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2248 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-15-Problematic interpretations of confidence intervals

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Introduction: Rink Hoekstra writes: A couple of months ago, you were visiting the University of Groningen, and after the talk you gave there I spoke briefly with you about a study that I conducted with Richard Morey, Jeff Rouder and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. In the study, we found that researchers’  knowledge of how to interpret a confidence interval (CI), was almost as limited as the knowledge of students who had had no inferential statistics course yet. Our manuscript was recently accepted for publication in  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , and it’s now available online (see e.g.,  here ). Maybe it’s interesting to discuss on your blog, especially since CIs are often promoted (for example in the new guidelines of Psychological Science ), but apparently researchers seem to have little idea how to interpret them. Given that the confidence percentage of a CI tells something about the procedure rather than about the data at hand, this might be understandable, but, according to us, it’s problematic neve

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Rink Hoekstra writes: A couple of months ago, you were visiting the University of Groningen, and after the talk you gave there I spoke briefly with you about a study that I conducted with Richard Morey, Jeff Rouder and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. [sent-1, score-0.7]

2 In the study, we found that researchers’  knowledge of how to interpret a confidence interval (CI), was almost as limited as the knowledge of students who had had no inferential statistics course yet. [sent-2, score-1.037]

3 Our manuscript was recently accepted for publication in  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , and it’s now available online (see e. [sent-3, score-0.362]

4 Maybe it’s interesting to discuss on your blog, especially since CIs are often promoted (for example in the new guidelines of Psychological Science ), but apparently researchers seem to have little idea how to interpret them. [sent-6, score-0.624]

5 Given that the confidence percentage of a CI tells something about the procedure rather than about the data at hand, this might be understandable, but, according to us, it’s problematic nevertheless. [sent-7, score-0.663]

6 I replied that I agree that conf intervals are overrated, a point I think I discussed briefly here . [sent-8, score-0.604]

7 We used to all go around saying that all would be ok if people just ditched their p-values and replaced them with intervals. [sent-9, score-0.107]

8 But, from a Bayesian perspective, the problem is not with the inferential summary (central intervals vs. [sent-10, score-0.477]

9 tail-area probabilities) but with those default flat priors, which are particularly problematic in “Psychological Science”-style research where effect sizes are small and estimates are noisy. [sent-11, score-0.524]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('ci', 0.259), ('problematic', 0.244), ('inferential', 0.223), ('briefly', 0.199), ('intervals', 0.181), ('interpret', 0.177), ('groningen', 0.171), ('hoekstra', 0.171), ('rink', 0.171), ('rouder', 0.171), ('psychological', 0.167), ('confidence', 0.163), ('cis', 0.154), ('bulletin', 0.154), ('promoted', 0.144), ('morey', 0.144), ('conf', 0.144), ('knowledge', 0.143), ('overrated', 0.14), ('visiting', 0.126), ('understandable', 0.122), ('guidelines', 0.118), ('manuscript', 0.116), ('spoke', 0.11), ('replaced', 0.107), ('flat', 0.104), ('researchers', 0.103), ('noisy', 0.098), ('interval', 0.097), ('study', 0.095), ('accepted', 0.095), ('conducted', 0.095), ('limited', 0.091), ('richard', 0.091), ('default', 0.089), ('tells', 0.088), ('procedure', 0.088), ('jeff', 0.088), ('sizes', 0.087), ('probabilities', 0.086), ('science', 0.083), ('apparently', 0.082), ('percentage', 0.08), ('replied', 0.08), ('priors', 0.08), ('central', 0.077), ('online', 0.076), ('publication', 0.075), ('months', 0.075), ('summary', 0.073)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 2248 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-15-Problematic interpretations of confidence intervals

Introduction: Rink Hoekstra writes: A couple of months ago, you were visiting the University of Groningen, and after the talk you gave there I spoke briefly with you about a study that I conducted with Richard Morey, Jeff Rouder and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. In the study, we found that researchers’  knowledge of how to interpret a confidence interval (CI), was almost as limited as the knowledge of students who had had no inferential statistics course yet. Our manuscript was recently accepted for publication in  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , and it’s now available online (see e.g.,  here ). Maybe it’s interesting to discuss on your blog, especially since CIs are often promoted (for example in the new guidelines of Psychological Science ), but apparently researchers seem to have little idea how to interpret them. Given that the confidence percentage of a CI tells something about the procedure rather than about the data at hand, this might be understandable, but, according to us, it’s problematic neve

2 0.21496633 1672 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-14-How do you think about the values in a confidence interval?

Introduction: Philip Jones writes: As an interested reader of your blog, I wondered if you might consider a blog entry sometime on the following question I posed on CrossValidated (StackExchange). I originally posed the question based on my uncertainty about 95% CIs: “Are all values within the 95% CI equally likely (probable), or are the values at the “tails” of the 95% CI less likely than those in the middle of the CI closer to the point estimate?” I posed this question based on discordant information I found at a couple of different web sources (I posted these sources in the body of the question). I received some interesting replies, and the replies were not unanimous, in fact there is some serious disagreement there! After seeing this disagreement, I naturally thought of you, and whether you might be able to clear this up. Please note I am not referring to credible intervals, but rather to the common medical journal reporting standard of confidence intervals. My response: First

3 0.21234578 480 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-21-Instead of “confidence interval,” let’s say “uncertainty interval”

Introduction: I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with the term “confidence interval,” for several reasons: - The well-known difficulties in interpretation (officially the confidence statement can be interpreted only on average, but people typically implicitly give the Bayesian interpretation to each case), - The ambiguity between confidence intervals and predictive intervals. (See the footnote in BDA where we discuss the difference between “inference” and “prediction” in the classical framework.) - The awkwardness of explaining that confidence intervals are big in noisy situations where you have less confidence, and confidence intervals are small when you have more confidence. So here’s my proposal. Let’s use the term “uncertainty interval” instead. The uncertainty interval tells you how much uncertainty you have. That works pretty well, I think. P.S. As of this writing, “confidence interval” outGoogles “uncertainty interval” by the huge margin of 9.5 million to 54000. So we

4 0.1562542 1913 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-24-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

Introduction: I’m reposing this classic from 2011 . . . Peter Bergman pointed me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. T

5 0.15232798 870 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-25-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

Introduction: Peter Bergman points me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. This is something I’ve been saying for a long

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12 0.11066969 1206 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-10-95% intervals that I don’t believe, because they’re from a flat prior I don’t believe

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.95094323 2248 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-15-Problematic interpretations of confidence intervals

Introduction: Rink Hoekstra writes: A couple of months ago, you were visiting the University of Groningen, and after the talk you gave there I spoke briefly with you about a study that I conducted with Richard Morey, Jeff Rouder and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. In the study, we found that researchers’  knowledge of how to interpret a confidence interval (CI), was almost as limited as the knowledge of students who had had no inferential statistics course yet. Our manuscript was recently accepted for publication in  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , and it’s now available online (see e.g.,  here ). Maybe it’s interesting to discuss on your blog, especially since CIs are often promoted (for example in the new guidelines of Psychological Science ), but apparently researchers seem to have little idea how to interpret them. Given that the confidence percentage of a CI tells something about the procedure rather than about the data at hand, this might be understandable, but, according to us, it’s problematic neve

2 0.82820135 1672 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-14-How do you think about the values in a confidence interval?

Introduction: Philip Jones writes: As an interested reader of your blog, I wondered if you might consider a blog entry sometime on the following question I posed on CrossValidated (StackExchange). I originally posed the question based on my uncertainty about 95% CIs: “Are all values within the 95% CI equally likely (probable), or are the values at the “tails” of the 95% CI less likely than those in the middle of the CI closer to the point estimate?” I posed this question based on discordant information I found at a couple of different web sources (I posted these sources in the body of the question). I received some interesting replies, and the replies were not unanimous, in fact there is some serious disagreement there! After seeing this disagreement, I naturally thought of you, and whether you might be able to clear this up. Please note I am not referring to credible intervals, but rather to the common medical journal reporting standard of confidence intervals. My response: First

3 0.80592543 480 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-21-Instead of “confidence interval,” let’s say “uncertainty interval”

Introduction: I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with the term “confidence interval,” for several reasons: - The well-known difficulties in interpretation (officially the confidence statement can be interpreted only on average, but people typically implicitly give the Bayesian interpretation to each case), - The ambiguity between confidence intervals and predictive intervals. (See the footnote in BDA where we discuss the difference between “inference” and “prediction” in the classical framework.) - The awkwardness of explaining that confidence intervals are big in noisy situations where you have less confidence, and confidence intervals are small when you have more confidence. So here’s my proposal. Let’s use the term “uncertainty interval” instead. The uncertainty interval tells you how much uncertainty you have. That works pretty well, I think. P.S. As of this writing, “confidence interval” outGoogles “uncertainty interval” by the huge margin of 9.5 million to 54000. So we

4 0.67242408 1913 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-24-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

Introduction: I’m reposing this classic from 2011 . . . Peter Bergman pointed me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. T

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Introduction: Commenter Rahul asked what I thought of this note by Scott Firestone ( link from Tyler Cowen) criticizing a recent discussion by Kevin Drum suggesting that lead exposure causes violent crime. Firestone writes: It turns out there was in fact a prospective study done—but its implications for Drum’s argument are mixed. The study was a cohort study done by researchers at the University of Cincinnati. Between 1979 and 1984, 376 infants were recruited. Their parents consented to have lead levels in their blood tested over time; this was matched with records over subsequent decades of the individuals’ arrest records, and specifically arrest for violent crime. Ultimately, some of these individuals were dropped from the study; by the end, 250 were selected for the results. The researchers found that for each increase of 5 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood, there was a higher risk for being arrested for a violent crime, but a further look at the numbers shows a more mixe

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same-blog 1 0.94301617 2248 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-15-Problematic interpretations of confidence intervals

Introduction: Rink Hoekstra writes: A couple of months ago, you were visiting the University of Groningen, and after the talk you gave there I spoke briefly with you about a study that I conducted with Richard Morey, Jeff Rouder and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. In the study, we found that researchers’  knowledge of how to interpret a confidence interval (CI), was almost as limited as the knowledge of students who had had no inferential statistics course yet. Our manuscript was recently accepted for publication in  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , and it’s now available online (see e.g.,  here ). Maybe it’s interesting to discuss on your blog, especially since CIs are often promoted (for example in the new guidelines of Psychological Science ), but apparently researchers seem to have little idea how to interpret them. Given that the confidence percentage of a CI tells something about the procedure rather than about the data at hand, this might be understandable, but, according to us, it’s problematic neve

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