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1298 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-News from the sister blog!

meta infos for this blog

Source: html

Introduction: US National Academy of Sciences elects 84 new members (Please click through and read the whole thing.)

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 US National Academy of Sciences elects 84 new members (Please click through and read the whole thing. [sent-1, score-1.322]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('academy', 0.531), ('click', 0.378), ('members', 0.373), ('sciences', 0.345), ('please', 0.291), ('national', 0.287), ('whole', 0.26), ('read', 0.184), ('us', 0.178), ('new', 0.127)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1298 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-News from the sister blog!

Introduction: US National Academy of Sciences elects 84 new members (Please click through and read the whole thing.)

2 0.167118 1537 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-17-100!

Introduction: Behavioral and Brain Sciences

3 0.1374177 1237 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-30-Statisticians: When We Teach, We Don’t Practice What We Preach

Introduction: My new Chance ethics column (cowritten with Eric Loken). Click through and take a look. It’s a short article and I really like it. And here’s more Chance.

4 0.12582183 319 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-04-“Who owns Congress”

Introduction: Curt Yeske pointed me to this . Wow–these graphs are really hard to read! The old me would’ve said that each of these graphs would be better replaced by a dotplot (or, better still, a series of lineplots showing time trends). The new me would still like the dotplots and lineplots, but I’d say it’s fine to have the eye-grabbing but hard-to-read graphs as is, and then to have the more informative statistical graphics underneath, as it were. The idea is, you’d click on the pretty but hard-to-read “infovis” graphs, and this would then reveal informative “full Cleveland” graphs. And then if you click again you’d get a spreadsheet with the raw numbers. That I’d like to see, as a new model for graphical presentation.

5 0.11875401 972 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-25-How do you interpret standard errors from a regression fit to the entire population?

Introduction: David Radwin asks a question which comes up fairly often in one form or another: How should one respond to requests for statistical hypothesis tests for population (or universe) data? I [Radwin] first encountered this issue as an undergraduate when a professor suggested a statistical significance test for my paper comparing roll call votes between freshman and veteran members of Congress. Later I learned that such tests apply only to samples because their purpose is to tell you whether the difference in the observed sample is likely to exist in the population. If you have data for the whole population, like all members of the 103rd House of Representatives, you do not need a test to discern the true difference in the population. Sometimes researchers assume some sort of superpopulation like “all possible Congresses” or “Congresses across all time” and that the members of any given Congress constitute a sample. In my current work in education research, it is sometimes asserted t

6 0.11852053 1850 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-10-The recursion of pop-econ

7 0.11429401 1872 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-27-More spam!

8 0.10690355 557 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-05-Call for book proposals

9 0.10088357 2016 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-11-Zipfian Academy, A School for Data Science

10 0.098886952 660 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-14-Job opening at NIH for an experienced statistician

11 0.098722085 2028 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-17-Online conference for young statistics researchers

12 0.090851516 108 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-24-Sometimes the raw numbers are better than a percentage

13 0.090315357 91 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-16-RSS mess

14 0.087740205 2139 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-19-Happy birthday

15 0.086566344 1178 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-21-How many data points do you really have?

16 0.083910301 2130 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-11-Multilevel marketing as a way of liquidating participants’ social networks

17 0.082527921 467 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-14-Do we need an integrated Bayesian-likelihood inference?

18 0.08200451 199 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-11-Note to semi-spammers

19 0.081117101 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

20 0.080450945 1335 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-21-Responding to a bizarre anti-social-science screed

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.057), (1, -0.045), (2, -0.009), (3, 0.022), (4, 0.011), (5, 0.029), (6, -0.026), (7, -0.031), (8, -0.035), (9, 0.003), (10, 0.015), (11, -0.046), (12, 0.04), (13, 0.012), (14, -0.023), (15, 0.055), (16, 0.013), (17, -0.007), (18, 0.003), (19, -0.018), (20, 0.021), (21, 0.02), (22, 0.019), (23, -0.025), (24, -0.004), (25, -0.013), (26, 0.017), (27, 0.021), (28, 0.013), (29, 0.051), (30, -0.041), (31, -0.072), (32, -0.007), (33, -0.048), (34, 0.022), (35, -0.029), (36, 0.003), (37, -0.045), (38, 0.044), (39, 0.023), (40, -0.017), (41, -0.019), (42, 0.037), (43, -0.001), (44, -0.002), (45, 0.029), (46, -0.007), (47, -0.015), (48, -0.024), (49, 0.045)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.97752756 1298 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-News from the sister blog!

Introduction: US National Academy of Sciences elects 84 new members (Please click through and read the whole thing.)

2 0.75423735 660 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-14-Job opening at NIH for an experienced statistician

Introduction: This announcement might be of interest to some of you. The application deadline is in just a few days: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health is seeking an additional experienced statistician to join our Office of Clinical and Regulatory Affairs team. is accepting applications through April 22, 2011 for the general announcement and April 21 for status (typically current federal employee) candidates. To apply to this announcement or for more information, click on the links provided below or the USAJobs link provided above and search for NIH-NCCAM-DE-11-448747 ( external ) or NIH-NCCAM-MP-11-448766 ( internal ). You have to be a U.S. citizen for this one.

3 0.58419871 1872 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-27-More spam!

Introduction: I just got this one today: Dear Dr. Gelman, I am pleased to inform you that the ** team has identified your recent publication, “Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics.” as being of special interest to the progress in the Psychology field. We would like to list your publication on our next edition of the ** series. ** alerts the scientific community to breaking journal articles considered to represent the best in Psychology research. For today’s edition, click here. ** is viewed almost 40,000 times each month and has an audience of academic and clinical personnel from a growing number of the top 20 major academic institutions. Publications featured by ** gain extensive exposure. This exposure may benefit you and your organization since this provides a showcase for key research studies such as yours. This exposure has the added benefit of encouraging additional funding. There is a small processing charge for listing publications on ** ($35). Please let us know

4 0.57982546 1240 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-02-Blogads update

Introduction: A few months ago I reported on someone who wanted to insert text links into the blog. I asked her how much they would pay and got no answer. Yesterday, though, I received this reply: Hello Andrew, I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I’d like to make a proposal for your site. Please refer below. We would like to place a simple text link ad on page to link to *** with the key phrase ***. We will incorporate the key phrase into a sentence so it would read well. Rest assured it won’t sound obnoxious or advertorial. We will then process the final text link code as soon as you agree to our proposal. We can offer you $200 for this with the assumption that you will keep the link “live” on that page for 12 months or longer if you prefer. Please get back to us with a quick reply on your thoughts on this and include your Paypal ID for payment process. Hoping for a positive response from you. I wrote back: Hi,

5 0.57755297 412 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-13-Time to apply for the hackNY summer fellows program

Introduction: Chris Wiggins writes of an interesting-looking summer program that undergraduate or graduate students can apply to: The hackNY Fellows program is an initiative to mentor the next generation of technology innovators in New York, focusing on tech startups. Last summer’s class of fellows was paired with NYC startups which demonstrated they could provide a mentoring environment (a clear project, a person who could work with the Fellow, and sufficient stability to commit to 10 weeks of compensation for the Fellow). hackNY, with the support of the Kauffman foundation and the Internet Society of New York, provided shared housing in NYU dorms in Union Square, and organized a series of pedagogical lectures. hackNY was founded by Hilary Mason, chief scientist at, Evan Korth, professor of CS at NYU, and Chris Wiggins, professor of applied mathematics at Columbia. Each of us has spent thousands of student-hours teaching and mentoring, and is committed to help build a strong communi

6 0.5577389 1080 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-24-Latest in blog advertising

7 0.55012679 1306 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-07-Lists of Note and Letters of Note

8 0.54276705 866 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-23-Participate in a research project on combining information for prediction

9 0.54171801 140 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-10-SeeThroughNY

10 0.53971583 880 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-30-Annals of spam

11 0.53762543 1618 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-11-The consulting biz

12 0.53667307 1871 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-27-Annals of spam

13 0.52840412 1279 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-24-ESPN is looking to hire a research analyst

14 0.52612948 178 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-03-(Partisan) visualization of health care legislation

15 0.52271819 1810 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-17-Subway series

16 0.51543844 2304 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-24-An open site for researchers to post and share papers

17 0.51227736 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

18 0.51176447 1922 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-02-They want me to send them free material and pay for the privilege

19 0.5063979 2221 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-23-Postdoc with Huffpost Pollster to do Bayesian poll tracking

20 0.50550878 1217 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-17-NSF program “to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys”

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(99, 0.75)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 1.0 6 andrew gelman stats-2010-04-27-Jelte Wicherts lays down the stats on IQ

Introduction: Good stuff.

2 1.0 90 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-16-Oil spill and corn production

Introduction: See here .

3 1.0 122 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-01-MCMC machine

Introduction: David Shor writes: My lab recently got some money to get a high-end machine. We’re mostly going to do MCMC stuff, is there anything specialized that I should keep in mind, or would any computing platform do the job? I dunno, any thoughts out there? I’ve heard that “the cloud” is becoming more popular.

4 1.0 299 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-27-what is = what “should be” ??

Introduction: This hidden assumption is a biggie.

5 1.0 632 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-28-Wobegon on the Potomac

Introduction: “Noyes is one of 103 public schools here that have had erasure rates that surpassed D.C. averages at least once since 2008. That’s more than half of D.C. schools.”

6 1.0 826 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-27-The Statistics Forum!

same-blog 7 1.0 1298 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-News from the sister blog!

8 1.0 1464 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-20-Donald E. Westlake on George W. Bush

9 0.99967223 23 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-09-Popper’s great, but don’t bother with his theory of probability

10 0.99917608 174 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-01-Literature and life

11 0.99906933 1483 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-“Bestselling Author Caught Posting Positive Reviews of His Own Work on Amazon”

12 0.99869221 860 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-18-Trolls!

13 0.99800467 1813 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-19-Grad students: Participate in an online survey on statistics education

14 0.99626249 772 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-17-Graphical tools for understanding multilevel models

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16 0.99578178 1288 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-29-Clueless Americans think they’ll never get sick

17 0.99571168 1315 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-12-Question 2 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

18 0.9946726 25 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-10-Two great tastes that taste great together

19 0.99253124 589 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-24-On summarizing a noisy scatterplot with a single comparison of two points

20 0.99233139 756 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-10-Christakis-Fowler update