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1287 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-28-Understanding simulations in terms of predictive inference?

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Introduction: David Hogg writes: My (now deceased) collaborator and guru in all things inference, Sam Roweis, used to emphasize to me that we should evaluate models in the data space — not the parameter space — because models are always effectively “effective” and not really, fundamentally true. Or, in other words, models should be compared in the space of their predictions, not in the space of their parameters (the parameters didn’t really “exist” at all for Sam). In that spirit, when we estimate the effectiveness of a MCMC method or tuning — by autocorrelation time or ESJD or anything else — shouldn’t we be looking at the changes in the model predictions over time, rather than the changes in the parameters over time? That is, the autocorrelation time should be the autocorrelation time in what the model (at the walker position) predicts for the data, and the ESJD should be the expected squared jump distance in what the model predicts for the data? This might resolve the concern I expressed a

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 David Hogg writes: My (now deceased) collaborator and guru in all things inference, Sam Roweis, used to emphasize to me that we should evaluate models in the data space — not the parameter space — because models are always effectively “effective” and not really, fundamentally true. [sent-1, score-1.167]

2 Or, in other words, models should be compared in the space of their predictions, not in the space of their parameters (the parameters didn’t really “exist” at all for Sam). [sent-2, score-1.239]

3 In that spirit, when we estimate the effectiveness of a MCMC method or tuning — by autocorrelation time or ESJD or anything else — shouldn’t we be looking at the changes in the model predictions over time, rather than the changes in the parameters over time? [sent-3, score-1.556]

4 That is, the autocorrelation time should be the autocorrelation time in what the model (at the walker position) predicts for the data, and the ESJD should be the expected squared jump distance in what the model predicts for the data? [sent-4, score-1.693]

5 This might resolve the concern I expressed a few months ago to you that the ESJD is not affine-invariant, and etc. [sent-5, score-0.064]

6 Hogg continues with an example: Imagine you have a three-planet model for some radial velocity data. [sent-7, score-0.204]

7 Sometimes we have a redundant parameterization in which the individual parameters are not identified, but predictions are well-identified. [sent-10, score-0.897]

8 For a simple example, suppose you have a model, y ~ N (a+b, 1), with a uniform prior distribution on (a,b). [sent-11, score-0.1]

9 Then your data don’t tell you anything about a or b, but you can get good inference for a+b and good predictions for new data from the same model. [sent-12, score-0.559]

10 On the other hand, if you want to make a prediction for new data z ~ N(a,1), you’re out of luck. [sent-13, score-0.2]

11 More generally, one problem I have with the hard-line predictivist stance—the idea that models and parameters are mere fictions whereas predictions are real—is that models and parameters can be thought of as bridges between the data of yesterday and the data of tomorrow. [sent-14, score-1.571]

12 It’s not just part of a prediction for some particular measurement. [sent-16, score-0.094]

13 For a more humble example, consider our discussion of physiologically-based pharmacokinetics models in Section 4. [sent-18, score-0.388]

14 In a Bayesian model, good parameterization can be important, as it is typically through the parameters that we put in prior information. [sent-20, score-0.631]

15 In many ways, the parameterization represents a key source of prior information. [sent-21, score-0.316]

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.99999988 1287 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-28-Understanding simulations in terms of predictive inference?

Introduction: David Hogg writes: My (now deceased) collaborator and guru in all things inference, Sam Roweis, used to emphasize to me that we should evaluate models in the data space — not the parameter space — because models are always effectively “effective” and not really, fundamentally true. Or, in other words, models should be compared in the space of their predictions, not in the space of their parameters (the parameters didn’t really “exist” at all for Sam). In that spirit, when we estimate the effectiveness of a MCMC method or tuning — by autocorrelation time or ESJD or anything else — shouldn’t we be looking at the changes in the model predictions over time, rather than the changes in the parameters over time? That is, the autocorrelation time should be the autocorrelation time in what the model (at the walker position) predicts for the data, and the ESJD should be the expected squared jump distance in what the model predicts for the data? This might resolve the concern I expressed a

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Introduction: Marc Tanguay writes in with a specific question that has a very general answer. First, the question: I [Tanguay] am currently running a MCMC for which I have 3 parameters that are restricted to a specific space. 2 are bounded between 0 and 1 while the third is binary and updated by a Beta-Binomial. Since my priors are also bounded, I notice that, conditional on All the rest (which covers both data and other parameters), the density was not varying a lot within the space of the parameters. As a result, the acceptance rate is high, about 85%, and this despite the fact that all the parameter’s space is explore. Since in your book, the optimal acceptance rates prescribed are lower that 50% (in case of multiple parameters), do you think I should worry about getting 85%. Or is this normal given the restrictions on the parameters? First off: Yes, my guess is that you should be taking bigger jumps. 85% seems like too high an acceptance rate for Metropolis jumping. More generally, t

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Introduction: I have an optimization problem: I have a complicated physical model that predicts energy and thermal behavior of a building, given the values of a slew of parameters, such as insulation effectiveness, window transmissivity, etc. I’m trying to find the parameter set that best fits several weeks of thermal and energy use data from the real building that we modeled. (Of course I would rather explore parameter space and come up with probability distributions for the parameters, and maybe that will come later, but for now I’m just optimizing). To do the optimization, colleagues and I implemented a “particle swarm optimization” algorithm on a massively parallel machine. This involves giving each of about 120 “particles” an initial position in parameter space, then letting them move around, trying to move to better positions according to a specific algorithm. We gave each particle an initial position sampled from our prior distribution for each parameter. So far we’ve run about 140 itera

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Introduction: Tomas Iesmantas writes: I’m facing a problem where parameter space is bounded, e.g. all parameters have to be positive. If in MCMC as proposal distribution I use normal distribution, then at some iterations I get negative proposals. So my question is: should I use recalculation of acceptance probability every time I reject the proposal (something like in delayed rejection method), or I have to use another proposal (like lognormal, truncated normal, etc.)? The simplest solution is to just calculate p(theta)=0 for theta outside the legal region, thus reject those jumps. This will work fine (just remember that when you reject, you have to stay at the last value for one more iteration), but if you’re doing these rejections all the time, you might want to reparameterize your space, for example using logs for positive parameters, logits for constrained parameters, and softmax for parameters that are constrained to sum to 1.

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Introduction: Cosma Shalizi and Larry Wasserman discuss some papers from a conference on Ockham’s Razor. I don’t have anything new to add on this so let me link to past blog entries on the topic and repost the following from 2004 : A lot has been written in statistics about “parsimony”—that is, the desire to explain phenomena using fewer parameters–but I’ve never seen any good general justification for parsimony. (I don’t count “Occam’s Razor,” or “Ockham’s Razor,” or whatever, as a justification. You gotta do better than digging up a 700-year-old quote.) Maybe it’s because I work in social science, but my feeling is: if you can approximate reality with just a few parameters, fine. If you can use more parameters to fold in more information, that’s even better. In practice, I often use simple models—because they are less effort to fit and, especially, to understand. But I don’t kid myself that they’re better than more complicated efforts! My favorite quote on this comes from Rad

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Introduction: David Hogg writes: My (now deceased) collaborator and guru in all things inference, Sam Roweis, used to emphasize to me that we should evaluate models in the data space — not the parameter space — because models are always effectively “effective” and not really, fundamentally true. Or, in other words, models should be compared in the space of their predictions, not in the space of their parameters (the parameters didn’t really “exist” at all for Sam). In that spirit, when we estimate the effectiveness of a MCMC method or tuning — by autocorrelation time or ESJD or anything else — shouldn’t we be looking at the changes in the model predictions over time, rather than the changes in the parameters over time? That is, the autocorrelation time should be the autocorrelation time in what the model (at the walker position) predicts for the data, and the ESJD should be the expected squared jump distance in what the model predicts for the data? This might resolve the concern I expressed a

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Introduction: I have an optimization problem: I have a complicated physical model that predicts energy and thermal behavior of a building, given the values of a slew of parameters, such as insulation effectiveness, window transmissivity, etc. I’m trying to find the parameter set that best fits several weeks of thermal and energy use data from the real building that we modeled. (Of course I would rather explore parameter space and come up with probability distributions for the parameters, and maybe that will come later, but for now I’m just optimizing). To do the optimization, colleagues and I implemented a “particle swarm optimization” algorithm on a massively parallel machine. This involves giving each of about 120 “particles” an initial position in parameter space, then letting them move around, trying to move to better positions according to a specific algorithm. We gave each particle an initial position sampled from our prior distribution for each parameter. So far we’ve run about 140 itera

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same-blog 1 0.9426356 1287 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-28-Understanding simulations in terms of predictive inference?

Introduction: David Hogg writes: My (now deceased) collaborator and guru in all things inference, Sam Roweis, used to emphasize to me that we should evaluate models in the data space — not the parameter space — because models are always effectively “effective” and not really, fundamentally true. Or, in other words, models should be compared in the space of their predictions, not in the space of their parameters (the parameters didn’t really “exist” at all for Sam). In that spirit, when we estimate the effectiveness of a MCMC method or tuning — by autocorrelation time or ESJD or anything else — shouldn’t we be looking at the changes in the model predictions over time, rather than the changes in the parameters over time? That is, the autocorrelation time should be the autocorrelation time in what the model (at the walker position) predicts for the data, and the ESJD should be the expected squared jump distance in what the model predicts for the data? This might resolve the concern I expressed a

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Introduction: Peter Bergman points me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. This is something I’ve been saying for a long

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