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2079 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-27-Uncompressing the concept of compressed sensing

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Introduction: I received the following email: These compressed sensing people link to Shannon’s advice . It’s refreshing when leaders of a field state that their stuff may not be a panacea. I replied: Scarily enough, I don’t know anything about this research area at all! My correspondent followed up: Meh. They proved L1 approximates L0 when design matrix is basically full rank. Now all sparsity stuff is sometimes called ‘compressed sensing’. Most of it seems to be linear interpolation, rebranded. I wrote back: But rebranding/reframing can be useful! Often reframing is a step in the direction of improvement, of better understanding one’s assumptions and goals.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 I received the following email: These compressed sensing people link to Shannon’s advice . [sent-1, score-1.172]

2 It’s refreshing when leaders of a field state that their stuff may not be a panacea. [sent-2, score-0.774]

3 I replied: Scarily enough, I don’t know anything about this research area at all! [sent-3, score-0.264]

4 They proved L1 approximates L0 when design matrix is basically full rank. [sent-5, score-0.838]

5 Now all sparsity stuff is sometimes called ‘compressed sensing’. [sent-6, score-0.561]

6 Most of it seems to be linear interpolation, rebranded. [sent-7, score-0.159]

7 I wrote back: But rebranding/reframing can be useful! [sent-8, score-0.062]

8 Often reframing is a step in the direction of improvement, of better understanding one’s assumptions and goals. [sent-9, score-0.456]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('sensing', 0.405), ('compressed', 0.38), ('shannon', 0.246), ('approximates', 0.232), ('interpolation', 0.222), ('scarily', 0.222), ('sparsity', 0.203), ('refreshing', 0.19), ('stuff', 0.19), ('correspondent', 0.161), ('proved', 0.156), ('leaders', 0.151), ('matrix', 0.146), ('improvement', 0.143), ('goals', 0.122), ('replied', 0.115), ('basically', 0.115), ('linear', 0.109), ('followed', 0.109), ('assumptions', 0.107), ('area', 0.107), ('direction', 0.107), ('advice', 0.105), ('received', 0.104), ('email', 0.101), ('design', 0.1), ('step', 0.099), ('field', 0.096), ('full', 0.089), ('understanding', 0.089), ('called', 0.088), ('state', 0.082), ('sometimes', 0.08), ('link', 0.079), ('useful', 0.078), ('anything', 0.07), ('often', 0.065), ('may', 0.065), ('back', 0.065), ('following', 0.065), ('wrote', 0.062), ('enough', 0.061), ('better', 0.054), ('seems', 0.05), ('research', 0.048), ('know', 0.039), ('people', 0.034), ('one', 0.024)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 2079 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-27-Uncompressing the concept of compressed sensing

Introduction: I received the following email: These compressed sensing people link to Shannon’s advice . It’s refreshing when leaders of a field state that their stuff may not be a panacea. I replied: Scarily enough, I don’t know anything about this research area at all! My correspondent followed up: Meh. They proved L1 approximates L0 when design matrix is basically full rank. Now all sparsity stuff is sometimes called ‘compressed sensing’. Most of it seems to be linear interpolation, rebranded. I wrote back: But rebranding/reframing can be useful! Often reframing is a step in the direction of improvement, of better understanding one’s assumptions and goals.

2 0.17438839 6 andrew gelman stats-2010-04-27-Jelte Wicherts lays down the stats on IQ

Introduction: Good stuff.

3 0.15118989 2306 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-26-Sleazy sock puppet can’t stop spamming our discussion of compressed sensing and promoting the work of Xiteng Liu

Introduction: Some asshole who has a bug up his ass about compressed sensing is spamming our comments with a bunch of sock puppets. All from the same IP address: “George Stoneriver,” Scott Wolfe,” and just plain “Paul,” all saying pretty much the same thing in the same sort of broken English (except for Paul, whose post was too short to do a dialect analysis). “Scott Wolfe” is a generic sort of name, but a quick google search reveals nothing related to this topic. “George Stoneriver” seems to have no internet presence at all (besides the comments at this blog). As for “Paul,” I don’t know, maybe the spammer was too lazy to invent a last name? Our spammer spends about half his time slamming the field of compressed sensing and the other half pumping up the work of someone named Xiteng Liu. There’s no excuse for this behavior. It’s horrible, a true abuse of our scholarly community. If Scott Adams wants to use a sock puppet, fine, the guy’s an artist and we should cut him some slack. If tha

4 0.1470134 2298 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-21-On deck this week

Introduction: Mon : Ticket to Baaaath Tues : Ticket to Baaaaarf Wed : Thinking of doing a list experiment? Here’s a list of reasons why you should think again Thurs : An open site for researchers to post and share papers Fri : Questions about “Too Good to Be True” Sat : Sleazy sock puppet can’t stop spamming our discussion of compressed sensing and promoting the work of Xiteng Liu Sun : White stripes and dead armadillos

5 0.10536267 2185 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-25-Xihong Lin on sparsity and density

Introduction: I pointed Xihong Lin to this post from last month regarding Hastie and Tibshirani’s “bet on sparsity principle.” I argued that, in the worlds in which I work, in social and environmental science, every contrast is meaningful, even if not all of them can be distinguished from noise given a particular dataset. That is, I claim that effects are dense but data can be sparse—and any apparent sparsity of effects is typically just an artifact of sparsity of data. But things might be different in other fields. Xihong had an interesting perspective in the application areas where she works: Sparsity and density both appear in genetic studies too. For example, ethnicity has effects across millions of genetic variants across the genome (dense). Disease associated genetic variants are sparse.

6 0.097770326 2296 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-19-Index or indicator variables

7 0.09428861 2136 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-16-Whither the “bet on sparsity principle” in a nonsparse world?

8 0.089787722 530 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-22-MS-Bayes?

9 0.088983648 1951 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-22-Top 5 stat papers since 2000?

10 0.087804362 2264 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-24-On deck this month

11 0.078264825 153 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-17-Tenure-track position at U. North Carolina in survey methods and social statistics

12 0.076307565 2235 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-06-How much time (if any) should we spend criticizing research that’s fraudulent, crappy, or just plain pointless?

13 0.076128684 1080 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-24-Latest in blog advertising

14 0.073250629 134 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-08-“What do you think about curved lines connecting discrete data-points?”

15 0.070626527 503 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-04-Clarity on my email policy

16 0.069047913 1518 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-02-Fighting a losing battle

17 0.068503611 1832 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-29-The blogroll

18 0.068023182 408 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-11-Incumbency advantage in 2010

19 0.06738247 18 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-06-$63,000 worth of abusive research . . . or just a really stupid waste of time?

20 0.06715475 1648 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-02-A important new survey of Bayesian predictive methods for model assessment, selection and comparison

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.096), (1, -0.016), (2, -0.026), (3, 0.002), (4, 0.023), (5, -0.008), (6, 0.004), (7, -0.025), (8, 0.019), (9, -0.01), (10, 0.016), (11, -0.011), (12, 0.027), (13, 0.021), (14, -0.035), (15, 0.036), (16, 0.021), (17, 0.004), (18, -0.007), (19, 0.013), (20, 0.01), (21, -0.035), (22, 0.034), (23, -0.019), (24, 0.03), (25, -0.008), (26, 0.006), (27, 0.06), (28, -0.021), (29, 0.036), (30, 0.02), (31, 0.005), (32, 0.018), (33, -0.015), (34, -0.006), (35, -0.017), (36, 0.012), (37, -0.011), (38, 0.007), (39, 0.02), (40, 0.042), (41, -0.013), (42, -0.016), (43, -0.032), (44, 0.156), (45, -0.013), (46, 0.005), (47, -0.034), (48, 0.02), (49, -0.064)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.9783181 2079 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-27-Uncompressing the concept of compressed sensing

Introduction: I received the following email: These compressed sensing people link to Shannon’s advice . It’s refreshing when leaders of a field state that their stuff may not be a panacea. I replied: Scarily enough, I don’t know anything about this research area at all! My correspondent followed up: Meh. They proved L1 approximates L0 when design matrix is basically full rank. Now all sparsity stuff is sometimes called ‘compressed sensing’. Most of it seems to be linear interpolation, rebranded. I wrote back: But rebranding/reframing can be useful! Often reframing is a step in the direction of improvement, of better understanding one’s assumptions and goals.

2 0.70932043 2144 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-23-I hate this stuff

Introduction: Aki pointed me to this article . I’m too exhausted to argue all this in detail yet one more time, but let me just say that I hate this stuff for the reasons given in Section 5 of this paper from 1998 (based on classroom activities from 1994). I’ve hated this stuff for a long time. And I don’t think Yitzhak likes it either; see this discussion from 2005 and this from 2009.

3 0.6904183 6 andrew gelman stats-2010-04-27-Jelte Wicherts lays down the stats on IQ

Introduction: Good stuff.

4 0.69003373 153 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-17-Tenure-track position at U. North Carolina in survey methods and social statistics

Introduction: See here . Cool–it looks like they’re doing interesting stuff, and it’s great to see this sort of support for applied research.

5 0.67644501 530 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-22-MS-Bayes?

Introduction: I received the following email: Did you know that it looks like Microsoft is entering the modeling game? I mean, outside of Excel. I recently received an email at work from a MS research contractor looking for ppl that program in R, SAS, Matlab, Excel, and Mathematica. . . . So far I [the person who sent me this email] haven’t seen anything about applying any actual models. Only stuff about assigning variables, deleting rows, merging tables, etc. I don’t know how common knowledge this all is within the statistical community. I did a quick google search for the name of the programming language and didn’t come up with anything. That sounds cool. Working with anything from Microsoft sounds pretty horrible, but it would be useful to have another modeling language out there, just for checking our answers if nothing else.

6 0.674281 208 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-15-When Does a Name Become Androgynous?

7 0.67266631 2024 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-15-Swiss Jonah Lehrer update

8 0.65587318 122 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-01-MCMC machine

9 0.64260221 1608 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-06-Confusing headline and capitalization leads to hopes raised, then dashed

10 0.64249271 1193 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-03-“Do you guys pay your bills?”

11 0.62378961 194 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-09-Data Visualization

12 0.61459798 436 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-29-Quality control problems at the New York Times

13 0.61306572 2111 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-23-Tables > figures yet again

14 0.60539949 1785 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-02-So much artistic talent

15 0.58221436 1499 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-16-Uri Simonsohn is speaking at Columbia tomorrow (Mon)

16 0.57568407 980 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-29-When people meet this guy, can they resist the temptation to ask him what he’s doing for breakfast??

17 0.57131159 733 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-27-Another silly graph

18 0.56911778 27 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-11-Update on the spam email study

19 0.5676052 1841 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-04-The Folk Theorem of Statistical Computing

20 0.56190491 503 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-04-Clarity on my email policy

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(7, 0.05), (13, 0.036), (21, 0.057), (24, 0.099), (27, 0.145), (62, 0.061), (84, 0.077), (97, 0.024), (99, 0.319)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.95883584 2079 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-27-Uncompressing the concept of compressed sensing

Introduction: I received the following email: These compressed sensing people link to Shannon’s advice . It’s refreshing when leaders of a field state that their stuff may not be a panacea. I replied: Scarily enough, I don’t know anything about this research area at all! My correspondent followed up: Meh. They proved L1 approximates L0 when design matrix is basically full rank. Now all sparsity stuff is sometimes called ‘compressed sensing’. Most of it seems to be linear interpolation, rebranded. I wrote back: But rebranding/reframing can be useful! Often reframing is a step in the direction of improvement, of better understanding one’s assumptions and goals.

2 0.93516946 708 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-12-Improvement of 5 MPG: how many more auto deaths?

Introduction: This entry was posted by Phil Price. A colleague is looking at data on car (and SUV and light truck) collisions and casualties. He’s interested in causal relationships. For instance, suppose car manufacturers try to improve gas mileage without decreasing acceleration. The most likely way they will do that is to make cars lighter. But perhaps lighter cars are more dangerous; how many more people will die for each mpg increase in gas mileage? There are a few different data sources, all of them seriously deficient from the standpoint of answering this question. Deaths are very well reported, so if someone dies in an auto accident you can find out what kind of car they were in, what other kinds of cars (if any) were involved in the accident, whether the person was a driver or passenger, and so on. But it’s hard to normalize: OK, I know that N people who were passengers in a particular model of car died in car accidents last year, but I don’t know how many passenger-miles that

3 0.92889881 173 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-31-Editing and clutch hitting

Introduction: Regarding editing : The only serious editing I’ve ever received has been for my New York Times op-eds and my article in the American Scientist. My book editors have all been nice people, and they’ve helped me with many things (including suggestions of what my priorities should be in communicating with readers)–they’ve been great–but they’ve not given (nor have I expected or asked for) serious editing. Maybe I should’ve asked for it, I don’t know. I’ve had time-wasting experiences with copy editors and a particularly annoying experience with a production editor (who was so difficult that my coauthors and I actually contacted our agent and a lawyer about the possibility of getting out of our contract), but that’s another story. Regarding clutch hitting , Bill James once noted that it’s great when a Bucky Dent hits an unexpected home run, but what’s really special is being able to get the big hit when it’s expected of you. The best players can do their best every time they come t

4 0.92821085 1472 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-28-Migrating from dot to underscore

Introduction: My C-oriented Stan collaborators have convinced me to use underscore (_) rather than dot (.) as much as possible in expressions in R. For example, I can name a variable n_years rather than n.years. This is fine. But I’m getting annoyed because I need to press the shift key every time I type the underscore. What do people do about this? I know that it’s easy enough to reassign keys (I could, for example, assign underscore to backslash, which I never use). I’m just wondering what C programmers actually do. Do they reassign the key or do they just get used to pressing Shift? P.S. In comments, Ben Hyde points to Google’s R style guide, which recommends that variable names use dots, not underscore or camel case, for variable names (for example, “avg.clicks” rather than “avg_Clicks” or “avgClicks”). I think they’re recommending this to be consistent with R coding conventions . I am switching to underscores in R variable names to be consistent with C. Otherwise we were run

5 0.92598784 465 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-13-$3M health care prediction challenge

Introduction: i received the following press release from the Heritage Provider Network, “the largest limited Knox-Keene licensed managed care organization in California.” I have no idea what this means, but I assume it’s some sort of HMO. In any case, this looks like it could be interesting: Participants in the Health Prize challenge will be given a data set comprised of the de-identified medical records of 100,000 individuals who are members of HPN. The teams will then need to predict the hospitalization of a set percentage of those members who went to the hospital during the year following the start date, and do so with a defined accuracy rate. The winners will receive the $3 million prize. . . . the contest is designed to spur involvement by others involved in analytics, such as those involved in data mining and predictive modeling who may not currently be working in health care. “We believe that doing so will bring innovative thinking to health analytics and may allow us to solve at

6 0.92190158 802 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-13-Super Sam Fuld Needs Your Help (with Foul Ball stats)

7 0.92160904 343 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-15-?

8 0.92054105 1982 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-15-Blaming scientific fraud on the Kuhnians

9 0.91807091 134 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-08-“What do you think about curved lines connecting discrete data-points?”

10 0.91656744 930 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-28-Wiley Wegman chutzpah update: Now you too can buy a selection of garbled Wikipedia articles, for a mere $1400-$2800 per year!

11 0.90323341 341 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-14-Confusion about continuous probability densities

12 0.90226692 652 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-07-Minor-league Stats Predict Major-league Performance, Sarah Palin, and Some Differences Between Baseball and Politics

13 0.8989448 66 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-03-How can news reporters avoid making mistakes when reporting on technical issues? Or, Data used to justify “Data Used to Justify Health Savings Can Be Shaky” can be shaky

14 0.8957867 3 andrew gelman stats-2010-04-26-Bayes in the news…in a somewhat frustrating way

15 0.89510125 1238 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-31-Dispute about ethics of data sharing

16 0.89418191 804 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-15-Static sensitivity analysis

17 0.88763654 1447 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-07-Reproducible science FAIL (so far): What’s stoppin people from sharin data and code?

18 0.88585532 751 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-08-Another Wegman plagiarism

19 0.88333213 2339 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-19-On deck this week

20 0.88213444 1660 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-08-Bayesian, Permutable Symmetries