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2311 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-29-Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Differential Equations!

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Introduction: Mark Girolami points us to this paper and software (with Oksana Chkrebtii, David Campbell, and Ben Calderhead). They write: We develop a general methodology for the probabilistic integration of differential equations via model based updating of a joint prior measure on the space of functions and their temporal and spatial derivatives. This results in a posterior measure over functions reflecting how well they satisfy the system of differential equations and corresponding initial and boundary values. We show how this posterior measure can be naturally incorporated within the Kennedy and O’Hagan framework for uncertainty quantification and provides a fully Bayesian approach to model calibration. . . . A broad variety of examples are provided to illustrate the potential of this framework for characterising discretization uncertainty, including initial value, delay, and boundary value differential equations, as well as partial differential equations. We also demonstrate our methodolo

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Mark Girolami points us to this paper and software (with Oksana Chkrebtii, David Campbell, and Ben Calderhead). [sent-1, score-0.069]

2 They write: We develop a general methodology for the probabilistic integration of differential equations via model based updating of a joint prior measure on the space of functions and their temporal and spatial derivatives. [sent-2, score-1.239]

3 This results in a posterior measure over functions reflecting how well they satisfy the system of differential equations and corresponding initial and boundary values. [sent-3, score-1.435]

4 We show how this posterior measure can be naturally incorporated within the Kennedy and O’Hagan framework for uncertainty quantification and provides a fully Bayesian approach to model calibration. [sent-4, score-0.782]

5 A broad variety of examples are provided to illustrate the potential of this framework for characterising discretization uncertainty, including initial value, delay, and boundary value differential equations, as well as partial differential equations. [sent-8, score-1.58]

6 We also demonstrate our methodology on a large scale system, by modeling discretization uncertainty in the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid flow, reduced to over 16,000 coupled and stiff ordinary differential equations. [sent-9, score-1.618]

7 This looks interesting and potentially very important. [sent-10, score-0.061]

8 In any case it can be difficult because for big problems these differential equations can take a long time to (numerically) solve. [sent-12, score-0.744]

9 So there would be a lot of use for a method that could take random samples from the posterior distribution, to quantify uncertainty without requiring too many applications of the differential equation solver. [sent-13, score-1.004]

10 One challenge is that when you run a differential equation solver, you choose a level of discretization. [sent-14, score-0.628]

11 Too fine a discretization and it runs too slow; too coarse and you’re not actually evaluating the model you’re interested in. [sent-15, score-0.507]

12 I’ve only looked quickly at this new paper of Chkrebtii et al. [sent-16, score-0.069]

13 , but it appears that they are explicitly modeling this discretization error rather than following the usual strategy of applying a very fine grid and then assuming the error is zero. [sent-17, score-0.71]

14 The idea, I assume, is that if you model the error you can use a much coarser grid and still get good results. [sent-18, score-0.355]

15 This seems possible given that do apply any of these methods you need to apply the solver many many times. [sent-19, score-0.462]

16 As the above image from their paper illustrates, each iteration of the algorithm proceeds by running a stochastic version of the differential-equation solver. [sent-20, score-0.326]

17 As they emphasize, they do not simply repeatedly run the solver as is; rather they go inside the solver and make it stochastic as a way to introduce uncertainty into each step. [sent-21, score-1.023]

18 I haven’t read through the paper more than this but it looks very interesting and it feels right in the sense that they’ve added some items to the procedure so it’s not like they’re trying to get something for nothing. [sent-22, score-0.13]

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[('differential', 0.46), ('solver', 0.314), ('discretization', 0.301), ('equations', 0.284), ('uncertainty', 0.22), ('chkrebtii', 0.183), ('quantification', 0.141), ('boundary', 0.119), ('grid', 0.118), ('stochastic', 0.112), ('equation', 0.105), ('measure', 0.103), ('posterior', 0.103), ('methodology', 0.096), ('initial', 0.094), ('functions', 0.092), ('error', 0.088), ('framework', 0.085), ('coarse', 0.083), ('coarser', 0.083), ('calderhead', 0.083), ('numerically', 0.079), ('hagan', 0.079), ('fluid', 0.075), ('girolami', 0.075), ('temporal', 0.075), ('proceeds', 0.075), ('apply', 0.074), ('iteration', 0.07), ('paper', 0.069), ('campbell', 0.069), ('coupled', 0.067), ('model', 0.066), ('incorporated', 0.064), ('kennedy', 0.064), ('run', 0.063), ('updating', 0.063), ('system', 0.063), ('delay', 0.061), ('value', 0.061), ('looks', 0.061), ('satisfy', 0.06), ('quantify', 0.06), ('movies', 0.06), ('flow', 0.058), ('modeling', 0.058), ('fine', 0.057), ('reflecting', 0.057), ('ordinary', 0.057), ('requiring', 0.056)]

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same-blog 1 1.0 2311 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-29-Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Differential Equations!

Introduction: Mark Girolami points us to this paper and software (with Oksana Chkrebtii, David Campbell, and Ben Calderhead). They write: We develop a general methodology for the probabilistic integration of differential equations via model based updating of a joint prior measure on the space of functions and their temporal and spatial derivatives. This results in a posterior measure over functions reflecting how well they satisfy the system of differential equations and corresponding initial and boundary values. We show how this posterior measure can be naturally incorporated within the Kennedy and O’Hagan framework for uncertainty quantification and provides a fully Bayesian approach to model calibration. . . . A broad variety of examples are provided to illustrate the potential of this framework for characterising discretization uncertainty, including initial value, delay, and boundary value differential equations, as well as partial differential equations. We also demonstrate our methodolo

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Introduction: Mark Girolami points us to this paper and software (with Oksana Chkrebtii, David Campbell, and Ben Calderhead). They write: We develop a general methodology for the probabilistic integration of differential equations via model based updating of a joint prior measure on the space of functions and their temporal and spatial derivatives. This results in a posterior measure over functions reflecting how well they satisfy the system of differential equations and corresponding initial and boundary values. We show how this posterior measure can be naturally incorporated within the Kennedy and O’Hagan framework for uncertainty quantification and provides a fully Bayesian approach to model calibration. . . . A broad variety of examples are provided to illustrate the potential of this framework for characterising discretization uncertainty, including initial value, delay, and boundary value differential equations, as well as partial differential equations. We also demonstrate our methodolo

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