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1134 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-21-Lessons learned from a recent R package submission

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Introduction: R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. Always use the R dev version to write a package. Not the current stable release. The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. 2. After submission, write an email to claim it. I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requir

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . [sent-1, score-0.331]

2 The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . [sent-2, score-0.282]

3 A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. [sent-3, score-0.762]

4 The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. [sent-6, score-1.327]

5 If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. [sent-7, score-1.107]

6 In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. [sent-8, score-0.978]

7 So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. [sent-9, score-0.806]

8 I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. [sent-12, score-0.751]

9 This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. [sent-13, score-0.079]

10 Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requirement. [sent-14, score-0.376]

11 The R team is afraid that the package was not submitted by a legal developer. [sent-16, score-0.784]

12 Write an email to remind them that you submit a package, not a virus. [sent-18, score-0.353]

13 The number of R packages submitted to CRAN is growing exponentially. [sent-21, score-0.467]

14 We should understand their situation and try to work with them to solve the package issues, when problems come up. [sent-23, score-0.627]

15 I’ve never actually written an R package myself—my last experience with this sort of thing was several years ago, using dyn. [sent-26, score-0.718]

16 load2 in S—but I’ve used many R packages and I’ve contributed to several widely-used R packages. [sent-28, score-0.417]

17 So I really appreciate the effort put in by the central R people, and I’m posting this note as a way to make their lives easier and also help the people who are writing and updating R packages. [sent-29, score-0.442]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('package', 0.519), ('dev', 0.44), ('packages', 0.272), ('cran', 0.198), ('version', 0.193), ('submission', 0.164), ('email', 0.136), ('submit', 0.133), ('experience', 0.13), ('submitted', 0.128), ('loads', 0.104), ('writing', 0.099), ('people', 0.09), ('write', 0.09), ('errors', 0.088), ('zillions', 0.085), ('use', 0.085), ('lessons', 0.084), ('updating', 0.084), ('remind', 0.084), ('won', 0.08), ('volunteers', 0.08), ('new', 0.079), ('incredibly', 0.079), ('operating', 0.079), ('submitting', 0.077), ('claim', 0.076), ('contributed', 0.076), ('profession', 0.075), ('tends', 0.073), ('stable', 0.07), ('afraid', 0.07), ('several', 0.069), ('security', 0.068), ('growing', 0.067), ('legal', 0.067), ('busy', 0.066), ('pass', 0.063), ('standards', 0.061), ('update', 0.06), ('posting', 0.058), ('sends', 0.057), ('procedure', 0.057), ('lives', 0.057), ('service', 0.057), ('ve', 0.056), ('colleague', 0.056), ('situation', 0.054), ('easier', 0.054), ('solve', 0.054)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1134 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-21-Lessons learned from a recent R package submission

Introduction: R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. Always use the R dev version to write a package. Not the current stable release. The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. 2. After submission, write an email to claim it. I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requir

2 0.39729309 1682 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-19-R package for Bayes factors

Introduction: Richard Morey writes: You and your blog readers may be interested to know that a we’ve released a major new version of the BayesFactor package to CRAN. The package computes Bayes factors for linear mixed models and regression models. Of course, I’m aware you don’t like point-null model comparisons, but the package does more than that; it also allows sampling from posterior distributions of the compared models, in much the same way that your arm package does with lmer objects. The sampling (both for the Bayes factors and posteriors) is quite fast, since the back end is written in C. Some basic examples using the package can be found here , and the CRAN page is here . Indeed I don’t like point-null model comparisons . . . but maybe this will be useful to some of you!

3 0.19524369 501 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-04-A new R package for fititng multilevel models

Introduction: Joscha Legewie points to this article by Lars Ronnegard, Xia Shen, and Moudud Alam, “hglm: A Package for Fitting Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models,” which just appeared in the R journal. This new package has the advantage, compared to lmer(), of allowing non-normal distributions for the varying coefficients. On the downside, they seem to have reverted to the ugly lme-style syntax (for example, “fixed = y ~ week, random = ~ 1|ID” rather than “y ~ week + (1|D)”). The old-style syntax has difficulties handling non-nested grouping factors. They also say they can estimated models with correlated random effects, but isn’t that just the same as varying-intercept, varying-slope models, which lmer (or Stata alternatives such as gllam) can already do? There’s also a bunch of stuff on H-likelihood theory, which seems pretty pointless to me (although probably it won’t do much harm either). In any case, this package might be useful to some of you, hence this note.

4 0.1741378 2069 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-19-R package for effect size calculations for psychology researchers

Introduction: Dan Gerlanc writes: I read your post the other day [now the other month, as our blog is on a bit of a delay] on helping psychologists do research and thought you might be interested in our R package, “bootES”, for robust effect size calculation and confidence interval estimation using resampling techniques. The package provides one function, ‘bootES’, that makes a variety of effect size calculations fairly straightforward for researchers with limited programming experience. The majority of the implemented are not available in R or SPSS without custom coding. Kris Kirby (Williams College) and I have published a paper in Behavioral Research Methods describing the methods and providing a tutorial on use of the package: We hope that it’s useful to psychologists and other social science researchers! I haven’t tried this out but it might be of interest for some of you.

5 0.16461527 1736 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-24-Rcpp class in Sat 9 Mar in NYC

Introduction: Join Dirk Eddelbuettel for six hours of detailed and hands-on instructions and discussions around Rcpp, RInside, RcppArmadillo, RcppGSL and other packages . . . Rcpp has become the most widely-used language extension for R. Currently deployed by 103 CRAN packages and a further 10 BioConductor packages, it permits users and developers to pass “whole R objects” with ease between R and C++ . . . Morning session: “A Hands-on Introduction to R and C++” . . . Afternoon session: “Advanced R and C++ Topics” . . .

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Introduction: R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. Always use the R dev version to write a package. Not the current stable release. The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. 2. After submission, write an email to claim it. I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requir

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Introduction: Join Dirk Eddelbuettel for six hours of detailed and hands-on instructions and discussions around Rcpp, RInside, RcppArmadillo, RcppGSL and other packages . . . Rcpp has become the most widely-used language extension for R. Currently deployed by 103 CRAN packages and a further 10 BioConductor packages, it permits users and developers to pass “whole R objects” with ease between R and C++ . . . Morning session: “A Hands-on Introduction to R and C++” . . . Afternoon session: “Advanced R and C++ Topics” . . .

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Introduction: R has zillions of packages, and people are submitting new ones each day . The volunteers who keep R going are doing an incredibly useful service to the profession, and they’re busy . A colleague sends in some suugestions based on a recent experience with a package update: 1. Always use the R dev version to write a package. Not the current stable release. The R people use the R dev version to check your package anyway. If you don’t use the R dev version, there is chance that your package won’t pass the check. In my own experience, every time R has a major change, it tends to have new standards and find new errors in your package with these new standards. So better use the dev version to find out the potential errors in advance. 2. After submission, write an email to claim it. I used to submit the package to the CRAN without writing an email. This was standard operating procedure, but it has changed. Writing an email to claim about the submission is now a requir

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