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140 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-10-SeeThroughNY

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Introduction: From Ira Stoll , a link to this cool data site , courtesy of the Manhattan Institute, with all sorts of state budget information including the salaries of all city and state employees.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 From Ira Stoll , a link to this cool data site , courtesy of the Manhattan Institute, with all sorts of state budget information including the salaries of all city and state employees. [sent-1, score-2.51]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('stoll', 0.387), ('ira', 0.387), ('courtesy', 0.311), ('salaries', 0.289), ('manhattan', 0.28), ('employees', 0.28), ('state', 0.259), ('budget', 0.245), ('institute', 0.229), ('city', 0.207), ('site', 0.202), ('cool', 0.185), ('sorts', 0.152), ('link', 0.124), ('including', 0.123), ('information', 0.102), ('data', 0.052)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 140 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-10-SeeThroughNY

Introduction: From Ira Stoll , a link to this cool data site , courtesy of the Manhattan Institute, with all sorts of state budget information including the salaries of all city and state employees.

2 0.21104136 2031 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-19-What makes a statistician look like a hero?

Introduction: Answer here (courtesy of Kaiser Fung).

3 0.17039654 31 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-13-Visualization in 1939

Introduction: Willard Cope Brinton’s second book Graphic Presentation (1939) surprised me with the quality of its graphics. Prof. Michael Stoll has some scans at Flickr . For example: The whole book can be downloaded (in a worse resolution) from Archive.Org .

4 0.14654832 1006 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-12-Val’s Number Scroll: Helping kids visualize math

Introduction: This looks cool.

5 0.12524013 584 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-22-“Are Wisconsin Public Employees Underpaid?”

Introduction: Amy Cohen points me to this blog by Jim Manzi, who writes: Ezra Klein and a variety of other thoughtful liberal bloggers have been pointing to an Economic Policy Institute analysis that they claim demonstrates that Wisconsin’s public employees, even after adjusting for benefits and hours worked, face a ” compensation penalty of 5% for choosing to work in the public sector.” Unfortunately, when you get under the hood, the study shows no such thing. . . . reading the actual paper by Jeffrey H. Keefe is instructive. Keefe took a representative sample of Wisconsin workers, and built a regression model that relates “fundamental personal characteristics and labor market skills” to compensation, and then compared public to private sector employees, after “controlling” for these factors. As far as I can see, the factors adjusted for were: years of education; years of experience; gender; race; ethnicity; disability; size of organization where the employee works; and, hours worked per

6 0.10141734 732 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-26-What Do We Learn from Narrow Randomized Studies?

7 0.091027856 661 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-14-NYC 1950

8 0.084843963 460 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-09-Statistics gifts?

9 0.083360203 153 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-17-Tenure-track position at U. North Carolina in survey methods and social statistics

10 0.083144754 1976 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-10-The birthday problem

11 0.078235254 1871 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-27-Annals of spam

12 0.07610105 919 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-21-Least surprising headline of the year

13 0.074705906 971 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-25-Apply now for Earth Institute postdoctoral fellowships at Columbia University

14 0.074236192 681 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-26-Worst statistical graphic I have seen this year

15 0.07359422 1385 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-20-Reconciling different claims about working-class voters

16 0.072038814 1015 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-17-Good examples of lurking variables?

17 0.070575565 1080 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-24-Latest in blog advertising

18 0.068829194 894 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-07-Hipmunk FAIL: Graphics without content is not enough

19 0.068427406 2346 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-24-Buzzfeed, Porn, Kansas…That Can’t Be Good

20 0.065550596 536 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-24-Trends in partisanship by state

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.048), (1, -0.02), (2, 0.026), (3, 0.043), (4, 0.015), (5, 0.007), (6, -0.033), (7, 0.005), (8, -0.042), (9, 0.004), (10, 0.004), (11, -0.033), (12, 0.043), (13, 0.022), (14, 0.005), (15, 0.055), (16, 0.016), (17, 0.002), (18, 0.009), (19, -0.018), (20, 0.01), (21, -0.0), (22, 0.012), (23, -0.058), (24, 0.021), (25, -0.017), (26, -0.02), (27, 0.011), (28, 0.044), (29, 0.058), (30, 0.017), (31, -0.055), (32, 0.108), (33, -0.026), (34, -0.021), (35, 0.025), (36, 0.02), (37, -0.051), (38, -0.01), (39, 0.001), (40, 0.012), (41, 0.025), (42, 0.004), (43, -0.016), (44, 0.036), (45, 0.028), (46, -0.023), (47, 0.03), (48, -0.035), (49, 0.045)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.9513678 140 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-10-SeeThroughNY

Introduction: From Ira Stoll , a link to this cool data site , courtesy of the Manhattan Institute, with all sorts of state budget information including the salaries of all city and state employees.

2 0.66701084 1810 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-17-Subway series

Introduction: Abby points us to a spare but cool visualization . I don’t like the curvy connect-the-dots line, but my main suggested improvement would be a closer link to the map . Showing median income on census tracts along subway lines is cool, but ultimately it’s a clever gimmick that pulls me in and makes me curious about what the map looks like. (And, thanks to google, the map was easy to find.)

3 0.61078489 1006 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-12-Val’s Number Scroll: Helping kids visualize math

Introduction: This looks cool.

4 0.54359585 1298 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-News from the sister blog!

Introduction: US National Academy of Sciences elects 84 new members (Please click through and read the whole thing.)

5 0.53075802 536 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-24-Trends in partisanship by state

Introduction: Matthew Yglesias discusses how West Virginia used to be a Democratic state but is now solidly Republican. I thought it would be helpful to expand this to look at trends since 1948 (rather than just 1988) and all 50 states (rather than just one). This would represent a bit of work, except that I already did it a couple years ago, so here it is (right-click on the image to see the whole thing): I cheated a bit to get reasonable-looking groupings, for example putting Indiana in the Border South rather than Midwest, and putting Alaska in Mountain West and Hawaii in West Coast. Also, it would help to distinguish states by color (to be able to disentangle New Jersey and Delaware, for example) but we didn’t do this because the book is mostly black and white. In any case, the picture makes it clear that there have been strong regional trends all over during the past sixty years. P.S. My graph comes from Red State Blue State so no 2008 data, but 2008 was pretty much a shift

6 0.48755971 2346 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-24-Buzzfeed, Porn, Kansas…That Can’t Be Good

7 0.474188 660 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-14-Job opening at NIH for an experienced statistician

8 0.47071064 919 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-21-Least surprising headline of the year

9 0.46507639 1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

10 0.46389654 1504 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-20-Could someone please lock this guy and Niall Ferguson in a room together?

11 0.45731518 1279 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-24-ESPN is looking to hire a research analyst

12 0.45630351 153 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-17-Tenure-track position at U. North Carolina in survey methods and social statistics

13 0.45376527 152 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-17-Distorting the Electoral Connection? Partisan Representation in Confirmation Politics

14 0.45260894 2153 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-29-“Statistics Done Wrong”

15 0.44892555 587 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-24-5 seconds of every #1 pop single

16 0.44376209 2087 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-03-The Employment Nondiscrimination Act is overwhelmingly popular in nearly every one of the 50 states

17 0.44357726 1976 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-10-The birthday problem

18 0.44117507 2028 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-17-Online conference for young statistics researchers

19 0.44045639 1485 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-06-One reason New York isn’t as rich as it used to be: Redistribution of federal tax money to other states

20 0.43898073 200 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-11-Separating national and state swings in voting and public opinion, or, How I avoided blogorific embarrassment: An agony in four acts

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(21, 0.05), (24, 0.118), (74, 0.286), (80, 0.103), (99, 0.246)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.88914901 140 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-10-SeeThroughNY

Introduction: From Ira Stoll , a link to this cool data site , courtesy of the Manhattan Institute, with all sorts of state budget information including the salaries of all city and state employees.

2 0.83660853 336 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-11-Mankiw’s marginal tax rate (which declined from 93% to 80% in two years) and the difficulty of microeconomic reasoning

Introduction: Greg Mankiw writes (link from Tyler Cowen ): Without any taxes, accepting that editor’s assignment would have yielded my children an extra $10,000. With taxes, it yields only $1,000. In effect, once the entire tax system is taken into account, my family’s marginal tax rate is about 90 percent. Is it any wonder that I [Mankiw] turn down most of the money-making opportunities I am offered? By contrast, without the tax increases advocated by the Obama administration, the numbers would look quite different. I would face a lower income tax rate, a lower Medicare tax rate, and no deduction phaseout or estate tax. Taking that writing assignment would yield my kids about $2,000. I would have twice the incentive to keep working. First, the good news Obama’s tax rates are much lower than Mankiw had anticipated! According to the above quote, his marginal tax rate is currently 80% but threatens to rise to 90%. But, in October 2008, Mankiw calculated that Obama’s would tax his m

3 0.82232666 2261 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-23-Greg Mankiw’s utility function

Introduction: From 2010 : Greg Mankiw writes (link from Tyler Cowen ): Without any taxes, accepting that editor’s assignment would have yielded my children an extra $10,000. With taxes, it yields only $1,000. In effect, once the entire tax system is taken into account, my family’s marginal tax rate is about 90 percent. Is it any wonder that I [Mankiw] turn down most of the money-making opportunities I am offered? By contrast, without the tax increases advocated by the Obama administration, the numbers would look quite different. I would face a lower income tax rate, a lower Medicare tax rate, and no deduction phaseout or estate tax. Taking that writing assignment would yield my kids about $2,000. I would have twice the incentive to keep working. First, the good news Obama’s tax rates are much lower than Mankiw had anticipated! According to the above quote, his marginal tax rate is currently 80% but threatens to rise to 90%. But, in October 2008, Mankiw calculated that Obama’s

4 0.7898044 1085 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-27-Laws as expressive

Introduction: June Carbone points out sometimes people want laws to express a sentiment. This isn’t just about Congress passing National Smoked Meats Week or San Francisco establishing itself as a nuclear-free zone, it also includes things such as laws against gay marriage, where, as Carbone writes, “we ‘care too much,’ when in fact we can do so little.” I don’t have anything to add here, and I expect many of you are familiar with this idea, but it’s new to me. I’d always been puzzled by people who want to use the law to express a sentiment, but perhaps it makes sense to be open-minded and to consider this as one of the purposes of the legislative process.

5 0.78698206 1780 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-28-Racism!

Introduction: I was reading a book of Alfred Kazin’s letters—I don’t know if they’d be so interesting to someone who hadn’t already read a bunch of his stuff , but I found them pretty interesting—and came across this amazing bit, dated August 11, 1957: No, really, Al. Tell us what you really feel. This was in his private diary, so I can’t really criticize him for it. And all of us have private thoughts, sometimes publicly expressed, that are unworthy of our better self. For example, once I was crossing a street and a taxi driver came dangerously close, and I screamed at him, “Go back to your own country, you #&@#%*^&.” So I’m not claiming that I’m any better than Kazin. I just thought that quote was pretty amazing. I guess that’s how (some) people thought, back in the fifties. Also interesting that he wrote “ass-hole” in that context. The hyphen surprised me, also I don’t think people would use that word in this way anymore. Nowadays I think of an asshole as a person, not a place.

6 0.78284091 366 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-24-Mankiw tax update

7 0.77011669 1324 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-16-Wikipedia author confronts Ed Wegman

8 0.7680881 280 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-16-Meet Hipmunk, a really cool flight-finder that doesn’t actually work

9 0.75880158 1612 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-08-The Case for More False Positives in Anti-doping Testing

10 0.75420475 338 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-12-Update on Mankiw’s work incentives

11 0.75217718 285 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-18-Fiction is not for tirades? Tell that to Saul Bellow!

12 0.74334061 1141 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-28-Using predator-prey models on the Canadian lynx series

13 0.73379922 2239 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-09-Reviewing the peer review process?

14 0.71852809 2168 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-12-Things that I like that almost nobody else is interested in

15 0.7136361 1135 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-22-Advice on do-it-yourself stats education?

16 0.70553356 1262 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-12-“Not only defended but also applied”: The perceived absurdity of Bayesian inference

17 0.70394433 1728 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-19-The grasshopper wins, and Greg Mankiw’s grandmother would be “shocked and appalled” all over again

18 0.70294172 470 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-16-“For individuals with wine training, however, we find indications of a positive relationship between price and enjoyment”

19 0.7006191 836 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-03-Another plagiarism mystery

20 0.69335377 138 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-10-Creating a good wager based on probability estimates