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994 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-06-Josh Tenenbaum presents . . . a model of folk physics!

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Introduction: Josh Tenenbaum describes some new work modeling people’s physical reasoning as probabilistic inferences over intuitive theories of mechanics. A general-purpose capacity for “physical intelligence”—inferring physical properties of objects and predicting future states in complex dynamical scenes—is central to how humans interpret their environment and plan safe and effective actions. The computations and representations underlying physical intelligence remain unclear, however. Cognitive studies have focused on mapping out judgment biases and errors, or on testing simple heuristic models suitable only for highly specific cases; they have not attempted to give general-purpose unifying models. In computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics researchers have long sought to formalize common-sense physical reasoning but without success in approaching human-level competence. Here we show that a wide range of human physical judgments can be explained by positing an “intuitive me

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Josh Tenenbaum describes some new work modeling people’s physical reasoning as probabilistic inferences over intuitive theories of mechanics. [sent-1, score-1.058]

2 A general-purpose capacity for “physical intelligence”—inferring physical properties of objects and predicting future states in complex dynamical scenes—is central to how humans interpret their environment and plan safe and effective actions. [sent-2, score-0.613]

3 The computations and representations underlying physical intelligence remain unclear, however. [sent-3, score-0.758]

4 Cognitive studies have focused on mapping out judgment biases and errors, or on testing simple heuristic models suitable only for highly specific cases; they have not attempted to give general-purpose unifying models. [sent-4, score-0.53]

5 In computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics researchers have long sought to formalize common-sense physical reasoning but without success in approaching human-level competence. [sent-5, score-1.11]

6 Here we show that a wide range of human physical judgments can be explained by positing an “intuitive mechanics”, an implicit theory in the brain that embodies abstract laws of motion surprisingly faithful to the laws of classical (Newtonian) mechanics. [sent-6, score-1.351]

7 A formal model of intuitive mechanics closely fits human judgments in a number of behavioral experiments, explaining both how people make such rich and accurate physical inferences in general and also why they show several systematic biases. [sent-8, score-1.611]

8 Here’s a short conference paper by Hamrick, Battaglia, and Tenenbaum that contains a preliminary report on some of the above work. [sent-13, score-0.079]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('physical', 0.376), ('mechanics', 0.336), ('intuitive', 0.299), ('judgments', 0.224), ('intelligence', 0.203), ('tenenbaum', 0.182), ('inferences', 0.152), ('probabilistic', 0.131), ('laws', 0.13), ('biases', 0.129), ('newtonian', 0.104), ('reasoning', 0.1), ('robotics', 0.098), ('embodies', 0.098), ('representations', 0.098), ('unifying', 0.094), ('faithful', 0.091), ('analytically', 0.091), ('inferring', 0.091), ('dynamical', 0.091), ('heuristic', 0.088), ('approaching', 0.088), ('sought', 0.086), ('human', 0.084), ('differs', 0.084), ('formalize', 0.084), ('outputs', 0.084), ('prone', 0.082), ('akin', 0.082), ('computations', 0.081), ('motion', 0.079), ('preliminary', 0.079), ('unclear', 0.078), ('scenes', 0.078), ('josh', 0.078), ('attempted', 0.076), ('capacity', 0.076), ('deterministic', 0.075), ('artificial', 0.075), ('suitable', 0.073), ('show', 0.072), ('folk', 0.072), ('equations', 0.071), ('objects', 0.07), ('video', 0.07), ('engine', 0.07), ('mapping', 0.07), ('behavioral', 0.068), ('surprisingly', 0.067), ('solved', 0.067)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.99999988 994 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-06-Josh Tenenbaum presents . . . a model of folk physics!

Introduction: Josh Tenenbaum describes some new work modeling people’s physical reasoning as probabilistic inferences over intuitive theories of mechanics. A general-purpose capacity for “physical intelligence”—inferring physical properties of objects and predicting future states in complex dynamical scenes—is central to how humans interpret their environment and plan safe and effective actions. The computations and representations underlying physical intelligence remain unclear, however. Cognitive studies have focused on mapping out judgment biases and errors, or on testing simple heuristic models suitable only for highly specific cases; they have not attempted to give general-purpose unifying models. In computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics researchers have long sought to formalize common-sense physical reasoning but without success in approaching human-level competence. Here we show that a wide range of human physical judgments can be explained by positing an “intuitive me

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3 0.10991991 2037 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-25-Classical probability does not apply to quantum systems (causal inference edition)

Introduction: James Robins, Tyler VanderWeele, and Richard Gill write : Neyman introduced a formal mathematical theory of counterfactual causation that now has become standard language in many quantitative disciplines, but not in physics. We use results on causal interaction and interference between treatments (derived under the Neyman theory) to give a simple new proof of a well-known result in quantum physics, namely, Bellís inequality. Now the predictions of quantum mechanics and the results of experiment both violate Bell’s inequality. In the remainder of the talk, we review the implications for a counterfactual theory of causation. Assuming with Einstein that faster than light (supraluminal) communication is not possible, one can view the Neyman theory of counterfactuals as falsified by experiment. . . . Is it safe for a quantitative discipline to rely on a counterfactual approach to causation, when our best confirmed physical theory falsifies their existence? I haven’t seen the talk

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same-blog 1 0.96770191 994 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-06-Josh Tenenbaum presents . . . a model of folk physics!

Introduction: Josh Tenenbaum describes some new work modeling people’s physical reasoning as probabilistic inferences over intuitive theories of mechanics. A general-purpose capacity for “physical intelligence”—inferring physical properties of objects and predicting future states in complex dynamical scenes—is central to how humans interpret their environment and plan safe and effective actions. The computations and representations underlying physical intelligence remain unclear, however. Cognitive studies have focused on mapping out judgment biases and errors, or on testing simple heuristic models suitable only for highly specific cases; they have not attempted to give general-purpose unifying models. In computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics researchers have long sought to formalize common-sense physical reasoning but without success in approaching human-level competence. Here we show that a wide range of human physical judgments can be explained by positing an “intuitive me

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Introduction: James Robins, Tyler VanderWeele, and Richard Gill write : Neyman introduced a formal mathematical theory of counterfactual causation that now has become standard language in many quantitative disciplines, but not in physics. We use results on causal interaction and interference between treatments (derived under the Neyman theory) to give a simple new proof of a well-known result in quantum physics, namely, Bellís inequality. Now the predictions of quantum mechanics and the results of experiment both violate Bell’s inequality. In the remainder of the talk, we review the implications for a counterfactual theory of causation. Assuming with Einstein that faster than light (supraluminal) communication is not possible, one can view the Neyman theory of counterfactuals as falsified by experiment. . . . Is it safe for a quantitative discipline to rely on a counterfactual approach to causation, when our best confirmed physical theory falsifies their existence? I haven’t seen the talk

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same-blog 1 0.96669465 994 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-06-Josh Tenenbaum presents . . . a model of folk physics!

Introduction: Josh Tenenbaum describes some new work modeling people’s physical reasoning as probabilistic inferences over intuitive theories of mechanics. A general-purpose capacity for “physical intelligence”—inferring physical properties of objects and predicting future states in complex dynamical scenes—is central to how humans interpret their environment and plan safe and effective actions. The computations and representations underlying physical intelligence remain unclear, however. Cognitive studies have focused on mapping out judgment biases and errors, or on testing simple heuristic models suitable only for highly specific cases; they have not attempted to give general-purpose unifying models. In computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics researchers have long sought to formalize common-sense physical reasoning but without success in approaching human-level competence. Here we show that a wide range of human physical judgments can be explained by positing an “intuitive me

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