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662 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-15-Bayesian statistical pragmatism

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Introduction: Rob Kass’s article on statistical pragmatism is scheduled to appear in Statistical Science along with some discussions. Here are my comments. I agree with Rob Kass’s point that we can and should make use of statistical methods developed under different philosophies, and I am happy to take the opportunity to elaborate on some of his arguments. I’ll discuss the following: - Foundations of probability - Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests - Sampling - Subjectivity and belief - Different schools of statistics Foundations of probability. Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective process, although some subjectivity (or scientific judgment) is necessarily involved in the choice of events used

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 I agree with Rob Kass’s point that we can and should make use of statistical methods developed under different philosophies, and I am happy to take the opportunity to elaborate on some of his arguments. [sent-3, score-0.324]

2 I’ll discuss the following: - Foundations of probability - Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests - Sampling - Subjectivity and belief - Different schools of statistics Foundations of probability. [sent-4, score-0.543]

3 Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. [sent-5, score-0.447]

4 Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective process, although some subjectivity (or scientific judgment) is necessarily involved in the choice of events used in the calibration. [sent-7, score-0.495]

5 In that way, Bayesian probability calibration is closely connected to frequentist probability statements, in that both are conditional on “reference sets” of comparable events. [sent-8, score-0.458]

6 I agree with Kass that confidence and statistical significance are “valuable inferential tools. [sent-11, score-0.411]

7 In the Neyman-Pearson theory of inference, confidence and statistical significance are two sides of the same coin, with a confidence interval being the set of parameter values not rejected by a significance test. [sent-13, score-0.665]

8 In a modern Bayesian approach, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing are both important but are not isomorphic; they represent two different steps of inference. [sent-15, score-0.53]

9 Kass discusses the role of sampling as a model for understanding statistical inference. [sent-21, score-0.305]

10 Ultimately, sample is just another word for subset, and in both Bayesian and classical inference, appropriate generalization from sample to population depends on a model for the sampling or selection process. [sent-27, score-0.287]

11 I have no problem with Kass’s use of sampling as a framework for inference, and I think this will work even better if he emphasizes the generalization from real samples to real populations–not just mathematical constructs–that are central to so much of our applied inferences. [sent-28, score-0.465]

12 The only two statements in Kass’s article that I clearly disagree with are the following two claims: “the only solid foundation for Bayesianism is subjective,” and “the most fundamental belief of any scientist is that the theoretical and real worlds are aligned. [sent-30, score-0.343]

13 Claims of the subjectivity of Bayesian inference have been much debated, and I am under no illusion that I can resolve them here. [sent-32, score-0.367]

14 To put it another way, I will accept the idea of subjective Bayesianism when this same subjectivity is acknowledged for other methods of inference. [sent-36, score-0.349]

15 ” I agree with Kass that scientists and statisticians can and should feel free to make assumptions without falling into a “solipsistic quagmire. [sent-38, score-0.336]

16 ” Finally, I am surprised to see Kass write that scientists believe that the theoretical and real worlds are aligned. [sent-39, score-0.222]

17 It is from acknowledging the discrepancies between these worlds that we can (a) feel free to make assumptions without being paralyzed by fear of making mistakes, and (b) feel free to check the fit of our models (those hypothesis tests again! [sent-40, score-0.682]

18 I assume that Kass is using the word “aligned” in a loose sense, to imply that scientists believe that their models are appropriate to reality even if not fully correct. [sent-43, score-0.24]

19 Often in my own applied work I have used models that have clear flaws, models that are at best “phenomenological” in the sense of fitting the data rather than corresponding to underlying processes of interest–and often such models don’t fit the data so well either. [sent-45, score-0.503]

20 Ideas of sampling, inference, and model checking are important in many different statistical traditions and we are lucky to have so many different ideas on which to draw for inspiration in our applied and methodological research. [sent-50, score-0.361]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('kass', 0.554), ('subjectivity', 0.237), ('confidence', 0.171), ('sampling', 0.155), ('rob', 0.15), ('probability', 0.146), ('inference', 0.13), ('models', 0.128), ('statements', 0.125), ('hypothesis', 0.124), ('assumptions', 0.112), ('subjective', 0.112), ('intervals', 0.109), ('calibration', 0.108), ('bayesian', 0.106), ('worlds', 0.106), ('anchored', 0.096), ('significance', 0.091), ('statistical', 0.089), ('coin', 0.081), ('physical', 0.079), ('randomization', 0.074), ('bayesianism', 0.074), ('different', 0.071), ('generalization', 0.071), ('applied', 0.069), ('foundations', 0.066), ('environmental', 0.065), ('repeat', 0.061), ('model', 0.061), ('agree', 0.06), ('discuss', 0.058), ('real', 0.058), ('scientists', 0.058), ('frequentist', 0.058), ('free', 0.056), ('steps', 0.055), ('even', 0.054), ('developed', 0.054), ('belief', 0.054), ('theory', 0.052), ('merely', 0.052), ('schools', 0.052), ('reference', 0.052), ('flips', 0.051), ('intolerant', 0.051), ('isomorphic', 0.051), ('make', 0.05), ('aspects', 0.05), ('fit', 0.05)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 662 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-15-Bayesian statistical pragmatism

Introduction: Rob Kass’s article on statistical pragmatism is scheduled to appear in Statistical Science along with some discussions. Here are my comments. I agree with Rob Kass’s point that we can and should make use of statistical methods developed under different philosophies, and I am happy to take the opportunity to elaborate on some of his arguments. I’ll discuss the following: - Foundations of probability - Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests - Sampling - Subjectivity and belief - Different schools of statistics Foundations of probability. Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective process, although some subjectivity (or scientific judgment) is necessarily involved in the choice of events used

2 0.79483277 317 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-04-Rob Kass on statistical pragmatism, and my reactions

Introduction: Rob Kass writes : Statistics has moved beyond the frequentist-Bayesian controversies of the past. Where does this leave our ability to interpret results? I [Kass] suggest that a philosophy compatible with statistical practice, labeled here statistical pragmatism, serves as a foundation for inference. Statistical pragmatism is inclusive and emphasizes the assumptions that connect statistical models with observed data. I argue that introductory courses often mis-characterize the process of statistical inference and I propose an alternative “big picture” depiction. In my comments , I pretty much agree with everything Rob says, with a few points of elaboration: Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective proce

3 0.20460956 1695 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-28-Economists argue about Bayes

Introduction: Robert Bell pointed me to this post by Brad De Long on Bayesian statistics, and then I also noticed this from Noah Smith, who wrote: My impression is that although the Bayesian/Frequentist debate is interesting and intellectually fun, there’s really not much “there” there… despite being so-hip-right-now, Bayesian is not the Statistical Jesus. I’m happy to see the discussion going in this direction. Twenty-five years ago or so, when I got into this biz, there were some serious anti-Bayesian attitudes floating around in mainstream statistics. Discussions in the journals sometimes devolved into debates of the form, “Bayesians: knaves or fools?”. You’d get all sorts of free-floating skepticism about any prior distribution at all, even while people were accepting without question (and doing theory on) logistic regressions, proportional hazards models, and all sorts of strong strong models. (In the subfield of survey sampling, various prominent researchers would refuse to mode

4 0.20342052 291 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-22-Philosophy of Bayes and non-Bayes: A dialogue with Deborah Mayo

Introduction: I sent Deborah Mayo a link to my paper with Cosma Shalizi on the philosophy of statistics, and she sent me the link to this conference which unfortunately already occurred. (It’s too bad, because I’d have liked to have been there.) I summarized my philosophy as follows: I am highly sympathetic to the approach of Lakatos (or of Popper, if you consider Lakatos’s “Popper_2″ to be a reasonable simulation of the true Popperism), in that (a) I view statistical models as being built within theoretical structures, and (b) I see the checking and refutation of models to be a key part of scientific progress. A big problem I have with mainstream Bayesianism is its “inductivist” view that science can operate completely smoothly with posterior updates: the idea that new data causes us to increase the posterior probability of good models and decrease the posterior probability of bad models. I don’t buy that: I see models as ever-changing entities that are flexible and can be patched and ex

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same-blog 1 0.96897227 662 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-15-Bayesian statistical pragmatism

Introduction: Rob Kass’s article on statistical pragmatism is scheduled to appear in Statistical Science along with some discussions. Here are my comments. I agree with Rob Kass’s point that we can and should make use of statistical methods developed under different philosophies, and I am happy to take the opportunity to elaborate on some of his arguments. I’ll discuss the following: - Foundations of probability - Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests - Sampling - Subjectivity and belief - Different schools of statistics Foundations of probability. Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective process, although some subjectivity (or scientific judgment) is necessarily involved in the choice of events used

2 0.95626658 317 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-04-Rob Kass on statistical pragmatism, and my reactions

Introduction: Rob Kass writes : Statistics has moved beyond the frequentist-Bayesian controversies of the past. Where does this leave our ability to interpret results? I [Kass] suggest that a philosophy compatible with statistical practice, labeled here statistical pragmatism, serves as a foundation for inference. Statistical pragmatism is inclusive and emphasizes the assumptions that connect statistical models with observed data. I argue that introductory courses often mis-characterize the process of statistical inference and I propose an alternative “big picture” depiction. In my comments , I pretty much agree with everything Rob says, with a few points of elaboration: Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective proce

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Introduction: What better way to start then new year than with some hard-core statistical theory? Ryan Martin and Chuanhai Liu send along a new paper on inferential models: Probability is a useful tool for describing uncertainty, so it is natural to strive for a system of statistical inference based on probabilities for or against various hypotheses. But existing probabilistic inference methods struggle to provide a meaningful interpretation of the probabilities across experiments in sufficient generality. In this paper we further develop a promising new approach based on what are called inferential models (IMs). The fundamental idea behind IMs is that there is an unobservable auxiliary variable that itself describes the inherent uncertainty about the parameter of interest, and that posterior probabilistic inference can be accomplished by predicting this unobserved quantity. We describe a simple and intuitive three-step construction of a random set of candidate parameter values, each being co

4 0.78518057 291 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-22-Philosophy of Bayes and non-Bayes: A dialogue with Deborah Mayo

Introduction: I sent Deborah Mayo a link to my paper with Cosma Shalizi on the philosophy of statistics, and she sent me the link to this conference which unfortunately already occurred. (It’s too bad, because I’d have liked to have been there.) I summarized my philosophy as follows: I am highly sympathetic to the approach of Lakatos (or of Popper, if you consider Lakatos’s “Popper_2″ to be a reasonable simulation of the true Popperism), in that (a) I view statistical models as being built within theoretical structures, and (b) I see the checking and refutation of models to be a key part of scientific progress. A big problem I have with mainstream Bayesianism is its “inductivist” view that science can operate completely smoothly with posterior updates: the idea that new data causes us to increase the posterior probability of good models and decrease the posterior probability of bad models. I don’t buy that: I see models as ever-changing entities that are flexible and can be patched and ex

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1 0.98355305 317 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-04-Rob Kass on statistical pragmatism, and my reactions

Introduction: Rob Kass writes : Statistics has moved beyond the frequentist-Bayesian controversies of the past. Where does this leave our ability to interpret results? I [Kass] suggest that a philosophy compatible with statistical practice, labeled here statistical pragmatism, serves as a foundation for inference. Statistical pragmatism is inclusive and emphasizes the assumptions that connect statistical models with observed data. I argue that introductory courses often mis-characterize the process of statistical inference and I propose an alternative “big picture” depiction. In my comments , I pretty much agree with everything Rob says, with a few points of elaboration: Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective proce

same-blog 2 0.97191089 662 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-15-Bayesian statistical pragmatism

Introduction: Rob Kass’s article on statistical pragmatism is scheduled to appear in Statistical Science along with some discussions. Here are my comments. I agree with Rob Kass’s point that we can and should make use of statistical methods developed under different philosophies, and I am happy to take the opportunity to elaborate on some of his arguments. I’ll discuss the following: - Foundations of probability - Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests - Sampling - Subjectivity and belief - Different schools of statistics Foundations of probability. Kass describes probability theory as anchored upon physical randomization (coin flips, die rolls and the like) but being useful more generally as a mathematical model. I completely agree but would also add another anchoring point: calibration. Calibration of probability assessments is an objective, not subjective process, although some subjectivity (or scientific judgment) is necessarily involved in the choice of events used

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