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936 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-02-Covariate Adjustment in RCT - Model Overfitting in Multilevel Regression

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Introduction: Makoto Hanita writes: We have been discussing the following two issues amongst ourselves, then with our methodological consultant for several days. However, we have not been able to arrive at a consensus. Consequently, we decided to seek an opinion from nationally known experts. FYI, we sent a similar inquiry to Larry Hedges and David Rogosa . . . 1)      We are wondering if a post-hoc covariate adjustment is a good practice in the context of RCTs [randomized clinical trials]. We have a situation where we found a significant baseline difference between the treatment and the control groups in 3 variables. Some of us argue that adding those three variables to the original impact analysis model is a good idea, as that would remove the confound from the impact estimate. Others among us, on the other hand, argue that a post-hoc covariate adjustment should never be done, on the ground that those covariates are correlated with the treatment, which makes the analysis model that of quasi

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Makoto Hanita writes: We have been discussing the following two issues amongst ourselves, then with our methodological consultant for several days. [sent-1, score-0.164]

2 1)      We are wondering if a post-hoc covariate adjustment is a good practice in the context of RCTs [randomized clinical trials]. [sent-7, score-0.484]

3 We have a situation where we found a significant baseline difference between the treatment and the control groups in 3 variables. [sent-8, score-0.551]

4 Some of us argue that adding those three variables to the original impact analysis model is a good idea, as that would remove the confound from the impact estimate. [sent-9, score-0.702]

5 Others among us, on the other hand, argue that a post-hoc covariate adjustment should never be done, on the ground that those covariates are correlated with the treatment, which makes the analysis model that of quasi-experimental. [sent-10, score-1.002]

6 For your information, we are all in agreement as to the use of covariates for RCTs that are pre-specified, for the purpose of variance reduction. [sent-11, score-0.368]

7 What we cannot agree on is the use of covariates for the purpose of equating two groups in the context of RCTs. [sent-12, score-0.633]

8 2)      Despite our disagreement on #1, we went ahead and tried fitting the model including those 3 additional covariates to our data. [sent-13, score-0.614]

9 Some of us are suspicious of the results of this analysis because of the possible model overfitting. [sent-14, score-0.323]

10 The situation involves fitting the below model to the sample of 14 schools and 800 students. [sent-15, score-0.354]

11 As you can see, there are 5 fixed effects at the school level to be estimated. [sent-16, score-0.156]

12 The analysis was done on multiply-imputed data (5 imputations were made). [sent-17, score-0.175]

13 From what I have read, assessing model overfitting is rather difficult for multilevel models. [sent-18, score-0.307]

14 In our case, we have an additional complexity of multiply-imputed data: PostTest ij  = b 0  + b 1 (Treatment j ) + b 2  (School Cov1 j ) + b 3 (School Cov2 j ) + b 4 (School Cov3 j ) + b 5 (PreTest ij ) + b 6 (FRL% j ) + u j  + e ij My reply: 1. [sent-19, score-0.957]

15 Ultimately I think the right approach would be to use informative priors on the coefficients, to partially pool them toward zero and thus compromise between the two alternatives of no adjustment and simple least-squares adjustment. [sent-22, score-0.725]

16 I doubt you’d want to do that, though, and I imagine you’d also be uncomfortable with an approximation such as to fit the adjusted model and then divide the coefficients for the adjustment by 2 (that’s a simple compromise). [sent-23, score-0.766]

17 In your case my inclination would be to adjust for the 3 variables. [sent-24, score-0.196]

18 As noted above, I might consider informative priors on the b’s. [sent-28, score-0.188]

19 Possibly more importantly, I’d suggest allowing the coefficient for pre-test to interact with treatment vary by school. [sent-29, score-0.293]

20 And, in my experience , pre-test coefficients are systematically different in treatment and control groups. [sent-31, score-0.451]

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 936 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-02-Covariate Adjustment in RCT - Model Overfitting in Multilevel Regression

Introduction: Makoto Hanita writes: We have been discussing the following two issues amongst ourselves, then with our methodological consultant for several days. However, we have not been able to arrive at a consensus. Consequently, we decided to seek an opinion from nationally known experts. FYI, we sent a similar inquiry to Larry Hedges and David Rogosa . . . 1)      We are wondering if a post-hoc covariate adjustment is a good practice in the context of RCTs [randomized clinical trials]. We have a situation where we found a significant baseline difference between the treatment and the control groups in 3 variables. Some of us argue that adding those three variables to the original impact analysis model is a good idea, as that would remove the confound from the impact estimate. Others among us, on the other hand, argue that a post-hoc covariate adjustment should never be done, on the ground that those covariates are correlated with the treatment, which makes the analysis model that of quasi

2 0.15410627 1891 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-09-“Heterogeneity of variance in experimental studies: A challenge to conventional interpretations”

Introduction: Avi sent along this old paper from Bryk and Raudenbush, who write: The presence of heterogeneity of variance across groups indicates that the standard statistical model for treatment effects no longer applies. Specifically, the assumption that treatments add a constant to each subject’s development fails. An alternative model is required to represent how treatment effects are distributed across individuals. We develop in this article a simple statistical model to demonstrate the link between heterogeneity of variance and random treatment effects. Next, we illustrate with results from two previously published studies how a failure to recognize the substantive importance of heterogeneity of variance obscured significant results present in these data. The article concludes with a review and synthesis of techniques for modeling variances. Although these methods have been well established in the statistical literature, they are not widely known by social and behavioral scientists. T

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Introduction: Steve Porter writes with a question about matching for inferences in a hierarchical data structure. I’ve never thought about this particular issue, but it seems potentially important. Maybe one or more of you have some useful suggestions? Porter writes: After immersing myself in the relatively sparse literature on propensity scores with clustered data, it seems as if people take one of two approaches. If the treatment is at the cluster-level (like school policies), they match on only the cluster-level covariates. If the treatment is at the individual level, they match on individual-level covariates. (I have also found some papers that match on individual-level covariates when it seems as if the treatment is really at the cluster-level.) But what if there is a selection process at both levels? For my research question (effect of tenure systems on faculty behavior) there is a two-step selection process: first colleges choose whether to have a tenure system for faculty; then f

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Introduction: Makoto Hanita writes: We have been discussing the following two issues amongst ourselves, then with our methodological consultant for several days. However, we have not been able to arrive at a consensus. Consequently, we decided to seek an opinion from nationally known experts. FYI, we sent a similar inquiry to Larry Hedges and David Rogosa . . . 1)      We are wondering if a post-hoc covariate adjustment is a good practice in the context of RCTs [randomized clinical trials]. We have a situation where we found a significant baseline difference between the treatment and the control groups in 3 variables. Some of us argue that adding those three variables to the original impact analysis model is a good idea, as that would remove the confound from the impact estimate. Others among us, on the other hand, argue that a post-hoc covariate adjustment should never be done, on the ground that those covariates are correlated with the treatment, which makes the analysis model that of quasi

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Introduction: Steve Porter writes with a question about matching for inferences in a hierarchical data structure. I’ve never thought about this particular issue, but it seems potentially important. Maybe one or more of you have some useful suggestions? Porter writes: After immersing myself in the relatively sparse literature on propensity scores with clustered data, it seems as if people take one of two approaches. If the treatment is at the cluster-level (like school policies), they match on only the cluster-level covariates. If the treatment is at the individual level, they match on individual-level covariates. (I have also found some papers that match on individual-level covariates when it seems as if the treatment is really at the cluster-level.) But what if there is a selection process at both levels? For my research question (effect of tenure systems on faculty behavior) there is a two-step selection process: first colleges choose whether to have a tenure system for faculty; then f

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