dramatic study shows participants are affected by psychological phenomena from the future ,” (see here ) the British Psychological Society follows up with “ Can psychology help combat pseudoscience? .” Somehow I’m reminded of that bit of financial advice which says, if you want to save some money, your best investment is to pay off your credit card bills.

4 0.96160245 1081 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-24-Statistical ethics violation

Introduction: A colleague writes: When I was in NYC I went to this party by group of Japanese bio-scientists. There, one guy told me about how the biggest pharmaceutical company in Japan did their statistics. They ran 100 different tests and reported the most significant one. (This was in 2006 and he said they stopped doing this few years back so they were doing this until pretty recently…) I’m not sure if this was 100 multiple comparison or 100 different kinds of test but I’m sure they wouldn’t want to disclose their data… Ouch!

5 0.96130407 1541 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-19-Statistical discrimination again

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