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1377 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-13-A question about AIC

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Introduction: Jacob Oaknin asks: Akaike ‘s selection criterion is often justified on the basis of the empirical risk of a ML estimate being a biased estimate of the true generalization error of a parametric family, say the family, S_m, of linear regressors on a m-dimensional variable x=(x_1,..,x_m) with gaussian noise independent of x (for instance in “Unifying the derivations for the Akaike and Corrected Akaike information criteria”, by J.E.Cavanaugh, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 33, 1997, pp. 201-208). On the other hand, the family S_m is known to have finite VC-dimension (VC = m+1), and this fact should grant that empirical risk minimizer is asymtotically consistent regardless of the underlying probability distribution, and in particular for the assumed gaussian distribution of noise(“An overview of statistical learning theory”, by V.N.Vapnik, IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, vol. 10, No. 5, 1999, pp. 988-999) What am I missing? My reply: I’m no expert on AIC so

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Jacob Oaknin asks: Akaike ‘s selection criterion is often justified on the basis of the empirical risk of a ML estimate being a biased estimate of the true generalization error of a parametric family, say the family, S_m, of linear regressors on a m-dimensional variable x=(x_1,. [sent-1, score-1.463]

2 ,x_m) with gaussian noise independent of x (for instance in “Unifying the derivations for the Akaike and Corrected Akaike information criteria”, by J. [sent-3, score-0.618]

3 My reply: I’m no expert on AIC so let’s see if I can wing this and give a reasonable response without fully understanding either the question or the answer. [sent-14, score-0.268]

4 Here goes: As the saying goes, asymptotically we’re all dead. [sent-18, score-0.225]

5 If you divide by n so that you’re estimating average prediction error rather than total prediction error, the correction is of order O(1/n). [sent-20, score-1.118]

6 So asymptotically the uncorrected estimate of the average prediction error is consistent, just as you’d like. [sent-21, score-1.002]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('akaike', 0.344), ('aic', 0.23), ('asymptotically', 0.225), ('family', 0.216), ('prediction', 0.21), ('error', 0.205), ('correction', 0.186), ('gaussian', 0.177), ('noise', 0.162), ('vc', 0.146), ('regressors', 0.146), ('ieee', 0.137), ('risk', 0.136), ('estimate', 0.136), ('empirical', 0.134), ('consistent', 0.133), ('unifying', 0.132), ('wing', 0.127), ('uncorrected', 0.127), ('transactions', 0.127), ('derivations', 0.127), ('ml', 0.127), ('neural', 0.115), ('order', 0.113), ('goes', 0.111), ('parametric', 0.107), ('jacob', 0.104), ('overview', 0.102), ('regardless', 0.102), ('distribution', 0.101), ('justified', 0.101), ('corrected', 0.101), ('criterion', 0.101), ('generalization', 0.101), ('average', 0.099), ('divide', 0.095), ('probability', 0.092), ('grant', 0.091), ('criteria', 0.089), ('finite', 0.089), ('letters', 0.086), ('biased', 0.086), ('networks', 0.085), ('assumed', 0.083), ('instance', 0.082), ('basis', 0.074), ('fully', 0.072), ('asks', 0.071), ('independent', 0.07), ('expert', 0.069)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 1377 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-13-A question about AIC

Introduction: Jacob Oaknin asks: Akaike ‘s selection criterion is often justified on the basis of the empirical risk of a ML estimate being a biased estimate of the true generalization error of a parametric family, say the family, S_m, of linear regressors on a m-dimensional variable x=(x_1,..,x_m) with gaussian noise independent of x (for instance in “Unifying the derivations for the Akaike and Corrected Akaike information criteria”, by J.E.Cavanaugh, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 33, 1997, pp. 201-208). On the other hand, the family S_m is known to have finite VC-dimension (VC = m+1), and this fact should grant that empirical risk minimizer is asymtotically consistent regardless of the underlying probability distribution, and in particular for the assumed gaussian distribution of noise(“An overview of statistical learning theory”, by V.N.Vapnik, IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, vol. 10, No. 5, 1999, pp. 988-999) What am I missing? My reply: I’m no expert on AIC so

2 0.20297925 1975 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-09-Understanding predictive information criteria for Bayesian models

Introduction: Jessy, Aki, and I write : We review the Akaike, deviance, and Watanabe-Akaike information criteria from a Bayesian perspective, where the goal is to estimate expected out-of-sample-prediction error using a bias-corrected adjustment of within-sample error. We focus on the choices involved in setting up these measures, and we compare them in three simple examples, one theoretical and two applied. The contribution of this review is to put all these information criteria into a Bayesian predictive context and to better understand, through small examples, how these methods can apply in practice. I like this paper. It came about as a result of preparing Chapter 7 for the new BDA . I had difficulty understanding AIC, DIC, WAIC, etc., but I recognized that these methods served a need. My first plan was to just apply DIC and WAIC on a couple of simple examples (a linear regression and the 8 schools) and leave it at that. But when I did the calculations, I couldn’t understand the resu

3 0.175777 1983 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-15-More on AIC, WAIC, etc

Introduction: Following up on our discussion from the other day, Angelika van der Linde sends along this paper from 2012 (link to journal here ). And Aki pulls out this great quote from Geisser and Eddy (1979): This discussion makes clear that in the nested case this method, as Akaike’s, is not consistent; i.e., even if $M_k$ is true, it will be rejected with probability $\alpha$ as $N\to\infty$. This point is also made by Schwarz (1978). However, from the point of view of prediction, this is of no great consequence. For large numbers of observations, a prediction based on the falsely assumed $M_k$, will not differ appreciably from one based on the true $M_k$. For example, if we assert that two normal populations have different means when in fact they have the same mean, then the use of the group mean as opposed to the grand mean for predicting a future observation results in predictors which are asymptotically equivalent and whose predictive variances are $\sigma^2[1 + (1/2n)]$ and $\si

4 0.16746072 778 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-24-New ideas on DIC from Martyn Plummer and Sumio Watanabe

Introduction: Martyn Plummer replied to my recent blog on DIC with information that was important enough that I thought it deserved its own blog entry. Martyn wrote: DIC has been around for 10 years now and despite being immensely popular with applied statisticians it has generated very little theoretical interest. In fact, the silence has been deafening. I [Martyn] hope my paper added some clarity. As you say, DIC is (an approximation to) a theoretical out-of-sample predictive error. When I finished the paper I was a little embarrassed to see that I had almost perfectly reconstructed the justification of AIC as approximate cross-validation measure by Stone (1977), with a Bayesian spin of course. But even this insight leaves a lot of choices open. You need to choose the right loss function and also which level of the model you want to replicate from. David Spiegelhalter and colleagues called this the “focus”. In practice the focus is limited to the lowest level of the model. You generall

5 0.11876051 494 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-31-Type S error rates for classical and Bayesian single and multiple comparison procedures

Introduction: Type S error: When your estimate is the wrong sign, compared to the true value of the parameter Type M error: When the magnitude of your estimate is far off, compared to the true value of the parameter More here.

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.97727108 1377 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-13-A question about AIC

Introduction: Jacob Oaknin asks: Akaike ‘s selection criterion is often justified on the basis of the empirical risk of a ML estimate being a biased estimate of the true generalization error of a parametric family, say the family, S_m, of linear regressors on a m-dimensional variable x=(x_1,..,x_m) with gaussian noise independent of x (for instance in “Unifying the derivations for the Akaike and Corrected Akaike information criteria”, by J.E.Cavanaugh, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 33, 1997, pp. 201-208). On the other hand, the family S_m is known to have finite VC-dimension (VC = m+1), and this fact should grant that empirical risk minimizer is asymtotically consistent regardless of the underlying probability distribution, and in particular for the assumed gaussian distribution of noise(“An overview of statistical learning theory”, by V.N.Vapnik, IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, vol. 10, No. 5, 1999, pp. 988-999) What am I missing? My reply: I’m no expert on AIC so

2 0.71600509 494 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-31-Type S error rates for classical and Bayesian single and multiple comparison procedures

Introduction: Type S error: When your estimate is the wrong sign, compared to the true value of the parameter Type M error: When the magnitude of your estimate is far off, compared to the true value of the parameter More here.

3 0.69856334 1761 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-13-Lame Statistics Patents

Introduction: Manoel Galdino wrote in a comment off-topic on another post (which I erased): I know you commented before about patents on statistical methods. Did you know this patent ( )? Do you have any comment on patents that don’t describe mathematically how it works and how and if they’re any different from previous methods? And what about the lack of scientific validation of the claims in such a method? The patent in question, “US 8032473: “Generalized reduced error logistic regression method,” begins with the following “claim”: A system for machine learning comprising: a computer including a computer-readable medium having software stored thereon that, when executed by said computer, performs a method comprising the steps of being trained to learn a logistic regression match to a target class variable so to exhibit classification learning by which: an estimated error in each variable’s moment in the logistic regression be modeled and reduce

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Introduction: David Radwin writes: I am seeking a statistic measuring an estimate’s reliability or stability as an alternative to the coefficient of variation (CV), also known as the relative standard error. The CV is the standard error of an estimate (proportion, mean, regression coefficient, etc.) divided by the estimate itself, usually expressed as a percentage. For example, if a survey finds 15% unemployment with a 6% standard error, the CV is .06/.15 = .4 = 40%. Some US government agencies flag or suppress as unreliable any estimate with a CV over a certain threshold such as 30% or 50%. But this standard can be arbitrary (for example, 85% employment would have a much lower CV of .06/.85 = 7%), and the CV has other drawbacks I won’t elaborate here. I don’t need an evaluation of the wisdom of using the CV or anything else for measuring an estimate’s stability, but one of my projects calls for such a measure and I would like to find a better alternative. Can you or your blog readers suggest

5 0.67491484 778 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-24-New ideas on DIC from Martyn Plummer and Sumio Watanabe

Introduction: Martyn Plummer replied to my recent blog on DIC with information that was important enough that I thought it deserved its own blog entry. Martyn wrote: DIC has been around for 10 years now and despite being immensely popular with applied statisticians it has generated very little theoretical interest. In fact, the silence has been deafening. I [Martyn] hope my paper added some clarity. As you say, DIC is (an approximation to) a theoretical out-of-sample predictive error. When I finished the paper I was a little embarrassed to see that I had almost perfectly reconstructed the justification of AIC as approximate cross-validation measure by Stone (1977), with a Bayesian spin of course. But even this insight leaves a lot of choices open. You need to choose the right loss function and also which level of the model you want to replicate from. David Spiegelhalter and colleagues called this the “focus”. In practice the focus is limited to the lowest level of the model. You generall

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.96541476 1377 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-13-A question about AIC

Introduction: Jacob Oaknin asks: Akaike ‘s selection criterion is often justified on the basis of the empirical risk of a ML estimate being a biased estimate of the true generalization error of a parametric family, say the family, S_m, of linear regressors on a m-dimensional variable x=(x_1,..,x_m) with gaussian noise independent of x (for instance in “Unifying the derivations for the Akaike and Corrected Akaike information criteria”, by J.E.Cavanaugh, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 33, 1997, pp. 201-208). On the other hand, the family S_m is known to have finite VC-dimension (VC = m+1), and this fact should grant that empirical risk minimizer is asymtotically consistent regardless of the underlying probability distribution, and in particular for the assumed gaussian distribution of noise(“An overview of statistical learning theory”, by V.N.Vapnik, IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, vol. 10, No. 5, 1999, pp. 988-999) What am I missing? My reply: I’m no expert on AIC so

2 0.95457345 1408 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-07-Not much difference between communicating to self and communicating to others

Introduction: Thomas Basbøll writes : [Advertising executive] Russell Davies wrote a blog post called “The Tyranny of the Big Idea”. His five-point procedure begins: Start doing stuff. Start executing things which seem right. Do it quickly and do it often. Don’t cling onto anything, good or bad. Don’t repeat much. Take what was good and do it differently. And ends with: “And something else and something else.” This inspires several thoughts, which I’ll take advantage of the blog format to present with no attempt to be cohesively organized. 1. My first concern is the extent to which productivity-enhancing advice such as Davies’s (and Basbøll’s) is zero or even negative-sum , just helping people in the rat race. But, upon reflection, I’d rate the recommendations as positive-sum. If people learn to write better and be more productive, that’s not (necessarily) just positional. 2. Blogging fits with the “Do it quickly and do it often” advice. 3. I wonder what Basbøll thinks abo

3 0.95440209 214 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-17-Probability-processing hardware

Introduction: Lyric Semiconductor posted: For over 60 years, computers have been based on digital computing principles. Data is represented as bits (0s and 1s). Boolean logic gates perform operations on these bits. A processor steps through many of these operations serially in order to perform a function. However, today’s most interesting problems are not at all suited to this approach. Here at Lyric Semiconductor, we are redesigning information processing circuits from the ground up to natively process probabilities: from the gate circuits to the processor architecture to the programming language. As a result, many applications that today require a thousand conventional processors will soon run in just one Lyric processor, providing 1,000x efficiencies in cost, power, and size. Om Malik has some more information, also relating to the team and the business. The fundamental idea is that computing architectures work deterministically, even though the world is fundamentally stochastic.

4 0.95398241 965 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-19-Web-friendly visualizations in R

Introduction: Aleks points me to this new tool from Wojciech Gryc. Right now I save my graphs as pdfs or pngs and then upload them to put them on the web. I expect I’ll still be doing this for awhile—I like having full control of what my graphs look like—but Gryc’s default plots might be useful for lots of people making their analyses more accessible. Here’s an example: x = rnorm(30) y = rnorm(30) wv.plot(x, y, "~/Desktop/scatterplot", height=300, width=300, xlim=c(-2.5,2.5), ylim=c(-2.5,2.5), xbreaks=c(0), ybreaks=c(0))

5 0.95030671 229 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-24-Bizarre twisty argument about medical diagnostic tests

Introduction: My cobloggers sometimes write about “Politics Everywhere.” Here’s an example of a political writer taking something that’s not particularly political and trying to twist it into a political context. Perhaps the title should be “political journalism everywhere”. Michael Kinsley writes : Scientists have discovered a spinal fluid test that can predict with 100 percent accuracy whether people who already have memory loss are going to develop full-fledged Alzheimer’s disease. They apparently don’t know whether this test works for people with no memory problems yet, but reading between the lines of the report in the New York Times August 10, it sounds as if they believe it will. . . . This is truly the apple of knowledge: a test that can be given to physically and mentally healthy people in the prime of life, which can identify with perfect accuracy which ones are slowly going to lose their mental capabilities. If your first instinct is, “We should outlaw this test” or at lea

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