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479 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-WWJD? U can find out!

meta infos for this blog

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Introduction: Two positions open in the statistics group at the NYU education school. If you get the job, you get to work with Jennifer HIll! One position is a postdoctoral fellowship, and the other is a visiting professorship. The latter position requires “the demonstrated ability to develop a nationally recognized research program,” which seems like a lot to ask for a visiting professor. Do they expect the visiting prof to develop a nationally recognized research program and then leave it there at NYU after the visit is over? In any case, Jennifer and her colleagues are doing excellent work, both applied and methodological, and this seems like a great opportunity.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Two positions open in the statistics group at the NYU education school. [sent-1, score-0.411]

2 If you get the job, you get to work with Jennifer HIll! [sent-2, score-0.19]

3 One position is a postdoctoral fellowship, and the other is a visiting professorship. [sent-3, score-0.797]

4 The latter position requires “the demonstrated ability to develop a nationally recognized research program,” which seems like a lot to ask for a visiting professor. [sent-4, score-2.235]

5 Do they expect the visiting prof to develop a nationally recognized research program and then leave it there at NYU after the visit is over? [sent-5, score-2.02]

6 In any case, Jennifer and her colleagues are doing excellent work, both applied and methodological, and this seems like a great opportunity. [sent-6, score-0.443]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('visiting', 0.462), ('nyu', 0.364), ('nationally', 0.337), ('recognized', 0.251), ('develop', 0.224), ('jennifer', 0.223), ('fellowship', 0.182), ('position', 0.181), ('program', 0.181), ('postdoctoral', 0.154), ('visit', 0.148), ('prof', 0.144), ('hill', 0.129), ('demonstrated', 0.126), ('positions', 0.121), ('methodological', 0.119), ('latter', 0.117), ('leave', 0.107), ('requires', 0.101), ('ability', 0.097), ('excellent', 0.095), ('opportunity', 0.094), ('education', 0.088), ('colleagues', 0.087), ('seems', 0.086), ('expect', 0.084), ('research', 0.082), ('open', 0.082), ('ask', 0.08), ('job', 0.077), ('group', 0.076), ('work', 0.072), ('applied', 0.07), ('great', 0.06), ('get', 0.059), ('lot', 0.046), ('like', 0.045), ('case', 0.045), ('statistics', 0.044), ('two', 0.039), ('one', 0.021)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000001 479 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-WWJD? U can find out!

Introduction: Two positions open in the statistics group at the NYU education school. If you get the job, you get to work with Jennifer HIll! One position is a postdoctoral fellowship, and the other is a visiting professorship. The latter position requires “the demonstrated ability to develop a nationally recognized research program,” which seems like a lot to ask for a visiting professor. Do they expect the visiting prof to develop a nationally recognized research program and then leave it there at NYU after the visit is over? In any case, Jennifer and her colleagues are doing excellent work, both applied and methodological, and this seems like a great opportunity.

2 0.15142946 1545 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-23-Two postdoc opportunities to work with our research group!! (apply by 15 Nov 2012)

Introduction: (1) Hop the Q-Train ! That is, the Columbia/NYU Quantitative Training Program, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences to create a cohort of postdoctoral scholars both to develop the new statistical methods required to meet future research challenges and to effectively train and consult with other education researchers. You’ll be working with Jennifer Hill, Marc Scott, and me on our exciting research projects, some of which are here ! Candidates must be United States citizens or permanent residents. For best consideration applications must be submitted before 15 Nov 2012. Please direct administrative inquiries to Jonathan Winters at and substantive inquiries to Jennifer or me. (2) The Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellows program ! Every year a select group of recent Ph.D.s in a variety of fields come to the Earth Institute for this two-year research fellowship. I’d love to see more statisticians applying. To apply, candidates must compl

3 0.1385466 1217 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-17-NSF program “to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys”

Introduction: David Hogg points me to this announcement of a program from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics of the National Science Foundation: The Center would like to enhance its efforts to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys, and to engage in the education and training of researchers in the use of large-scale nationally representative datasets. NCSES welcomes efforts by the research community to use NCSES data for research on the science and technology enterprise. This sounds like a job for Mister P. My first thought when David sent this to me was not to post it, because maybe I’d want to apply myself! But then I thought better of my piggy instincts, so here it is. I think some of the readers of this blog are doing research that would be relevant for this program, so . . . go for it!

4 0.12081413 2108 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-20-That’s crazy talk!

Introduction: Tenure track faculty opening at the Center for the Promotion of Research Involving Innovative Statistical Methodology, with Jennifer Hill, Marc Scott, and other world-class researchers. It looks like a great opportunity.

5 0.12019736 2323 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-07-Cause he thinks he’s so-phisticated

Introduction: This story (“Yale tells students to keep Kissinger talk secret . . . ‘Dr. Kissinger’s visit to campus will not be publicized, so we appreciate your confidentiality…’”) reminds me of two things: - In the 1980s, I once went to a public lecture at Harvard by Kissinger protogé Ted Koppel, who indeed has that deep Ted Koppel voice even when he’s just chatting (as I overheard). Koppel insisted that the contents of his talk not be reported. It was no great loss; he didn’t really have anything newsworthy to say. The talk was fine, he told us some interesting things, just nothing that would’ve made the news or even the campus newspaper. Still, it seemed kinda tacky for a reporter whose shtick was access to the powerful, to not want his own speech to be reported. - In the 1990s, a colleague of mine in a different dept told us that this professor from another university was coming by to give a lecture. I told my colleague that I’d like to meet with the guy, as I wanted to ask his opin

6 0.11461195 412 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-13-Time to apply for the hackNY summer fellows program

7 0.1135463 1110 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-10-Jobs in statistics research! In New Jersey!

8 0.10604751 974 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-26-NYC jobs in applied statistics, psychometrics, and causal inference!

9 0.096919507 1904 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-18-Job opening! Come work with us!

10 0.093338884 1268 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-18-Experimenting on your intro stat course, as a way of teaching experimentation in your intro stat course (and also to improve the course itself)

11 0.084555313 591 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-25-Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences M.A.: Innovative, interdisciplinary social science research program for a data-rich world

12 0.082703754 971 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-25-Apply now for Earth Institute postdoctoral fellowships at Columbia University

13 0.08197616 537 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #1: Missing-Data Imputation, Diagnostics, and Applications

14 0.078644291 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

15 0.078332856 2113 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-25-Postdoc position on psychometrics and network modeling

16 0.071821541 2171 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-13-Postdoc with Liz Stuart on propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error

17 0.071817167 361 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-21-Tenure-track statistics job at Teachers College, here at Columbia!

18 0.069619313 1961 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-29-Postdocs in probabilistic modeling! With David Blei! And Stan!

19 0.065072551 836 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-03-Another plagiarism mystery

20 0.064406611 1382 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-17-How to make a good fig?

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.082), (1, -0.033), (2, -0.045), (3, -0.012), (4, 0.008), (5, 0.088), (6, -0.04), (7, 0.015), (8, -0.06), (9, 0.071), (10, -0.008), (11, -0.004), (12, 0.005), (13, -0.027), (14, -0.027), (15, 0.001), (16, 0.008), (17, -0.01), (18, 0.019), (19, -0.012), (20, 0.024), (21, 0.026), (22, 0.026), (23, -0.001), (24, 0.02), (25, -0.03), (26, -0.027), (27, 0.018), (28, -0.044), (29, 0.013), (30, 0.007), (31, -0.022), (32, 0.014), (33, 0.042), (34, -0.013), (35, -0.028), (36, 0.017), (37, 0.005), (38, -0.03), (39, 0.001), (40, -0.009), (41, 0.012), (42, 0.013), (43, -0.016), (44, 0.016), (45, -0.04), (46, -0.019), (47, -0.009), (48, -0.0), (49, 0.056)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.96283507 479 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-WWJD? U can find out!

Introduction: Two positions open in the statistics group at the NYU education school. If you get the job, you get to work with Jennifer HIll! One position is a postdoctoral fellowship, and the other is a visiting professorship. The latter position requires “the demonstrated ability to develop a nationally recognized research program,” which seems like a lot to ask for a visiting professor. Do they expect the visiting prof to develop a nationally recognized research program and then leave it there at NYU after the visit is over? In any case, Jennifer and her colleagues are doing excellent work, both applied and methodological, and this seems like a great opportunity.

2 0.89639825 1545 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-23-Two postdoc opportunities to work with our research group!! (apply by 15 Nov 2012)

Introduction: (1) Hop the Q-Train ! That is, the Columbia/NYU Quantitative Training Program, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences to create a cohort of postdoctoral scholars both to develop the new statistical methods required to meet future research challenges and to effectively train and consult with other education researchers. You’ll be working with Jennifer Hill, Marc Scott, and me on our exciting research projects, some of which are here ! Candidates must be United States citizens or permanent residents. For best consideration applications must be submitted before 15 Nov 2012. Please direct administrative inquiries to Jonathan Winters at and substantive inquiries to Jennifer or me. (2) The Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellows program ! Every year a select group of recent Ph.D.s in a variety of fields come to the Earth Institute for this two-year research fellowship. I’d love to see more statisticians applying. To apply, candidates must compl

3 0.85471523 974 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-26-NYC jobs in applied statistics, psychometrics, and causal inference!

Introduction: The Center for the Promotion of Research Involving Innovative Statistical Methodology at the Steinhardt School of Education has two job openings ! One is for an assistant/associated tenure track position for an applied statistician or psychometrician. The other is for a postdoc in causal inference and sensitivity analysis. Jennifer Hill and Marc Scott at the Steinhardt school are just great! We’re working together on various research projects so if you manage to get one of these jobs maybe you can collaborate with us here at Columbia too. So I have every interest in encouraging the very best people to apply for these jobs.

4 0.8359372 2108 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-20-That’s crazy talk!

Introduction: Tenure track faculty opening at the Center for the Promotion of Research Involving Innovative Statistical Methodology, with Jennifer Hill, Marc Scott, and other world-class researchers. It looks like a great opportunity.

5 0.8128953 537 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #1: Missing-Data Imputation, Diagnostics, and Applications

Introduction: Andrew Gelman (Columbia University) and Jennifer Hill (New York University) seek to hire a post-doctoral fellow to work on development of iterative imputation algorithms and diagnostics for missing-data imputation. Activities would include model-development, programming, and data analysis. This project is funded by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences. Other collaborators on the project include Jingchen Liu and Ben Goodrich. This is a two-year position that would start this summer (2011) or earlier if possible. The ideal candidate will have a statistics or computer science background, will be interested in statistical modeling, serious programming, and applications. He or she should be able to work fluently in R and should already know about hierarchical models and Bayesian inference and computation. Experience or interest in designing GUIs would be a bonus, since we are attempting to improve our GUI for missing data imputation. The successful candidate will beco

6 0.8001256 538 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #2: Hierarchical Modeling and Statistical Graphics

7 0.77530199 2113 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-25-Postdoc position on psychometrics and network modeling

8 0.77060503 971 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-25-Apply now for Earth Institute postdoctoral fellowships at Columbia University

9 0.77014083 361 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-21-Tenure-track statistics job at Teachers College, here at Columbia!

10 0.76538491 2047 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-02-Bayes alert! Cool postdoc position here on missing data imputation and applications in health disparities research!

11 0.76486564 2171 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-13-Postdoc with Liz Stuart on propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error

12 0.75658703 1651 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-03-Faculty Position in Visualization, Visual Analytics, Imaging, and Human Centered Computing

13 0.74440718 62 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-01-Two Postdoc Positions Available on Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling

14 0.74306953 1110 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-10-Jobs in statistics research! In New Jersey!

15 0.73885876 1904 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-18-Job opening! Come work with us!

16 0.73484164 426 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-22-Postdoc opportunity here at Columbia — deadline soon!

17 0.73116863 1217 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-17-NSF program “to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys”

18 0.71830046 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

19 0.70806366 857 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-17-Bayes pays

20 0.69454044 571 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-13-A departmental wiki page?

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(9, 0.043), (15, 0.021), (16, 0.097), (20, 0.339), (21, 0.021), (24, 0.131), (84, 0.019), (99, 0.181)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 0.88970208 2108 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-20-That’s crazy talk!

Introduction: Tenure track faculty opening at the Center for the Promotion of Research Involving Innovative Statistical Methodology, with Jennifer Hill, Marc Scott, and other world-class researchers. It looks like a great opportunity.

same-blog 2 0.87749213 479 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-WWJD? U can find out!

Introduction: Two positions open in the statistics group at the NYU education school. If you get the job, you get to work with Jennifer HIll! One position is a postdoctoral fellowship, and the other is a visiting professorship. The latter position requires “the demonstrated ability to develop a nationally recognized research program,” which seems like a lot to ask for a visiting professor. Do they expect the visiting prof to develop a nationally recognized research program and then leave it there at NYU after the visit is over? In any case, Jennifer and her colleagues are doing excellent work, both applied and methodological, and this seems like a great opportunity.

3 0.80547911 905 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-14-5 books on essentialism!

Introduction: At the sister blog .

4 0.78397739 1647 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-01-Neoconservatism circa 1986

Introduction: Tutu forecast and religion and torture (from the sister blog). P.S. For partisan balance, don’t forget this projection from 1961.

5 0.71648276 480 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-21-Instead of “confidence interval,” let’s say “uncertainty interval”

Introduction: I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with the term “confidence interval,” for several reasons: - The well-known difficulties in interpretation (officially the confidence statement can be interpreted only on average, but people typically implicitly give the Bayesian interpretation to each case), - The ambiguity between confidence intervals and predictive intervals. (See the footnote in BDA where we discuss the difference between “inference” and “prediction” in the classical framework.) - The awkwardness of explaining that confidence intervals are big in noisy situations where you have less confidence, and confidence intervals are small when you have more confidence. So here’s my proposal. Let’s use the term “uncertainty interval” instead. The uncertainty interval tells you how much uncertainty you have. That works pretty well, I think. P.S. As of this writing, “confidence interval” outGoogles “uncertainty interval” by the huge margin of 9.5 million to 54000. So we

6 0.71228993 1420 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-18-The treatment, the intermediate outcome, and the ultimate outcome: Leverage and the financial crisis

7 0.69950265 900 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-11-Symptomatic innumeracy

8 0.68725765 910 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-15-Google Refine

9 0.6729582 1937 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-13-Meritocracy rerun

10 0.65705216 1270 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-19-Demystifying Blup

11 0.65512276 974 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-26-NYC jobs in applied statistics, psychometrics, and causal inference!

12 0.65390086 1206 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-10-95% intervals that I don’t believe, because they’re from a flat prior I don’t believe

13 0.6517089 616 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-17-The sort of low-grade pissy blogging that degrades our public discourse and threatens to drown our more serious conversations in a sea of gossip

14 0.64595294 1016 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-17-I got 99 comparisons but multiplicity ain’t one

15 0.64301091 1287 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-28-Understanding simulations in terms of predictive inference?

16 0.63771665 2248 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-15-Problematic interpretations of confidence intervals

17 0.63422066 831 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-30-A Wikipedia riddle!

18 0.62441993 1913 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-24-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

19 0.62178218 870 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-25-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

20 0.61521459 467 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-14-Do we need an integrated Bayesian-likelihood inference?