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818 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-23-Parallel JAGS RNGs

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Introduction: As a matter of convention, we usually run 3 or 4 chains in JAGS. By default, this gives rise to chains that draw samples from 3 or 4 distinct pseudorandom number generators. I didn’t go and check whether it does things 111,222,333 or 123,123,123, but in any event the “parallel chains” in JAGS are samples drawn from distinct RNGs computed on a single processor core. But we all have multiple cores now, or we’re computing on a cluster or the cloud! So the behavior we’d like from rjags is to use the foreach package with each JAGS chain using a parallel-safe RNG. The default behavior with n.chain=1 will be that each parallel instance will use[1] , the Wichmann-Hill RNG. JAGS 2.2.0 includes a new lecuyer module (along with the glm module, which everyone should probably always use, and doesn’t have many undocumented tricks that I know of). But lecuyer is completely undocumented! I tried"lecuyer::Lecuyer" ,"lecuyer::lecuyer" , and

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 As a matter of convention, we usually run 3 or 4 chains in JAGS. [sent-1, score-0.156]

2 By default, this gives rise to chains that draw samples from 3 or 4 distinct pseudorandom number generators. [sent-2, score-0.368]

3 I didn’t go and check whether it does things 111,222,333 or 123,123,123, but in any event the “parallel chains” in JAGS are samples drawn from distinct RNGs computed on a single processor core. [sent-3, score-0.304]

4 But we all have multiple cores now, or we’re computing on a cluster or the cloud! [sent-4, score-0.072]

5 So the behavior we’d like from rjags is to use the foreach package with each JAGS chain using a parallel-safe RNG. [sent-5, score-0.413]

6 chain=1 will be that each parallel instance will use . [sent-7, score-0.156]

7 0 includes a new lecuyer module (along with the glm module, which everyone should probably always use, and doesn’t have many undocumented tricks that I know of). [sent-12, score-1.255]

8 I looked around in the source to find where it checks its name from the inits, to discover that in fact it is . [sent-26, score-0.102]

9 name="lecuyer::RngStream" So here’s how I set up 4 chains now: library(doMC); registerDoMC() library(rjags); load. [sent-28, score-0.156]

10 module("lecuyer") library( random ) jinits <- function() { ### all the other params ### . [sent-30, score-0.131]

11 seed=randomNumbers(n = 1, min = 1, max = 1e+06,col=1) } jags. [sent-34, score-0.092]

12 jags,params,1000) return(result) } I would just as soon initialize them to the same state and use sequential substreams, but I think there is no way to do this. [sent-41, score-0.178]

13 Four long separately-seeded streams should be more than fine; a quick look suggests that if you did n. [sent-42, score-0.059]

14 This works, almost 4 times (yeah yeah overhead blah blah) faster than the usual n. [sent-47, score-0.25]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('lecuyer', 0.849), ('chains', 0.156), ('foreach', 0.131), ('inits', 0.131), ('jinits', 0.131), ('rngstream', 0.131), ('jags', 0.129), ('rjags', 0.119), ('undocumented', 0.112), ('library', 0.112), ('sequential', 0.1), ('module', 0.096), ('blah', 0.094), ('glm', 0.089), ('distinct', 0.083), ('parallel', 0.077), ('yeah', 0.065), ('default', 0.062), ('samples', 0.062), ('streams', 0.059), ('overhead', 0.054), ('cloud', 0.054), ('processor', 0.054), ('behavior', 0.051), ('min', 0.049), ('use', 0.046), ('convention', 0.044), ('max', 0.043), ('tricks', 0.042), ('result', 0.042), ('cluster', 0.04), ('ought', 0.04), ('computed', 0.039), ('probably', 0.038), ('checks', 0.037), ('rise', 0.037), ('discover', 0.037), ('faster', 0.037), ('core', 0.036), ('chain', 0.035), ('drawn', 0.034), ('instance', 0.033), ('event', 0.032), ('soon', 0.032), ('computing', 0.032), ('package', 0.031), ('return', 0.03), ('draw', 0.03), ('includes', 0.029), ('source', 0.028)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 818 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-23-Parallel JAGS RNGs

Introduction: As a matter of convention, we usually run 3 or 4 chains in JAGS. By default, this gives rise to chains that draw samples from 3 or 4 distinct pseudorandom number generators. I didn’t go and check whether it does things 111,222,333 or 123,123,123, but in any event the “parallel chains” in JAGS are samples drawn from distinct RNGs computed on a single processor core. But we all have multiple cores now, or we’re computing on a cluster or the cloud! So the behavior we’d like from rjags is to use the foreach package with each JAGS chain using a parallel-safe RNG. The default behavior with n.chain=1 will be that each parallel instance will use[1] , the Wichmann-Hill RNG. JAGS 2.2.0 includes a new lecuyer module (along with the glm module, which everyone should probably always use, and doesn’t have many undocumented tricks that I know of). But lecuyer is completely undocumented! I tried"lecuyer::Lecuyer" ,"lecuyer::lecuyer" , and

2 0.086803541 1045 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-07-Martyn Plummer’s Secret JAGS Blog

Introduction: Martyn Plummer , the creator of the open-source, C++, graphical-model compiler JAGS (aka “Just Another Gibbs Sampler”), runs a forum on the JAGS site that has a very similar feel to the mail-bag posts on this blog. Martyn answers general statistical computing questions (e.g., why slice sampling rather than Metropolis-Hastings?) and general modeling (e.g., why won’t my model converge with this prior?). Here’s the link to the top-level JAGS site, and to the forum: JAGS Forum JAGS Home Page The forum’s pretty active, with the stats page showing hundreds of views per day and very regular posts and answers. Martyn’s last post was today. Martyn also has a blog devoted to JAGS and other stats news: JAGS News Blog

3 0.072652034 55 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-27-In Linux, use jags() to call Jags instead of using bugs() to call OpenBugs

Introduction: Douglas Anderton informed us that, in a Linux system, you can’t call OpenBugs from R using bugs() from the R2Winbugs package. Instead, you should call Jags using jags() from the R2jags package. P.S. Not the Rotter’s Club guy.

4 0.056102976 266 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-09-The future of R

Introduction: Some thoughts from Christian , including this bit: We need to consider separately 1. R’s brilliant library 2. R’s not-so-brilliant language and/or interpreter. I don’t know that R’s library is so brilliant as all that–if necessary, I don’t think it would be hard to reprogram the important packages in a new language. I would say, though, that the problems with R are not just in the technical details of the language. I think the culture of R has some problems too. As I’ve written before, R functions used to be lean and mean, and now they’re full of exception-handling and calls to other packages. R functions are spaghetti-like messes of connections in which I keep expecting to run into syntax like “GOTO 120.” I learned about these problems a couple years ago when writing bayesglm(), which is a simple adaptation of glm(). But glm(), and its workhorse,, are a mess: They’re about 10 lines of functioning code, plus about 20 lines of necessary front-end, plus a cou

5 0.047166836 1966 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-03-Uncertainty in parameter estimates using multilevel models

Introduction: David Hsu writes: I have a (perhaps) simple question about uncertainty in parameter estimates using multilevel models — what is an appropriate threshold for measure parameter uncertainty in a multilevel model? The reason why I ask is that I set out to do a crossed two-way model with two varying intercepts, similar to your flight simulator example in your 2007 book. The difference is that I have a lot of predictors specific to each cell (I think equivalent to airport and pilot in your example), and I find after modeling this in JAGS, I happily find that the predictors are much less important than the variability by cell (airport and pilot effects). Happily because this is what I am writing a paper about. However, I then went to check subsets of predictors using lm() and lmer(). I understand that they all use different estimation methods, but what I can’t figure out is why the errors on all of the coefficient estimates are *so* different. For example, using JAGS, and th

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.94025564 818 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-23-Parallel JAGS RNGs

Introduction: As a matter of convention, we usually run 3 or 4 chains in JAGS. By default, this gives rise to chains that draw samples from 3 or 4 distinct pseudorandom number generators. I didn’t go and check whether it does things 111,222,333 or 123,123,123, but in any event the “parallel chains” in JAGS are samples drawn from distinct RNGs computed on a single processor core. But we all have multiple cores now, or we’re computing on a cluster or the cloud! So the behavior we’d like from rjags is to use the foreach package with each JAGS chain using a parallel-safe RNG. The default behavior with n.chain=1 will be that each parallel instance will use[1] , the Wichmann-Hill RNG. JAGS 2.2.0 includes a new lecuyer module (along with the glm module, which everyone should probably always use, and doesn’t have many undocumented tricks that I know of). But lecuyer is completely undocumented! I tried"lecuyer::Lecuyer" ,"lecuyer::lecuyer" , and

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3 0.73870695 55 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-27-In Linux, use jags() to call Jags instead of using bugs() to call OpenBugs

Introduction: Douglas Anderton informed us that, in a Linux system, you can’t call OpenBugs from R using bugs() from the R2Winbugs package. Instead, you should call Jags using jags() from the R2jags package. P.S. Not the Rotter’s Club guy.

4 0.72000796 272 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-13-Ross Ihaka to R: Drop Dead

Introduction: Christian Robert posts these thoughts : I [Ross Ihaka] have been worried for some time that R isn’t going to provide the base that we’re going to need for statistical computation in the future. (It may well be that the future is already upon us.) There are certainly efficiency problems (speed and memory use), but there are more fundamental issues too. Some of these were inherited from S and some are peculiar to R. One of the worst problems is scoping. Consider the following little gem. f =function() { if (runif(1) > .5) x = 10 x } The x being returned by this function is randomly local or global. There are other examples where variables alternate between local and non-local throughout the body of a function. No sensible language would allow this. It’s ugly and it makes optimisation really difficult. This isn’t the only problem, even weirder things happen because of interactions between scoping and lazy evaluation. In light of this, I [Ihaka] have come to the c

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same-blog 1 0.86515713 818 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-23-Parallel JAGS RNGs

Introduction: As a matter of convention, we usually run 3 or 4 chains in JAGS. By default, this gives rise to chains that draw samples from 3 or 4 distinct pseudorandom number generators. I didn’t go and check whether it does things 111,222,333 or 123,123,123, but in any event the “parallel chains” in JAGS are samples drawn from distinct RNGs computed on a single processor core. But we all have multiple cores now, or we’re computing on a cluster or the cloud! So the behavior we’d like from rjags is to use the foreach package with each JAGS chain using a parallel-safe RNG. The default behavior with n.chain=1 will be that each parallel instance will use[1] , the Wichmann-Hill RNG. JAGS 2.2.0 includes a new lecuyer module (along with the glm module, which everyone should probably always use, and doesn’t have many undocumented tricks that I know of). But lecuyer is completely undocumented! I tried"lecuyer::Lecuyer" ,"lecuyer::lecuyer" , and

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Introduction: I was recently speaking with a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, a Californian in a tight race this year. I mentioned the prediction for him, and he said “ What’s that?”

4 0.6965698 729 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-24-Deviance as a difference

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5 0.66520953 1805 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-16-Memo to Reinhart and Rogoff: I think it’s best to admit your errors and go on from there

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