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224 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-22-Mister P gets married

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Introduction: Jeff, Justin, and I write : Gay marriage is not going away as a highly emotional, contested issue. Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage, has seen to that, as it winds its way through the federal courts. But perhaps the public has reached a turning point. And check out the (mildly) dynamic graphics. The picture below is ok but for the full effect you have to click through and play the movie.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Jeff, Justin, and I write : Gay marriage is not going away as a highly emotional, contested issue. [sent-1, score-0.749]

2 Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage, has seen to that, as it winds its way through the federal courts. [sent-2, score-1.245]

3 But perhaps the public has reached a turning point. [sent-3, score-0.543]

4 The picture below is ok but for the full effect you have to click through and play the movie. [sent-5, score-0.728]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('marriage', 0.362), ('bans', 0.291), ('winds', 0.291), ('proposition', 0.263), ('mildly', 0.253), ('ballot', 0.229), ('emotional', 0.211), ('turning', 0.192), ('dynamic', 0.189), ('justin', 0.184), ('reached', 0.184), ('california', 0.183), ('gay', 0.173), ('movie', 0.171), ('federal', 0.165), ('click', 0.155), ('jeff', 0.15), ('picture', 0.144), ('play', 0.139), ('highly', 0.126), ('measure', 0.12), ('check', 0.116), ('away', 0.108), ('full', 0.105), ('seen', 0.103), ('ok', 0.099), ('public', 0.094), ('effect', 0.086), ('write', 0.079), ('going', 0.074), ('perhaps', 0.073), ('way', 0.046)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 224 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-22-Mister P gets married

Introduction: Jeff, Justin, and I write : Gay marriage is not going away as a highly emotional, contested issue. Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage, has seen to that, as it winds its way through the federal courts. But perhaps the public has reached a turning point. And check out the (mildly) dynamic graphics. The picture below is ok but for the full effect you have to click through and play the movie.

2 0.20434433 688 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-30-Why it’s so relaxing to think about social issues

Introduction: I was invited by the Columbia University residence halls to speak at an event on gay marriage. (I’ve assisted my colleagues Jeff Lax and Justin Phillips in their research on the topic.) The event sounded fun–unfortunately I’ll be out of town that weekend so can’t make it–but it got me thinking about how gay marriage and other social issues are so relaxing to think about because there’s no need for doubt. About half of Americans support same-sex marriage and about half oppose it. And the funny thing is, you can be absolutely certain in your conviction, from either direction. If you support, it’s a simple matter of human rights, and it’s a bit ridiculous to suppose that if gay marriage is allowed, it will somehow wreck all the straight marriages out there. Conversely, you can oppose on the clear rationale of wanting to keep marriage the same as it’s always been, and suggest that same-sex couples can be free to get together outside of marriage, as they always could. (Hey, it was g

3 0.13956319 707 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-12-Human nature can’t be changed (except when it can)

Introduction: I was checking the Dilbert blog (sorry! I was just curious what was up after the events of a few weeks ago) and saw this: I [Scott Adams] wonder if any old-time racists still exist. I knew a few racists when I was a kid, back in upstate New York. In my adult life, I don’t think I’ve met one. . . . I certainly understand if you’ve witnessed it, or suffered from it. I’m just saying I haven’t seen it where I live. Clearly that sort of activity is distributed unevenly around the country. Just to be clear: I’m only saying I haven’t personally witnessed overt racism in my adult life. I accept that you have seen it firsthand, if you say so. Classic racism of the old-timey variety is probably only possible in people who don’t own television sets and haven’t gone through grade school. I’ll grant you that racist prison gangs and neo-Nazis exist. But obviously something else is going on with those guys. Let’s call them the exceptions. . . . I assume discrimination must be going on somep

4 0.1078029 1286 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-28-Agreement Groups in US Senate and Dynamic Clustering

Introduction: Adrien Friggeri has a lovely visualization of US Senators movement between clusters: You have to click the image and play with it to appreciate it. The methodology isn’t yet published – but I can see how this could be very illuminating. The dynamic clustering aspect hasn’t been researched much – one of the notable pieces is the Blei and Lafferty dynamic topic model of Science . I did a static analysis of the US Senate back in 2005 with Wray Buntine and coauthors. Some additional visualizations and the source code are here . We did a dynamic analysis of US Supreme Court on this blog but there’s also a paper . My knowledge on this topic is out of date, however. Who has been doing good work in this area? I’ll organize the links. [added 4/29/12, via Edo Airoldi ]: Visualizing the Evolution of Community Structures in Dynamic Social Networks by Khairi Reda et al (2011) [ PDF ]. [added 4/29/12, via Allen Riddell ] Joint Analysis of Time-Evolving Binary Matrices an

5 0.096465997 763 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-13-Inventor of Connect Four dies at 91

Introduction: Obit here . I think I have a cousin with the same last name as this guy, so maybe we’re related by marriage in some way. (By that standard we’re also related to Marge Simpson and, I seem to recall, the guy who wrote the scripts for Dark Shadows.)

6 0.082990848 2125 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-05-What predicts whether a school district will participate in a large-scale evaluation?

7 0.082329527 1085 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-27-Laws as expressive

8 0.08043351 408 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-11-Incumbency advantage in 2010

9 0.078826457 645 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-04-Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?

10 0.077490196 594 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-28-Behavioral economics doesn’t seem to have much to say about marriage

11 0.07222598 1631 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-19-Steven Pinker is a psychologist who writes on politics. His theories are interesting but are framed too universally to be valid

12 0.070433348 579 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-18-What is this, a statistics class or a dentist’s office??

13 0.07003323 2194 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-01-Recently in the sister blog

14 0.069262579 1587 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-21-Red state blue state, or, states and counties are not persons

15 0.06635201 633 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-28-“The New Tyranny: Carbon Monoxide Detectors?”

16 0.0649295 381 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-30-Sorry, Senator DeMint: Most Americans Don’t Want to Ban Gays from the Classroom

17 0.06285543 1715 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-09-Thomas Hobbes would be spinning in his grave

18 0.062445659 1607 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-05-The p-value is not . . .

19 0.058565252 1298 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-News from the sister blog!

20 0.058187157 406 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-10-Translating into Votes: The Electoral Impact of Spanish-Language Ballots

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.059), (1, -0.028), (2, 0.034), (3, 0.005), (4, 0.004), (5, -0.016), (6, 0.004), (7, 0.001), (8, -0.01), (9, -0.006), (10, -0.006), (11, -0.013), (12, 0.005), (13, 0.006), (14, 0.0), (15, -0.005), (16, 0.019), (17, -0.013), (18, -0.008), (19, -0.011), (20, -0.01), (21, -0.006), (22, 0.002), (23, -0.011), (24, 0.02), (25, 0.003), (26, -0.015), (27, 0.032), (28, 0.001), (29, 0.007), (30, 0.018), (31, 0.001), (32, -0.019), (33, -0.019), (34, 0.027), (35, -0.031), (36, -0.022), (37, -0.008), (38, 0.046), (39, 0.005), (40, 0.021), (41, 0.007), (42, -0.005), (43, 0.007), (44, 0.009), (45, 0.028), (46, 0.008), (47, -0.027), (48, -0.006), (49, 0.024)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.96305299 224 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-22-Mister P gets married

Introduction: Jeff, Justin, and I write : Gay marriage is not going away as a highly emotional, contested issue. Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage, has seen to that, as it winds its way through the federal courts. But perhaps the public has reached a turning point. And check out the (mildly) dynamic graphics. The picture below is ok but for the full effect you have to click through and play the movie.

2 0.59487277 997 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-07-My contribution to the discussion on “Should voting be mandatory?”

Introduction: My short answer (based on the research of Leighley and Nagler): Whether or not mandatory voting is a good idea, I think it’s unlikely to happen at a national level. Even setting aside the practical difficulties of taking a now-voluntary action and making it compulsory, bringing in the other half of the potential electorate would change the political conversation so much that it’s hard for me to see current officeholders supporting such a plan. For the full story, see here .

3 0.59319806 478 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-More on why “all politics is local” is an outdated slogan

Introduction: Yesterday I wrote that Mickey Kaus was right to point out that it’s time to retire Tip O’Neill’s famous dictum that “all politics are local.” As Kaus points out, all the congressional elections in recent decades have been nationalized. The slogan is particularly silly for Tip O’Neill himself. Sure, O’Neill had to have a firm grip on local politics to get his safe seat in the first place, but after that it was smooth sailing. Jonathan Bernstein disagrees , writing: Yes, but: don’t most Members of the House have ironclad partisan districts? And isn’t the most important single thing they can do to protect themselves involve having pull in state politics to avoid being gerrymandered? That is “all politics is local,” no? There’s also a fair amount they can do to stay on the good side of their local party, thus avoiding a primary fight. And, even in an era of nationalized elections, there’s still plenty a Member of Congress can do to to influence elections on the margins, a

4 0.59214944 1085 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-27-Laws as expressive

Introduction: June Carbone points out sometimes people want laws to express a sentiment. This isn’t just about Congress passing National Smoked Meats Week or San Francisco establishing itself as a nuclear-free zone, it also includes things such as laws against gay marriage, where, as Carbone writes, “we ‘care too much,’ when in fact we can do so little.” I don’t have anything to add here, and I expect many of you are familiar with this idea, but it’s new to me. I’d always been puzzled by people who want to use the law to express a sentiment, but perhaps it makes sense to be open-minded and to consider this as one of the purposes of the legislative process.

5 0.58345562 707 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-12-Human nature can’t be changed (except when it can)

Introduction: I was checking the Dilbert blog (sorry! I was just curious what was up after the events of a few weeks ago) and saw this: I [Scott Adams] wonder if any old-time racists still exist. I knew a few racists when I was a kid, back in upstate New York. In my adult life, I don’t think I’ve met one. . . . I certainly understand if you’ve witnessed it, or suffered from it. I’m just saying I haven’t seen it where I live. Clearly that sort of activity is distributed unevenly around the country. Just to be clear: I’m only saying I haven’t personally witnessed overt racism in my adult life. I accept that you have seen it firsthand, if you say so. Classic racism of the old-timey variety is probably only possible in people who don’t own television sets and haven’t gone through grade school. I’ll grant you that racist prison gangs and neo-Nazis exist. But obviously something else is going on with those guys. Let’s call them the exceptions. . . . I assume discrimination must be going on somep

6 0.5765717 1635 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-22-More Pinker Pinker Pinker

7 0.56904507 2228 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-28-Combining two of my interests

8 0.56727672 475 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-19-All politics are local — not

9 0.56133062 688 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-30-Why it’s so relaxing to think about social issues

10 0.55819583 1370 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-07-Duncan Watts and the Titanic

11 0.55600595 2001 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-29-Edgar Allan Poe was a statistician

12 0.55580121 1649 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-02-Back when 50 miles was a long way

13 0.55371243 814 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-21-The powerful consumer?

14 0.55126739 1420 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-18-The treatment, the intermediate outcome, and the ultimate outcome: Leverage and the financial crisis

15 0.5489372 633 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-28-“The New Tyranny: Carbon Monoxide Detectors?”

16 0.54372758 737 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-30-Memorial Day question

17 0.54141939 1397 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-27-Stand Your Ground laws and homicides

18 0.53636956 2338 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-19-My short career as a Freud expert

19 0.53528303 967 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-20-Picking on Gregg Easterbrook

20 0.53495836 1097 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-03-Libertarians in Space

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(5, 0.499), (16, 0.049), (24, 0.091), (55, 0.03), (59, 0.032), (83, 0.028), (99, 0.12)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.89762765 224 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-22-Mister P gets married

Introduction: Jeff, Justin, and I write : Gay marriage is not going away as a highly emotional, contested issue. Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage, has seen to that, as it winds its way through the federal courts. But perhaps the public has reached a turning point. And check out the (mildly) dynamic graphics. The picture below is ok but for the full effect you have to click through and play the movie.

2 0.83092105 228 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-24-A new efficient lossless compression algorithm

Introduction: Frank Wood and Nick Bartlett write : Deplump works the same as all probabilistic lossless compressors. A datastream is fed one observation at a time into a predictor which emits both the data stream and predictions about what the next observation in the stream should be for every observation. An encoder takes this output and produces a compressed stream which can be piped over a network or to a file. A receiver then takes this stream and decompresses it by doing everything in reverse. In order to ensure that the decoder has the same information available to it that the encoder had when compressing the stream, the decoded datastream is both emitted and directed to another predictor. This second predictor’s job is to produce exactly the same predictions as the initial predictor so that the decoder has the same information at every step of the process as the encoder did. The difference between probabilistic lossless compressors is in the prediction engine, encoding and decoding bein

3 0.80688274 422 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-20-A Gapminder-like data visualization package

Introduction: Ossama Hamed writes in with a new dynamic graphing software: I have the pleasure to brief you on our Data Visualization software “Trend Compass”. TC is a new concept in viewing statistics and trends in an animated way by displaying in one chart 5 axis (X, Y, Time, Bubble size & Bubble color) instead of just the traditional X and Y axis. . . .

4 0.7572087 665 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-17-Yes, your wish shall be granted (in 25 years)

Introduction: This one was so beautiful I just had to repost it: From the New York Times, 9 Sept 1981: IF I COULD CHANGE PARK SLOPE If I could change Park Slope I would turn it into a palace with queens and kings and princesses to dance the night away at the ball. The trees would look like garden stalks. The lights would look like silver pearls and the dresses would look like soft silver silk. You should see the ball. It looks so luxurious to me. The Park Slope ball is great. Can you guess what street it’s on? “Yes. My street. That’s Carroll Street.” – Jennifer Chatmon, second grade, P.S. 321 This was a few years before my sister told me that she felt safer having a crack house down the block because the cops were surveilling it all the time.

5 0.75554049 1250 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-07-Hangman tips

Introduction: Jeff pointed me to this article by Nick Berry. It’s kind of fun but of course if you know your opponent will be following this strategy you can figure out how to outwit it. Also, Berry writes that ETAOIN SHRDLU CMFWYP VBGKQJ XZ is the “ordering of letter frequency in English language.” Indeed this is the conventional ordering but nobody thinks it’s right anymore. See here (with further discussion here ). I wonder what corpus he’s using. P.S. Klutz was my personal standby.

6 0.71542108 164 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-26-A very short story

7 0.71266156 2005 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-02-“Il y a beaucoup de candidats démocrates, et leurs idéologies ne sont pas très différentes. Et la participation est imprévisible.”

8 0.69002503 87 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-15-Statistical analysis and visualization of the drug war in Mexico

9 0.68572259 513 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-12-“Tied for Warmest Year On Record”

10 0.62718493 1606 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-05-The Grinch Comes Back

11 0.60316658 1286 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-28-Agreement Groups in US Senate and Dynamic Clustering

12 0.60034174 1103 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-06-Unconvincing defense of the recent Russian elections, and a problem when an official organ of an academic society has low standards for publication

13 0.59963018 1512 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-27-A Non-random Walk Down Campaign Street

14 0.57800949 1841 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-04-The Folk Theorem of Statistical Computing

15 0.56172585 2194 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-01-Recently in the sister blog

16 0.53841507 123 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-01-Truth in headlines

17 0.5379442 364 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-22-Politics is not a random walk: Momentum and mean reversion in polling

18 0.53715008 1052 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-11-Rational Turbulence

19 0.53644311 764 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-14-Examining US Legislative process with “Many Bills”

20 0.50451595 951 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-11-Data mining efforts for Obama’s campaign