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1807 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-17-Data problems, coding errors…what can be done?

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Introduction: This post is by Phil A recent post on this blog discusses a prominent case of an Excel error leading to substantially wrong results from a statistical analysis. Excel is notorious for this because it is easy to add a row or column of data (or intermediate results) but forget to update equations so that they correctly use the new data. That particular error is less common in a language like R because R programmers usually refer to data by variable name (or by applying functions to a named variable), so the same code works even if you add or remove data. Still, there is plenty of opportunity for errors no matter what language one uses. Andrew ran into problems fairly recently, and also blogged about another instance. I’ve never had to retract a paper, but that’s partly because I haven’t published a whole lot of papers. Certainly I have found plenty of substantial errors pretty late in some of my data analyses, and I obviously don’t have sufficient mechanisms in place to be sure

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Excel is notorious for this because it is easy to add a row or column of data (or intermediate results) but forget to update equations so that they correctly use the new data. [sent-2, score-0.522]

2 That particular error is less common in a language like R because R programmers usually refer to data by variable name (or by applying functions to a named variable), so the same code works even if you add or remove data. [sent-3, score-0.813]

3 Certainly I have found plenty of substantial errors pretty late in some of my data analyses, and I obviously don’t have sufficient mechanisms in place to be sure that errors can’t persist all the way through to the end. [sent-7, score-0.455]

4 I sometimes used to refer to the wrong column (or, occasionally, row) of data. [sent-11, score-0.476]

5 The solution here is easy: assign column names, and refer to columns by name instead of number. [sent-12, score-0.75]

6 Ideally, column headers are already in the data file; if not, and if it doesn’t make sense to edit the data file to put them in there, then read the datafile normally and assign column names with the very next command. [sent-13, score-1.261]

7 I sometimes make a change or fix an error in one place in my code but not another. [sent-14, score-0.551]

8 I might have a block of code that analyzes the first dataset, and an almost duplicated block of code that analyzes the second dataset. [sent-16, score-0.712]

9 I try to make myself use two mechanisms to make sure I don’t have this problem: (a) label the outputs and look at the labels. [sent-18, score-0.532]

10 Unfortunately, the way I usually work I often won’t end up looking at those when it comes time to do something with the results; for instance, I might make an output matrix with something like  rbind(results1, results2), where results1 and results2 are outputs of the quantile function. [sent-25, score-0.657]

11 In the current example, rather than calling the quantile() function in two different places, I could write a really simple function like this: myquantile = function(datavec) { return(quantile(datavec,probs=c(0. [sent-27, score-0.512]

12 I sometimes use the wrong variable name in a function, and this problem can be hard to find. [sent-35, score-0.475]

13 Great, except that I sometimes make an error like this: inside the function I define a variable  like std = sqrt(var(dat)), and then later in the function I say something like x = (dat – mean(dat))/stdev. [sent-39, score-1.081]

14 I wish R had a “strict” option or something, that would make a function give an error or at least a warning if I use a variable that isn’t local. [sent-45, score-0.706]

15 Say I have data on a bunch of buildings, and frame1 has a list of buildings that have certain characteristics, and frame2 has a big list of lots of buildings and some data on each one. [sent-47, score-0.73]

16 Then frame2[match(frame1$buildingname, frame2$buildingname),] gives me just the rows of frame2 that match the buildings in frame1. [sent-48, score-0.384]

17 Even so, I can run into trouble if I want to do further subsetting, like look at only the rows in frame2 for which the name occurs in frame1 AND some other column of frame1 has a certain characteristic, or for which the name occurs in frame1 and some other condition of frame2 is also true. [sent-53, score-0.795]

18 This seems simple and obvious, and in the example I’ve given here it is indeed simple and obvious, but sometimes when I have multiple data sources, and maybe data structures that are more complicated than data frames, it’s not so easy. [sent-57, score-0.609]

19 table() and then just go ahead and start referring to various rows and columns (by name or otherwise); open the datafile, or write out the results from your work, and take a look. [sent-60, score-0.473]

20 Many problems will show up as suspicious patterns: you’ll find that a whole column has the same value, or that something that should always be positive has some negative values somehow, or that a variable you thought you had normalized to 1 has some values over 1, or whatever. [sent-64, score-0.455]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('quantile', 0.28), ('column', 0.253), ('buildingname', 0.246), ('function', 0.221), ('dat', 0.168), ('buildings', 0.163), ('code', 0.147), ('variable', 0.137), ('name', 0.135), ('sometimes', 0.127), ('rows', 0.126), ('datafile', 0.123), ('columns', 0.119), ('error', 0.118), ('excel', 0.115), ('data', 0.114), ('stdev', 0.112), ('block', 0.111), ('std', 0.101), ('try', 0.099), ('analyzes', 0.098), ('refer', 0.096), ('match', 0.095), ('results', 0.093), ('make', 0.091), ('outputs', 0.09), ('errors', 0.09), ('list', 0.088), ('edit', 0.088), ('names', 0.087), ('reduce', 0.087), ('percentile', 0.087), ('decide', 0.085), ('mechanisms', 0.085), ('row', 0.079), ('solution', 0.076), ('use', 0.076), ('plenty', 0.076), ('solutions', 0.075), ('occurs', 0.073), ('assign', 0.071), ('simple', 0.07), ('fix', 0.068), ('file', 0.067), ('ve', 0.066), ('matrix', 0.066), ('kinds', 0.066), ('common', 0.066), ('something', 0.065), ('option', 0.063)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0000002 1807 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-17-Data problems, coding errors…what can be done?

Introduction: This post is by Phil A recent post on this blog discusses a prominent case of an Excel error leading to substantially wrong results from a statistical analysis. Excel is notorious for this because it is easy to add a row or column of data (or intermediate results) but forget to update equations so that they correctly use the new data. That particular error is less common in a language like R because R programmers usually refer to data by variable name (or by applying functions to a named variable), so the same code works even if you add or remove data. Still, there is plenty of opportunity for errors no matter what language one uses. Andrew ran into problems fairly recently, and also blogged about another instance. I’ve never had to retract a paper, but that’s partly because I haven’t published a whole lot of papers. Certainly I have found plenty of substantial errors pretty late in some of my data analyses, and I obviously don’t have sufficient mechanisms in place to be sure

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Introduction: Ryan Seals writes: I’m an epidemiologist at Emory University, and I’m working on a project of release patterns in jails (basically trying to model how long individuals are in jail before they’re release, for purposes of designing short-term health interventions, i.e. HIV testing, drug counseling, etc…). The question lends itself to quantile regression; we’re interested in the # of days it takes for 50% and 75% of inmates to be released. But being a clustered/nested data structure, it also obviously lends itself to multilevel modeling, with the group-level being individual jails. So: do you know of any work on multilevel quantile regression? My quick lit search didn’t yield much, and I don’t see any preprogrammed way to do it in SAS. My reply: To start with, I’m putting in the R keyword here, on the hope that some readers might be able to refer you to an R function that does what you want. Beyond this, I think it should be possible to program something in Bugs. In ARM we hav

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Introduction: This post is by Phil A recent post on this blog discusses a prominent case of an Excel error leading to substantially wrong results from a statistical analysis. Excel is notorious for this because it is easy to add a row or column of data (or intermediate results) but forget to update equations so that they correctly use the new data. That particular error is less common in a language like R because R programmers usually refer to data by variable name (or by applying functions to a named variable), so the same code works even if you add or remove data. Still, there is plenty of opportunity for errors no matter what language one uses. Andrew ran into problems fairly recently, and also blogged about another instance. I’ve never had to retract a paper, but that’s partly because I haven’t published a whole lot of papers. Certainly I have found plenty of substantial errors pretty late in some of my data analyses, and I obviously don’t have sufficient mechanisms in place to be sure

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Introduction: Andrew and I have been discussing how we’re going to define functions in Stan for defining systems of differential equations; see our evolving ode design doc ; comments welcome, of course. About Scope I mentioned to Andrew I would prefer pure lexical, static scoping, as found in languages like C++ and Java. If you’re not familiar with the alternatives, there’s a nice overview in the Wikipedia article on scope . Let me call out a few passages that will help set the context. A fundamental distinction in scoping is what “context” means – whether name resolution depends on the location in the source code (lexical scope, static scope, which depends on the lexical context) or depends on the program state when the name is encountered (dynamic scope, which depends on the execution context or calling context). Lexical resolution can be determined at compile time, and is also known as early binding, while dynamic resolution can in general only be determined at run time, and thus

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