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555 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-04-Handy Matrix Cheat Sheet, with Gradients

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Introduction: This post is an (unpaid) advertisement for the following extremely useful resource: Petersen, K. B. and M. S. Pedersen. 2008. The Matrix Cookbook . Tehcnical Report, Technical University of Denmark. It contains 70+ pages of useful relations and derivations involving matrices. What grabbed my eye was the computation of gradients for matrix operations ranging from eigenvalues and determinants to multivariate normal density functions. I had no idea the multivariate normal had such a clean gradient (see section 8). We’ve been playing around with Hamiltonian (aka Hybrid) Monte Carlo for sampling from the posterior of hierarchical generalized linear models with lots of interactions. HMC speeds up Metropolis sampling by using the gradient of the log probability to drive samples in the direction of higher probability density, which is particularly useful for correlated parameters that mix slowly with standard Gibbs sampling. Matt “III” Hoffman ‘s already got it workin

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 This post is an (unpaid) advertisement for the following extremely useful resource: Petersen, K. [sent-1, score-0.213]

2 It contains 70+ pages of useful relations and derivations involving matrices. [sent-9, score-0.321]

3 What grabbed my eye was the computation of gradients for matrix operations ranging from eigenvalues and determinants to multivariate normal density functions. [sent-10, score-1.262]

4 I had no idea the multivariate normal had such a clean gradient (see section 8). [sent-11, score-0.526]

5 We’ve been playing around with Hamiltonian (aka Hybrid) Monte Carlo for sampling from the posterior of hierarchical generalized linear models with lots of interactions. [sent-12, score-0.097]

6 HMC speeds up Metropolis sampling by using the gradient of the log probability to drive samples in the direction of higher probability density, which is particularly useful for correlated parameters that mix slowly with standard Gibbs sampling. [sent-13, score-0.827]

7 To really get this going, we need to be able to handle the varying intercept/varying slope models used in the Red State/Blue State analysis of Gelman, Shor, Bafumi and Park, which is also explained by Andrew and Jennifer in their regression book . [sent-15, score-0.193]

8 The slopes and intercepts get multivariate normal priors, the covariance matrices of which require hyperpriors. [sent-16, score-0.757]

9 That means log probability functions involving operations like matrix-inverse products or eigenvalues (depending on how you model the covariance prior). [sent-17, score-0.949]

10 I’ve been following up some earlier suggestions on this blog to automatic differentiation . [sent-18, score-0.327]

11 I’ve pretty much settled on using David Gay ‘s elegant little Reverse Automatic Differentiation (RAD) package , which is a very straightforward C++ template-based library for computing gradients. [sent-19, score-0.52]

12 All you need to do is replace the floating point calcs in code with templated versions. [sent-20, score-0.497]

13 This in turn means we need a templated C++ vector/matrix library with BLAS/LAPACK-like functionality. [sent-21, score-0.64]

14 An exchange on Justin Domke’s blog led me to the Eigen package , which is a beautifully templated implementation of BLAS and at least what I need from LAPACK. [sent-22, score-0.647]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('templated', 0.304), ('cookbook', 0.212), ('eigenvalues', 0.203), ('multivariate', 0.199), ('differentiation', 0.174), ('gradient', 0.171), ('operations', 0.161), ('normal', 0.156), ('automatic', 0.153), ('covariance', 0.149), ('library', 0.141), ('density', 0.135), ('matrix', 0.133), ('log', 0.132), ('package', 0.118), ('involving', 0.116), ('need', 0.114), ('led', 0.111), ('useful', 0.107), ('probability', 0.107), ('speeds', 0.106), ('advertisement', 0.106), ('eigen', 0.106), ('petersen', 0.106), ('unpaid', 0.101), ('determinants', 0.098), ('hybrid', 0.098), ('derivations', 0.098), ('sampling', 0.097), ('bafumi', 0.093), ('hoffman', 0.093), ('elegant', 0.09), ('intercepts', 0.09), ('gradients', 0.09), ('settled', 0.089), ('resource', 0.087), ('aka', 0.087), ('grabbed', 0.087), ('shor', 0.085), ('slopes', 0.085), ('doc', 0.085), ('iii', 0.084), ('straightforward', 0.082), ('means', 0.081), ('floating', 0.079), ('slope', 0.079), ('hmc', 0.079), ('metropolis', 0.078), ('matrices', 0.078), ('gibbs', 0.076)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 555 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-04-Handy Matrix Cheat Sheet, with Gradients

Introduction: This post is an (unpaid) advertisement for the following extremely useful resource: Petersen, K. B. and M. S. Pedersen. 2008. The Matrix Cookbook . Tehcnical Report, Technical University of Denmark. It contains 70+ pages of useful relations and derivations involving matrices. What grabbed my eye was the computation of gradients for matrix operations ranging from eigenvalues and determinants to multivariate normal density functions. I had no idea the multivariate normal had such a clean gradient (see section 8). We’ve been playing around with Hamiltonian (aka Hybrid) Monte Carlo for sampling from the posterior of hierarchical generalized linear models with lots of interactions. HMC speeds up Metropolis sampling by using the gradient of the log probability to drive samples in the direction of higher probability density, which is particularly useful for correlated parameters that mix slowly with standard Gibbs sampling. Matt “III” Hoffman ‘s already got it workin

2 0.33817959 535 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-24-Bleg: Automatic Differentiation for Log Prob Gradients?

Introduction: We need help picking out an automatic differentiation package for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior of a generalized linear model with deep interactions. Specifically, we need to compute gradients for log probability functions with thousands of parameters that involve matrix (determinants, eigenvalues, inverses), stats (distributions), and math (log gamma) functions. Any suggestions? The Application: Hybrid Monte Carlo for Posteriors We’re getting serious about implementing posterior sampling using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. HMC speeds up mixing by including gradient information to help guide the Metropolis proposals toward areas high probability. In practice, the algorithm requires a handful or of gradient calculations per sample, but there are many dimensions and the functions are hairy enough we don’t want to compute derivaties by hand. Auto Diff: Perhaps not What you Think It may not have been clear to readers of this blog that automatic diffe

3 0.18553028 1477 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-30-Visualizing Distributions of Covariance Matrices

Introduction: Since we’ve been discussing prior distributions on covariance matrices, I will recommend this recent article (coauthored with Tomoki Tokuda, Ben Goodrich, Iven Van Mechelen, and Francis Tuerlinckx) on their visualization: We present some methods for graphing distributions of covariance matrices and demonstrate them on several models, including the Wishart, inverse-Wishart, and scaled inverse-Wishart families in different dimensions. Our visualizations follow the principle of decomposing a covariance matrix into scale parameters and correlations, pulling out marginal summaries where possible and using two and three-dimensional plots to reveal multivariate structure. Visualizing a distribution of covariance matrices is a step beyond visualizing a single covariance matrix or a single multivariate dataset. Our visualization methods are available through the R package VisCov.

4 0.18338671 1991 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-21-BDA3 table of contents (also a new paper on visualization)

Introduction: In response to our recent posting of Amazon’s offer of Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd edition at 40% off, some people asked what was in this new edition, with more information beyond the beautiful cover image and the brief paragraph I’d posted earlier. Here’s the table of contents. The following sections have all-new material: 1.4 New introduction of BDA principles using a simple spell checking example 2.9 Weakly informative prior distributions 5.7 Weakly informative priors for hierarchical variance parameters 7.1-7.4 Predictive accuracy for model evaluation and comparison 10.6 Computing environments 11.4 Split R-hat 11.5 New measure of effective number of simulation draws 13.7 Variational inference 13.8 Expectation propagation 13.9 Other approximations 14.6 Regularization for regression models C.1 Getting started with R and Stan C.2 Fitting a hierarchical model in Stan C.4 Programming Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in R And the new chapters: 20 Basis function models 2

5 0.17856513 1753 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-06-Stan 1.2.0 and RStan 1.2.0

Introduction: Stan 1.2.0 and RStan 1.2.0 are now available for download. See: Here are the highlights. Full Mass Matrix Estimation during Warmup Yuanjun Gao, a first-year grad student here at Columbia (!), built a regularized mass-matrix estimator. This helps for posteriors with high correlation among parameters and varying scales. We’re still testing this ourselves, so the estimation procedure may change in the future (don’t worry — it satisfies detailed balance as is, but we might be able to make it more computationally efficient in terms of time per effective sample). It’s not the default option. The major reason is the matrix operations required are expensive, raising the algorithm cost to , where is the average number of leapfrog steps, is the number of iterations, and is the number of parameters. Yuanjun did a great job with the Cholesky factorizations and implemented this about as efficiently as is possible. (His homework for Andrew’s class w

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same-blog 1 0.9621191 555 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-04-Handy Matrix Cheat Sheet, with Gradients

Introduction: This post is an (unpaid) advertisement for the following extremely useful resource: Petersen, K. B. and M. S. Pedersen. 2008. The Matrix Cookbook . Tehcnical Report, Technical University of Denmark. It contains 70+ pages of useful relations and derivations involving matrices. What grabbed my eye was the computation of gradients for matrix operations ranging from eigenvalues and determinants to multivariate normal density functions. I had no idea the multivariate normal had such a clean gradient (see section 8). We’ve been playing around with Hamiltonian (aka Hybrid) Monte Carlo for sampling from the posterior of hierarchical generalized linear models with lots of interactions. HMC speeds up Metropolis sampling by using the gradient of the log probability to drive samples in the direction of higher probability density, which is particularly useful for correlated parameters that mix slowly with standard Gibbs sampling. Matt “III” Hoffman ‘s already got it workin

2 0.82115203 535 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-24-Bleg: Automatic Differentiation for Log Prob Gradients?

Introduction: We need help picking out an automatic differentiation package for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior of a generalized linear model with deep interactions. Specifically, we need to compute gradients for log probability functions with thousands of parameters that involve matrix (determinants, eigenvalues, inverses), stats (distributions), and math (log gamma) functions. Any suggestions? The Application: Hybrid Monte Carlo for Posteriors We’re getting serious about implementing posterior sampling using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. HMC speeds up mixing by including gradient information to help guide the Metropolis proposals toward areas high probability. In practice, the algorithm requires a handful or of gradient calculations per sample, but there are many dimensions and the functions are hairy enough we don’t want to compute derivaties by hand. Auto Diff: Perhaps not What you Think It may not have been clear to readers of this blog that automatic diffe

3 0.81029642 931 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-29-Hamiltonian Monte Carlo stories

Introduction: Tomas Iesmantas had asked me for advice on a regression problem with 50 parameters, and I’d recommended Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. A few weeks later he reported back: After trying several modifications (HMC for all parameters at once, HMC just for first level parameters and Riemman manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method), I finally got it running with HMC just for first level parameters and for others using direct sampling, since conditional distributions turned out to have closed form. However, even in this case it is quite tricky, since I had to employ mass matrix and not just diagonal but at the beginning of algorithm generated it randomly (ensuring it is positive definite). Such random generation of mass matrix is quite blind step, but it proved to be quite helpful. Riemman manifold HMC is quite vagarious, or to be more specific, metric of manifold is very sensitive. In my model log-likelihood I had exponents and values of metrics matrix elements was very large and wh

4 0.80931228 1477 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-30-Visualizing Distributions of Covariance Matrices

Introduction: Since we’ve been discussing prior distributions on covariance matrices, I will recommend this recent article (coauthored with Tomoki Tokuda, Ben Goodrich, Iven Van Mechelen, and Francis Tuerlinckx) on their visualization: We present some methods for graphing distributions of covariance matrices and demonstrate them on several models, including the Wishart, inverse-Wishart, and scaled inverse-Wishart families in different dimensions. Our visualizations follow the principle of decomposing a covariance matrix into scale parameters and correlations, pulling out marginal summaries where possible and using two and three-dimensional plots to reveal multivariate structure. Visualizing a distribution of covariance matrices is a step beyond visualizing a single covariance matrix or a single multivariate dataset. Our visualization methods are available through the R package VisCov.

5 0.78909612 1991 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-21-BDA3 table of contents (also a new paper on visualization)

Introduction: In response to our recent posting of Amazon’s offer of Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd edition at 40% off, some people asked what was in this new edition, with more information beyond the beautiful cover image and the brief paragraph I’d posted earlier. Here’s the table of contents. The following sections have all-new material: 1.4 New introduction of BDA principles using a simple spell checking example 2.9 Weakly informative prior distributions 5.7 Weakly informative priors for hierarchical variance parameters 7.1-7.4 Predictive accuracy for model evaluation and comparison 10.6 Computing environments 11.4 Split R-hat 11.5 New measure of effective number of simulation draws 13.7 Variational inference 13.8 Expectation propagation 13.9 Other approximations 14.6 Regularization for regression models C.1 Getting started with R and Stan C.2 Fitting a hierarchical model in Stan C.4 Programming Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in R And the new chapters: 20 Basis function models 2

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same-blog 1 0.93680161 555 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-04-Handy Matrix Cheat Sheet, with Gradients

Introduction: This post is an (unpaid) advertisement for the following extremely useful resource: Petersen, K. B. and M. S. Pedersen. 2008. The Matrix Cookbook . Tehcnical Report, Technical University of Denmark. It contains 70+ pages of useful relations and derivations involving matrices. What grabbed my eye was the computation of gradients for matrix operations ranging from eigenvalues and determinants to multivariate normal density functions. I had no idea the multivariate normal had such a clean gradient (see section 8). We’ve been playing around with Hamiltonian (aka Hybrid) Monte Carlo for sampling from the posterior of hierarchical generalized linear models with lots of interactions. HMC speeds up Metropolis sampling by using the gradient of the log probability to drive samples in the direction of higher probability density, which is particularly useful for correlated parameters that mix slowly with standard Gibbs sampling. Matt “III” Hoffman ‘s already got it workin

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3 0.91790223 1448 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-07-Scientific fraud, double standards and institutions protecting themselves

Introduction: Ole Rogeberg writes: After reading your recent post , I thought you might find this interesting – especially the scanned interview that is included at the bottom of the posting. It’s an old OMNI interview with Walter Stewart that was the first thing I read (at a young and impressionable age ;) about the prevalence of errors, fraud and cheating in science, the institutional barriers to tackling it, the often high personal costs to whistleblowers, the difficulty of accessing scientific data to repeat published analyses, and the surprisingly negative attitude towards criticism within scientific communities. Highly recommended entertaining reading – with some good examples of scientific investigations into implausible effects. The post itself contains the info I once dug up about what happened to him later – he seems like an interesting and very determined guy: when the NIH tried to stop him from investigating scientific errors and fraud he went on a hunger strike. No idea what’s h

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