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2171 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-13-Postdoc with Liz Stuart on propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error

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Introduction: Liz Stuart sends this one along: Johns Hopkins University Post-Doctoral Fellow Opening The Department of Mental Health invites applications for a post-doctoral research fellow in Statistical Methods for Mental Health Research, to be supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Stuart. The successful applicant for this position will work on an NIH funded study to develop and evaluate propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error, or when datasets contain similar, but not identical, measures of covariates of interest. The post-doc will work with a team of researchers on development of new statistical methods, analysis of existing data, Monte Carlo simulations, and will take the lead on scientific publications. Opportunities will be provided for training in causal inference, missing data, latent variable methods, the evaluation of statistical methods, and the application of statistics to mental health and education. The three particular motivating examples will be: earl

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Liz Stuart sends this one along: Johns Hopkins University Post-Doctoral Fellow Opening The Department of Mental Health invites applications for a post-doctoral research fellow in Statistical Methods for Mental Health Research, to be supervised by Dr. [sent-1, score-0.398]

2 The successful applicant for this position will work on an NIH funded study to develop and evaluate propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error, or when datasets contain similar, but not identical, measures of covariates of interest. [sent-3, score-1.125]

3 Opportunities will be provided for training in causal inference, missing data, latent variable methods, the evaluation of statistical methods, and the application of statistics to mental health and education. [sent-5, score-0.451]

4 The three particular motivating examples will be: early intervention for children with autism, prevention of perinatal depression, and prevention of dementia. [sent-6, score-0.483]

5 The position also offers close contact with the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. [sent-7, score-0.233]

6 Candidates must have a thorough grasp of basic and advanced multivariate analyses, experience programming in R, and a doctoral degree in statistics, biostatistics, education, psychology, or a related discipline (ABD candidates will also be considered). [sent-8, score-0.49]

7 Experience with propensity scores, multiple imputation, Monte Carlo simulations, and a track record of publications in the social sciences are desired. [sent-9, score-0.217]

8 This is a two year position and salary will depend on qualifications. [sent-10, score-0.234]

9 Considerations of applications will continue until the position is filled. [sent-11, score-0.263]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('mental', 0.248), ('hopkins', 0.237), ('johns', 0.237), ('propensity', 0.217), ('estuart', 0.216), ('biostatistics', 0.208), ('health', 0.203), ('department', 0.185), ('liz', 0.185), ('prevention', 0.171), ('methods', 0.171), ('position', 0.17), ('elizabeth', 0.149), ('bloomberg', 0.149), ('stuart', 0.147), ('fellow', 0.128), ('covariates', 0.128), ('carlo', 0.122), ('monte', 0.116), ('simulations', 0.113), ('candidates', 0.109), ('score', 0.104), ('supervised', 0.098), ('applications', 0.093), ('autism', 0.089), ('grasp', 0.083), ('applicant', 0.081), ('doctoral', 0.081), ('invites', 0.079), ('experience', 0.077), ('motivating', 0.076), ('school', 0.076), ('nih', 0.075), ('considerations', 0.073), ('thorough', 0.071), ('cv', 0.071), ('opening', 0.069), ('warm', 0.069), ('discipline', 0.069), ('depression', 0.069), ('applicants', 0.068), ('intervention', 0.065), ('grounds', 0.064), ('conceptual', 0.064), ('salary', 0.064), ('funded', 0.064), ('public', 0.063), ('offers', 0.063), ('feelings', 0.062), ('contain', 0.062)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000002 2171 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-13-Postdoc with Liz Stuart on propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error

Introduction: Liz Stuart sends this one along: Johns Hopkins University Post-Doctoral Fellow Opening The Department of Mental Health invites applications for a post-doctoral research fellow in Statistical Methods for Mental Health Research, to be supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Stuart. The successful applicant for this position will work on an NIH funded study to develop and evaluate propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error, or when datasets contain similar, but not identical, measures of covariates of interest. The post-doc will work with a team of researchers on development of new statistical methods, analysis of existing data, Monte Carlo simulations, and will take the lead on scientific publications. Opportunities will be provided for training in causal inference, missing data, latent variable methods, the evaluation of statistical methods, and the application of statistics to mental health and education. The three particular motivating examples will be: earl

2 0.25457433 2047 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-02-Bayes alert! Cool postdoc position here on missing data imputation and applications in health disparities research!

Introduction: The Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University invite applications for a post-doctoral fellow position in Biostatistics. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to develop novel statistical methods for missing data imputation and applications in health disparities research using national administrative data, with funding from Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality. The candidate will be jointly mentored by Dr. Yan Ma (PI of the grant) at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS)/Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) and Dr. Andrew Gelman in the Department of Statistics at Columbia University. The candidate will also have excellent opportunities to collaborate with researchers in biostatistics, epidemiology, health disparities, and orthopedics through the Clinical and Translational Science Center at WCMC. Candidates should have a doctoral degree in Statistics or Biostatistics with strong background in Bayesian methods. Experien

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Introduction: U.S. Treasury, Office of Financial Research, Tues 9 Apr afternoon (I don’t actually know exactly when or in what room): Parameterization and Bayesian Modeling — Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biostatistics, 4pm Wed 10 Apr, room W2030 School of Public Health : Little data: How traditional statistical ideas remain relevant in a big-data world At the end of the day, after all the processing, big data are being used to answer little- data questions such as, Does an observed pattern generalize to the larger population?, or Could it be explained by alternative processes (sometimes called “chance”)? We discuss some recent ideas in the world of “little data” that remain of big importance.

4 0.16108523 361 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-21-Tenure-track statistics job at Teachers College, here at Columbia!

Introduction: See below for the job announcement. It’s for Teachers College, which is about 2 blocks from the statistics department and 2 blocks from the political science department. So even though I don’t have any official connection with Teachers College (besides occasionally working with them on research projects), I very much would like to have another exciting young applied researcher here, to complement all the people we currently have in stat, poli sci, engineering, etc. In particular, we have zillions of interesting and important social science research projects going on here, and they all need statistics work. A lot of social scientists do statistics, but it’s not so easy to find a statistician who does serious social science research. All this is to say that I hope this job gets some applicants from some people who are serious about applied statistics and the development of new models and methods. Teachers College, Columbia University Department of Human Development APPLIE

5 0.13281713 537 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #1: Missing-Data Imputation, Diagnostics, and Applications

Introduction: Andrew Gelman (Columbia University) and Jennifer Hill (New York University) seek to hire a post-doctoral fellow to work on development of iterative imputation algorithms and diagnostics for missing-data imputation. Activities would include model-development, programming, and data analysis. This project is funded by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences. Other collaborators on the project include Jingchen Liu and Ben Goodrich. This is a two-year position that would start this summer (2011) or earlier if possible. The ideal candidate will have a statistics or computer science background, will be interested in statistical modeling, serious programming, and applications. He or she should be able to work fluently in R and should already know about hierarchical models and Bayesian inference and computation. Experience or interest in designing GUIs would be a bonus, since we are attempting to improve our GUI for missing data imputation. The successful candidate will beco

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15 0.093311958 406 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-10-Translating into Votes: The Electoral Impact of Spanish-Language Ballots

16 0.093113929 231 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-24-Yet another Bayesian job opportunity

17 0.093003333 538 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #2: Hierarchical Modeling and Statistical Graphics

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same-blog 1 0.97489041 2171 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-13-Postdoc with Liz Stuart on propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error

Introduction: Liz Stuart sends this one along: Johns Hopkins University Post-Doctoral Fellow Opening The Department of Mental Health invites applications for a post-doctoral research fellow in Statistical Methods for Mental Health Research, to be supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Stuart. The successful applicant for this position will work on an NIH funded study to develop and evaluate propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error, or when datasets contain similar, but not identical, measures of covariates of interest. The post-doc will work with a team of researchers on development of new statistical methods, analysis of existing data, Monte Carlo simulations, and will take the lead on scientific publications. Opportunities will be provided for training in causal inference, missing data, latent variable methods, the evaluation of statistical methods, and the application of statistics to mental health and education. The three particular motivating examples will be: earl

2 0.86007619 2047 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-02-Bayes alert! Cool postdoc position here on missing data imputation and applications in health disparities research!

Introduction: The Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University invite applications for a post-doctoral fellow position in Biostatistics. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to develop novel statistical methods for missing data imputation and applications in health disparities research using national administrative data, with funding from Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality. The candidate will be jointly mentored by Dr. Yan Ma (PI of the grant) at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS)/Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) and Dr. Andrew Gelman in the Department of Statistics at Columbia University. The candidate will also have excellent opportunities to collaborate with researchers in biostatistics, epidemiology, health disparities, and orthopedics through the Clinical and Translational Science Center at WCMC. Candidates should have a doctoral degree in Statistics or Biostatistics with strong background in Bayesian methods. Experien

3 0.78693742 537 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #1: Missing-Data Imputation, Diagnostics, and Applications

Introduction: Andrew Gelman (Columbia University) and Jennifer Hill (New York University) seek to hire a post-doctoral fellow to work on development of iterative imputation algorithms and diagnostics for missing-data imputation. Activities would include model-development, programming, and data analysis. This project is funded by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences. Other collaborators on the project include Jingchen Liu and Ben Goodrich. This is a two-year position that would start this summer (2011) or earlier if possible. The ideal candidate will have a statistics or computer science background, will be interested in statistical modeling, serious programming, and applications. He or she should be able to work fluently in R and should already know about hierarchical models and Bayesian inference and computation. Experience or interest in designing GUIs would be a bonus, since we are attempting to improve our GUI for missing data imputation. The successful candidate will beco

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same-blog 1 0.97136474 2171 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-13-Postdoc with Liz Stuart on propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error

Introduction: Liz Stuart sends this one along: Johns Hopkins University Post-Doctoral Fellow Opening The Department of Mental Health invites applications for a post-doctoral research fellow in Statistical Methods for Mental Health Research, to be supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Stuart. The successful applicant for this position will work on an NIH funded study to develop and evaluate propensity score methods when the covariates are measured with error, or when datasets contain similar, but not identical, measures of covariates of interest. The post-doc will work with a team of researchers on development of new statistical methods, analysis of existing data, Monte Carlo simulations, and will take the lead on scientific publications. Opportunities will be provided for training in causal inference, missing data, latent variable methods, the evaluation of statistical methods, and the application of statistics to mental health and education. The three particular motivating examples will be: earl

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3 0.91982245 2268 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-26-New research journal on observational studies

Introduction: Dylan Small writes: I am starting an observational studies journal that aims to publish papers on all aspects of observational studies, including study protocols for observational studies, methodologies for observational studies, descriptions of data sets for observational studies, software for observational studies and analyses of observational studies. One of the goals of the journal is to promote the planning of observational studies and to publish study plans for observational studies, like study plans are published for major clinical trials. Regular readers will know my suggestion that scientific journals move away from the idea of being unique publishers of new material and move toward a “newsletter” approach, recommending papers from Arxiv, SSRN, etc. So, instead of going through exhausting review and revision processes, the journal editors would read and review recent preprints on observational studies and then, each month or quarter or whatever, produce a list of pap

4 0.9196676 1385 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-20-Reconciling different claims about working-class voters

Introduction: After our discussions of psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s opinions about working-class voters (see here and here ), a question arose on how to reconcile the analyses of Alan Abramowitz and Tom Edsall (showing an increase in Republican voting among low-education working white southerners), with Larry Bartels’s finding that “there has been no discernible trend in presidential voting behavior among the ‘working white working class.’” Here is my resolution: All the statistics that have been posted seem reasonable to me. Also relevant to the discussion, I believe, are Figures 3.1, 4.2b, 10.1, and 10.2 of Red State Blue State. In short: Republicans continue to do about 20 percentage points better among upper-income voters compared to lower-income, but the compositions of these coalitions have changed over time. As has been noted, low-education white workers have moved toward the Republican party over the past few decades, and at the same time there have been compositional changes

5 0.9196068 1651 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-03-Faculty Position in Visualization, Visual Analytics, Imaging, and Human Centered Computing

Introduction: David Ebert sends this along: Purdue University School of ECE Faculty Position in Human-Centered Computing The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a faculty position at any level in human-centered computing, including but not limited to visualization, visual analytics, human-computer interaction (HCI), imaging, and graphics. . . . Applications should consist of a cover letter, a CV, research and teaching statements, names and contact information for at least three references, and URLs for three to five online papers. . . . We will consider applications through March 2013. It’s great to see this sort of thing. P.S. Amusingly enough, the Purdue Visualization and Analytics Center has an ugly, bureaucratic, text-heavy webpage . Not that I’m one to talk, the Columbia stat dept has an ugly webpage too (although I think we’ll be switching soon to something better).

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