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1309 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-09-The first version of my “inference from iterative simulation using parallel sequences” paper!

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Introduction: From August 1990. It was in the form of a note sent to all the people in the statistics group of Bell Labs, where I’d worked that summer. To all: Here’s the abstract of the work I’ve done this summer. It’s stored in the file, /fs5/gelman/abstract.bell, and copies of the Figures 1-3 are on Trevor’s desk. Any comments are of course appreciated; I’m at On the Routine Use of Markov Chains for Simulation Andrew Gelman and Donald Rubin, 6 August 1990 corrected version: 8 August 1990 1. Simulation In probability and statistics we can often specify multivariate distributions many of whose properties we do not fully understand–perhaps, as in the Ising model of statistical physics, we can write the joint density function, up to a multiplicative constant that cannot be expressed in closed form. For an example in statistics, consider the Normal random effects model in the analysis of variance, which can be easily placed in a Bayesian fram

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Markov chain methods Drawing independent random samples is a wonderful tool that is unfortunately not available for every distribution; in particular, the Ising model and random effects posterior distributions mentioned above do not permit direct simulation. [sent-20, score-0.738]

2 , that is a sample from an ergodic Markov chain whose stationary distribution is F(x). [sent-28, score-0.568]

3 These samples xj are not independent; however, the stationary distribution of the Markov chain is correct, so if we take a long enough series, the set of values {x1, . [sent-30, score-0.741]

4 , xn} takes the place of the distribution just as an independent random sample does (although of course an independent sample carries more information than a Markov chain sample of the same length). [sent-33, score-1.008]

5 The Gibbs sampler is a similar algorithm, which produces a Markov chain that converges to the desired distribution, this time requiring draws from all the univariate conditional densities at each iteration. [sent-34, score-0.494]

6 Unfortunately, using a sample of a Markov chain to estimate a distribution raises an immediate question: how long a series is needed? [sent-38, score-0.783]

7 , r(x2000)} from the simulated Markov chain can serve as a substitute for the marginal distribution of r. [sent-51, score-0.573]

8 For comparison we ran the Gibbs sampler again for 2000 steps, but this time starting at a point x0 for which r(x0) = 1; Figure 3 displays the series r(xj), which again seems to have converged nicely. [sent-57, score-0.684]

9 The answer: parallel Markov chains To restate the general problem: we wish to summarize an intractable distribution F(x) by running the Gibbs sampler (or a similar method such as the Metropolis algorithm) until the distribution of the set of Markov chain iterates is close to F. [sent-65, score-0.899]

10 Again, we focus attention on a univariate summary, say r(x); we want to use the observed simulations rij to determine whether the series of r’s are close to convergence after n steps. [sent-80, score-0.697]

11 First assume for simplicity that the starting points of the simulated series are themselves independent random samples from F(x). [sent-83, score-0.798]

12 ) With independent starting points, all values of any series are independent of all the values of any other series, and the unconditional variance of any point rij is just the marginal variance var r under the distribution F. [sent-85, score-1.509]

13 ) Given the assumption of initial independence, this “between” estimate of variance (not the same as the usual “between” estimate in ANOVA) is unbiased for finite series of any length. [sent-88, score-0.489]

14 The discrepancy between the two estimates of var r suggests a test: declare the Markov chain to have converged when the within mean square is close to the variance estimate between series, with confidence intervals derived from classical ANOVA theory. [sent-94, score-0.753]

15 Once we are close enough to convergence to be satisfied, the variance estimates and degrees of freedom corrections alluded to above allow us to estimate the marginal summaries E r, var r, and Normal-theory confidence intervals for our Monte Carlo approximations. [sent-97, score-0.618]

16 We can run the series longer if more precision is desired, and can repeat the process to study the marginal distributions of other parameters (without, of course, having to simulate any new series of x’s). [sent-98, score-0.771]

17 In practice, the starting points of the parallel series can never be sampled independently with distribution F(x); the simulated series are thus no longer stationary for any finite n, formally invalidating the above analysis. [sent-99, score-1.191]

18 The m parallel series should then start far apart and grow closer as they approach stationarity, as in Figures 1 and 3; since the variance between series declines with n, the comparison-of-variances test should be conservative. [sent-102, score-0.791]

19 Second, we reduce the effect of the starting values by crudely throwing away the the first half of each simulated series until approximate convergence has been reached. [sent-103, score-0.686]

20 The idea of comparing parallel simulations is not new; for example, Fosdick (1959) applied the Metropolis algorithm to the Ising model by simulating four series independently, from each of two different starting points. [sent-106, score-0.581]

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[('markov', 0.365), ('series', 0.298), ('chain', 0.252), ('ising', 0.201), ('em', 0.185), ('distribution', 0.157), ('bf', 0.149), ('converged', 0.136), ('gibbs', 0.136), ('independent', 0.133), ('starting', 0.13), ('sampler', 0.12), ('convergence', 0.118), ('simulation', 0.115), ('variance', 0.114), ('fosdick', 0.111), ('xj', 0.111), ('carlo', 0.11), ('random', 0.105), ('monte', 0.104), ('var', 0.104), ('marginal', 0.097), ('geman', 0.095), ('metropolis', 0.088), ('pickard', 0.083), ('rij', 0.083), ('stationary', 0.083), ('figures', 0.082), ('parallel', 0.081), ('steps', 0.081), ('within', 0.079), ('distributions', 0.078), ('finite', 0.077), ('sample', 0.076), ('ss', 0.076), ('values', 0.073), ('journal', 0.073), ('simulations', 0.072), ('close', 0.068), ('simulated', 0.067), ('lattice', 0.066), ('samples', 0.065), ('method', 0.064), ('desired', 0.064), ('blah', 0.059), ('freedom', 0.059), ('degrees', 0.058), ('univariate', 0.058), ('handscomb', 0.055), ('kinderman', 0.055)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0 1309 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-09-The first version of my “inference from iterative simulation using parallel sequences” paper!

Introduction: From August 1990. It was in the form of a note sent to all the people in the statistics group of Bell Labs, where I’d worked that summer. To all: Here’s the abstract of the work I’ve done this summer. It’s stored in the file, /fs5/gelman/abstract.bell, and copies of the Figures 1-3 are on Trevor’s desk. Any comments are of course appreciated; I’m at On the Routine Use of Markov Chains for Simulation Andrew Gelman and Donald Rubin, 6 August 1990 corrected version: 8 August 1990 1. Simulation In probability and statistics we can often specify multivariate distributions many of whose properties we do not fully understand–perhaps, as in the Ising model of statistical physics, we can write the joint density function, up to a multiplicative constant that cannot be expressed in closed form. For an example in statistics, consider the Normal random effects model in the analysis of variance, which can be easily placed in a Bayesian fram

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Introduction: Over the years I’ve written a dozen or so journal articles that have appeared with discussions, and I’ve participated in many published discussions of others’ articles as well. I get a lot out of these article-discussion-rejoinder packages, in all three of my roles as reader, writer, and discussant. Part 1: The story of an unsuccessful discussion The first time I had a discussion article was the result of an unfortunate circumstance. I had a research idea that resulted in an article with Don Rubin on monitoring the mixing of Markov chain simulations. I new the idea was great, but back then we worked pretty slowly so it was awhile before we had a final version to submit to a journal. (In retrospect I wish I’d just submitted the draft version as it was.) In the meantime I presented the paper at a conference. Our idea was very well received (I had a sheet of paper so people could write their names and addresses to get preprints, and we got either 50 or 150 (I can’t remembe

3 0.26976004 674 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-21-Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Introduction: Galin Jones, Steve Brooks, Xiao-Li Meng and I edited a handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo that has just been published . My chapter (with Kenny Shirley) is here , and it begins like this: Convergence of Markov chain simulations can be monitored by measuring the diffusion and mixing of multiple independently-simulated chains, but different levels of convergence are appropriate for different goals. When considering inference from stochastic simulation, we need to separate two tasks: (1) inference about parameters and functions of parameters based on broad characteristics of their distribution, and (2) more precise computation of expectations and other functions of probability distributions. For the first task, there is a natural limit to precision beyond which additional simulations add essentially nothing; for the second task, the appropriate precision must be decided from external considerations. We illustrate with an example from our current research, a hierarchical model of t

4 0.19732666 112 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-27-Sampling rate of human-scaled time series

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5 0.1854258 2157 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-02-2013

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.96420407 1309 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-09-The first version of my “inference from iterative simulation using parallel sequences” paper!

Introduction: From August 1990. It was in the form of a note sent to all the people in the statistics group of Bell Labs, where I’d worked that summer. To all: Here’s the abstract of the work I’ve done this summer. It’s stored in the file, /fs5/gelman/abstract.bell, and copies of the Figures 1-3 are on Trevor’s desk. Any comments are of course appreciated; I’m at On the Routine Use of Markov Chains for Simulation Andrew Gelman and Donald Rubin, 6 August 1990 corrected version: 8 August 1990 1. Simulation In probability and statistics we can often specify multivariate distributions many of whose properties we do not fully understand–perhaps, as in the Ising model of statistical physics, we can write the joint density function, up to a multiplicative constant that cannot be expressed in closed form. For an example in statistics, consider the Normal random effects model in the analysis of variance, which can be easily placed in a Bayesian fram

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Introduction: Galin Jones, Steve Brooks, Xiao-Li Meng and I edited a handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo that has just been published . My chapter (with Kenny Shirley) is here , and it begins like this: Convergence of Markov chain simulations can be monitored by measuring the diffusion and mixing of multiple independently-simulated chains, but different levels of convergence are appropriate for different goals. When considering inference from stochastic simulation, we need to separate two tasks: (1) inference about parameters and functions of parameters based on broad characteristics of their distribution, and (2) more precise computation of expectations and other functions of probability distributions. For the first task, there is a natural limit to precision beyond which additional simulations add essentially nothing; for the second task, the appropriate precision must be decided from external considerations. We illustrate with an example from our current research, a hierarchical model of t

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.95353293 1309 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-09-The first version of my “inference from iterative simulation using parallel sequences” paper!

Introduction: From August 1990. It was in the form of a note sent to all the people in the statistics group of Bell Labs, where I’d worked that summer. To all: Here’s the abstract of the work I’ve done this summer. It’s stored in the file, /fs5/gelman/abstract.bell, and copies of the Figures 1-3 are on Trevor’s desk. Any comments are of course appreciated; I’m at On the Routine Use of Markov Chains for Simulation Andrew Gelman and Donald Rubin, 6 August 1990 corrected version: 8 August 1990 1. Simulation In probability and statistics we can often specify multivariate distributions many of whose properties we do not fully understand–perhaps, as in the Ising model of statistical physics, we can write the joint density function, up to a multiplicative constant that cannot be expressed in closed form. For an example in statistics, consider the Normal random effects model in the analysis of variance, which can be easily placed in a Bayesian fram

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3 0.94616866 522 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-18-Problems with Haiti elections?

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Introduction: “She was forty years old when she died. It is possible that her art might have developed to include a wider area of human experience, just as possible that the chilling climate of the thirties might have withered it altogether. But what she actually wrote was greatly talented. She deserves a place, although obviously not a foremost one, in any literary history of the years between the wars. The last letter she wrote, or rather dictated, to the printer of the Laforgue translations shows the invariable fastidiousness of her talent, a fastidiousness which is often infuriating but just as often impressive, and is in any case rare enough to be worth remembrance: To the Printer of Six Moral Tales This book is to be spelled and its words are to be hyphenated according to the usage of the Concise Oxford Dictionary. Page introduction continuously with the tales. Do not put brackets around the numbers of the pages. All the ‘todays’ and all the ‘tomorrows’ should be spelled w

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