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1739 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-An AI can build and try out statistical models using an open-ended generative grammar

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Introduction: David Duvenaud writes: I’ve been following your recent discussions about how an AI could do statistics [see also here ]. I was especially excited about your suggestion for new statistical methods using “a language-like approach to recursively creating new models from a specified list of distributions and transformations, and an automatic approach to checking model fit.” Your discussion of these ideas was exciting to me and my colleagues because we recently did some work taking a step in this direction, automatically searching through a grammar over Gaussian process regression models. Roger Grosse previously did the same thing , but over matrix decomposition models using held-out predictive likelihood to check model fit. These are both examples of automatic Bayesian model-building by a search over more and more complex models, as you suggested. One nice thing is that both grammars include lots of standard models for free, and they seem to work pretty well, although the

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 I was especially excited about your suggestion for new statistical methods using “a language-like approach to recursively creating new models from a specified list of distributions and transformations, and an automatic approach to checking model fit. [sent-2, score-0.856]

2 ” Your discussion of these ideas was exciting to me and my colleagues because we recently did some work taking a step in this direction, automatically searching through a grammar over Gaussian process regression models. [sent-3, score-0.549]

3 These are both examples of automatic Bayesian model-building by a search over more and more complex models, as you suggested. [sent-5, score-0.424]

4 One nice thing is that both grammars include lots of standard models for free, and they seem to work pretty well, although the search is of course computationally expensive. [sent-6, score-0.567]

5 But when you consider the size and scope of the space of models that is searched, and the fact that all steps of model construction, evaluation and search are automatic, it doesn’t seem like such an expensive process. [sent-8, score-0.642]

6 In my experience, working statisticians, machine learners, and data scientists rarely if ever explore such a space so systematically in large part because it seems impractically expensive to do so (in terms of both their own time and computation time, as well as perhaps other scarce resources). [sent-9, score-0.439]

7 Of course the “AI” in our work is still quite primitive and naive, both in terms of good modeling methods as you have developed and taught, and in terms of human intelligence more generally. [sent-10, score-0.397]

8 And the space of models we can consider automatically is still quite limited compared to what humans can do. [sent-11, score-0.42]

9 We define a space of kernel structures which are built compositionally by adding and multiplying a small number of base kernels. [sent-15, score-0.72]

10 We present a method for searching over this space of structures which mirrors the scientific discovery process. [sent-16, score-0.732]

11 The learned structures can often decompose functions into interpretable components and enable long-range extrapolation on time-series datasets. [sent-17, score-0.56]

12 Our structure search method outperforms many widely used kernels and kernel combination methods on a variety of prediction tasks. [sent-18, score-1.005]

13 I can’t comment on the details, especially as this sort of predictive regression problem isn’t the thing I typically work on, but I like the general idea of constructing models through some sort of generative grammar. [sent-19, score-0.444]

14 It seems to me a big step forward from the previous graphical-model paradigm in which the model is a static mixture of a bunch of conditional independence structures on a fixed set of variables. [sent-20, score-0.492]

15 As I’ve written many times (for example, with Shalizi in our instant-classic paper , rejoinder here ), I think discrete Bayesian model averaging is a poor model for science and a poor model for statistical inference. [sent-21, score-0.418]

16 Adams), introducing covariance kernels which enable automatic pattern discovery and extrapolation with Gaussian processes. [sent-31, score-0.938]

17 Our method is computationally simple (comparable to using standard smoothing kernels), and is grounded in modelling a spectral density with a Gaussian mixture. [sent-33, score-0.478]

18 With enough components in the mixture, we can approximate any spectral density (and thus any stationary covariance kernel) with arbitrary accuracy. [sent-34, score-0.394]

19 We show that the proposed method can automatically discover complex structure and extrapolate over long ranges. [sent-35, score-0.385]

20 However, our approach to automatic structure discovery is fundamentally different from the discussed “grammar of kernels” approach and previous related kernel composition approaches. [sent-36, score-1.042]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('kernel', 0.301), ('kernels', 0.277), ('automatic', 0.236), ('structures', 0.191), ('computationally', 0.164), ('ai', 0.164), ('space', 0.163), ('models', 0.139), ('spectral', 0.13), ('grammar', 0.13), ('gaussian', 0.126), ('search', 0.124), ('discovery', 0.122), ('expensive', 0.12), ('automatically', 0.118), ('extrapolation', 0.111), ('approach', 0.11), ('generative', 0.105), ('structure', 0.102), ('method', 0.101), ('methods', 0.1), ('enable', 0.1), ('model', 0.096), ('covariance', 0.092), ('components', 0.089), ('searching', 0.086), ('density', 0.083), ('terms', 0.082), ('mixture', 0.08), ('exciting', 0.078), ('machine', 0.074), ('work', 0.071), ('decompose', 0.069), ('formalisms', 0.069), ('mirrors', 0.069), ('shoehorn', 0.069), ('grammars', 0.069), ('regression', 0.066), ('wald', 0.065), ('multiplying', 0.065), ('recursively', 0.065), ('poor', 0.065), ('complex', 0.064), ('forward', 0.064), ('predictive', 0.063), ('learners', 0.062), ('primitive', 0.062), ('previous', 0.061), ('hopeless', 0.06), ('loom', 0.06)]

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same-blog 1 1.0000004 1739 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-An AI can build and try out statistical models using an open-ended generative grammar

Introduction: David Duvenaud writes: I’ve been following your recent discussions about how an AI could do statistics [see also here ]. I was especially excited about your suggestion for new statistical methods using “a language-like approach to recursively creating new models from a specified list of distributions and transformations, and an automatic approach to checking model fit.” Your discussion of these ideas was exciting to me and my colleagues because we recently did some work taking a step in this direction, automatically searching through a grammar over Gaussian process regression models. Roger Grosse previously did the same thing , but over matrix decomposition models using held-out predictive likelihood to check model fit. These are both examples of automatic Bayesian model-building by a search over more and more complex models, as you suggested. One nice thing is that both grammars include lots of standard models for free, and they seem to work pretty well, although the

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Introduction: Last month I wrote : Computer scientists are often brilliant but they can be unfamiliar with what is done in the worlds of data collection and analysis. This goes the other way too: statisticians such as myself can look pretty awkward, reinventing (or failing to reinvent) various wheels when we write computer programs or, even worse, try to design software.Andrew MacNamara writes: Andrew MacNamara followed up with some thoughts: I [MacNamara] had some basic statistics training through my MBA program, after having completed an undergrad degree in computer science. Since then I’ve been very interested in learning more about statistical techniques, including things like GLM and censored data analyses as well as machine learning topics like neural nets, SVMs, etc. I began following your blog after some research into Bayesian analysis topics and I am trying to dig deeper on that side of things. One thing I have noticed is that there seems to be a distinction between data analysi

3 0.19666083 1740 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-“Is machine learning a subset of statistics?”

Introduction: Following up on our previous post , Andrew Wilson writes: I agree we are in a really exciting time for statistics and machine learning. There has been a lot of talk lately comparing machine learning with statistics. I am curious whether you think there are many fundamental differences between the fields, or just superficial differences — different popular approximate inference methods, slightly different popular application areas, etc. Is machine learning a subset of statistics? In the paper we discuss how we think machine learning is fundamentally about pattern discovery, and ultimately, fully automating the learning and decision making process. In other words, whatever a human does when he or she uses tools to analyze data, can be written down algorithmically and automated on a computer. I am not sure if the ambitions are similar in statistics — and I don’t have any conventional statistics background, which makes it harder to tell. I think it’s an interesting discussion.

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Introduction: David Duvenaud writes: I’ve been following your recent discussions about how an AI could do statistics [see also here ]. I was especially excited about your suggestion for new statistical methods using “a language-like approach to recursively creating new models from a specified list of distributions and transformations, and an automatic approach to checking model fit.” Your discussion of these ideas was exciting to me and my colleagues because we recently did some work taking a step in this direction, automatically searching through a grammar over Gaussian process regression models. Roger Grosse previously did the same thing , but over matrix decomposition models using held-out predictive likelihood to check model fit. These are both examples of automatic Bayesian model-building by a search over more and more complex models, as you suggested. One nice thing is that both grammars include lots of standard models for free, and they seem to work pretty well, although the

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