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2226 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-26-Econometrics, political science, epidemiology, etc.: Don’t model the probability of a discrete outcome, model the underlying continuous variable

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Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . [sent-1, score-0.978]

2 As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. [sent-2, score-0.138]

3 As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e. [sent-3, score-0.564]

4 blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e. [sent-5, score-0.226]

5 hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). [sent-7, score-0.243]

6 As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . [sent-8, score-0.71]

7 A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctly predicting the winner in 1960, 1968, or 2000 and very little for predicting the winner in 1964 or 1964, but there’s information in vote differential, all the same. [sent-9, score-0.606]

8 As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, and political science, so with econometrics: Even in recent years, with all the sophistication in economic statistics, you’ll still see people fitting logistic models for binary outcomes even when the continuous variable is readily available. [sent-10, score-0.601]

9 (See, for example, the second-to-last paragraph here , which is actually an economist doing political science, but I’m pretty sure there are lots of examples of this sort of thing in econ too. [sent-11, score-0.07]

10 Why do people keep modeling the discrete variable? [sent-14, score-0.09]

11 Some of the answer is statistical naivety, a simple “like goes with like” attitude that it makes sense to predict W-L from W-L rather than ERA. [sent-15, score-0.166]

12 More generally there’s the attitude that we should be modeling what we ultimately care about. [sent-16, score-0.175]

13 If the objective is to learn about wins, we should study wins directly. [sent-17, score-0.381]

14 To which I reply, sure, study wins, but it will be more statistically efficient to do this in a two-stage process: first study vote differential given X, then study wins given vote differential and X. [sent-18, score-1.797]

15 The key is that vote differential is available, and a simply performing a logit model for wins alone is implicitly taking this differential as latent or missing data, thus throwing away information. [sent-19, score-1.468]

16 Finally, from the econometrics direction, I see a bias or robustness argument. [sent-20, score-0.367]

17 The idea is that it’s safer, in some way, to model the outcome of interest, as this model will not be sensitive to assumptions about the distribution of the intermediate variable. [sent-21, score-0.365]

18 For example, a linear model for score differentials could be inappropriate for games where one team runs up the score (or, conversely, for those games where the team that’s winning sends in the subs so that the score is less lopsided than it would be if both teams were playing their hardest). [sent-22, score-1.301]

19 In response to this, I would make my usual argument that your models already have bias and robustness issues in that, to do your regression at all, you’re already pooling data from many years, many places, many different situations, etc. [sent-23, score-0.427]

20 If the use of continuous data can increase your statistical efficiency—and it will—this in turn will allow you to do less pooling of data to construct estimates that are reliable enough for you to work with. [sent-24, score-0.314]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('differential', 0.419), ('basketball', 0.296), ('wins', 0.284), ('baseball', 0.21), ('epidemiology', 0.198), ('vote', 0.192), ('score', 0.185), ('hypertension', 0.174), ('model', 0.154), ('robustness', 0.126), ('winner', 0.116), ('pooling', 0.113), ('econometrics', 0.106), ('games', 0.105), ('binary', 0.097), ('study', 0.097), ('predicting', 0.091), ('modeling', 0.09), ('logistic', 0.089), ('continuous', 0.087), ('lopsided', 0.087), ('attitude', 0.085), ('pitcher', 0.082), ('prob', 0.082), ('differentials', 0.082), ('predict', 0.081), ('team', 0.079), ('bias', 0.078), ('continually', 0.076), ('repeating', 0.071), ('variable', 0.071), ('political', 0.07), ('hardest', 0.07), ('safer', 0.068), ('delaney', 0.066), ('echo', 0.066), ('blood', 0.066), ('readily', 0.065), ('sophistication', 0.065), ('science', 0.063), ('convert', 0.063), ('winners', 0.06), ('ok', 0.059), ('reliable', 0.059), ('intermediate', 0.057), ('see', 0.057), ('better', 0.057), ('construct', 0.055), ('inappropriate', 0.055), ('already', 0.055)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000004 2226 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-26-Econometrics, political science, epidemiology, etc.: Don’t model the probability of a discrete outcome, model the underlying continuous variable

Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

2 0.38022134 2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

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same-blog 1 0.93333805 2226 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-26-Econometrics, political science, epidemiology, etc.: Don’t model the probability of a discrete outcome, model the underlying continuous variable

Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

2 0.87693805 2224 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-25-Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential.

Introduction: Someone who wants to remain anonymous writes: I am working to create a more accurate in-game win probability model for basketball games. My idea is for each timestep in a game (a second, 5 seconds, etc), use the Vegas line, the current score differential, who has the ball, and the number of possessions played already (to account for differences in pace) to create a point estimate probability of the home team winning. This problem would seem to fit a multi-level model structure well. It seems silly to estimate 2,000 regressions (one for each timestep), but the coefficients should vary at each timestep. Do you have suggestions for what type of model this could/would be? Additionally, I believe this needs to be some form of logit/probit given the binary dependent variable (win or loss). Finally, do you have suggestions for what package could accomplish this in Stata or R? To answer the questions in reverse order: 3. I’d hope this could be done in Stan (which can be run from R)

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Introduction: This is an echo of yesterday’s post, Basketball Stats: Don’t model the probability of win, model the expected score differential . As with basketball, so with baseball: as the great Bill James wrote, if you want to predict a pitcher’s win-loss record, it’s better to use last year’s ERA than last year’s W-L. As with basketball and baseball, so with epidemiology: as Joseph Delaney points out in my favorite blog that nobody reads, you will see much better prediction if you first model change in the parameter (e.g. blood pressure) and then convert that to the binary disease state (e.g. hypertension) then if you just develop a logistic model for prob(hypertension). As with basketball, baseball, and epidemiology, so with political science: instead of modeling election winners, better to model vote differential, a point that I made back in 1993 (see page 120 here ) but which seems to continually need repeating . A forecasting method should get essentially no credit for correctl

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Introduction: Zoe Corbyn’s article for The Guardian (UK), titled Wikipedia wants more contributions from academics , and the followup discussion on Slashdot got me thinking about my own Wikipedia edits. The article quotes Dario Taraborelli, a research analyst for the Wikimedia Foundation, as saying “Academics are trapped in this paradox of using Wikipedia but not contributing,” Huh? I’m really wondering what man-in-the-street wrote all the great stats stuff out there. And what’s the paradox? I use lots of things without contributing to them. Taraborelli is further quoted as saying “The Wikimedia Foundation is looking at how it might capture expert conversation about Wikipedia content happening on other websites and feed it back to the community as a way of providing pointers for improvement.” This struck home. I recently went through the entry for latent Dirichlet allocation and found a bug in their derivation. I wrote up a revised derivation and posted it on my own blog .

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