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791 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-08-Censoring on one end, “outliers” on the other, what can we do with the middle?

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Introduction: This post was written by Phil. A medical company is testing a cancer drug. They get a 16 genetically identical (or nearly identical) rats that all have the same kind of tumor, give 8 of them the drug and leave 8 untreated…or maybe they give them a placebo, I don’t know; is there a placebo effect in rats?. Anyway, after a while the rats are killed and examined. If the tumors in the treated rats are smaller than the tumors in the untreated rats, then all of the rats have their blood tested for dozens of different proteins that are known to be associated with tumor growth or suppression. If there is a “significant” difference in one of the protein levels, then the working assumption is that the drug increases or decreases levels of that protein and that may be the mechanism by which the drug affects cancer. All of the above is done on many different cancer types and possibly several different types of rats. It’s just the initial screening: if things look promising, many more tests an

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 They get a 16 genetically identical (or nearly identical) rats that all have the same kind of tumor, give 8 of them the drug and leave 8 untreated…or maybe they give them a placebo, I don’t know; is there a placebo effect in rats? [sent-3, score-0.801]

2 Anyway, after a while the rats are killed and examined. [sent-5, score-0.453]

3 If the tumors in the treated rats are smaller than the tumors in the untreated rats, then all of the rats have their blood tested for dozens of different proteins that are known to be associated with tumor growth or suppression. [sent-6, score-1.611]

4 If there is a “significant” difference in one of the protein levels, then the working assumption is that the drug increases or decreases levels of that protein and that may be the mechanism by which the drug affects cancer. [sent-7, score-1.795]

5 All of the above is done on many different cancer types and possibly several different types of rats. [sent-8, score-0.293]

6 It’s just the initial screening: if things look promising, many more tests and different tests are done, potentially culminating (years later) in human tests. [sent-9, score-0.28]

7 So the initial task is to determine, from 8 control and 8 treated rats, which proteins look different. [sent-10, score-0.337]

8 below some level a protein is simply reported as “low”; (2) even above the censoring threshold the data are very uncertain (50% or 30% uncertainty for concentrations up to maybe double the censoring threshold); (3) some proteins are reported only in discrete levels (e. [sent-13, score-1.512]

9 4, but never in between); (4) sometimes instrument problems, chemistry problems, or abnormalities in one or more rats lead to very high measurements of one or more proteins. [sent-17, score-0.624]

10 14, low Protein A, controls: low, low, low, low, 0. [sent-23, score-0.318]

11 24, low, low, low Protein B, cases: 160, 122, 99, 145, 377, 133, 123, 140 Protein B, controls: 94, 107, 139, 135, 152, 120, 111, 118 Note the very high value of Protein B in case rat 5. [sent-24, score-0.375]

12 The drug company would not want to flag Protein B as being affected by their drug just because they got that one big number. [sent-25, score-0.456]

13 Finally, the question: what’s a good algorithm to recognize if the cases tend to have higher levels of a given protein than the controls? [sent-26, score-0.833]

14 A few possibilities that come to mind: (1) generate bootstrap samples from the cases and from the controls, and see how often the medians differ by more than the observed medians do; if it’s a small fraction of the time, then the observed difference is “statistically significant. [sent-27, score-0.555]

15 (3) Discard outliers, then use censored maximum likelihood (or similar) on the rest of the data, thus generating a mean (or geometric mean) and uncertainty for the cases and for the controls. [sent-29, score-0.321]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('protein', 0.606), ('rats', 0.41), ('low', 0.318), ('proteins', 0.2), ('drug', 0.17), ('controls', 0.156), ('censoring', 0.133), ('medians', 0.121), ('levels', 0.116), ('cases', 0.111), ('tumors', 0.109), ('untreated', 0.109), ('tumor', 0.102), ('placebo', 0.091), ('threshold', 0.074), ('identical', 0.073), ('measurements', 0.07), ('cancer', 0.069), ('initial', 0.069), ('treated', 0.068), ('types', 0.064), ('company', 0.061), ('rat', 0.057), ('culminating', 0.057), ('abnormalities', 0.057), ('genetically', 0.057), ('observed', 0.057), ('geometric', 0.055), ('censored', 0.055), ('flag', 0.055), ('uncertainty', 0.053), ('reported', 0.053), ('tests', 0.053), ('complications', 0.051), ('concentrations', 0.049), ('discard', 0.049), ('different', 0.048), ('generating', 0.047), ('screening', 0.046), ('bootstrap', 0.046), ('promising', 0.046), ('blood', 0.046), ('decreases', 0.044), ('chemistry', 0.044), ('outliers', 0.044), ('instrument', 0.043), ('killed', 0.043), ('uncertain', 0.042), ('difference', 0.042), ('affects', 0.041)]

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same-blog 1 0.99999994 791 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-08-Censoring on one end, “outliers” on the other, what can we do with the middle?

Introduction: This post was written by Phil. A medical company is testing a cancer drug. They get a 16 genetically identical (or nearly identical) rats that all have the same kind of tumor, give 8 of them the drug and leave 8 untreated…or maybe they give them a placebo, I don’t know; is there a placebo effect in rats?. Anyway, after a while the rats are killed and examined. If the tumors in the treated rats are smaller than the tumors in the untreated rats, then all of the rats have their blood tested for dozens of different proteins that are known to be associated with tumor growth or suppression. If there is a “significant” difference in one of the protein levels, then the working assumption is that the drug increases or decreases levels of that protein and that may be the mechanism by which the drug affects cancer. All of the above is done on many different cancer types and possibly several different types of rats. It’s just the initial screening: if things look promising, many more tests an

2 0.2400026 2099 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-13-“What are some situations in which the classical approach (or a naive implementation of it, based on cookbook recipes) gives worse results than a Bayesian approach, results that actually impeded the science?”

Introduction: Phil Nelson writes in the context of a biostatistics textbook he is writing, “Physical models of living systems”: There are a number of classic statistical problems that arise every day in the lab, and which are discussed in any book: 1. In a control group, M untreated rats out of 20 got a form of cancer. In a test group, N treated rats out of 20 got that cancer. Is this a significant difference? 2. In a control group of 20 untreated rates, their body weights at 2 weeks were w_1,…, w_20. In a test group of 20 treated rats, their body weights at 2 weeks were w’_1,…, w’_20. Are the means significantly different? 3. In a group of 20 rats, each given dose d_i of a drug, their body weights at 2 weeks were w_i. Is there a significant correlation between d and w? I would like to ask: What are some situations in which the classical approach (or a naive implementation of it, based on cookbook recipes) gives worse results than a Bayesian approach, results that actually impeded the scien

3 0.10488276 53 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-26-Tumors, on the left, or on the right?

Introduction: In response to the post The bane of many causes in the context of mobile phone use and brain cancer, Robert Erikson wrote: The true control here is the side of the head of the tumor: same side as phone use or opposite side. If that is the test, the data from the study are scary. Clearly tumors are more likely on the “same” side, at whatever astronomical p value you want to use. That cannot be explained away by misremembering, since an auxiliary study showed misremembering was not biased toward cell phone-tumor consistency. A strong signal in the data pointed by Prof. Erikson is that the tumors are overwhelmingly likelier to appear on the same side of the head as where the phone is held. I’ve converted the ratios into percentages, based on an assumption that the risk for tumors would be apriori equal for both sides of the head. There is a group of people with low-to-moderate exposure and high lateral bias, but the bias does increase quite smoothly with increasing

4 0.097583741 388 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-01-The placebo effect in pharma

Introduction: Bruce McCullough writes: The Sept 2009 issue of Wired had a big article on the increase in the placebo effect, and why it’s been getting bigger. Kaiser Fung has a synopsis . As if you don’t have enough to do, I thought you might be interested in blogging on this. My reply: I thought Kaiser’s discussion was good, especially this point: Effect on treatment group = Effect of the drug + effect of belief in being treated Effect on placebo group = Effect of belief in being treated Thus, the difference between the two groups = effect of the drug, since the effect of belief in being treated affects both groups of patients. Thus, as Kaiser puts it, if the treatment isn’t doing better than placebo, it doesn’t say that the placebo effect is big (let alone “too big”) but that the treatment isn’t showing any additional effect. It’s “treatment + placebo” vs. placebo, not treatment vs. placebo. That said, I’d prefer for Kaiser to make it clear that the additivity he’s assu

5 0.092474572 86 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-14-“Too much data”?

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Introduction: This post was written by Phil. A medical company is testing a cancer drug. They get a 16 genetically identical (or nearly identical) rats that all have the same kind of tumor, give 8 of them the drug and leave 8 untreated…or maybe they give them a placebo, I don’t know; is there a placebo effect in rats?. Anyway, after a while the rats are killed and examined. If the tumors in the treated rats are smaller than the tumors in the untreated rats, then all of the rats have their blood tested for dozens of different proteins that are known to be associated with tumor growth or suppression. If there is a “significant” difference in one of the protein levels, then the working assumption is that the drug increases or decreases levels of that protein and that may be the mechanism by which the drug affects cancer. All of the above is done on many different cancer types and possibly several different types of rats. It’s just the initial screening: if things look promising, many more tests an

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Introduction: Geoffrey Sheean writes: I am having trouble thinking Bayesianly about the so-called ‘normal’ or ‘reference’ values that I am supposed to use in some of the tests I perform. These values are obtained from purportedly healthy people. Setting aside concerns about ascertainment bias, non-parametric distributions, and the like, the values are usually obtained by setting the limits at ± 2SD from the mean. In some cases, supposedly because of a non-normal distribution, the third highest and lowest value observed in the healthy group sets the limits, on the assumption that no more than 2 results (out of 20 samples) are allowed to exceed these values: if there are 3 or more, then the test is assumed to be abnormal and the reference range is said to reflect the 90th percentile. The results are binary – normal, abnormal. The relevance to the diseased state is this. People who are known unequivocally to have condition X show Y abnormalities in these tests. Therefore, when people suspected

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Introduction: In response to the post The bane of many causes in the context of mobile phone use and brain cancer, Robert Erikson wrote: The true control here is the side of the head of the tumor: same side as phone use or opposite side. If that is the test, the data from the study are scary. Clearly tumors are more likely on the “same” side, at whatever astronomical p value you want to use. That cannot be explained away by misremembering, since an auxiliary study showed misremembering was not biased toward cell phone-tumor consistency. A strong signal in the data pointed by Prof. Erikson is that the tumors are overwhelmingly likelier to appear on the same side of the head as where the phone is held. I’ve converted the ratios into percentages, based on an assumption that the risk for tumors would be apriori equal for both sides of the head. There is a group of people with low-to-moderate exposure and high lateral bias, but the bias does increase quite smoothly with increasing

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Introduction: This post was written by Phil. A medical company is testing a cancer drug. They get a 16 genetically identical (or nearly identical) rats that all have the same kind of tumor, give 8 of them the drug and leave 8 untreated…or maybe they give them a placebo, I don’t know; is there a placebo effect in rats?. Anyway, after a while the rats are killed and examined. If the tumors in the treated rats are smaller than the tumors in the untreated rats, then all of the rats have their blood tested for dozens of different proteins that are known to be associated with tumor growth or suppression. If there is a “significant” difference in one of the protein levels, then the working assumption is that the drug increases or decreases levels of that protein and that may be the mechanism by which the drug affects cancer. All of the above is done on many different cancer types and possibly several different types of rats. It’s just the initial screening: if things look promising, many more tests an

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