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964 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-19-An interweaving-transformation strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency

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Introduction: Yaming Yu and Xiao-Li Meng write in with a cool new idea for improving the efficiency of Gibbs and Metropolis in multilevel models: For a broad class of multilevel models, there exist two well-known competing parameterizations, the centered parameterization (CP) and the non-centered parameterization (NCP), for effective MCMC implementation. Much literature has been devoted to the questions of when to use which and how to compromise between them via partial CP/NCP. This article introduces an alternative strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency via simply interweaving—but not alternating—the two parameterizations. This strategy has the surprising property that failure of both the CP and NCP chains to converge geometrically does not prevent the interweaving algorithm from doing so. It achieves this seemingly magical property by taking advantage of the discordance of the two parameterizations, namely, the sufficiency of CP and the ancillarity of NCP, to substantially reduce the Markovian

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Much literature has been devoted to the questions of when to use which and how to compromise between them via partial CP/NCP. [sent-2, score-0.173]

2 This article introduces an alternative strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency via simply interweaving—but not alternating—the two parameterizations. [sent-3, score-0.489]

3 This strategy has the surprising property that failure of both the CP and NCP chains to converge geometrically does not prevent the interweaving algorithm from doing so. [sent-4, score-0.604]

4 It achieves this seemingly magical property by taking advantage of the discordance of the two parameterizations, namely, the sufficiency of CP and the ancillarity of NCP, to substantially reduce the Markovian dependence, especially when the original CP and NCP form a “beauty and beast” pair (i. [sent-5, score-0.725]

5 , when one chain mixes far more rapidly than the other). [sent-7, score-0.059]

6 The ancillarity–sufficiency reformulation of the CP–NCP dichotomy allows us to borrow insight from the well-known Basu’s theorem on the independence of (complete) sufficient and ancillary statistics, albeit a Bayesian version of Basu’s theorem is currently lacking. [sent-8, score-0.578]

7 A bevy of open questions are presented, from the mysterious but exceedingly suggestive connections between ASIS and fiducial/structural inferences to nested ASIS for further boosting MCMC efficiency. [sent-10, score-0.469]

8 I’m reminded of the folk theorem and the Pinocchio principle . [sent-12, score-0.126]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('ncp', 0.406), ('cp', 0.349), ('asis', 0.325), ('ancillarity', 0.244), ('interweaving', 0.244), ('sufficiency', 0.244), ('basu', 0.148), ('strategy', 0.146), ('boosting', 0.133), ('mcmc', 0.133), ('yu', 0.129), ('theorem', 0.126), ('parameterizations', 0.125), ('parameterization', 0.109), ('meng', 0.104), ('property', 0.103), ('efficiency', 0.089), ('bevy', 0.074), ('suggestive', 0.074), ('jcgs', 0.074), ('alternating', 0.074), ('competitiveness', 0.074), ('photon', 0.074), ('pinocchio', 0.074), ('reformulation', 0.074), ('ancillary', 0.07), ('achieves', 0.07), ('telescope', 0.07), ('beast', 0.07), ('exceedingly', 0.07), ('dichotomy', 0.067), ('via', 0.065), ('magical', 0.064), ('xl', 0.064), ('multilevel', 0.062), ('mysterious', 0.059), ('nested', 0.059), ('mixes', 0.059), ('borrow', 0.059), ('probit', 0.058), ('lifetime', 0.057), ('albeit', 0.056), ('converge', 0.056), ('introduces', 0.056), ('intensity', 0.055), ('prevent', 0.055), ('compromise', 0.055), ('detecting', 0.054), ('cox', 0.054), ('devoted', 0.053)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 964 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-19-An interweaving-transformation strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency

Introduction: Yaming Yu and Xiao-Li Meng write in with a cool new idea for improving the efficiency of Gibbs and Metropolis in multilevel models: For a broad class of multilevel models, there exist two well-known competing parameterizations, the centered parameterization (CP) and the non-centered parameterization (NCP), for effective MCMC implementation. Much literature has been devoted to the questions of when to use which and how to compromise between them via partial CP/NCP. This article introduces an alternative strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency via simply interweaving—but not alternating—the two parameterizations. This strategy has the surprising property that failure of both the CP and NCP chains to converge geometrically does not prevent the interweaving algorithm from doing so. It achieves this seemingly magical property by taking advantage of the discordance of the two parameterizations, namely, the sufficiency of CP and the ancillarity of NCP, to substantially reduce the Markovian

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Introduction: Yaming Yu and Xiao-Li Meng write in with a cool new idea for improving the efficiency of Gibbs and Metropolis in multilevel models: For a broad class of multilevel models, there exist two well-known competing parameterizations, the centered parameterization (CP) and the non-centered parameterization (NCP), for effective MCMC implementation. Much literature has been devoted to the questions of when to use which and how to compromise between them via partial CP/NCP. This article introduces an alternative strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency via simply interweaving—but not alternating—the two parameterizations. This strategy has the surprising property that failure of both the CP and NCP chains to converge geometrically does not prevent the interweaving algorithm from doing so. It achieves this seemingly magical property by taking advantage of the discordance of the two parameterizations, namely, the sufficiency of CP and the ancillarity of NCP, to substantially reduce the Markovian

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Introduction: Yaming Yu and Xiao-Li Meng write in with a cool new idea for improving the efficiency of Gibbs and Metropolis in multilevel models: For a broad class of multilevel models, there exist two well-known competing parameterizations, the centered parameterization (CP) and the non-centered parameterization (NCP), for effective MCMC implementation. Much literature has been devoted to the questions of when to use which and how to compromise between them via partial CP/NCP. This article introduces an alternative strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency via simply interweaving—but not alternating—the two parameterizations. This strategy has the surprising property that failure of both the CP and NCP chains to converge geometrically does not prevent the interweaving algorithm from doing so. It achieves this seemingly magical property by taking advantage of the discordance of the two parameterizations, namely, the sufficiency of CP and the ancillarity of NCP, to substantially reduce the Markovian

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