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1214 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-15-Of forecasts and graph theory and characterizing a statistical method by the information it uses

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Introduction: Wayne Folta points me to “EigenBracket 2012: Using Graph Theory to Predict NCAA March Madness Basketball” and writes, “I [Folta] have got to believe that he’s simply re-invented a statistical method in a graph-ish context, but don’t know enough to judge.” I have not looked in detail at the method being presented here—I’m not much of college basketball fan—but I’d like to use this as an excuse to make one of my favorite general point, which is that a good way to characterize any statistical method is by what information it uses. The basketball ranking method here uses score differentials between teams in the past season. On the plus side, that is better than simply using one-loss records (which (a) discards score differentials and (b) discards information on who played whom). On the minus side, the method appears to be discretizing the scores (thus throwing away information on the exact score differential) and doesn’t use any external information such as external ratings. A

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Wayne Folta points me to “EigenBracket 2012: Using Graph Theory to Predict NCAA March Madness Basketball” and writes, “I [Folta] have got to believe that he’s simply re-invented a statistical method in a graph-ish context, but don’t know enough to judge. [sent-1, score-0.522]

2 ” I have not looked in detail at the method being presented here—I’m not much of college basketball fan—but I’d like to use this as an excuse to make one of my favorite general point, which is that a good way to characterize any statistical method is by what information it uses. [sent-2, score-1.92]

3 The basketball ranking method here uses score differentials between teams in the past season. [sent-3, score-1.435]

4 On the plus side, that is better than simply using one-loss records (which (a) discards score differentials and (b) discards information on who played whom). [sent-4, score-1.826]

5 On the minus side, the method appears to be discretizing the scores (thus throwing away information on the exact score differential) and doesn’t use any external information such as external ratings. [sent-5, score-1.926]

6 Anyway, my point is that the writeup of the method focuses on statistical operations (forming a matrix of a graph, computing eigensomethingorothers), and, sure, something like that is necessary, but to me, what’s interesting is to know what information went into the rankings. [sent-6, score-1.158]

7 If I wanted to use the information that this guy was using, I’d probably just fit a simple normal linear model with a latent parameter for each team. [sent-9, score-0.617]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('method', 0.328), ('basketball', 0.307), ('discards', 0.3), ('differentials', 0.283), ('folta', 0.247), ('score', 0.239), ('information', 0.237), ('external', 0.187), ('ncaa', 0.141), ('writeup', 0.135), ('wayne', 0.123), ('side', 0.123), ('forming', 0.118), ('ranking', 0.114), ('simply', 0.107), ('operations', 0.107), ('minus', 0.107), ('graph', 0.104), ('differential', 0.103), ('excuse', 0.101), ('characterize', 0.099), ('march', 0.098), ('focuses', 0.094), ('records', 0.094), ('using', 0.094), ('played', 0.093), ('teams', 0.093), ('latent', 0.091), ('throwing', 0.089), ('matrix', 0.089), ('use', 0.087), ('statistical', 0.087), ('fan', 0.084), ('exact', 0.083), ('scores', 0.081), ('computing', 0.081), ('plus', 0.079), ('detail', 0.078), ('favorite', 0.075), ('uses', 0.071), ('necessary', 0.071), ('predict', 0.07), ('normal', 0.07), ('presented', 0.069), ('team', 0.069), ('linear', 0.067), ('parameter', 0.065), ('appears', 0.064), ('college', 0.063), ('looked', 0.061)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000001 1214 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-15-Of forecasts and graph theory and characterizing a statistical method by the information it uses

Introduction: Wayne Folta points me to “EigenBracket 2012: Using Graph Theory to Predict NCAA March Madness Basketball” and writes, “I [Folta] have got to believe that he’s simply re-invented a statistical method in a graph-ish context, but don’t know enough to judge.” I have not looked in detail at the method being presented here—I’m not much of college basketball fan—but I’d like to use this as an excuse to make one of my favorite general point, which is that a good way to characterize any statistical method is by what information it uses. The basketball ranking method here uses score differentials between teams in the past season. On the plus side, that is better than simply using one-loss records (which (a) discards score differentials and (b) discards information on who played whom). On the minus side, the method appears to be discretizing the scores (thus throwing away information on the exact score differential) and doesn’t use any external information such as external ratings. A

2 0.27673355 2226 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-26-Econometrics, political science, epidemiology, etc.: Don’t model the probability of a discrete outcome, model the underlying continuous variable

Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

3 0.24591812 1146 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-30-Convenient page of data sources from the Washington Post

Introduction: Wayne Folta points us to this list .

4 0.19823514 2262 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-23-Win probabilities during a sporting event

Introduction: Todd Schneider writes: Apropos of your recent blog post about modeling score differential of basketball games , I thought you might enjoy a site I built, , that gathers real-time win probabilities from betting markets for most major sports (including NBA and college basketball). My original goal was to use the variance of changes in win probabilities to quantify which games were the most exciting, but I got a bit carried away and ended up pursuing a bunch of other ideas, which  you can read about in the full writeup here This particular passage from the anonymous someone in your post: My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. reminded me of a graph I made, which shows the mean-reverting tendency of N

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.96209621 1214 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-15-Of forecasts and graph theory and characterizing a statistical method by the information it uses

Introduction: Wayne Folta points me to “EigenBracket 2012: Using Graph Theory to Predict NCAA March Madness Basketball” and writes, “I [Folta] have got to believe that he’s simply re-invented a statistical method in a graph-ish context, but don’t know enough to judge.” I have not looked in detail at the method being presented here—I’m not much of college basketball fan—but I’d like to use this as an excuse to make one of my favorite general point, which is that a good way to characterize any statistical method is by what information it uses. The basketball ranking method here uses score differentials between teams in the past season. On the plus side, that is better than simply using one-loss records (which (a) discards score differentials and (b) discards information on who played whom). On the minus side, the method appears to be discretizing the scores (thus throwing away information on the exact score differential) and doesn’t use any external information such as external ratings. A

2 0.68787342 2262 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-23-Win probabilities during a sporting event

Introduction: Todd Schneider writes: Apropos of your recent blog post about modeling score differential of basketball games , I thought you might enjoy a site I built, , that gathers real-time win probabilities from betting markets for most major sports (including NBA and college basketball). My original goal was to use the variance of changes in win probabilities to quantify which games were the most exciting, but I got a bit carried away and ended up pursuing a bunch of other ideas, which  you can read about in the full writeup here This particular passage from the anonymous someone in your post: My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. reminded me of a graph I made, which shows the mean-reverting tendency of N

3 0.62744176 1062 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-16-Mr. Pearson, meet Mr. Mandelbrot: Detecting Novel Associations in Large Data Sets

Introduction: Jeremy Fox asks what I think about this paper by David N. Reshef, Yakir Reshef, Hilary Finucane, Sharon Grossman, Gilean McVean, Peter Turnbaugh, Eric Lander, Michael Mitzenmacher, and Pardis Sabeti which proposes a new nonlinear R-squared-like measure. My quick answer is that it looks really cool! From my quick reading of the paper, it appears that the method reduces on average to the usual R-squared when fit to data of the form y = a + bx + error, and that it also has a similar interpretation when “a + bx” is replaced by other continuous functions. Unlike R-squared, the method of Reshef et al. depends on a tuning parameter that controls the level of discretization, in a “How long is the coast of Britain” sort of way. The dependence on scale is inevitable for such a general method. Just consider: if you sample 1000 points from the unit bivariate normal distribution, (x,y) ~ N(0,I), you’ll be able to fit them perfectly by a 999-degree polynomial fit to the data. So the sca

4 0.62264937 2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

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Introduction: Justin Kinney writes: I wanted to let you know that the critique Mickey Atwal and I wrote regarding equitability and the maximal information coefficient has just been published . We discussed this paper last year, under the heading, Too many MC’s not enough MIC’s, or What principles should govern attempts to summarize bivariate associations in large multivariate datasets? Kinney and Atwal’s paper is interesting, with my only criticism being that in some places they seem to aim for what might not be possible. For example, they write that “mutual information is already widely believed to quantify dependencies without bias for relationships of one type or another,” which seems a bit vague to me. And later they write, “How to compute such an estimate that does not bias the resulting mutual information value remains an open problem,” which seems to me to miss the point in that unbiased statistical estimates are not generally possible and indeed are often not desirable. Their

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Introduction: Wayne Folta points me to “EigenBracket 2012: Using Graph Theory to Predict NCAA March Madness Basketball” and writes, “I [Folta] have got to believe that he’s simply re-invented a statistical method in a graph-ish context, but don’t know enough to judge.” I have not looked in detail at the method being presented here—I’m not much of college basketball fan—but I’d like to use this as an excuse to make one of my favorite general point, which is that a good way to characterize any statistical method is by what information it uses. The basketball ranking method here uses score differentials between teams in the past season. On the plus side, that is better than simply using one-loss records (which (a) discards score differentials and (b) discards information on who played whom). On the minus side, the method appears to be discretizing the scores (thus throwing away information on the exact score differential) and doesn’t use any external information such as external ratings. A

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