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589 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-24-On summarizing a noisy scatterplot with a single comparison of two points

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Introduction: John Sides discusses how his scatterplot of unionization rates and budget deficits made it onto cable TV news: It’s also interesting to see how he [journalist Chris Hayes] chooses to explain a scatterplot — especially given the evidence that people don’t always understand scatterplots. He compares pairs of cases that don’t illustrate the basic hypothesis of Brooks, Scott Walker, et al. Obviously, such comparisons could be misleading, but given that there was no systematic relationship depicted that graph, these particular comparisons are not. This idea–summarizing a bivariate pattern by comparing pairs of points–reminds me of a well-known statistical identities which I refer to in a paper with David Park: John Sides is certainly correct that if you can pick your pair of points, you can make extremely misleading comparisons. But if you pick every pair of points, and average over them appropriately, you end up with the least-squares regression slope. Pretty cool, and

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 John Sides discusses how his scatterplot of unionization rates and budget deficits made it onto cable TV news: It’s also interesting to see how he [journalist Chris Hayes] chooses to explain a scatterplot — especially given the evidence that people don’t always understand scatterplots. [sent-1, score-1.568]

2 He compares pairs of cases that don’t illustrate the basic hypothesis of Brooks, Scott Walker, et al. [sent-2, score-0.693]

3 Obviously, such comparisons could be misleading, but given that there was no systematic relationship depicted that graph, these particular comparisons are not. [sent-3, score-0.94]

4 This idea–summarizing a bivariate pattern by comparing pairs of points–reminds me of a well-known statistical identities which I refer to in a paper with David Park: John Sides is certainly correct that if you can pick your pair of points, you can make extremely misleading comparisons. [sent-4, score-1.603]

5 But if you pick every pair of points, and average over them appropriately, you end up with the least-squares regression slope. [sent-5, score-0.407]

6 Pretty cool, and it helps develop our intuition about the big-picture relevance of special-case comparisons. [sent-6, score-0.415]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('scatterplot', 0.263), ('pairs', 0.243), ('pair', 0.236), ('comparisons', 0.233), ('sides', 0.216), ('misleading', 0.196), ('depicted', 0.184), ('identities', 0.184), ('pick', 0.171), ('hayes', 0.166), ('cable', 0.16), ('deficits', 0.155), ('walker', 0.151), ('appropriately', 0.151), ('chooses', 0.145), ('points', 0.144), ('bivariate', 0.137), ('john', 0.13), ('onto', 0.121), ('compares', 0.12), ('park', 0.12), ('summarizing', 0.12), ('budget', 0.116), ('tv', 0.115), ('brooks', 0.114), ('scott', 0.109), ('helps', 0.108), ('journalist', 0.107), ('intuition', 0.106), ('refer', 0.105), ('illustrate', 0.104), ('relevance', 0.103), ('systematic', 0.101), ('relationship', 0.1), ('discusses', 0.099), ('develop', 0.098), ('obviously', 0.097), ('chris', 0.091), ('reminds', 0.09), ('extremely', 0.089), ('given', 0.089), ('cool', 0.088), ('comparing', 0.087), ('rates', 0.083), ('pattern', 0.083), ('et', 0.078), ('hypothesis', 0.074), ('basic', 0.074), ('explain', 0.074), ('correct', 0.072)]

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Introduction: John Sides discusses how his scatterplot of unionization rates and budget deficits made it onto cable TV news: It’s also interesting to see how he [journalist Chris Hayes] chooses to explain a scatterplot — especially given the evidence that people don’t always understand scatterplots. He compares pairs of cases that don’t illustrate the basic hypothesis of Brooks, Scott Walker, et al. Obviously, such comparisons could be misleading, but given that there was no systematic relationship depicted that graph, these particular comparisons are not. This idea–summarizing a bivariate pattern by comparing pairs of points–reminds me of a well-known statistical identities which I refer to in a paper with David Park: John Sides is certainly correct that if you can pick your pair of points, you can make extremely misleading comparisons. But if you pick every pair of points, and average over them appropriately, you end up with the least-squares regression slope. Pretty cool, and

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Introduction: Joe Northrup writes: I have a question about correcting for multiple comparisons in a Bayesian regression model. I believe I understand the argument in your 2012 paper in Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness that when you have a hierarchical model there is shrinkage of estimates towards the group-level mean and thus there is no need to add any additional penalty to correct for multiple comparisons. In my case I do not have hierarchically structured data—i.e. I have only 1 observation per group but have a categorical variable with a large number of categories. Thus, I am fitting a simple multiple regression in a Bayesian framework. Would putting a strong, mean 0, multivariate normal prior on the betas in this model accomplish the same sort of shrinkage (it seems to me that it would) and do you believe this is a valid way to address criticism of multiple comparisons in this setting? My reply: Yes, I think this makes sense. One way to address concerns of multiple com

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Introduction: John Sides discusses how his scatterplot of unionization rates and budget deficits made it onto cable TV news: It’s also interesting to see how he [journalist Chris Hayes] chooses to explain a scatterplot — especially given the evidence that people don’t always understand scatterplots. He compares pairs of cases that don’t illustrate the basic hypothesis of Brooks, Scott Walker, et al. Obviously, such comparisons could be misleading, but given that there was no systematic relationship depicted that graph, these particular comparisons are not. This idea–summarizing a bivariate pattern by comparing pairs of points–reminds me of a well-known statistical identities which I refer to in a paper with David Park: John Sides is certainly correct that if you can pick your pair of points, you can make extremely misleading comparisons. But if you pick every pair of points, and average over them appropriately, you end up with the least-squares regression slope. Pretty cool, and

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Introduction: John Sides discusses how his scatterplot of unionization rates and budget deficits made it onto cable TV news: It’s also interesting to see how he [journalist Chris Hayes] chooses to explain a scatterplot — especially given the evidence that people don’t always understand scatterplots. He compares pairs of cases that don’t illustrate the basic hypothesis of Brooks, Scott Walker, et al. Obviously, such comparisons could be misleading, but given that there was no systematic relationship depicted that graph, these particular comparisons are not. This idea–summarizing a bivariate pattern by comparing pairs of points–reminds me of a well-known statistical identities which I refer to in a paper with David Park: John Sides is certainly correct that if you can pick your pair of points, you can make extremely misleading comparisons. But if you pick every pair of points, and average over them appropriately, you end up with the least-squares regression slope. Pretty cool, and

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