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2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

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Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. [sent-1, score-1.227]

2 My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. [sent-2, score-1.202]

3 This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. [sent-3, score-0.357]

4 It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. [sent-4, score-0.358]

5 Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? [sent-5, score-0.337]

6 Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). [sent-6, score-0.156]

7 Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? [sent-7, score-0.31]

8 Yes, a model with varying coefficients would make sense. [sent-11, score-0.412]

9 I’d play around with the data, graph some estimates based on different timesteps, and then from there fit a parametric model that fits the data and makes sense. [sent-12, score-0.525]

10 Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential. [sent-14, score-0.817]

11 But the most efficient way to get there is to model the score differential and then map that back to win probabilities. [sent-16, score-1.463]

12 The exact same issue comes up in election modeling: it makes sense to predict vote differential and then map that to Pr(win), rather than predicting Pr(win) directly. [sent-17, score-0.83]

13 This is most obvious in very close games (or elections) or blowouts; in either of these settings the win/loss outcome provides essentially zero information. [sent-18, score-0.144]

14 But it’s true more generally that there’s a lot of information in the score (or vote) differential that’s thrown away if you just look at win/loss. [sent-19, score-0.724]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('win', 0.398), ('differential', 0.361), ('score', 0.279), ('timestep', 0.262), ('model', 0.207), ('pr', 0.172), ('map', 0.144), ('coefficients', 0.133), ('suggestions', 0.13), ('create', 0.126), ('probability', 0.124), ('vegas', 0.123), ('possessions', 0.118), ('vote', 0.116), ('accomplish', 0.111), ('additionally', 0.103), ('pace', 0.103), ('parametric', 0.096), ('seconds', 0.093), ('basketball', 0.089), ('ball', 0.088), ('fit', 0.085), ('anonymous', 0.084), ('thrown', 0.084), ('stata', 0.083), ('dependent', 0.083), ('estimate', 0.082), ('played', 0.081), ('games', 0.079), ('reverse', 0.078), ('efficient', 0.074), ('binary', 0.073), ('loss', 0.073), ('exact', 0.073), ('regressions', 0.073), ('varying', 0.072), ('yeah', 0.071), ('vary', 0.07), ('fits', 0.07), ('predicting', 0.069), ('package', 0.069), ('accurate', 0.067), ('remain', 0.067), ('makes', 0.067), ('elections', 0.067), ('game', 0.065), ('settings', 0.065), ('account', 0.065), ('wants', 0.065), ('structure', 0.065)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999988 2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

2 0.48445839 2262 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-23-Win probabilities during a sporting event

Introduction: Todd Schneider writes: Apropos of your recent blog post about modeling score differential of basketball games , I thought you might enjoy a site I built, , that gathers real-time win probabilities from betting markets for most major sports (including NBA and college basketball). My original goal was to use the variance of changes in win probabilities to quantify which games were the most exciting, but I got a bit carried away and ended up pursuing a bunch of other ideas, which  you can read about in the full writeup here This particular passage from the anonymous someone in your post: My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. reminded me of a graph I made, which shows the mean-reverting tendency of N

3 0.38022134 2226 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-26-Econometrics, political science, epidemiology, etc.: Don’t model the probability of a discrete outcome, model the underlying continuous variable

Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

4 0.2121838 2222 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-24-On deck this week

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5 0.19560207 2311 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-29-Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Differential Equations!

Introduction: Mark Girolami points us to this paper and software (with Oksana Chkrebtii, David Campbell, and Ben Calderhead). They write: We develop a general methodology for the probabilistic integration of differential equations via model based updating of a joint prior measure on the space of functions and their temporal and spatial derivatives. This results in a posterior measure over functions reflecting how well they satisfy the system of differential equations and corresponding initial and boundary values. We show how this posterior measure can be naturally incorporated within the Kennedy and O’Hagan framework for uncertainty quantification and provides a fully Bayesian approach to model calibration. . . . A broad variety of examples are provided to illustrate the potential of this framework for characterising discretization uncertainty, including initial value, delay, and boundary value differential equations, as well as partial differential equations. We also demonstrate our methodolo

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7 0.15813895 1387 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-21-Will Tiger Woods catch Jack Nicklaus? And a discussion of the virtues of using continuous data even if your goal is discrete prediction

8 0.15155411 1544 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-22-Is it meaningful to talk about a probability of “65.7%” that Obama will win the election?

9 0.14117435 1337 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-22-Question 12 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

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14 0.12302741 1340 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-23-Question 13 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

15 0.12168244 1562 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-05-Let’s try this: Instead of saying, “The probability is 75%,” say “There’s a 25% chance I’m wrong”

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19 0.11268449 1367 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-05-Question 26 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.94460797 2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

2 0.82559752 2226 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-26-Econometrics, political science, epidemiology, etc.: Don’t model the probability of a discrete outcome, model the underlying continuous variable

Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

3 0.81507874 2262 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-23-Win probabilities during a sporting event

Introduction: Todd Schneider writes: Apropos of your recent blog post about modeling score differential of basketball games , I thought you might enjoy a site I built, , that gathers real-time win probabilities from betting markets for most major sports (including NBA and college basketball). My original goal was to use the variance of changes in win probabilities to quantify which games were the most exciting, but I got a bit carried away and ended up pursuing a bunch of other ideas, which  you can read about in the full writeup here This particular passage from the anonymous someone in your post: My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. reminded me of a graph I made, which shows the mean-reverting tendency of N

4 0.72694016 1387 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-21-Will Tiger Woods catch Jack Nicklaus? And a discussion of the virtues of using continuous data even if your goal is discrete prediction

Introduction: I know next to nothing about golf. My mini-golf scores typically approach the maximum of 7 per hole, and I’ve never actually played macro-golf. I did publish a paper on golf once ( A Probability Model for Golf Putting , with Deb Nolan), but it’s not so rare for people to publish papers on topics they know nothing about. Those who can’t, research. But I certainly have the ability to post other people’s ideas. Charles Murray writes: I [Murray] am playing around with the likelihood of Tiger Woods breaking Nicklaus’s record in the Majors. I’ve already gone on record two years ago with the reason why he won’t, but now I’m looking at it from a non-psychological perspective. Given the history of the majors, what how far above the average _for other great golfers_ does Tiger have to perform? Here’s the procedure I’ve been working on: 1. For all golfers who have won at at least one major since 1934 (the year the Masters began), create 120 lines: one for each Major for each year f

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.971138 2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

2 0.95657367 2262 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-23-Win probabilities during a sporting event

Introduction: Todd Schneider writes: Apropos of your recent blog post about modeling score differential of basketball games , I thought you might enjoy a site I built, , that gathers real-time win probabilities from betting markets for most major sports (including NBA and college basketball). My original goal was to use the variance of changes in win probabilities to quantify which games were the most exciting, but I got a bit carried away and ended up pursuing a bunch of other ideas, which  you can read about in the full writeup here This particular passage from the anonymous someone in your post: My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. reminded me of a graph I made, which shows the mean-reverting tendency of N

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Introduction: Interesting discussion from David Gorski (which I found via this link from Joseph Delaney). I don’t have anything really to add to this discussion except to note the value of this sort of anecdote in a statistics discussion. It’s only n=1 and adds almost nothing to the literature on the effectiveness of various treatments, but a story like this can help focus one’s thoughts on the decision problems.

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