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1004 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-11-Kaiser Fung on how not to critique models

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Introduction: In the context of a debate between economists Brad DeLong and Tyler Cowen on the “IS-LM model” [no, I don't know what it is, either!], Kaiser writes : Since a model is an abstraction, a simplification of reality, no model is above critique. I [Kaiser] consider the following types of critique not deserving: 1) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption 2) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption for mathematical convenience 3) The critique that the model omits some feature 4) The critique that the model doesn’t fit one’s intuition 5) The critique that the model fails to make a specific prediction Above all, a serious critique must include an alternative model that is provably better than the one it criticises. It is not enough to show that the alternative solves the problems being pointed out; the alternative must do so while preserving the useful aspects of the model being criticized. I have mixed feelings about Kaiser’s rules. On one hand, I agree wit

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 In the context of a debate between economists Brad DeLong and Tyler Cowen on the “IS-LM model” [no, I don't know what it is, either! [sent-1, score-0.06]

2 ], Kaiser writes : Since a model is an abstraction, a simplification of reality, no model is above critique. [sent-2, score-0.762]

3 It is not enough to show that the alternative solves the problems being pointed out; the alternative must do so while preserving the useful aspects of the model being criticized. [sent-4, score-1.243]

4 On one hand, I agree with his point that a model is a practical tool and that an imperfection is no reason to abandon a useful model. [sent-6, score-0.689]

5 On the other hand, I think that much can be learned from rejection of a model, even without reference to any alternative. [sent-7, score-0.081]

6 Let me put it this way: That a model makes assumptions, even that a model makes wrong assumptions, is not news. [sent-8, score-0.976]

7 If “wrong” is enough to kill, then all our models are dead on arrival anyway. [sent-9, score-0.183]

8 But it’s good to understand the ways in which a model disagrees with the data at hand, or with other aspects of reality. [sent-10, score-0.541]

9 As Kuhn and Lakatos knew, highlighting, isolating, and exploring anomalies are crucial steps in moving toward improvement—even if no alternative model is currently in the picture. [sent-11, score-0.865]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('critique', 0.558), ('model', 0.329), ('alternative', 0.219), ('modeler', 0.196), ('kaiser', 0.192), ('hand', 0.127), ('makes', 0.122), ('assumption', 0.12), ('imperfection', 0.119), ('abstraction', 0.119), ('isolating', 0.119), ('provably', 0.119), ('aspects', 0.116), ('arrival', 0.112), ('deserving', 0.112), ('omits', 0.108), ('assumptions', 0.104), ('anomalies', 0.104), ('solves', 0.104), ('abandon', 0.104), ('simplification', 0.104), ('delong', 0.101), ('preserving', 0.098), ('highlighting', 0.098), ('disagrees', 0.096), ('kuhn', 0.094), ('lakatos', 0.089), ('fails', 0.086), ('brad', 0.084), ('must', 0.082), ('rejection', 0.081), ('convenience', 0.08), ('kill', 0.079), ('exploring', 0.077), ('useful', 0.076), ('feelings', 0.075), ('wrong', 0.074), ('crucial', 0.072), ('dead', 0.071), ('improvement', 0.069), ('intuition', 0.069), ('mixed', 0.068), ('reality', 0.064), ('steps', 0.064), ('feature', 0.064), ('types', 0.063), ('cowen', 0.062), ('tool', 0.061), ('tyler', 0.061), ('debate', 0.06)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 1004 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-11-Kaiser Fung on how not to critique models

Introduction: In the context of a debate between economists Brad DeLong and Tyler Cowen on the “IS-LM model” [no, I don't know what it is, either!], Kaiser writes : Since a model is an abstraction, a simplification of reality, no model is above critique. I [Kaiser] consider the following types of critique not deserving: 1) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption 2) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption for mathematical convenience 3) The critique that the model omits some feature 4) The critique that the model doesn’t fit one’s intuition 5) The critique that the model fails to make a specific prediction Above all, a serious critique must include an alternative model that is provably better than the one it criticises. It is not enough to show that the alternative solves the problems being pointed out; the alternative must do so while preserving the useful aspects of the model being criticized. I have mixed feelings about Kaiser’s rules. On one hand, I agree wit

2 0.18428317 1972 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-07-When you’re planning on fitting a model, build up to it by fitting simpler models first. Then, once you have a model you like, check the hell out of it

Introduction: In response to my remarks on his online book, Think Bayes, Allen Downey wrote: I [Downey] have a question about one of your comments: My [Gelman's] main criticism with both books is that they talk a lot about inference but not so much about model building or model checking (recall the three steps of Bayesian data analysis). I think it’s ok for an introductory book to focus on inference, which of course is central to the data-analytic process—but I’d like them to at least mention that Bayesian ideas arise in model building and model checking as well. This sounds like something I agree with, and one of the things I tried to do in the book is to put modeling decisions front and center. But the word “modeling” is used in lots of ways, so I want to see if we are talking about the same thing. For example, in many chapters, I start with a simple model of the scenario, do some analysis, then check whether the model is good enough, and iterate. Here’s the discussion of modeling

3 0.14520721 781 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-28-The holes in my philosophy of Bayesian data analysis

Introduction: I’ve been writing a lot about my philosophy of Bayesian statistics and how it fits into Popper’s ideas about falsification and Kuhn’s ideas about scientific revolutions. Here’s my long, somewhat technical paper with Cosma Shalizi. Here’s our shorter overview for the volume on the philosophy of social science. Here’s my latest try (for an online symposium), focusing on the key issues. I’m pretty happy with my approach–the familiar idea that Bayesian data analysis iterates the three steps of model building, inference, and model checking–but it does have some unresolved (maybe unresolvable) problems. Here are a couple mentioned in the third of the above links. Consider a simple model with independent data y_1, y_2, .., y_10 ~ N(θ,σ^2), with a prior distribution θ ~ N(0,10^2) and σ known and taking on some value of approximately 10. Inference about μ is straightforward, as is model checking, whether based on graphs or numerical summaries such as the sample variance and skewn

4 0.14019462 1817 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-21-More on Bayesian model selection in high-dimensional settings

Introduction: David Rossell writes: A friend pointed out that you were having an interesting philosophical discussion on my paper with Val Johnson [on Bayesian model selection in high-dimensional settings]. I agree with the view that in almost all practical situations the true model is not in the set under consideration. Still, asking a model choice procedure to be able to pick up the correct model when it is in the set under consideration seems a minimal requirement (though perhaps not sufficient). In other words, if a procedure is unable to pick the data-generating model even when it is one of the models under consideration, I don’t have high hopes for it working well in more realistic scenarios either. Most results in the history in statistics seem to have been obtained under an assumed model, e.g. why even do MLE or penalized-likelihood if we don’t trust the model. While unrealistic, these results were useful to help understand important basic principles. In our case Val and I are defe

5 0.1381516 754 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-09-Difficulties with Bayesian model averaging

Introduction: In response to this article by Cosma Shalizi and myself on the philosophy of Bayesian statistics, David Hogg writes: I [Hogg] agree–even in physics and astronomy–that the models are not “True” in the God-like sense of being absolute reality (that is, I am not a realist); and I have argued (a philosophically very naive paper, but hey, I was new to all this) that for pretty fundamental reasons we could never arrive at the True (with a capital “T”) model of the Universe. The goal of inference is to find the “best” model, where “best” might have something to do with prediction, or explanation, or message length, or (horror!) our utility. Needless to say, most of my physics friends *are* realists, even in the face of “effective theories” as Newtonian mechanics is an effective theory of GR and GR is an effective theory of “quantum gravity” (this plays to your point, because if you think any theory is possibly an effective theory, how could you ever find Truth?). I also liked the i

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Introduction: In the context of a debate between economists Brad DeLong and Tyler Cowen on the “IS-LM model” [no, I don't know what it is, either!], Kaiser writes : Since a model is an abstraction, a simplification of reality, no model is above critique. I [Kaiser] consider the following types of critique not deserving: 1) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption 2) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption for mathematical convenience 3) The critique that the model omits some feature 4) The critique that the model doesn’t fit one’s intuition 5) The critique that the model fails to make a specific prediction Above all, a serious critique must include an alternative model that is provably better than the one it criticises. It is not enough to show that the alternative solves the problems being pointed out; the alternative must do so while preserving the useful aspects of the model being criticized. I have mixed feelings about Kaiser’s rules. On one hand, I agree wit

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Introduction: If I made a separate post for each interesting blog discussion, we’d get overwhelmed. That’s why I often leave detailed responses in the comments section, even though I’m pretty sure that most readers don’t look in the comments at all. Sometimes, though, I think it’s good to bring such discussions to light. Here’s a recent example. Michael wrote : Poor predictive performance usually indicates that the model isn’t sufficiently flexible to explain the data, and my understanding of the proper Bayesian strategy is to feed that back into your original model and try again until you achieve better performance. Corey replied : It was my impression that — in ML at least — poor predictive performance is more often due to the model being too flexible and fitting noise. And Rahul agreed : Good point. A very flexible model will describe your training data perfectly and then go bonkers when unleashed on wild data. But I wrote : Overfitting comes from a model being flex

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4 0.81154066 1817 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-21-More on Bayesian model selection in high-dimensional settings

Introduction: David Rossell writes: A friend pointed out that you were having an interesting philosophical discussion on my paper with Val Johnson [on Bayesian model selection in high-dimensional settings]. I agree with the view that in almost all practical situations the true model is not in the set under consideration. Still, asking a model choice procedure to be able to pick up the correct model when it is in the set under consideration seems a minimal requirement (though perhaps not sufficient). In other words, if a procedure is unable to pick the data-generating model even when it is one of the models under consideration, I don’t have high hopes for it working well in more realistic scenarios either. Most results in the history in statistics seem to have been obtained under an assumed model, e.g. why even do MLE or penalized-likelihood if we don’t trust the model. While unrealistic, these results were useful to help understand important basic principles. In our case Val and I are defe

5 0.81060678 1972 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-07-When you’re planning on fitting a model, build up to it by fitting simpler models first. Then, once you have a model you like, check the hell out of it

Introduction: In response to my remarks on his online book, Think Bayes, Allen Downey wrote: I [Downey] have a question about one of your comments: My [Gelman's] main criticism with both books is that they talk a lot about inference but not so much about model building or model checking (recall the three steps of Bayesian data analysis). I think it’s ok for an introductory book to focus on inference, which of course is central to the data-analytic process—but I’d like them to at least mention that Bayesian ideas arise in model building and model checking as well. This sounds like something I agree with, and one of the things I tried to do in the book is to put modeling decisions front and center. But the word “modeling” is used in lots of ways, so I want to see if we are talking about the same thing. For example, in many chapters, I start with a simple model of the scenario, do some analysis, then check whether the model is good enough, and iterate. Here’s the discussion of modeling

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Introduction: In the context of a debate between economists Brad DeLong and Tyler Cowen on the “IS-LM model” [no, I don't know what it is, either!], Kaiser writes : Since a model is an abstraction, a simplification of reality, no model is above critique. I [Kaiser] consider the following types of critique not deserving: 1) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption 2) The critique that the modeler makes an assumption for mathematical convenience 3) The critique that the model omits some feature 4) The critique that the model doesn’t fit one’s intuition 5) The critique that the model fails to make a specific prediction Above all, a serious critique must include an alternative model that is provably better than the one it criticises. It is not enough to show that the alternative solves the problems being pointed out; the alternative must do so while preserving the useful aspects of the model being criticized. I have mixed feelings about Kaiser’s rules. On one hand, I agree wit

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