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2149 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-26-Statistical evidence for revised standards

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Introduction: In response to the discussion of X and me of his recent paper , Val Johnson writes: I would like to thank Andrew for forwarding his comments on uniformly most powerful Bayesian tests (UMPBTs) to me and his invitation to respond to them. I think he (and also Christian Robert) raise a number of interesting points concerning this new class of Bayesian tests, but I think that they may have confounded several issues that might more usefully be examined separately. The first issue involves the choice of the Bayesian evidence threshold, gamma, used in rejecting a null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis. Andrew objects to the higher values of gamma proposed in my recent PNAS article on grounds that too many important scientific effects would be missed if thresholds of 25-50 were routinely used. These evidence thresholds correspond roughly to p-values of 0.005; Andrew suggests that evidence thresholds around 5 should continue to be used (gamma=5 corresponds approximate

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 The first issue involves the choice of the Bayesian evidence threshold, gamma, used in rejecting a null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis. [sent-3, score-0.806]

2 Andrew objects to the higher values of gamma proposed in my recent PNAS article on grounds that too many important scientific effects would be missed if thresholds of 25-50 were routinely used. [sent-4, score-0.541]

3 005; Andrew suggests that evidence thresholds around 5 should continue to be used (gamma=5 corresponds approximately to a 5% significance test). [sent-6, score-0.544]

4 My personal experience at a large cancer center suggests that many more than one-half of tested null hypotheses are true (i. [sent-8, score-0.464]

5 And if more than 50% of tested null hypotheses are true, the use of an evidence threshold of 5 is guaranteed to lead to false positive rates that are even higher than 20%. [sent-15, score-1.3]

6 Of course, the evidence threshold that one chooses for declaring a scientific discovery is an inherently subjective choice, and arguments that higher false positive rates should be accepted in order to avoid missing true effects can certainly be made. [sent-16, score-1.074]

7 Regardless of the evidence threshold that one chooses, I think it is important to separate the choice of this threshold from the method that is used to determine the form of the alternative hypothesis that is specified. [sent-19, score-1.241]

8 Instead of classifying these tests as minimax procedures, I think it is more appropriate to regard them as Bayesian analogs of most powerful tests (hence their name). [sent-29, score-0.462]

9 Simply put, UMPBTs are the class of objective Bayesian hypothesis tests that maximize the probability that the Bayes factor in favor of the alternative hypothesis exceeds a specified threshold. [sent-30, score-0.875]

10 Given that an evidence threshold has been agreed upon, the objection to UMPBTs on the basis that they lead to high rates of false negatives therefore seems misguided. [sent-31, score-0.857]

11 If one decides to use an evidence threshold of, say 5, then the UMPBT based on gamma=5 is exactly the Bayesian test that maximizes the probability that an effect is detected. [sent-32, score-0.617]

12 No other test, based on either a subjectively or objectively specified alternative hypothesis, is as likely to produce a Bayes factor that exceeds the specified evidence threshold. [sent-33, score-0.728]

13 The only other way to increase the posterior probability of the alternative hypothesis is to adjust the prior probability assigned to it. [sent-35, score-0.46]

14 When a scientist designs an experiment in which a very large number of items are sampled, she is attempting to either (a) detect a very small effect size, or (b) gain overwhelming evidence in favor of one of the tested hypotheses. [sent-40, score-0.485]

15 In case (a), it is reasonable to regard the evidence threshold as being fixed at a commonly used value (i. [sent-41, score-0.611]

16 On the other hand, the assumptions inherent to case (b) imply that a higher evidence threshold has been specified and that the sample size was increased to accommodate this higher threshold. [sent-48, score-1.095]

17 When the sample size is increased to obtain a higher degree of certainty regarding the validity of competing hypotheses, then the apparent paradox again disappears because the alternative hypothesis specified under the UMPBT does not collapse onto the null value. [sent-49, score-1.007]

18 I am not “suggesting that evidence thresholds around 5 should continue to be used. [sent-53, score-0.492]

19 Second, evidence thresholds based on conventional priors do not represent posterior distributions that I’d want to use for decisions. [sent-56, score-0.543]

20 As Val notes in his original paper, changing the threshold makes it only a little bit more difficult to identify large real effects, while putting a much greater burden on those researchers who are shuffling noise around. [sent-71, score-0.456]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('threshold', 0.333), ('val', 0.3), ('umpbts', 0.272), ('evidence', 0.223), ('thresholds', 0.214), ('null', 0.175), ('umpbt', 0.171), ('minimax', 0.169), ('specified', 0.15), ('alternative', 0.143), ('hypothesis', 0.142), ('hypotheses', 0.134), ('loss', 0.13), ('tests', 0.119), ('gamma', 0.116), ('paradox', 0.115), ('false', 0.107), ('higher', 0.107), ('scientific', 0.104), ('bayesian', 0.101), ('andrew', 0.1), ('tested', 0.097), ('patients', 0.077), ('rates', 0.071), ('negatives', 0.07), ('declaring', 0.068), ('invitation', 0.068), ('choice', 0.067), ('decision', 0.067), ('greater', 0.065), ('functions', 0.064), ('size', 0.063), ('exceeds', 0.062), ('probability', 0.061), ('chooses', 0.061), ('commentary', 0.06), ('increased', 0.06), ('concerning', 0.059), ('large', 0.058), ('favor', 0.056), ('continue', 0.055), ('regard', 0.055), ('priors', 0.054), ('lead', 0.053), ('prior', 0.053), ('examined', 0.052), ('sample', 0.052), ('distributions', 0.052), ('significance', 0.052), ('detect', 0.051)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 2149 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-26-Statistical evidence for revised standards

Introduction: In response to the discussion of X and me of his recent paper , Val Johnson writes: I would like to thank Andrew for forwarding his comments on uniformly most powerful Bayesian tests (UMPBTs) to me and his invitation to respond to them. I think he (and also Christian Robert) raise a number of interesting points concerning this new class of Bayesian tests, but I think that they may have confounded several issues that might more usefully be examined separately. The first issue involves the choice of the Bayesian evidence threshold, gamma, used in rejecting a null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis. Andrew objects to the higher values of gamma proposed in my recent PNAS article on grounds that too many important scientific effects would be missed if thresholds of 25-50 were routinely used. These evidence thresholds correspond roughly to p-values of 0.005; Andrew suggests that evidence thresholds around 5 should continue to be used (gamma=5 corresponds approximate

2 0.53213775 2305 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-25-Revised statistical standards for evidence (comments to Val Johnson’s comments on our comments on Val’s comments on p-values)

Introduction: As regular readers of this blog are aware, a few months ago Val Johnson published an article, “Revised standards for statistical evidence,” making a Bayesian argument that researchers and journals should use a p=0.005 publication threshold rather than the usual p=0.05. Christian Robert and I were unconvinced by Val’s reasoning and wrote a response , “Revised evidence for statistical standards,” in which we wrote: Johnson’s minimax prior is not intended to correspond to any distribution of effect sizes; rather, it represents a worst case scenario under some mathematical assumptions. Minimax and tradeoffs do well together, and it is hard for us to see how any worst case procedure can supply much guidance on how to balance between two different losses. . . . We would argue that the appropriate significance level depends on the scenario and that what worked well for agricultural experiments in the 1920s might not be so appropriate for many applications in modern biosciences . . .

3 0.33157128 2140 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-19-Revised evidence for statistical standards

Introduction: X and I heard about this much-publicized recent paper by Val Johnson, who suggests changing the default level of statistical significance from z=2 to z=3 (or, as he puts it, going from p=.05 to p=.005 or .001). Val argues that you need to go out to 3 standard errors to get a Bayes factor of 25 or 50 in favor of the alternative hypothesis. I don’t really buy this, first because Val’s model is a weird (to me) mixture of two point masses, which he creates in order to make a minimax argument, and second because I don’t see why you need a Bayes factor of 25 to 50 in order to make a claim. I’d think that a factor of 5:1, say, provides strong information already—if you really believe those odds. The real issue, as I see it, is that we’re getting Bayes factors and posterior probabilities we don’t believe, because we’re assuming flat priors that don’t really make sense. This is a topic that’s come up over and over in recent months on this blog, for example in this discussion of why I d

4 0.2431225 2295 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-18-One-tailed or two-tailed?

Introduction: Someone writes: Suppose I have two groups of people, A and B, which differ on some characteristic of interest to me; and for each person I measure a single real-valued quantity X. I have a theory that group A has a higher mean value of X than group B. I test this theory by using a t-test. Am I entitled to use a *one-tailed* t-test? Or should I use a *two-tailed* one (thereby giving a p-value that is twice as large)? I know you will probably answer: Forget the t-test; you should use Bayesian methods instead. But what is the standard frequentist answer to this question? My reply: The quick answer here is that different people will do different things here. I would say the 2-tailed p-value is more standard but some people will insist on the one-tailed version, and it’s hard to make a big stand on this one, given all the other problems with p-values in practice:

5 0.24041389 2312 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-29-Ken Rice presents a unifying approach to statistical inference and hypothesis testing

Introduction: Ken Rice writes: In the recent discussion on stopping rules I saw a comment that I wanted to chip in on, but thought it might get a bit lost, in the already long thread. Apologies in advance if I misinterpreted what you wrote, or am trying to tell you things you already know. The comment was: “In Bayesian decision making, there is a utility function and you choose the decision with highest expected utility. Making a decision based on statistical significance does not correspond to any utility function.” … which immediately suggests this little 2010 paper; A Decision-Theoretic Formulation of Fisher’s Approach to Testing, The American Statistician, 64(4) 345-349. It contains utilities that lead to decisions that very closely mimic classical Wald tests, and provides a rationale for why this utility is not totally unconnected from how some scientists think. Some (old) slides discussing it are here . A few notes, on things not in the paper: * I know you don’t like squared-

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.96893179 2149 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-26-Statistical evidence for revised standards

Introduction: In response to the discussion of X and me of his recent paper , Val Johnson writes: I would like to thank Andrew for forwarding his comments on uniformly most powerful Bayesian tests (UMPBTs) to me and his invitation to respond to them. I think he (and also Christian Robert) raise a number of interesting points concerning this new class of Bayesian tests, but I think that they may have confounded several issues that might more usefully be examined separately. The first issue involves the choice of the Bayesian evidence threshold, gamma, used in rejecting a null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis. Andrew objects to the higher values of gamma proposed in my recent PNAS article on grounds that too many important scientific effects would be missed if thresholds of 25-50 were routinely used. These evidence thresholds correspond roughly to p-values of 0.005; Andrew suggests that evidence thresholds around 5 should continue to be used (gamma=5 corresponds approximate

2 0.87156641 2305 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-25-Revised statistical standards for evidence (comments to Val Johnson’s comments on our comments on Val’s comments on p-values)

Introduction: As regular readers of this blog are aware, a few months ago Val Johnson published an article, “Revised standards for statistical evidence,” making a Bayesian argument that researchers and journals should use a p=0.005 publication threshold rather than the usual p=0.05. Christian Robert and I were unconvinced by Val’s reasoning and wrote a response , “Revised evidence for statistical standards,” in which we wrote: Johnson’s minimax prior is not intended to correspond to any distribution of effect sizes; rather, it represents a worst case scenario under some mathematical assumptions. Minimax and tradeoffs do well together, and it is hard for us to see how any worst case procedure can supply much guidance on how to balance between two different losses. . . . We would argue that the appropriate significance level depends on the scenario and that what worked well for agricultural experiments in the 1920s might not be so appropriate for many applications in modern biosciences . . .

3 0.87021822 1355 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-31-Lindley’s paradox

Introduction: Sam Seaver writes: I [Seaver] happened to be reading an ironic article by Karl Friston when I learned something new about frequentist vs bayesian, namely Lindley’s paradox, on page 12. The text is as follows: So why are we worried about trivial effects? They are important because the probability that the true effect size is exactly zero is itself zero and could cause us to reject the null hypothesis inappropriately. This is a fallacy of classical inference and is not unrelated to Lindley’s paradox (Lindley 1957). Lindley’s paradox describes a counterintuitive situation in which Bayesian and frequentist approaches to hypothesis testing give opposite results. It occurs when; (i) a result is significant by a frequentist test, indicating sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis d=0 and (ii) priors render the posterior probability of d=0 high, indicating strong evidence that the null hypothesis is true. In his original treatment, Lindley (1957) showed that – under a parti

4 0.82092822 2295 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-18-One-tailed or two-tailed?

Introduction: Someone writes: Suppose I have two groups of people, A and B, which differ on some characteristic of interest to me; and for each person I measure a single real-valued quantity X. I have a theory that group A has a higher mean value of X than group B. I test this theory by using a t-test. Am I entitled to use a *one-tailed* t-test? Or should I use a *two-tailed* one (thereby giving a p-value that is twice as large)? I know you will probably answer: Forget the t-test; you should use Bayesian methods instead. But what is the standard frequentist answer to this question? My reply: The quick answer here is that different people will do different things here. I would say the 2-tailed p-value is more standard but some people will insist on the one-tailed version, and it’s hard to make a big stand on this one, given all the other problems with p-values in practice:

5 0.79527694 2312 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-29-Ken Rice presents a unifying approach to statistical inference and hypothesis testing

Introduction: Ken Rice writes: In the recent discussion on stopping rules I saw a comment that I wanted to chip in on, but thought it might get a bit lost, in the already long thread. Apologies in advance if I misinterpreted what you wrote, or am trying to tell you things you already know. The comment was: “In Bayesian decision making, there is a utility function and you choose the decision with highest expected utility. Making a decision based on statistical significance does not correspond to any utility function.” … which immediately suggests this little 2010 paper; A Decision-Theoretic Formulation of Fisher’s Approach to Testing, The American Statistician, 64(4) 345-349. It contains utilities that lead to decisions that very closely mimic classical Wald tests, and provides a rationale for why this utility is not totally unconnected from how some scientists think. Some (old) slides discussing it are here . A few notes, on things not in the paper: * I know you don’t like squared-

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same-blog 1 0.97364986 2149 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-26-Statistical evidence for revised standards

Introduction: In response to the discussion of X and me of his recent paper , Val Johnson writes: I would like to thank Andrew for forwarding his comments on uniformly most powerful Bayesian tests (UMPBTs) to me and his invitation to respond to them. I think he (and also Christian Robert) raise a number of interesting points concerning this new class of Bayesian tests, but I think that they may have confounded several issues that might more usefully be examined separately. The first issue involves the choice of the Bayesian evidence threshold, gamma, used in rejecting a null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis. Andrew objects to the higher values of gamma proposed in my recent PNAS article on grounds that too many important scientific effects would be missed if thresholds of 25-50 were routinely used. These evidence thresholds correspond roughly to p-values of 0.005; Andrew suggests that evidence thresholds around 5 should continue to be used (gamma=5 corresponds approximate

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3 0.95924228 2305 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-25-Revised statistical standards for evidence (comments to Val Johnson’s comments on our comments on Val’s comments on p-values)

Introduction: As regular readers of this blog are aware, a few months ago Val Johnson published an article, “Revised standards for statistical evidence,” making a Bayesian argument that researchers and journals should use a p=0.005 publication threshold rather than the usual p=0.05. Christian Robert and I were unconvinced by Val’s reasoning and wrote a response , “Revised evidence for statistical standards,” in which we wrote: Johnson’s minimax prior is not intended to correspond to any distribution of effect sizes; rather, it represents a worst case scenario under some mathematical assumptions. Minimax and tradeoffs do well together, and it is hard for us to see how any worst case procedure can supply much guidance on how to balance between two different losses. . . . We would argue that the appropriate significance level depends on the scenario and that what worked well for agricultural experiments in the 1920s might not be so appropriate for many applications in modern biosciences . . .

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5 0.95096004 687 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-29-Zero is zero

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