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1999 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-27-Bayesian model averaging or fitting a larger model

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Introduction: Nick Firoozye writes: I had a question about BMA [Bayesian model averaging] and model combinations in general, and direct it to you since they are a basic form of hierarchical model, albeit in the simplest of forms. I wanted to ask what the underlying assumptions are that could lead to BMA improving on a larger model. I know model combination is a topic of interest in the (frequentist) econometrics community (e.g., Bates & Granger,;=2&uid;=4&sid;=21101948653381) but at the time it was considered a bit of a puzzle. Perhaps small models combined outperform a big model due to standard errors, insufficient data, etc. But I haven’t seen much in way of Bayesian justification. In simplest terms, you might have a joint density P(Y,theta_1,theta_2) from which you could use the two marginals P(Y,theta_1) and P(Y,theta_2) to derive two separate forecasts. A BMA-er would do a weighted average of the two forecast densities, having p

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Nick Firoozye writes: I had a question about BMA [Bayesian model averaging] and model combinations in general, and direct it to you since they are a basic form of hierarchical model, albeit in the simplest of forms. [sent-1, score-0.983]

2 I know model combination is a topic of interest in the (frequentist) econometrics community (e. [sent-3, score-0.356]

3 Perhaps small models combined outperform a big model due to standard errors, insufficient data, etc. [sent-10, score-0.58]

4 In simplest terms, you might have a joint density P(Y,theta_1,theta_2) from which you could use the two marginals P(Y,theta_1) and P(Y,theta_2) to derive two separate forecasts. [sent-12, score-0.435]

5 A BMA-er would do a weighted average of the two forecast densities, having previously had a model prior. [sent-13, score-0.456]

6 Is it an inability to impose proper priors on the larger parameter space? [sent-21, score-0.322]

7 Of course I’m thinking in terms of simple easily combined models (e. [sent-24, score-0.313]

8 , a regression on two variables), and a BMA-er could easily combine far more challenging models that don’t naturally form a supermodel. [sent-26, score-0.371]

9 My reply: Conditional on being required to use noninformative priors on each submodel, the strategy of model averaging or model selection can be better than using the larger model. [sent-27, score-1.064]

10 But I agree that, if you’re thinking of fitting the small model or the large model, it makes more sense to use an informative prior that allows for shrinkage directly. [sent-28, score-0.564]

11 I believe some of the early examples of BMA involved running 2^k regressions and averaging rather than running a single k dimensional regression with shrinkage (so much simpler doing a lasso,… er…, shrinkage estimator, to be honest). [sent-32, score-0.661]

12 And the BMA was meant to be preferable to frequentist sequential model selection or using a criterion which involves the 2^k regressions anyway. [sent-33, score-0.6]

13 And if so aren’t you saying it is better to have a single large non-hierarchical model than it is a hierarchical model? [sent-35, score-0.492]

14 If we had informative priors on both parameter (and hyperparameter) we might have a better model yet? [sent-37, score-0.477]

15 If so, why should we be doing hierarchical models at all, other than they can be far more intuitive than super-models? [sent-38, score-0.475]

16 While Dempster and Shaffer do extend Bayes’ theorem to their special case, it just seems their theory is so more complex than just using a hierarchical model. [sent-40, score-0.368]

17 Second order probability is merely a hierarchical model, with weights being put on a family of probability measures, and so much more intuitive than belief functions. [sent-41, score-0.597]

18 My response: Indeed, discrete model averaging can be seen as a sort of implementation of continuous model expansion in which the probability of setting a coefficient to zero is a way to get some shrinkage. [sent-42, score-0.995]

19 For similar reasons, I have no particular interest in seeing which sets of predictors the fitted model wants me to include. [sent-44, score-0.356]

20 On your larger question: yes, I think hierarchical priors can be useful in specifying dependent uncertainty. [sent-45, score-0.467]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('bma', 0.413), ('model', 0.285), ('phi', 0.24), ('hierarchical', 0.207), ('averaging', 0.171), ('theta', 0.168), ('shrinkage', 0.146), ('simplest', 0.141), ('marginals', 0.138), ('larger', 0.131), ('firoozye', 0.13), ('priors', 0.129), ('easily', 0.124), ('frequentist', 0.116), ('probability', 0.109), ('insufficient', 0.106), ('models', 0.103), ('intuitive', 0.099), ('extend', 0.097), ('weighted', 0.093), ('combined', 0.086), ('two', 0.078), ('regressions', 0.076), ('discrete', 0.076), ('functions', 0.076), ('belief', 0.073), ('interest', 0.071), ('prior', 0.07), ('continuous', 0.069), ('bates', 0.069), ('imprecise', 0.069), ('separable', 0.069), ('tractable', 0.069), ('collinearity', 0.069), ('shaffer', 0.069), ('far', 0.066), ('question', 0.065), ('expands', 0.065), ('granger', 0.065), ('hyperprior', 0.065), ('complex', 0.064), ('informative', 0.063), ('lead', 0.063), ('selection', 0.063), ('er', 0.062), ('inability', 0.062), ('running', 0.061), ('dempster', 0.06), ('preferable', 0.06), ('incompatible', 0.06)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000001 1999 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-27-Bayesian model averaging or fitting a larger model

Introduction: Nick Firoozye writes: I had a question about BMA [Bayesian model averaging] and model combinations in general, and direct it to you since they are a basic form of hierarchical model, albeit in the simplest of forms. I wanted to ask what the underlying assumptions are that could lead to BMA improving on a larger model. I know model combination is a topic of interest in the (frequentist) econometrics community (e.g., Bates & Granger,;=2&uid;=4&sid;=21101948653381) but at the time it was considered a bit of a puzzle. Perhaps small models combined outperform a big model due to standard errors, insufficient data, etc. But I haven’t seen much in way of Bayesian justification. In simplest terms, you might have a joint density P(Y,theta_1,theta_2) from which you could use the two marginals P(Y,theta_1) and P(Y,theta_2) to derive two separate forecasts. A BMA-er would do a weighted average of the two forecast densities, having p

2 0.24744451 1941 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-16-Priors

Introduction: Nick Firoozye writes: While I am absolutely sympathetic to the Bayesian agenda I am often troubled by the requirement of having priors. We must have priors on the parameter of an infinite number of model we have never seen before and I find this troubling. There is a similarly troubling problem in economics of utility theory. Utility is on consumables. To be complete a consumer must assign utility to all sorts of things they never would have encountered. More recent versions of utility theory instead make consumption goods a portfolio of attributes. Cadillacs are x many units of luxury y of transport etc etc. And we can automatically have personal utilities to all these attributes. I don’t ever see parameters. Some model have few and some have hundreds. Instead, I see data. So I don’t know how to have an opinion on parameters themselves. Rather I think it far more natural to have opinions on the behavior of models. The prior predictive density is a good and sensible notion. Also

3 0.24595267 754 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-09-Difficulties with Bayesian model averaging

Introduction: In response to this article by Cosma Shalizi and myself on the philosophy of Bayesian statistics, David Hogg writes: I [Hogg] agree–even in physics and astronomy–that the models are not “True” in the God-like sense of being absolute reality (that is, I am not a realist); and I have argued (a philosophically very naive paper, but hey, I was new to all this) that for pretty fundamental reasons we could never arrive at the True (with a capital “T”) model of the Universe. The goal of inference is to find the “best” model, where “best” might have something to do with prediction, or explanation, or message length, or (horror!) our utility. Needless to say, most of my physics friends *are* realists, even in the face of “effective theories” as Newtonian mechanics is an effective theory of GR and GR is an effective theory of “quantum gravity” (this plays to your point, because if you think any theory is possibly an effective theory, how could you ever find Truth?). I also liked the i

4 0.20011364 840 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-05-An example of Bayesian model averaging

Introduction: Jay Ulfelder writes: I see that you blogged about limitations of Bayesian model averaging. As it happens, I was also blogging about BMA, but with an example where it seems to be working reasonably well, at least for the narrow purpose of forecasting. The topic is the analysis I did for CFR earlier this year on nonviolent uprisings. I don’t have time to look into this one but I wanted to pass it on.

5 0.19751696 2109 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-21-Hidden dangers of noninformative priors

Introduction: Following up on Christian’s post [link fixed] on the topic, I’d like to offer a few thoughts of my own. In BDA, we express the idea that a noninformative prior is a placeholder: you can use the noninformative prior to get the analysis started, then if your posterior distribution is less informative than you would like, or if it does not make sense, you can go back and add prior information. Same thing for the data model (the “likelihood”), for that matter: it often makes sense to start with something simple and conventional and then go from there. So, in that sense, noninformative priors are no big deal, they’re just a way to get started. Just don’t take them too seriously. Traditionally in statistics we’ve worked with the paradigm of a single highly informative dataset with only weak external information. But if the data are sparse and prior information is strong, we have to think differently. And, when you increase the dimensionality of a problem, both these things hap

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same-blog 1 0.97566205 1999 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-27-Bayesian model averaging or fitting a larger model

Introduction: Nick Firoozye writes: I had a question about BMA [Bayesian model averaging] and model combinations in general, and direct it to you since they are a basic form of hierarchical model, albeit in the simplest of forms. I wanted to ask what the underlying assumptions are that could lead to BMA improving on a larger model. I know model combination is a topic of interest in the (frequentist) econometrics community (e.g., Bates & Granger,;=2&uid;=4&sid;=21101948653381) but at the time it was considered a bit of a puzzle. Perhaps small models combined outperform a big model due to standard errors, insufficient data, etc. But I haven’t seen much in way of Bayesian justification. In simplest terms, you might have a joint density P(Y,theta_1,theta_2) from which you could use the two marginals P(Y,theta_1) and P(Y,theta_2) to derive two separate forecasts. A BMA-er would do a weighted average of the two forecast densities, having p

2 0.90601987 754 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-09-Difficulties with Bayesian model averaging

Introduction: In response to this article by Cosma Shalizi and myself on the philosophy of Bayesian statistics, David Hogg writes: I [Hogg] agree–even in physics and astronomy–that the models are not “True” in the God-like sense of being absolute reality (that is, I am not a realist); and I have argued (a philosophically very naive paper, but hey, I was new to all this) that for pretty fundamental reasons we could never arrive at the True (with a capital “T”) model of the Universe. The goal of inference is to find the “best” model, where “best” might have something to do with prediction, or explanation, or message length, or (horror!) our utility. Needless to say, most of my physics friends *are* realists, even in the face of “effective theories” as Newtonian mechanics is an effective theory of GR and GR is an effective theory of “quantum gravity” (this plays to your point, because if you think any theory is possibly an effective theory, how could you ever find Truth?). I also liked the i

3 0.89681077 1431 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-27-Overfitting

Introduction: Ilya Esteban writes: In traditional machine learning and statistical learning techniques, you spend a lot of time selecting your input features, fiddling with model parameter values, etc., all of which leads to the problem of overfitting the data and producing overly optimistic estimates for how good the model really is. You can use techniques such as cross-validation and out-of-sample validation data to try to limit the damage, but they are imperfect solutions at best. While Bayesian models have the great advantage of not forcing you to manually select among the various weights and input features, you still often end up trying different priors and model structures (especially with hierarchical models), before coming up with a “final” model. When applying Bayesian modeling to real world data sets, how does should you evaluate alternate priors and topologies for the model without falling into the same overfitting trap as you do with non-Bayesian models? If you try several different

4 0.89593726 1216 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-17-Modeling group-level predictors in a multilevel regression

Introduction: Trey Causey writes: Do you have suggestions as to model selection strategies akin to Bayesian model averaging for multilevel models when level-2 inputs are of substantive interest? I [Causey] have seen plenty of R packages and procedures for non-multilevel models, and tried the glmulti package but found that it did not perform well with more than a few level-2 variables. My quick answer is: with a name like that, you should really be fitting three-level models! My longer answer is: regular readers will be unsurprised to hear that I’m no fan of Bayesian model averaging . Instead I’d prefer to bite the bullet and assign an informative prior distribution on these coefficients. I don’t have a great example of such an analysis but I’m more and more thinking that this is the way to go. I don’t see the point in aiming for the intermediate goal of pruning the predictors; I’d rather have a procedure that includes prior information on the predictors and their interactions.

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Introduction: Dave Judkins writes: I would love to see a blog entry on this article , Bayesian Model Selection in High-Dimensional Settings, by Valen Johnson and David Rossell. The simulation results are very encouraging although the choice of colors for some of the graphics is unfortunate. Unless I am colorblind in some way that I am unaware of, they have two thin charcoal lines that are indistinguishable. When Dave Judkins puts in a request, I’ll respond. Also, I’m always happy to see a new Val Johnson paper. Val and I are contemporaries—he and I got our PhD’s at around the same time, with both of us working on Bayesian image reconstruction, then in the early 1990s Val was part of the legendary group at Duke’s Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences—a veritable ’27 Yankees featuring Mike West, Merlise Clyde, Michael Lavine, Dave Higdon, Peter Mueller, Val, and a bunch of others. I always thought it was too bad they all had to go their separate ways. Val also wrote two classic p

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