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2340 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-20-Thermodynamic Monte Carlo: Michael Betancourt’s new method for simulating from difficult distributions and evaluating normalizing constants

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Introduction: I hate to keep bumping our scheduled posts but this is just too important and too exciting to wait. So it’s time to jump the queue. The news is a paper from Michael Betancourt that presents a super-cool new way to compute normalizing constants: A common strategy for inference in complex models is the relaxation of a simple model into the more complex target model, for example the prior into the posterior in Bayesian inference. Existing approaches that attempt to generate such transformations, however, are sensitive to the pathologies of complex distributions and can be difficult to implement in practice. Leveraging the geometry of thermodynamic processes I introduce a principled and robust approach to deforming measures that presents a powerful new tool for inference. The idea is to generalize Hamiltonian Monte Carlo so that it moves through a family of distributions (that is, it transitions through an “inverse temperature” variable called beta that indexes the family) a

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 The idea is to generalize Hamiltonian Monte Carlo so that it moves through a family of distributions (that is, it transitions through an “inverse temperature” variable called beta that indexes the family) as a way of continuously sweeping through to efficiently compute the normalizing function. [sent-6, score-0.532]

2 The graphs above show a single HMC path with the temperature going from 0 to 1 on a simple test example. [sent-7, score-0.511]

3 Methods such as simulated annealing and simulated tempering are based on altering a temperature parameter. [sent-12, score-0.968]

4 In simulated annealing or tempering, you gradually increase beta, not too slowly (or you’ll be wasting your time) and not too fast (or you’ll break the smooth operation of your simulations, assuming this is all embedded in some Markov chain simulation algorithm). [sent-15, score-0.484]

5 You’ll want to move fast in areas where the distributions are changing slowly as a function of beta, slowly in areas where the distributions are changing fast, and you’ll want to stay still for awhile where there are phase transitions. [sent-16, score-0.605]

6 The physical analogy of tempering or annealing is clear—but the interesting thing is that it has problems. [sent-20, score-0.336]

7 In particular, you can’t actually set or change the temperature of a physical system. [sent-21, score-0.593]

8 What you can do is couple your system to a heat bath or cold bath and then let the temperature change naturally. [sent-22, score-1.27]

9 That is, you can connect your system to a heat pump or a refrigerator, you can’t stick it in the microwave oven or in a (nonexistent) “microwave cooler. [sent-23, score-0.378]

10 ” What does this imply for statistical algorithms for simulating from difficult distributions and computing normalizing constants? [sent-24, score-0.344]

11 Instead, we should alter the temperature in a more natural, physical way (that is, respecting the underlying differential equations) by mathematically coupling the system with a heat bath or cold bath and letting the temperature then evolve as it will. [sent-26, score-1.814]

12 This is what Betancourt’s thermodynamic Monte Carlo algorithm does. [sent-27, score-0.304]

13 And here’s some more intuition from Michael on what the algorithm is doing: In the thermodynamic evolution we have three things going on. [sent-29, score-0.522]

14 Secondly we have a heat bath that adds or removes momentum depending on current potential energy relative to the average potential energy. [sent-31, score-0.749]

15 Thirdly we have a temperature evolution term that leaches kinetic energy in order to fuel changes in temperature. [sent-32, score-1.269]

16 When the system is in equilibrium the kinetic energy is nonzero, some of it can be drained away to change the temperature, and then the system re-equilibrates by adding/removing kinetic to balance the average potential energy and then mixing the positions and momenta again. [sent-33, score-1.693]

17 But when the system is far away from equilibrium the kinetic energy will approach zero and the temperature evolution stalls until the positions and momenta equilibrate: the three evolution terms feed back into each other to maintain equilibrium. [sent-34, score-1.807]

18 When the trajectory is in the bulk of probability mass we have equilibrium and the temperature can evolve forward smoothly. [sent-36, score-0.852]

19 When the trajectory approaches a tail all of the energy converts to potential and there’s little kinetic energy to fuel the temperature evolution, which slows to a crawl. [sent-37, score-1.52]

20 This gives the trajectory a chance to bounce back towards the bulk, converting the potential back into kinetic energy which then restarts the temperature evolution. [sent-38, score-1.232]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

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Introduction: I hate to keep bumping our scheduled posts but this is just too important and too exciting to wait. So it’s time to jump the queue. The news is a paper from Michael Betancourt that presents a super-cool new way to compute normalizing constants: A common strategy for inference in complex models is the relaxation of a simple model into the more complex target model, for example the prior into the posterior in Bayesian inference. Existing approaches that attempt to generate such transformations, however, are sensitive to the pathologies of complex distributions and can be difficult to implement in practice. Leveraging the geometry of thermodynamic processes I introduce a principled and robust approach to deforming measures that presents a powerful new tool for inference. The idea is to generalize Hamiltonian Monte Carlo so that it moves through a family of distributions (that is, it transitions through an “inverse temperature” variable called beta that indexes the family) a

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Introduction: After writing yesterday’s post , I was going through Solomon Hsiang’s blog and found a post pointing to three studies from researchers at business schools: Severe Weather and Automobile Assembly Productivity Gérard P. Cachon, Santiago Gallino and Marcelo Olivares Abstract: It is expected that climate change could lead to an increased frequency of severe weather. In turn, severe weather intuitively should hamper the productivity of work that occurs outside. But what is the effect of rain, snow, fog, heat and wind on work that occurs indoors, such as the production of automobiles? Using weekly production data from 64 automobile plants in the United States over a ten-year period, we find that adverse weather conditions lead to a significant reduction in production. For example, one additional day of high wind advisory by the National Weather Service (i.e., maximum winds generally in excess of 44 miles per hour) reduces production by 26%, which is comparable in order of magnitude t

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Introduction: I hate to keep bumping our scheduled posts but this is just too important and too exciting to wait. So it’s time to jump the queue. The news is a paper from Michael Betancourt that presents a super-cool new way to compute normalizing constants: A common strategy for inference in complex models is the relaxation of a simple model into the more complex target model, for example the prior into the posterior in Bayesian inference. Existing approaches that attempt to generate such transformations, however, are sensitive to the pathologies of complex distributions and can be difficult to implement in practice. Leveraging the geometry of thermodynamic processes I introduce a principled and robust approach to deforming measures that presents a powerful new tool for inference. The idea is to generalize Hamiltonian Monte Carlo so that it moves through a family of distributions (that is, it transitions through an “inverse temperature” variable called beta that indexes the family) a

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Introduction: I hate to keep bumping our scheduled posts but this is just too important and too exciting to wait. So it’s time to jump the queue. The news is a paper from Michael Betancourt that presents a super-cool new way to compute normalizing constants: A common strategy for inference in complex models is the relaxation of a simple model into the more complex target model, for example the prior into the posterior in Bayesian inference. Existing approaches that attempt to generate such transformations, however, are sensitive to the pathologies of complex distributions and can be difficult to implement in practice. Leveraging the geometry of thermodynamic processes I introduce a principled and robust approach to deforming measures that presents a powerful new tool for inference. The idea is to generalize Hamiltonian Monte Carlo so that it moves through a family of distributions (that is, it transitions through an “inverse temperature” variable called beta that indexes the family) a

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