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2210 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-13-Stopping rules and Bayesian analysis

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Introduction: I happened to receive two questions about stopping rules on the same day. First, from Tom Cunningham: I’ve been arguing with my colleagues about whether the stopping rule is relevant (a presenter disclosed that he went out to collect more data because the first experiment didn’t get significant results) — and I believe you have some qualifications to the Bayesian irrelevance argument but I don’t properly understand them. Then, from Benjamin Kay: I have a question that may be of interest for your blog. I was reading about the early history of AIDS and learned that the the trial of AZT was ended early because it was so effective : The trial reported in the New England Journal of medicine, had produced a dramatic result. Before the planned 24 week duration of the study, after a mean period of participation of about 120 days, nineteen participants receiving placebo had died while there was only a single death among those receiving AZT. This appeared to be a momentous break

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 I happened to receive two questions about stopping rules on the same day. [sent-1, score-0.565]

2 Before the planned 24 week duration of the study, after a mean period of participation of about 120 days, nineteen participants receiving placebo had died while there was only a single death among those receiving AZT. [sent-5, score-0.439]

3 This appeared to be a momentous breakthrough and accordingly there was no restraint at all in reporting the result; prominent researchers triumphantly proclaimed the drug to be “a ray of hope” and “a light at the end of the tunnel”. [sent-6, score-0.27]

4 Because of this dramatic effect, the placebo arm of the study was discontinued and all participants offered 1500mg of AZT daily. [sent-7, score-0.442]

5 If the treatment is much, much better than the control it is considered unethical to continue the planned study and they end it early. [sent-9, score-0.296]

6 However, I know that it isn’t kosher to keep adding time or sample to an experiment until you find a result, and isn’t this a bit like that? [sent-11, score-0.717]

7 So here goes: First, we discuss stopping rules in section 6. [sent-14, score-0.565]

8 The short answer is that the stopping rule enters Bayesian data analysis in two places: inference and model checking: 1. [sent-18, score-0.949]

9 For inference, the key is that the stopping rule is only ignorable if time is included in the model. [sent-19, score-0.956]

10 To put it another way, treatment effects (or whatever it is that you’re measuring) can vary over time, and that possibility should be allowed for in your model, if you’re using a data-dependent stopping rule. [sent-20, score-0.587]

11 To put it yet another way, if you use a data-dependent stopping rule and don’t allow for possible time trends in your outcome, then your analysis will not be robust to failures with that assumption. [sent-21, score-0.827]

12 For model checking, the key is that if you’re comparing observed data to hypothetical replications under the model (for example, using a p-value), these hypothetical replications depend on the design of your data collection. [sent-23, score-0.494]

13 If you use a data-dependent stopping rule, this should be included in your data model, otherwise your p-value isn’t what it claims to be. [sent-24, score-0.564]

14 Next, my response to Benjamin Kay’s question about AZT: For the Bayesian analysis, it is actually kosher “to keep adding time or sample to an experiment until you find a result. [sent-25, score-0.717]

15 I know that some people are bothered by the idea that you can keep adding time or sample to an experiment until you find a result. [sent-30, score-0.596]

16 But if you do a very careful study (so as to minimize variation) or a very large study (to get that magic 1/sqrt(n)), you’ll get a small enough confidence interval to have high certainty about the sign of the effect. [sent-37, score-0.48]

17 So, from going from high sigma and low n, to low sigma and high n, you’ve “adding time or sample to an experiment” and you “found a result. [sent-38, score-0.563]

18 OK, this particular plan (measure carefully and get a huge sample size) is chosen ahead of time, it doesn’t involve waiting until the confidence interval excludes zero. [sent-40, score-0.366]

19 It seems to me that problems with data-based stopping and Bayesian analysis (other than the two issues I noted above) arise only because people are mixing Bayesian inference with non-Bayesian decision making. [sent-47, score-0.706]

20 Which is fair enough—people apply these sorts of mixed methods all the time—but in that case I prefer to see the problem as arising from the non-Bayesian decision rule, not from the stopping rule or the Bayesian inference. [sent-48, score-0.844]

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 2210 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-13-Stopping rules and Bayesian analysis

Introduction: I happened to receive two questions about stopping rules on the same day. First, from Tom Cunningham: I’ve been arguing with my colleagues about whether the stopping rule is relevant (a presenter disclosed that he went out to collect more data because the first experiment didn’t get significant results) — and I believe you have some qualifications to the Bayesian irrelevance argument but I don’t properly understand them. Then, from Benjamin Kay: I have a question that may be of interest for your blog. I was reading about the early history of AIDS and learned that the the trial of AZT was ended early because it was so effective : The trial reported in the New England Journal of medicine, had produced a dramatic result. Before the planned 24 week duration of the study, after a mean period of participation of about 120 days, nineteen participants receiving placebo had died while there was only a single death among those receiving AZT. This appeared to be a momentous break

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3 0.14457041 1913 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-24-Why it doesn’t make sense in general to form confidence intervals by inverting hypothesis tests

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Introduction: Peter Bergman points me to this discussion from Cyrus of a presentation by Guido Imbens on design of randomized experiments. Cyrus writes: The standard analysis that Imbens proposes includes (1) a Fisher-type permutation test of the sharp null hypothesis–what Imbens referred to as “testing”–along with a (2) Neyman-type point estimate of the sample average treatment effect and confidence interval–what Imbens referred to as “estimation.” . . . Imbens claimed that testing and estimation are separate enterprises with separate goals and that the two should not be confused. I [Cyrus] took it as a warning against proposals that use “inverted” tests in order to produce point estimates and confidence intervals. There is no reason that such confidence intervals will have accurate coverage except under rather dire assumptions, meaning that they are not “confidence intervals” in the way that we usually think of them. I agree completely. This is something I’ve been saying for a long

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Introduction: I happened to receive two questions about stopping rules on the same day. First, from Tom Cunningham: I’ve been arguing with my colleagues about whether the stopping rule is relevant (a presenter disclosed that he went out to collect more data because the first experiment didn’t get significant results) — and I believe you have some qualifications to the Bayesian irrelevance argument but I don’t properly understand them. Then, from Benjamin Kay: I have a question that may be of interest for your blog. I was reading about the early history of AIDS and learned that the the trial of AZT was ended early because it was so effective : The trial reported in the New England Journal of medicine, had produced a dramatic result. Before the planned 24 week duration of the study, after a mean period of participation of about 120 days, nineteen participants receiving placebo had died while there was only a single death among those receiving AZT. This appeared to be a momentous break

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Introduction: I happened to receive two questions about stopping rules on the same day. First, from Tom Cunningham: I’ve been arguing with my colleagues about whether the stopping rule is relevant (a presenter disclosed that he went out to collect more data because the first experiment didn’t get significant results) — and I believe you have some qualifications to the Bayesian irrelevance argument but I don’t properly understand them. Then, from Benjamin Kay: I have a question that may be of interest for your blog. I was reading about the early history of AIDS and learned that the the trial of AZT was ended early because it was so effective : The trial reported in the New England Journal of medicine, had produced a dramatic result. Before the planned 24 week duration of the study, after a mean period of participation of about 120 days, nineteen participants receiving placebo had died while there was only a single death among those receiving AZT. This appeared to be a momentous break

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