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1944 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-18-You’ll get a high Type S error rate if you use classical statistical methods to analyze data from underpowered studies

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Introduction: Brendan Nyhan sends me this article from the research-methods all-star team of Katherine Button, John Ioannidis, Claire Mokrysz, Brian Nosek , Jonathan Flint, Emma Robinson, and Marcus Munafo: A study with low statistical power has a reduced chance of detecting a true effect, but it is less well appreciated that low power also reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect. Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles. I agree completely. In my terminology, with small sample size, the classical approach of looking for statistical significance leads

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. [sent-2, score-0.67]

2 The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. [sent-3, score-0.874]

3 There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. [sent-4, score-0.43]

4 Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles. [sent-5, score-0.689]

5 In my terminology, with small sample size, the classical approach of looking for statistical significance leads to a high rate of Type S error. [sent-7, score-0.473]

6 indeed this is a theme of my paper with Weakiem (along with much earlier literature in psychology research methods). [sent-8, score-0.099]

7 I’d love this stuff even more if they stopped using the word “power” which unfortunately is strongly tied to the not-so-useful notion of statistical significance. [sent-9, score-0.575]

8 Also I didn’t notice if they mentioned the statistical significance filter—the problem that statistically-significant results tend to have high Type M errors. [sent-10, score-0.38]

9 In any case, it’s good to see this stuff getting further attention. [sent-11, score-0.12]

10 Also I think it would be useful for them to go further and provide guidance into how to better analyze data from small samples. [sent-12, score-0.206]

11 Saying not to design low-power studies is fine, but once you have the data there’s no point in ignoring what you have. [sent-13, score-0.204]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('power', 0.258), ('reproducibility', 0.251), ('low', 0.189), ('weakiem', 0.156), ('neurosciences', 0.156), ('emma', 0.156), ('statistical', 0.15), ('claire', 0.141), ('significance', 0.138), ('type', 0.133), ('robinson', 0.132), ('size', 0.126), ('nosek', 0.125), ('priority', 0.123), ('katherine', 0.123), ('unreliable', 0.123), ('overestimates', 0.123), ('marcus', 0.123), ('button', 0.12), ('stuff', 0.12), ('inefficient', 0.118), ('appreciated', 0.118), ('terminology', 0.116), ('neuroscience', 0.116), ('detecting', 0.115), ('ioannidis', 0.115), ('nyhan', 0.113), ('guidance', 0.113), ('brendan', 0.111), ('ignored', 0.11), ('reduces', 0.109), ('notion', 0.107), ('studies', 0.106), ('reflects', 0.106), ('brian', 0.106), ('filter', 0.103), ('theme', 0.099), ('stopped', 0.099), ('tied', 0.099), ('ignoring', 0.098), ('reduced', 0.097), ('true', 0.096), ('ethical', 0.095), ('dimensions', 0.094), ('consequences', 0.093), ('improving', 0.093), ('small', 0.093), ('high', 0.092), ('effect', 0.092), ('methodological', 0.089)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0 1944 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-18-You’ll get a high Type S error rate if you use classical statistical methods to analyze data from underpowered studies

Introduction: Brendan Nyhan sends me this article from the research-methods all-star team of Katherine Button, John Ioannidis, Claire Mokrysz, Brian Nosek , Jonathan Flint, Emma Robinson, and Marcus Munafo: A study with low statistical power has a reduced chance of detecting a true effect, but it is less well appreciated that low power also reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect. Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles. I agree completely. In my terminology, with small sample size, the classical approach of looking for statistical significance leads

2 0.1594812 899 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-10-The statistical significance filter

Introduction: I’ve talked about this a bit but it’s never had its own blog entry (until now). Statistically significant findings tend to overestimate the magnitude of effects. This holds in general (because E(|x|) > |E(x)|) but even more so if you restrict to statistically significant results. Here’s an example. Suppose a true effect of theta is unbiasedly estimated by y ~ N (theta, 1). Further suppose that we will only consider statistically significant results, that is, cases in which |y| > 2. The estimate “|y| conditional on |y|>2″ is clearly an overestimate of |theta|. First off, if |theta|<2, the estimate |y| conditional on statistical significance is not only too high in expectation, it's always too high. This is a problem, given that |theta| is in reality probably is less than 2. (The low-hangning fruit have already been picked, remember?) But even if |theta|>2, the estimate |y| conditional on statistical significance will still be too high in expectation. For a discussion o

3 0.15580943 511 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-11-One more time on that ESP study: The problem of overestimates and the shrinkage solution

Introduction: Benedict Carey writes a follow-up article on ESP studies and Bayesian statistics. ( See here for my previous thoughts on the topic.) Everything Carey writes is fine, and he even uses an example I recommended: The statistical approach that has dominated the social sciences for almost a century is called significance testing. The idea is straightforward. A finding from any well-designed study — say, a correlation between a personality trait and the risk of depression — is considered “significant” if its probability of occurring by chance is less than 5 percent. This arbitrary cutoff makes sense when the effect being studied is a large one — for example, when measuring the so-called Stroop effect. This effect predicts that naming the color of a word is faster and more accurate when the word and color match (“red” in red letters) than when they do not (“red” in blue letters), and is very strong in almost everyone. “But if the true effect of what you are measuring is small,” sai

4 0.13873591 643 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-02-So-called Bayesian hypothesis testing is just as bad as regular hypothesis testing

Introduction: Steve Ziliak points me to this article by the always-excellent Carl Bialik, slamming hypothesis tests. I only wish Carl had talked with me before so hastily posting, though! I would’ve argued with some of the things in the article. In particular, he writes: Reese and Brad Carlin . . . suggest that Bayesian statistics are a better alternative, because they tackle the probability that the hypothesis is true head-on, and incorporate prior knowledge about the variables involved. Brad Carlin does great work in theory, methods, and applications, and I like the bit about the prior knowledge (although I might prefer the more general phrase “additional information”), but I hate that quote! My quick response is that the hypothesis of zero effect is almost never true! The problem with the significance testing framework–Bayesian or otherwise–is in the obsession with the possibility of an exact zero effect. The real concern is not with zero, it’s with claiming a positive effect whe

5 0.13596281 1878 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-31-How to fix the tabloids? Toward replicable social science research

Introduction: This seems to be the topic of the week. Yesterday I posted on the sister blog some further thoughts on those “Psychological Science” papers on menstrual cycles, biceps size, and political attitudes, tied to a horrible press release from the journal Psychological Science hyping the biceps and politics study. Then I was pointed to these suggestions from Richard Lucas and M. Brent Donnellan have on improving the replicability and reproducibility of research published in the Journal of Research in Personality: It goes without saying that editors of scientific journals strive to publish research that is not only theoretically interesting but also methodologically rigorous. The goal is to select papers that advance the field. Accordingly, editors want to publish findings that can be reproduced and replicated by other scientists. Unfortunately, there has been a recent “crisis in confidence” among psychologists about the quality of psychological research (Pashler & Wagenmakers, 2012)

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11 0.11729433 1607 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-05-The p-value is not . . .

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same-blog 1 0.98253131 1944 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-18-You’ll get a high Type S error rate if you use classical statistical methods to analyze data from underpowered studies

Introduction: Brendan Nyhan sends me this article from the research-methods all-star team of Katherine Button, John Ioannidis, Claire Mokrysz, Brian Nosek , Jonathan Flint, Emma Robinson, and Marcus Munafo: A study with low statistical power has a reduced chance of detecting a true effect, but it is less well appreciated that low power also reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect. Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles. I agree completely. In my terminology, with small sample size, the classical approach of looking for statistical significance leads

2 0.8277508 899 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-10-The statistical significance filter

Introduction: I’ve talked about this a bit but it’s never had its own blog entry (until now). Statistically significant findings tend to overestimate the magnitude of effects. This holds in general (because E(|x|) > |E(x)|) but even more so if you restrict to statistically significant results. Here’s an example. Suppose a true effect of theta is unbiasedly estimated by y ~ N (theta, 1). Further suppose that we will only consider statistically significant results, that is, cases in which |y| > 2. The estimate “|y| conditional on |y|>2″ is clearly an overestimate of |theta|. First off, if |theta|<2, the estimate |y| conditional on statistical significance is not only too high in expectation, it's always too high. This is a problem, given that |theta| is in reality probably is less than 2. (The low-hangning fruit have already been picked, remember?) But even if |theta|>2, the estimate |y| conditional on statistical significance will still be too high in expectation. For a discussion o

3 0.81207156 695 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-04-Statistics ethics question

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4 0.80717278 511 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-11-One more time on that ESP study: The problem of overestimates and the shrinkage solution

Introduction: Benedict Carey writes a follow-up article on ESP studies and Bayesian statistics. ( See here for my previous thoughts on the topic.) Everything Carey writes is fine, and he even uses an example I recommended: The statistical approach that has dominated the social sciences for almost a century is called significance testing. The idea is straightforward. A finding from any well-designed study — say, a correlation between a personality trait and the risk of depression — is considered “significant” if its probability of occurring by chance is less than 5 percent. This arbitrary cutoff makes sense when the effect being studied is a large one — for example, when measuring the so-called Stroop effect. This effect predicts that naming the color of a word is faster and more accurate when the word and color match (“red” in red letters) than when they do not (“red” in blue letters), and is very strong in almost everyone. “But if the true effect of what you are measuring is small,” sai

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same-blog 1 0.94784606 1944 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-18-You’ll get a high Type S error rate if you use classical statistical methods to analyze data from underpowered studies

Introduction: Brendan Nyhan sends me this article from the research-methods all-star team of Katherine Button, John Ioannidis, Claire Mokrysz, Brian Nosek , Jonathan Flint, Emma Robinson, and Marcus Munafo: A study with low statistical power has a reduced chance of detecting a true effect, but it is less well appreciated that low power also reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect. Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles. I agree completely. In my terminology, with small sample size, the classical approach of looking for statistical significance leads

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Introduction: Mark Blumenthal writes: What do you think about the “random rejection” method used by PPP that was attacked at some length today by a Republican pollster. Our just published post on the debate includes all the details as I know them. The Storify of Martino’s tweets has some additional data tables linked to toward the end. Also, more specifically, setting aside Martino’s suggestion of manipulation (which is also quite possible with post-stratification weights), would the PPP method introduce more potential random error than weighting? From Blumenthal’s blog: B.J. Martino, a senior vice president at the Republican polling firm The Tarrance Group, went on an 30-minute Twitter rant on Tuesday questioning the unorthodox method used by PPP [Public Policy Polling] to select samples and weight data: “Looking at @ppppolls new VA SW. Wondering how many interviews they discarded to get down to 601 completes? Because @ppppolls discards a LOT of interviews. Of 64,811 conducted

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4 0.92913663 1687 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-21-Workshop on science communication for graduate students

Introduction: Nathan Sanders writes: Applications are now open for the Communicating Science 2013 workshop (, to be held in Cambridge, MA on June 13-15th, 2013. Graduate students at US institutions in all fields of science and engineering are encouraged to apply – funding is available for travel expenses and accommodations. The application can be found here: Participants will build the communication skills that technical professionals need to express complex ideas to their peers, experts in other fields, and the general public. There will be panel discussions on the following topics: * Engaging Non-Scientific Audiences * Science Writing for a Cause * Communicating Science Through Fiction * Sharing Science with Scientists * The World of Non-Academic Publishing * Communicating using Multimedia and the Web In addition to these discussions, ample time is allotted for interacting with the experts and with att

5 0.92629123 639 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-31-Bayes: radical, liberal, or conservative?

Introduction: Radford writes : The word “conservative” gets used many ways, for various political purposes, but I would take it’s basic meaning to be someone who thinks there’s a lot of wisdom in traditional ways of doing things, even if we don’t understand exactly why those ways are good, so we should be reluctant to change unless we have a strong argument that some other way is better. This sounds very Bayesian, with a prior reducing the impact of new data. I agree completely, and I think Radford will very much enjoy my article with Aleks Jakulin , “Bayes: radical, liberal, or conservative?” Radford’s comment also fits with my increasing inclination to use informative prior distributions.

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