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1628 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-17-Statistics in a world where nothing is random

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Introduction: Rama Ganesan writes: I think I am having an existential crisis. I used to work with animals (rats, mice, gerbils etc.) Then I started to work in marketing research where we did have some kind of random sampling procedure. So up until a few years ago, I was sort of okay. Now I am teaching marketing research, and I feel like there is no real random sampling anymore. I take pains to get students to understand what random means, and then the whole lot of inferential statistics. Then almost anything they do – the sample is not random. They think I am contradicting myself. They use convenience samples at every turn – for their school work, and the enormous amount on online surveying that gets done. Do you have any suggestions for me? Other than say, something like this . My reply: Statistics does not require randomness. The three essential elements of statistics are measurement, comparison, and variation. Randomness is one way to supply variation, and it’s one way to model

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Rama Ganesan writes: I think I am having an existential crisis. [sent-1, score-0.125]

2 I used to work with animals (rats, mice, gerbils etc. [sent-2, score-0.174]

3 ) Then I started to work in marketing research where we did have some kind of random sampling procedure. [sent-3, score-0.956]

4 Now I am teaching marketing research, and I feel like there is no real random sampling anymore. [sent-5, score-0.87]

5 I take pains to get students to understand what random means, and then the whole lot of inferential statistics. [sent-6, score-0.606]

6 Then almost anything they do – the sample is not random. [sent-7, score-0.084]

7 They use convenience samples at every turn – for their school work, and the enormous amount on online surveying that gets done. [sent-9, score-0.424]

8 The three essential elements of statistics are measurement, comparison, and variation. [sent-13, score-0.248]

9 Nor is it necessary to have “true” randomness (of the dice-throwing or urn-sampling variety) in order to have a useful probability model. [sent-15, score-0.513]

10 For example, consider our work in Red State Blue State, looking at patterns of voting given income and religious attendance by state. [sent-16, score-0.253]

11 Here we did have random sampling—we were working with survey data—but even if we’d had no sampling at all, if we’d had a census of opinions of all voters, we’d still have statistics problems. [sent-17, score-0.932]

12 So I don’t think random sampling is necessary for statistics. [sent-18, score-0.829]

13 To answer your question about nonrepresentative samples, there I think it’s best to adjust for known and modeled differences between sample and population. [sent-19, score-0.363]

14 Here the idea of random sampling is a useful start and a useful comparison point. [sent-20, score-1.059]

15 Ganesan writes back: Yes but all we seem to teach students is significance testing where randomness is assumed. [sent-21, score-0.425]

16 How far can I get away with saying that t-tests, ANOVAs are ‘robust’ to violations of this assumption? [sent-22, score-0.109]

17 My reply: One approach is to forget the t tests, F tests, etc. [sent-24, score-0.069]

18 and instead frame problems as quantitative comparisons, predictions, and causal inferences (which are a form of prediction of potential outcomes). [sent-25, score-0.081]

19 ’s, etc from a random sampling model that you recognize is an approximation. [sent-28, score-0.711]

20 This all loops back to Phil’s recent discussion . [sent-29, score-0.169]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('sampling', 0.379), ('random', 0.332), ('randomness', 0.276), ('ganesan', 0.25), ('marketing', 0.159), ('samples', 0.129), ('rama', 0.125), ('surveying', 0.125), ('existential', 0.125), ('contradicting', 0.125), ('nonrepresentative', 0.125), ('useful', 0.119), ('anovas', 0.118), ('necessary', 0.118), ('variation', 0.112), ('comparison', 0.11), ('tests', 0.109), ('violations', 0.109), ('pains', 0.109), ('mice', 0.109), ('rats', 0.106), ('conf', 0.106), ('loops', 0.103), ('attendance', 0.095), ('elements', 0.089), ('animals', 0.088), ('enormous', 0.086), ('work', 0.086), ('convenience', 0.084), ('sample', 0.084), ('state', 0.084), ('students', 0.083), ('inferential', 0.082), ('essential', 0.081), ('frame', 0.081), ('modeled', 0.08), ('statistics', 0.078), ('census', 0.076), ('adjust', 0.074), ('reply', 0.073), ('religious', 0.072), ('robust', 0.071), ('forget', 0.069), ('phil', 0.067), ('supply', 0.067), ('variety', 0.067), ('opinions', 0.067), ('intervals', 0.066), ('back', 0.066), ('teach', 0.066)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999988 1628 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-17-Statistics in a world where nothing is random

Introduction: Rama Ganesan writes: I think I am having an existential crisis. I used to work with animals (rats, mice, gerbils etc.) Then I started to work in marketing research where we did have some kind of random sampling procedure. So up until a few years ago, I was sort of okay. Now I am teaching marketing research, and I feel like there is no real random sampling anymore. I take pains to get students to understand what random means, and then the whole lot of inferential statistics. Then almost anything they do – the sample is not random. They think I am contradicting myself. They use convenience samples at every turn – for their school work, and the enormous amount on online surveying that gets done. Do you have any suggestions for me? Other than say, something like this . My reply: Statistics does not require randomness. The three essential elements of statistics are measurement, comparison, and variation. Randomness is one way to supply variation, and it’s one way to model

2 0.21879981 2359 andrew gelman stats-2014-06-04-All the Assumptions That Are My Life

Introduction: Statisticians take tours in other people’s data. All methods of statistical inference rest on statistical models. Experiments typically have problems with compliance, measurement error, generalizability to the real world, and representativeness of the sample. Surveys typically have problems of undercoverage, nonresponse, and measurement error. Real surveys are done to learn about the general population. But real surveys are not random samples. For another example, consider educational tests: what are they exactly measuring? Nobody knows. Medical research: even if it’s a randomized experiment, the participants in the study won’t be a random sample from the population for whom you’d recommend treatment. You don’t need random sampling to generalize the results of a medical experiment to the general population but you need some substantive theory to make the assumption that effects in your nonrepresentative sample of people will be similar to effects in the population of interest. Ve

3 0.20258197 1144 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-29-How many parameters are in a multilevel model?

Introduction: Stephen Collins writes: I’m reading your Multilevel modeling book and am trying to apply it to my work. I’m concerned with how to estimate a random intercept model if there are hundreds/thousands of levels. In the Gibbs sampling, am I sampling a parameter for each level? Or, just the hyper-parameters? In other words, say I had 500 zipcode intercepts modeled as ~ N(m,s). Would my posterior be two dimensional, sampling for “m” and “s,” or would it have 502 dimensions? My reply: Indeed you will have hundreds or thousands of parameters—or, in classical terms, hundreds or thousands of predictive quantities. But that’s ok. Even if none of those predictions is precise, you’re learning about the model. See page 526 of the book for more discussion of the number of parameters in a multilevel model.

4 0.19422649 774 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-20-The pervasive twoishness of statistics; in particular, the “sampling distribution” and the “likelihood” are two different models, and that’s a good thing

Introduction: Lots of good statistical methods make use of two models. For example: - Classical statistics: estimates and standard errors using the likelihood function; tests and p-values using the sampling distribution. (The sampling distribution is not equivalent to the likelihood, as has been much discussed, for example in sequential stopping problems.) - Bayesian data analysis: inference using the posterior distribution; model checking using the predictive distribution (which, again, depends on the data-generating process in a way that the likelihood does not). - Machine learning: estimation using the data; evaluation using cross-validation (which requires some rule for partitioning the data, a rule that stands outside of the data themselves). - Bootstrap, jackknife, etc: estimation using an “estimator” (which, I would argue, is based in some sense on a model for the data), uncertainties using resampling (which, I would argue, is close to the idea of a “sampling distribution” in

5 0.1849169 1898 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-14-Progress! (on the understanding of the role of randomization in Bayesian inference)

Introduction: Leading theoretical statistician Larry Wassserman in 2008 : Some of the greatest contributions of statistics to science involve adding additional randomness and leveraging that randomness. Examples are randomized experiments, permutation tests, cross-validation and data-splitting. These are unabashedly frequentist ideas and, while one can strain to fit them into a Bayesian framework, they don’t really have a place in Bayesian inference. The fact that Bayesian methods do not naturally accommodate such a powerful set of statistical ideas seems like a serious deficiency. To which I responded on the second-to-last paragraph of page 8 here . Larry Wasserman in 2013 : Some people say that there is no role for randomization in Bayesian inference. In other words, the randomization mechanism plays no role in Bayes’ theorem. But this is not really true. Without randomization, we can indeed derive a posterior for theta but it is highly sensitive to the prior. This is just a restat

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17 0.13148063 1551 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-28-A convenience sample and selected treatments

18 0.12999874 51 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-26-If statistics is so significantly great, why don’t statisticians use statistics?

19 0.12867011 1943 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-18-Data to use for in-class sampling exercises?

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same-blog 1 0.97313732 1628 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-17-Statistics in a world where nothing is random

Introduction: Rama Ganesan writes: I think I am having an existential crisis. I used to work with animals (rats, mice, gerbils etc.) Then I started to work in marketing research where we did have some kind of random sampling procedure. So up until a few years ago, I was sort of okay. Now I am teaching marketing research, and I feel like there is no real random sampling anymore. I take pains to get students to understand what random means, and then the whole lot of inferential statistics. Then almost anything they do – the sample is not random. They think I am contradicting myself. They use convenience samples at every turn – for their school work, and the enormous amount on online surveying that gets done. Do you have any suggestions for me? Other than say, something like this . My reply: Statistics does not require randomness. The three essential elements of statistics are measurement, comparison, and variation. Randomness is one way to supply variation, and it’s one way to model

2 0.86778384 107 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-24-PPS in Georgia

Introduction: Lucy Flynn writes: I’m working at a non-profit organization called CRRC in the Republic of Georgia. I’m having a methodological problem and I saw the syllabus for your sampling class online and thought I might be able to ask you about it? We do a lot of complex surveys nationwide; our typical sample design is as follows: - stratify by rural/urban/capital - sub-stratify the rural and urban strata into NE/NW/SE/SW geographic quadrants - select voting precincts as PSUs - select households as SSUs - select individual respondents as TSUs I’m relatively new here, and past practice has been to sample voting precincts with probability proportional to size. It’s desirable because it’s not logistically feasible for us to vary the number of interviews per precinct with precinct size, so it makes the selection probabilities for households more even across precinct sizes. However, I have a complex sampling textbook (Lohr 1999), and it explains how complex it is to calculate sel

3 0.82681495 2359 andrew gelman stats-2014-06-04-All the Assumptions That Are My Life

Introduction: Statisticians take tours in other people’s data. All methods of statistical inference rest on statistical models. Experiments typically have problems with compliance, measurement error, generalizability to the real world, and representativeness of the sample. Surveys typically have problems of undercoverage, nonresponse, and measurement error. Real surveys are done to learn about the general population. But real surveys are not random samples. For another example, consider educational tests: what are they exactly measuring? Nobody knows. Medical research: even if it’s a randomized experiment, the participants in the study won’t be a random sample from the population for whom you’d recommend treatment. You don’t need random sampling to generalize the results of a medical experiment to the general population but you need some substantive theory to make the assumption that effects in your nonrepresentative sample of people will be similar to effects in the population of interest. Ve

4 0.76876438 603 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-07-Assumptions vs. conditions, part 2

Introduction: In response to the discussion of his remarks on assumptions vs. conditions, Jeff Witmer writes : If [certain conditions hold] , then the t-test p-value gives a remarkably good approximation to “the real thing” — namely the randomization reference p-value. . . . I [Witmer] make assumptions about conditions that I cannot check, e.g., that the data arose from a random sample. Of course, just as there is no such thing as a normal population, there is no such thing as a random sample. I disagree strongly with both the above paragraphs! I say this not to pick a fight with Jeff Witmer but to illustrate how, in statistics, even the most basic points that people take for granted, can’t be. Let’s take the claims in order: 1. The purpose of a t test is to approximate the randomization p-value. Not to me. In my world, the purpose of t tests and intervals is to summarize uncertainty in estimates and comparisons. I don’t care about a p-value and almost certainly don’t care a

5 0.76396888 405 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-10-Estimation from an out-of-date census

Introduction: Suguru Mizunoya writes: When we estimate the number of people from a national sampling survey (such as labor force survey) using sampling weights, don’t we obtain underestimated number of people, if the country’s population is growing and the sampling frame is based on an old census data? In countries with increasing populations, the probability of inclusion changes over time, but the weights can’t be adjusted frequently because census takes place only once every five or ten years. I am currently working for UNICEF for a project on estimating number of out-of-school children in developing countries. The project leader is comfortable to use estimates of number of people from DHS and other surveys. But, I am concerned that we may need to adjust the estimated number of people by the population projection, otherwise the estimates will be underestimated. I googled around on this issue, but I could not find a right article or paper on this. My reply: I don’t know if there’s a pa

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1 0.97773182 1215 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-16-The “hot hand” and problems with hypothesis testing

Introduction: Gur Yaari writes : Anyone who has ever watched a sports competition is familiar with expressions like “on fire”, “in the zone”, “on a roll”, “momentum” and so on. But what do these expressions really mean? In 1985 when Thomas Gilovich, Robert Vallone and Amos Tversky studied this phenomenon for the first time, they defined it as: “. . . these phrases express a belief that the performance of a player during a particular period is significantly better than expected on the basis of the player’s overall record”. Their conclusion was that what people tend to perceive as a “hot hand” is essentially a cognitive illusion caused by a misperception of random sequences. Until recently there was little, if any, evidence to rule out their conclusion. Increased computing power and new data availability from various sports now provide surprising evidence of this phenomenon, thus reigniting the debate. Yaari goes on to some studies that have found time dependence in basketball, baseball, voll

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Introduction: Yes, it can be done : Hereby I contact you to clarify the situation that occurred with the publication of the article entitled *** which was published in Volume 11, Issue 3 of *** and I made the mistake of declaring as an author. This chapter is a plagiarism of . . . I wish to express and acknowledge that I am solely responsible for this . . . I recognize the gravity of the offense committed, since there is no justification for so doing. Therefore, and as a sign of shame and regret I feel in this situation, I will publish this letter, in order to set an example for other researchers do not engage in a similar error. No more, and to please accept my apologies, Sincerely, *** P.S. Since we’re on Retraction Watch already, I’ll point you to this unrelated story featuring a hilarious photo of a fraudster, who in this case was a grad student in psychology who faked his data and “has agreed to submit to a three-year supervisory period for any work involving funding from the

3 0.96444929 2243 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-11-The myth of the myth of the myth of the hot hand

Introduction: Phil pointed me to this paper so I thought I probably better repeat what I wrote a couple years ago: 1. The effects are certainly not zero. We are not machines, and anything that can affect our expectations (for example, our success in previous tries) should affect our performance. 2. The effects I’ve seen are small, on the order of 2 percentage points (for example, the probability of a success in some sports task might be 45% if you’re “hot” and 43% otherwise). 3. There’s a huge amount of variation, not just between but also among players. Sometimes if you succeed you will stay relaxed and focused, other times you can succeed and get overconfidence. 4. Whatever the latest results on particular sports, I can’t see anyone overturning the basic finding of Gilovich, Vallone, and Tversky that players and spectators alike will perceive the hot hand even when it does not exist and dramatically overestimate the magnitude and consistency of any hot-hand phenomenon that does exist.

4 0.96332568 833 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-31-Untunable Metropolis

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