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1838 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-03-Setting aside the politics, the debate over the new health-care study reveals that we’re moving to a new high standard of statistical journalism

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Introduction: Pointing to this news article by Megan McArdle discussing a recent study of Medicaid recipients, Jonathan Falk writes: Forget the interpretation for a moment, and the political spin, but haven’t we reached an interesting point when a journalist says things like: When you do an RCT with more than 12,000 people in it, and your defense of your hypothesis is that maybe the study just didn’t have enough power, what you’re actually saying is “the beneficial effects are probably pretty small”. and A good Bayesian—and aren’t most of us are supposed to be good Bayesians these days?—should be updating in light of this new information. Given this result, what is the likelihood that Obamacare will have a positive impact on the average health of Americans? Every one of us, for or against, should be revising that probability downwards. I’m not saying that you have to revise it to zero; I certainly haven’t. But however high it was yesterday, it should be somewhat lower today. This

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Given this result, what is the likelihood that Obamacare will have a positive impact on the average health of Americans? [sent-4, score-0.223]

2 Also this sensible understanding of statistical significance and effect sizes: But that doesn’t mean Medicaid has no effect on health. [sent-9, score-0.204]

3 It means that Medicaid had no statistically significant effect on three major health markers during a two-year study. [sent-10, score-0.646]

4 But this result is kind of weird, because it’s not coupled with a statistically significant increase in the use of anti-depressants. [sent-16, score-0.364]

5 McArdle is forgetting that the difference between “significant” and “not significant” is not itself statistically significant . [sent-21, score-0.228]

6 ” Also I’d prefer she’d talk with some public health experts rather than relying on sources such as, “as Josh Barro pointed out on Twitter. [sent-24, score-0.223]

7 With regard to the larger questions, I agree with McArdle that ultimately the goals are health and economic security, not health insurance or even health care. [sent-28, score-0.768]

8 She proposes replacing Medicaid with “free mental health clinics, or cash. [sent-29, score-0.285]

9 ” The challenge is that we seem to have worked ourselves into an expensive, paperwork-soaked health-care system, and it’s not clear to me that free mental health clinics or even cash would do the trick. [sent-30, score-0.393]

10 Carroll writes: Most people who get health insurance are healthy. [sent-45, score-0.382]

11 If 8 people’s lives in the study were saved in some way by the coverage, the total statistic holds. [sent-55, score-0.323]

12 I’m guessing that McArdle’s would reply that there’s no evidence that 8 people’s lives were saved in the Oregon study. [sent-57, score-0.256]

13 Thus, numbers such as 100,000 lives saved are possible , but other things are possible too. [sent-58, score-0.209]

14 McArdle describes Obamacare as “a $1 trillion program to treat mild depression. [sent-60, score-0.407]

15 ” I’m not sure where the trillion dollars comes from. [sent-61, score-0.379]

16 health care spending at $7000 per person per year, that’s a total of 2. [sent-64, score-0.32]

17 3 trillion, which would correspond to an additional trillion over a five-year period? [sent-69, score-0.299]

18 1 trillion dollars don’t want to give up any of their share! [sent-73, score-0.379]

19 If a policy will reduce mild depression, I assume it would have some eventual effect on severe depression too, no? [sent-75, score-0.442]

20 I’m like many (I suspect, most) Americans who already have health insurance in that I don’t actually know what’s in that famous health-care bill. [sent-77, score-0.367]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('mcardle', 0.487), ('medicaid', 0.37), ('trillion', 0.299), ('health', 0.223), ('carroll', 0.177), ('significant', 0.167), ('obamacare', 0.147), ('depression', 0.137), ('mild', 0.108), ('barro', 0.108), ('clinics', 0.108), ('saved', 0.107), ('effect', 0.102), ('lives', 0.102), ('insurance', 0.099), ('markers', 0.093), ('increase', 0.084), ('oregon', 0.081), ('dollars', 0.08), ('josh', 0.073), ('study', 0.068), ('mental', 0.062), ('coverage', 0.061), ('statistically', 0.061), ('people', 0.06), ('journalist', 0.057), ('close', 0.057), ('news', 0.052), ('result', 0.052), ('reduce', 0.051), ('spending', 0.051), ('flux', 0.049), ('hindrance', 0.049), ('ballpark', 0.049), ('rct', 0.049), ('uninsured', 0.049), ('supposed', 0.048), ('plan', 0.047), ('evidence', 0.047), ('falk', 0.046), ('frankly', 0.046), ('law', 0.046), ('every', 0.046), ('total', 0.046), ('famous', 0.045), ('saying', 0.045), ('healthier', 0.044), ('eventual', 0.044), ('acknowledges', 0.044), ('sounds', 0.044)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000001 1838 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-03-Setting aside the politics, the debate over the new health-care study reveals that we’re moving to a new high standard of statistical journalism

Introduction: Pointing to this news article by Megan McArdle discussing a recent study of Medicaid recipients, Jonathan Falk writes: Forget the interpretation for a moment, and the political spin, but haven’t we reached an interesting point when a journalist says things like: When you do an RCT with more than 12,000 people in it, and your defense of your hypothesis is that maybe the study just didn’t have enough power, what you’re actually saying is “the beneficial effects are probably pretty small”. and A good Bayesian—and aren’t most of us are supposed to be good Bayesians these days?—should be updating in light of this new information. Given this result, what is the likelihood that Obamacare will have a positive impact on the average health of Americans? Every one of us, for or against, should be revising that probability downwards. I’m not saying that you have to revise it to zero; I certainly haven’t. But however high it was yesterday, it should be somewhat lower today. This

2 0.26283735 1767 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-17-The disappearing or non-disappearing middle class

Introduction: Despite the title, this post is mostly not about economics or even politics but rather about the central role of comparisons in statistics and statistical graphics. It started when someone pointed me to this article in which Megan McArdle points out the misleadingness of a graph that seems to show a bimodal income distribution but only by combining cells in the tail: McArdle makes a good point: of course, if you spread the histogram along a uniform scale (or, for that matter, a log scale), you don’t see that bump at the high end. McArdle reproduces some Census charts showing income stability over the past few decades: Before I had a chance to chance to write about this, I noticed that Mark Palko did the job for me. Palko writes: To the extent that statistics includes data visualization, this is definitely bad statistics. When trying to depict trends and relationships, you generally want to get as much of the pertinent information as possible into the same grap

3 0.19271666 311 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-02-Where do our taxes go?

Introduction: Mark Palko links to a blog by Megan McArdle which reproduces a list entitled, “What You Paid For: 2009 tax receipt for a taxpayer earning $34,140 and paying $5,400 in federal income tax and FICA (selected items).” McArdle writes, “isn’t it possible that the widespread support for programs like Social Security and Medicare rests on the fact that most people don’t realize just how big a portion of your paycheck those programs consume?” But, as Palko points out, the FICA and Medicare withholdings are actually already right there on your W-2 form. So the real problem is not a lack of information but that people aren’t reading their W-2 forms more carefully. (Also, I don’t know if people are so upset about their withholdings for Social Security and Medicare, given that they’ll be getting that money back when they retire.) I’m more concerned about the list itself, though. I think a lot of cognitive-perceptual effects are involved in what gets a separate line item, and what doesn

4 0.15174046 1263 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-13-Question of the week: Will the authors of a controversial new study apologize to busy statistician Don Berry for wasting his time reading and responding to their flawed article?

Introduction: Aaron Carroll shoots down a politically-loaded claim about cancer survival. Lots of useful background from science reporter Sharon Begley: With the United States spending more on healthcare than any other country — $2.5 trillion, or just over $8,000 per capita, in 2009 — the question has long been, is it worth it? At least for spending on cancer, a controversial new study answers with an emphatic “yes.” . . . Experts shown an advance copy of the paper by Reuters argued that the tricky statistics of cancer outcomes tripped up the authors. “This study is pure folly,” said biostatistician Dr. Don Berry of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. “It’s completely misguided and it’s dangerous. Not only are the authors’ analyses flawed but their conclusions are also wrong.” Ouch. Arguably the study shouldn’t be getting any coverage at all, but given that it’s in the news, it’s good to see it get shot down. I wonder if the authors will respond to Don Berry and say they’re sorr

5 0.12059437 1072 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-19-“The difference between . . .”: It’s not just p=.05 vs. p=.06

Introduction: The title of this post by Sanjay Srivastava illustrates an annoying misconception that’s crept into the (otherwise delightful) recent publicity related to my article with Hal Stern, he difference between “significant” and “not significant” is not itself statistically significant. When people bring this up, they keep referring to the difference between p=0.05 and p=0.06, making the familiar (and correct) point about the arbitrariness of the conventional p-value threshold of 0.05. And, sure, I agree with this, but everybody knows that already. The point Hal and I were making was that even apparently large differences in p-values are not statistically significant. For example, if you have one study with z=2.5 (almost significant at the 1% level!) and another with z=1 (not statistically significant at all, only 1 se from zero!), then their difference has a z of about 1 (again, not statistically significant at all). So it’s not just a comparison of 0.05 vs. 0.06, even a differenc

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same-blog 1 0.9591915 1838 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-03-Setting aside the politics, the debate over the new health-care study reveals that we’re moving to a new high standard of statistical journalism

Introduction: Pointing to this news article by Megan McArdle discussing a recent study of Medicaid recipients, Jonathan Falk writes: Forget the interpretation for a moment, and the political spin, but haven’t we reached an interesting point when a journalist says things like: When you do an RCT with more than 12,000 people in it, and your defense of your hypothesis is that maybe the study just didn’t have enough power, what you’re actually saying is “the beneficial effects are probably pretty small”. and A good Bayesian—and aren’t most of us are supposed to be good Bayesians these days?—should be updating in light of this new information. Given this result, what is the likelihood that Obamacare will have a positive impact on the average health of Americans? Every one of us, for or against, should be revising that probability downwards. I’m not saying that you have to revise it to zero; I certainly haven’t. But however high it was yesterday, it should be somewhat lower today. This

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Introduction: Thomas Lumley writes : The Herald  has a story about hazards of coffee. The picture caption says Men who drink more than four cups a day are 56 per cent more likely to die. which is obviously not true: deaths, as we’ve observed before, are fixed at one per customer.  The story says It’s not that people are dying at a rapid rate. But men who drink more than four cups a day are 56 per cent more likely to die and women have double the chance compared with moderate drinkers, according to the The University of Queensland and the University of South Carolina study. What  the study  actually reported was rates of death: over an average of 17 years, men who drink more than four cups a day died at about a 21% higher rate, with little evidence of any difference in men.  After they considered only men and women under 55 (which they don’t say was something they had planned to do), and attempted to control for a whole bunch of other factors, the rate increase went to 56% for me

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Introduction: People keep pointing me to this excellent news article by David Brown, about a scientist who was convicted of data manipulation: In all, 330 patients were randomly assigned to get either interferon gamma-1b or placebo injections. Disease progression or death occurred in 46 percent of those on the drug and 52 percent of those on placebo. That was not a significant difference, statistically speaking. When only survival was considered, however, the drug looked better: 10 percent of people getting the drug died, compared with 17 percent of those on placebo. However, that difference wasn’t “statistically significant,” either. Specifically, the so-called P value — a mathematical measure of the strength of the evidence that there’s a true difference between a treatment and placebo — was 0.08. . . . Technically, the study was a bust, although the results leaned toward a benefit from interferon gamma-1b. Was there a group of patients in which the results tipped? Harkonen asked the statis

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5 0.80401391 67 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-03-More on that Dartmouth health care study

Introduction: Hank Aaron at the Brookings Institution, who knows a lot more about policy than I do, had some interesting comments on the recent New York Times article about problems with the Dartmouth health care atlas. which I discussed a few hours ago . Aaron writes that much of the criticism in that newspaper article was off-base, but that there are real difficulties in translating the Dartmouth results (finding little relation between spending and quality of care) to cost savings in the real world. Aaron writes: The Dartmouth research, showing huge variation in the use of various medical procedures and large variations in per patient spending under Medicare, has been a revelation and a useful one. There is no way to explain such variation on medical grounds and it is problematic. But readers, including my former colleague Orszag, have taken an oversimplistic view of what the numbers mean and what to do about them. There are three really big problems with the common interpreta

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Introduction: Steve Ziliak points me to this article by the always-excellent Carl Bialik, slamming hypothesis tests. I only wish Carl had talked with me before so hastily posting, though! I would’ve argued with some of the things in the article. In particular, he writes: Reese and Brad Carlin . . . suggest that Bayesian statistics are a better alternative, because they tackle the probability that the hypothesis is true head-on, and incorporate prior knowledge about the variables involved. Brad Carlin does great work in theory, methods, and applications, and I like the bit about the prior knowledge (although I might prefer the more general phrase “additional information”), but I hate that quote! My quick response is that the hypothesis of zero effect is almost never true! The problem with the significance testing framework–Bayesian or otherwise–is in the obsession with the possibility of an exact zero effect. The real concern is not with zero, it’s with claiming a positive effect whe

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