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1178 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-21-How many data points do you really have?

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Introduction: Chris Harrison writes: I have just come across your paper in the 2009 American Scientist. Another problem that I frequently come across is when people do power spectral analyses of signals. If one has 1200 points (fairly modest in this day and age) then there are 600 power spectral estimates. People will then determine the 95% confidence limits and pick out any spectral estimate that sticks up above this, claiming that it is significant. But there will be on average 30 estimates that stick up too high or too low. So in general there will be 15 spectral estimates which are higher than the 95% confidence limit which could happen just by chance. I suppose that this means that you have to set a much higher confidence limit, which would depend on the number of data in your signal. I would also like your opinion about a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, “The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis” by David D. Zhang, Harry F. L

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Chris Harrison writes: I have just come across your paper in the 2009 American Scientist. [sent-1, score-0.253]

2 Another problem that I frequently come across is when people do power spectral analyses of signals. [sent-2, score-1.051]

3 If one has 1200 points (fairly modest in this day and age) then there are 600 power spectral estimates. [sent-3, score-0.828]

4 People will then determine the 95% confidence limits and pick out any spectral estimate that sticks up above this, claiming that it is significant. [sent-4, score-1.211]

5 But there will be on average 30 estimates that stick up too high or too low. [sent-5, score-0.175]

6 So in general there will be 15 spectral estimates which are higher than the 95% confidence limit which could happen just by chance. [sent-6, score-1.16]

7 I suppose that this means that you have to set a much higher confidence limit, which would depend on the number of data in your signal. [sent-7, score-0.515]

8 I would also like your opinion about a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, “The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis” by David D. [sent-8, score-0.245]

9 These authors take whole series of annual data from 1500 to 1800, giving 301 data in all and do linear correlations between pairs of data sets them. [sent-11, score-1.04]

10 But some of the data sets only have data at longer intervals, such as 25 years. [sent-12, score-0.477]

11 So the authors linearly interpolate the data to give an annual signal and then assume that they still have 301 data. [sent-13, score-0.744]

12 For your spectral estimation problem, I think it would best to fit some sort of hierarchical model for the 600 parameters. [sent-16, score-0.685]

13 I didn’t actually read the paper, but from your description I’d think it might be a good idea for them to bootstrap their data to get standard errors. [sent-18, score-0.307]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('spectral', 0.623), ('zhang', 0.249), ('confidence', 0.19), ('annual', 0.167), ('limit', 0.152), ('data', 0.143), ('harrison', 0.132), ('interpolate', 0.132), ('sets', 0.129), ('li', 0.125), ('linearly', 0.125), ('harry', 0.115), ('jane', 0.112), ('power', 0.11), ('sticks', 0.106), ('higher', 0.104), ('proceedings', 0.102), ('bootstrap', 0.1), ('academy', 0.099), ('authors', 0.098), ('wang', 0.097), ('modest', 0.095), ('across', 0.093), ('estimates', 0.091), ('frequently', 0.09), ('pairs', 0.087), ('limits', 0.085), ('causality', 0.084), ('stick', 0.084), ('paper', 0.083), ('crisis', 0.082), ('legitimate', 0.08), ('signal', 0.079), ('lee', 0.079), ('depend', 0.078), ('climate', 0.078), ('fairly', 0.077), ('come', 0.077), ('claiming', 0.075), ('correlations', 0.071), ('determine', 0.07), ('intervals', 0.07), ('chris', 0.066), ('description', 0.064), ('longer', 0.062), ('estimation', 0.062), ('pick', 0.062), ('age', 0.059), ('linear', 0.059), ('problem', 0.058)]

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same-blog 1 1.0 1178 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-21-How many data points do you really have?

Introduction: Chris Harrison writes: I have just come across your paper in the 2009 American Scientist. Another problem that I frequently come across is when people do power spectral analyses of signals. If one has 1200 points (fairly modest in this day and age) then there are 600 power spectral estimates. People will then determine the 95% confidence limits and pick out any spectral estimate that sticks up above this, claiming that it is significant. But there will be on average 30 estimates that stick up too high or too low. So in general there will be 15 spectral estimates which are higher than the 95% confidence limit which could happen just by chance. I suppose that this means that you have to set a much higher confidence limit, which would depend on the number of data in your signal. I would also like your opinion about a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, “The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis” by David D. Zhang, Harry F. L

2 0.21387029 346 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-16-Mandelbrot and Akaike: from taxonomy to smooth runways (pioneering work in fractals and self-similarity)

Introduction: Mandelbrot on taxonomy (from 1955; the first publication about fractals that I know of): Searching for Mandelbrot on the blog led me to Akaike , who also recently passed away and also did interesting early work on self-similar stochastic processes. For example, this wonderful opening of his 1962 paper, “On a limiting process which asymptotically produces f^{-2} spectral density”: In the recent papers in which the results of the spectral analyses of roughnesses of runways or roadways are reported, the power spectral densities of approximately the form f^{-2} (f: frequency) are often treated. This fact directed the present author to the investigation of the limiting process which will provide the f^{-2} form under fairly general assumptions. In this paper a very simple model is given which explains a way how the f^{-2} form is obtained asymptotically. Our fundamental model is that the stochastic process, which might be considered to represent the roughness of the runway

3 0.12927052 480 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-21-Instead of “confidence interval,” let’s say “uncertainty interval”

Introduction: I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with the term “confidence interval,” for several reasons: - The well-known difficulties in interpretation (officially the confidence statement can be interpreted only on average, but people typically implicitly give the Bayesian interpretation to each case), - The ambiguity between confidence intervals and predictive intervals. (See the footnote in BDA where we discuss the difference between “inference” and “prediction” in the classical framework.) - The awkwardness of explaining that confidence intervals are big in noisy situations where you have less confidence, and confidence intervals are small when you have more confidence. So here’s my proposal. Let’s use the term “uncertainty interval” instead. The uncertainty interval tells you how much uncertainty you have. That works pretty well, I think. P.S. As of this writing, “confidence interval” outGoogles “uncertainty interval” by the huge margin of 9.5 million to 54000. So we

4 0.12215152 1881 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-03-Boot

Introduction: Joshua Hartshorne writes: I ran several large-N experiments (separate participants) and looked at performance against age. What we want to do is compare age-of-peak-performance across the different tasks (again, different participants). We bootstrapped age-of-peak-performance. On each iteration, we sampled (with replacement) the X scores at each age, where X=num of participants at that age, and recorded the age at which performance peaked on that task. We then recorded the age at which performance was at peak and repeated. Once we had distributions of age-of-peak-performance, we used the means and SDs to calculate t-statistics to compare the results across different tasks. For graphical presentation, we used medians, interquartile ranges, and 95% confidence intervals (based on the distributions: the range within which 75% and 95% of the bootstrapped peaks appeared). While a number of people we consulted with thought this made a lot of sense, one reviewer of the paper insist

5 0.11917903 870 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-25-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

Introduction: Peter Bergman points me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. This is something I’ve been saying for a long

6 0.11826272 1913 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-24-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

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8 0.096809089 1506 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-21-Building a regression model . . . with only 27 data points

9 0.089977607 1527 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-10-Another reason why you can get good inferences from a bad model

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13 0.080843784 1968 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-05-Evidence on the impact of sustained use of polynomial regression on causal inference (a claim that coal heating is reducing lifespan by 5 years for half a billion people)

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15 0.078212462 1526 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-09-Little Data: How traditional statistical ideas remain relevant in a big-data world

16 0.075891599 391 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-03-Some thoughts on election forecasting

17 0.075009234 1672 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-14-How do you think about the values in a confidence interval?

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20 0.073485196 662 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-15-Bayesian statistical pragmatism

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lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.152), (1, 0.035), (2, 0.041), (3, -0.052), (4, 0.032), (5, -0.01), (6, -0.016), (7, -0.011), (8, 0.015), (9, -0.008), (10, 0.009), (11, 0.021), (12, -0.006), (13, -0.012), (14, -0.011), (15, -0.005), (16, -0.005), (17, 0.002), (18, 0.031), (19, -0.062), (20, 0.033), (21, 0.015), (22, 0.021), (23, -0.032), (24, 0.04), (25, -0.04), (26, -0.032), (27, -0.047), (28, 0.039), (29, 0.047), (30, 0.018), (31, -0.05), (32, -0.018), (33, -0.061), (34, 0.028), (35, 0.061), (36, -0.001), (37, 0.016), (38, 0.021), (39, 0.038), (40, 0.019), (41, 0.03), (42, 0.031), (43, -0.031), (44, -0.042), (45, -0.015), (46, 0.015), (47, -0.034), (48, -0.006), (49, -0.035)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.91650212 1178 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-21-How many data points do you really have?

Introduction: Chris Harrison writes: I have just come across your paper in the 2009 American Scientist. Another problem that I frequently come across is when people do power spectral analyses of signals. If one has 1200 points (fairly modest in this day and age) then there are 600 power spectral estimates. People will then determine the 95% confidence limits and pick out any spectral estimate that sticks up above this, claiming that it is significant. But there will be on average 30 estimates that stick up too high or too low. So in general there will be 15 spectral estimates which are higher than the 95% confidence limit which could happen just by chance. I suppose that this means that you have to set a much higher confidence limit, which would depend on the number of data in your signal. I would also like your opinion about a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, “The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis” by David D. Zhang, Harry F. L

2 0.77916628 1881 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-03-Boot

Introduction: Joshua Hartshorne writes: I ran several large-N experiments (separate participants) and looked at performance against age. What we want to do is compare age-of-peak-performance across the different tasks (again, different participants). We bootstrapped age-of-peak-performance. On each iteration, we sampled (with replacement) the X scores at each age, where X=num of participants at that age, and recorded the age at which performance peaked on that task. We then recorded the age at which performance was at peak and repeated. Once we had distributions of age-of-peak-performance, we used the means and SDs to calculate t-statistics to compare the results across different tasks. For graphical presentation, we used medians, interquartile ranges, and 95% confidence intervals (based on the distributions: the range within which 75% and 95% of the bootstrapped peaks appeared). While a number of people we consulted with thought this made a lot of sense, one reviewer of the paper insist

3 0.75236332 1913 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-24-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

Introduction: I’m reposing this classic from 2011 . . . Peter Bergman pointed me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. T

4 0.74840301 870 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-25-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

Introduction: Peter Bergman points me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. This is something I’ve been saying for a long

5 0.7327016 1672 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-14-How do you think about the values in a confidence interval?

Introduction: Philip Jones writes: As an interested reader of your blog, I wondered if you might consider a blog entry sometime on the following question I posed on CrossValidated (StackExchange). I originally posed the question based on my uncertainty about 95% CIs: “Are all values within the 95% CI equally likely (probable), or are the values at the “tails” of the 95% CI less likely than those in the middle of the CI closer to the point estimate?” I posed this question based on discordant information I found at a couple of different web sources (I posted these sources in the body of the question). I received some interesting replies, and the replies were not unanimous, in fact there is some serious disagreement there! After seeing this disagreement, I naturally thought of you, and whether you might be able to clear this up. Please note I am not referring to credible intervals, but rather to the common medical journal reporting standard of confidence intervals. My response: First

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12 0.6560576 1968 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-05-Evidence on the impact of sustained use of polynomial regression on causal inference (a claim that coal heating is reducing lifespan by 5 years for half a billion people)

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