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347 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-17-Getting arm and lme4 running on the Mac

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Introduction: Our “arm” package in R requires Doug Bates’s “lme4″ which fits multilevel models. lme4 is currently having some problems on the Mac. But installation on the Mac can be done; it just takes a bit of work. I have two sets of instructions below. From Yu-Sung: If you have MAC OS DVD, you should install developer X code packages from it. Otherwise, install them from here . After this, do the following in R: install.packages(“lme4″, type = “source”) Then you will have lme4 in R and you can install arm without a problem. And, from David Ozonoff: I installed the lme4 package via the Package Installer but this didn’t work, of course. I then installed, via this link , gfortran which seemed to put the libraries in the right place (I had earlier installed via Fink the gcc42 compiler, so I’m not sure if this is required or not). I then ran, in R, this: install.packages(c(“Matrix”,”lme4″), repos=””) This does not appear to work since it wi

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Our “arm” package in R requires Doug Bates’s “lme4″ which fits multilevel models. [sent-1, score-0.445]

2 lme4 is currently having some problems on the Mac. [sent-2, score-0.11]

3 But installation on the Mac can be done; it just takes a bit of work. [sent-3, score-0.203]

4 From Yu-Sung: If you have MAC OS DVD, you should install developer X code packages from it. [sent-5, score-0.631]

5 packages(“lme4″, type = “source”) Then you will have lme4 in R and you can install arm without a problem. [sent-8, score-0.586]

6 And, from David Ozonoff: I installed the lme4 package via the Package Installer but this didn’t work, of course. [sent-9, score-1.02]

7 I then installed, via this link , gfortran which seemed to put the libraries in the right place (I had earlier installed via Fink the gcc42 compiler, so I’m not sure if this is required or not). [sent-10, score-1.556]

8 org”) This does not appear to work since it will say lme4 is not available, but since I already installed it and it was just looking for the fortran link in the right place, everything worked, as did arm. [sent-14, score-1.31]

9 To give credit where credit is due, I found the solution here . [sent-15, score-0.369]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('installed', 0.592), ('install', 0.35), ('package', 0.233), ('mac', 0.229), ('via', 0.195), ('arm', 0.173), ('credit', 0.151), ('installer', 0.148), ('bates', 0.148), ('installation', 0.14), ('os', 0.125), ('developer', 0.125), ('compiler', 0.125), ('fortran', 0.125), ('libraries', 0.119), ('place', 0.108), ('doug', 0.107), ('instructions', 0.106), ('link', 0.095), ('packages', 0.091), ('matrix', 0.088), ('since', 0.084), ('ran', 0.079), ('fits', 0.079), ('sets', 0.072), ('requires', 0.071), ('required', 0.071), ('source', 0.07), ('otherwise', 0.069), ('due', 0.069), ('currently', 0.069), ('right', 0.067), ('solution', 0.067), ('http', 0.067), ('code', 0.065), ('takes', 0.063), ('type', 0.063), ('appear', 0.062), ('multilevel', 0.062), ('worked', 0.06), ('available', 0.06), ('seemed', 0.058), ('earlier', 0.056), ('everything', 0.055), ('david', 0.054), ('work', 0.051), ('looking', 0.048), ('already', 0.047), ('done', 0.045), ('problems', 0.041)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000001 347 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-17-Getting arm and lme4 running on the Mac

Introduction: Our “arm” package in R requires Doug Bates’s “lme4″ which fits multilevel models. lme4 is currently having some problems on the Mac. But installation on the Mac can be done; it just takes a bit of work. I have two sets of instructions below. From Yu-Sung: If you have MAC OS DVD, you should install developer X code packages from it. Otherwise, install them from here . After this, do the following in R: install.packages(“lme4″, type = “source”) Then you will have lme4 in R and you can install arm without a problem. And, from David Ozonoff: I installed the lme4 package via the Package Installer but this didn’t work, of course. I then installed, via this link , gfortran which seemed to put the libraries in the right place (I had earlier installed via Fink the gcc42 compiler, so I’m not sure if this is required or not). I then ran, in R, this: install.packages(c(“Matrix”,”lme4″), repos=””) This does not appear to work since it wi

2 0.316688 198 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-11-Multilevel modeling in R on a Mac

Introduction: Peter Goff wrote: I’m using your text, Data Analysis Using Regression & Multilevel/Hierarchical Models as the basis for an independent study class this fall. I am fairly adapt with Stata, however I have no expertise in R (changing this condition is a goal of the independent study!). I’m working to get up and running with the examples from the book, but I’m running into several problems, all apparently stemming from my having a Mac as opposed to a PC. Specifically I cannot load the “arm” library because I cannot install the lme4 library as lme4 is not available for Macs. Yu-Sung replied: Here are steps for you to install lme4: 1. update your x11 code for Mac system (so that you have gcc and g77 complier) 2. download source code for lme4 from the CRAN. 3. install lme4 from the source you just downloaded. I am not a Mac user. I am adapting steps from installing lme4 in a linux OS. But we have colleagues here following the same instructions and make lme4 working on

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Introduction: Sometimes my computer goes blank when I’m giving a presentation and I haven’t clicked on anything for awhile. I mentioned this to Malecki and he installed Caffeine on my computer; problem solved.

4 0.17398512 1682 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-19-R package for Bayes factors

Introduction: Richard Morey writes: You and your blog readers may be interested to know that a we’ve released a major new version of the BayesFactor package to CRAN. The package computes Bayes factors for linear mixed models and regression models. Of course, I’m aware you don’t like point-null model comparisons, but the package does more than that; it also allows sampling from posterior distributions of the compared models, in much the same way that your arm package does with lmer objects. The sampling (both for the Bayes factors and posteriors) is quite fast, since the back end is written in C. Some basic examples using the package can be found here , and the CRAN page is here . Indeed I don’t like point-null model comparisons . . . but maybe this will be useful to some of you!

5 0.15257336 1134 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-21-Lessons learned from a recent R package submission

Introduction: R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. Always use the R dev version to write a package. Not the current stable release. The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. 2. After submission, write an email to claim it. I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requir

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.96922743 347 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-17-Getting arm and lme4 running on the Mac

Introduction: Our “arm” package in R requires Doug Bates’s “lme4″ which fits multilevel models. lme4 is currently having some problems on the Mac. But installation on the Mac can be done; it just takes a bit of work. I have two sets of instructions below. From Yu-Sung: If you have MAC OS DVD, you should install developer X code packages from it. Otherwise, install them from here . After this, do the following in R: install.packages(“lme4″, type = “source”) Then you will have lme4 in R and you can install arm without a problem. And, from David Ozonoff: I installed the lme4 package via the Package Installer but this didn’t work, of course. I then installed, via this link , gfortran which seemed to put the libraries in the right place (I had earlier installed via Fink the gcc42 compiler, so I’m not sure if this is required or not). I then ran, in R, this: install.packages(c(“Matrix”,”lme4″), repos=””) This does not appear to work since it wi

2 0.74318975 198 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-11-Multilevel modeling in R on a Mac

Introduction: Peter Goff wrote: I’m using your text, Data Analysis Using Regression & Multilevel/Hierarchical Models as the basis for an independent study class this fall. I am fairly adapt with Stata, however I have no expertise in R (changing this condition is a goal of the independent study!). I’m working to get up and running with the examples from the book, but I’m running into several problems, all apparently stemming from my having a Mac as opposed to a PC. Specifically I cannot load the “arm” library because I cannot install the lme4 library as lme4 is not available for Macs. Yu-Sung replied: Here are steps for you to install lme4: 1. update your x11 code for Mac system (so that you have gcc and g77 complier) 2. download source code for lme4 from the CRAN. 3. install lme4 from the source you just downloaded. I am not a Mac user. I am adapting steps from installing lme4 in a linux OS. But we have colleagues here following the same instructions and make lme4 working on

3 0.66259265 1134 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-21-Lessons learned from a recent R package submission

Introduction: R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. Always use the R dev version to write a package. Not the current stable release. The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. 2. After submission, write an email to claim it. I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requir

4 0.63050878 535 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-24-Bleg: Automatic Differentiation for Log Prob Gradients?

Introduction: We need help picking out an automatic differentiation package for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior of a generalized linear model with deep interactions. Specifically, we need to compute gradients for log probability functions with thousands of parameters that involve matrix (determinants, eigenvalues, inverses), stats (distributions), and math (log gamma) functions. Any suggestions? The Application: Hybrid Monte Carlo for Posteriors We’re getting serious about implementing posterior sampling using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. HMC speeds up mixing by including gradient information to help guide the Metropolis proposals toward areas high probability. In practice, the algorithm requires a handful or of gradient calculations per sample, but there are many dimensions and the functions are hairy enough we don’t want to compute derivaties by hand. Auto Diff: Perhaps not What you Think It may not have been clear to readers of this blog that automatic diffe

5 0.61454052 1907 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-20-Amazing retro gnu graphics!

Introduction: Bill Harris writes: Speaking of strange graphics, shows an example of text (gnuplot’s dumb terminal) graphics of data from MCSim (code and other material available from At another extreme, slide 20 of;=sites&srcid;=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx3c2hhcnJpczEzfGd4OjZkNGFjZWZhOTAyYTFkMDg shows a stereogram of more MCSim output (I was a bit more naive back then). I included the stereogram as a bit of humor just to show what could be done with J graphics. Surprisingly, one person in the audience focused intently on that slide and, after a moment, said “Got it!” We spoke afterwards, and it turned out that he was on the board or at least a volunteer at the Portland (OR) 3D Center of Art & Photography ( Regarding mcsim, the

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Introduction: Our “arm” package in R requires Doug Bates’s “lme4″ which fits multilevel models. lme4 is currently having some problems on the Mac. But installation on the Mac can be done; it just takes a bit of work. I have two sets of instructions below. From Yu-Sung: If you have MAC OS DVD, you should install developer X code packages from it. Otherwise, install them from here . After this, do the following in R: install.packages(“lme4″, type = “source”) Then you will have lme4 in R and you can install arm without a problem. And, from David Ozonoff: I installed the lme4 package via the Package Installer but this didn’t work, of course. I then installed, via this link , gfortran which seemed to put the libraries in the right place (I had earlier installed via Fink the gcc42 compiler, so I’m not sure if this is required or not). I then ran, in R, this: install.packages(c(“Matrix”,”lme4″), repos=””) This does not appear to work since it wi

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4 0.80494857 930 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-28-Wiley Wegman chutzpah update: Now you too can buy a selection of garbled Wikipedia articles, for a mere $1400-$2800 per year!

Introduction: Someone passed on to a message from his university library announcing that the journal “Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics” is no longer free. Librarians have to decide what to do, so I thought I’d offer the following consumer guide: Wiley Computational Statistics journal Wikipedia Frequency 6 issues per year Continuously updated Includes articles from Wikipedia? Yes Yes Cites the Wikipedia sources it uses? No Yes Edited by recipient of ASA Founders Award? Yes No Articles are subject to rigorous review? No Yes Errors, when discovered, get fixed? No Yes Number of vertices in n-dimensional hypercube? 2n 2 n Easy access to Brady Bunch trivia? No Yes Cost (North America) $1400-$2800 $0 Cost (UK) £986-£1972 £0 Cost (Europe) €1213-€2426 €0 The choice seems pretty clear to me! It’s funny for the Wiley journal to start charging now

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Introduction: John Keltz writes: What do you think about curved lines connecting discrete data-points? (For example, here .) The problem with the smoothed graph is it seems to imply that something is going on in between the discrete data points, which is false. However, the straight-line version isn’t representing actual events either- it is just helping the eye connect each point. So maybe the curved version is also just helping the eye connect each point, and looks better doing it. In my own work (value-added modeling of achievement test scores) I use straight lines, but I guess I am not too bothered when people use smoothing. I’d appreciate your input. Regular readers will be unsurprised that, yes, I have an opinion on this one, and that this opinion is connected to some more general ideas about statistical graphics. In general I’m not a fan of the curved lines. They’re ok, but I don’t really see the point. I can connect the dots just fine without the curves. The more general id

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