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330 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-09-What joker put seven dog lice in my Iraqi fez box?

meta infos for this blog

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Introduction: New Sentences For The Testing Of Typewriters (from John Lennon ): Fetching killjoy Mavis Wax was probed on the quay. “Yo, never mix Zoloft with Quik,” gabs Doc Jasper. One zany quaff is vodka mixed with grape juice and blood. Zitty Vicki smugly quipped in her journal, “Fay waxes her butt.” Hot Wendy gave me quasi-Kreutzfeld-Jacob pox. Jack’s pervy moxie quashed Bob’s new Liszt fugue. I backed Zevy’s qualms over Janet’s wig of phlox. Tipsy Bangkok panjandrums fix elections with quivering zeal. Mexican juntas, viewed in fog, piqued Zachary, killed Rob. Jaywalking Zulu chieftains vex probate judge Marcy Quinn. Twenty-six Excedrin helped give Jocko quite a firm buzz. Racy pics of bed hijinx with glam queen sunk Val. Why Paxil? Jim’s Bodega stocked no quince-flavor Pez. Wavy-haired quints of El Paz mock Jorge by fax. Two phony quacks of God bi-exorcize evil mojo.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 New Sentences For The Testing Of Typewriters (from John Lennon ): Fetching killjoy Mavis Wax was probed on the quay. [sent-1, score-0.208]

2 “Yo, never mix Zoloft with Quik,” gabs Doc Jasper. [sent-2, score-0.165]

3 One zany quaff is vodka mixed with grape juice and blood. [sent-3, score-0.306]

4 Zitty Vicki smugly quipped in her journal, “Fay waxes her butt. [sent-4, score-0.416]

5 Jack’s pervy moxie quashed Bob’s new Liszt fugue. [sent-6, score-0.074]

6 I backed Zevy’s qualms over Janet’s wig of phlox. [sent-7, score-0.151]

7 Tipsy Bangkok panjandrums fix elections with quivering zeal. [sent-8, score-0.232]

8 Mexican juntas, viewed in fog, piqued Zachary, killed Rob. [sent-9, score-0.278]

9 Jaywalking Zulu chieftains vex probate judge Marcy Quinn. [sent-10, score-0.121]

10 Twenty-six Excedrin helped give Jocko quite a firm buzz. [sent-11, score-0.386]

11 Racy pics of bed hijinx with glam queen sunk Val. [sent-12, score-0.551]

12 Wavy-haired quints of El Paz mock Jorge by fax. [sent-15, score-0.14]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('mexican', 0.208), ('killjoy', 0.208), ('paz', 0.208), ('queen', 0.208), ('smugly', 0.208), ('waxes', 0.208), ('wendy', 0.208), ('zachary', 0.208), ('el', 0.196), ('fog', 0.196), ('wax', 0.196), ('juice', 0.188), ('lennon', 0.176), ('sunk', 0.176), ('bed', 0.167), ('evil', 0.161), ('doc', 0.158), ('jack', 0.155), ('backed', 0.151), ('janet', 0.149), ('killed', 0.147), ('god', 0.143), ('hot', 0.143), ('mock', 0.14), ('helped', 0.135), ('jim', 0.135), ('viewed', 0.131), ('sentences', 0.129), ('firm', 0.129), ('fix', 0.126), ('judge', 0.121), ('mixed', 0.118), ('bob', 0.114), ('mix', 0.108), ('elections', 0.106), ('testing', 0.095), ('gave', 0.086), ('new', 0.074), ('john', 0.074), ('quite', 0.067), ('journal', 0.067), ('never', 0.057), ('give', 0.055), ('two', 0.039), ('one', 0.021)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 330 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-09-What joker put seven dog lice in my Iraqi fez box?

Introduction: New Sentences For The Testing Of Typewriters (from John Lennon ): Fetching killjoy Mavis Wax was probed on the quay. “Yo, never mix Zoloft with Quik,” gabs Doc Jasper. One zany quaff is vodka mixed with grape juice and blood. Zitty Vicki smugly quipped in her journal, “Fay waxes her butt.” Hot Wendy gave me quasi-Kreutzfeld-Jacob pox. Jack’s pervy moxie quashed Bob’s new Liszt fugue. I backed Zevy’s qualms over Janet’s wig of phlox. Tipsy Bangkok panjandrums fix elections with quivering zeal. Mexican juntas, viewed in fog, piqued Zachary, killed Rob. Jaywalking Zulu chieftains vex probate judge Marcy Quinn. Twenty-six Excedrin helped give Jocko quite a firm buzz. Racy pics of bed hijinx with glam queen sunk Val. Why Paxil? Jim’s Bodega stocked no quince-flavor Pez. Wavy-haired quints of El Paz mock Jorge by fax. Two phony quacks of God bi-exorcize evil mojo.

2 0.10739143 2169 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-12-“At the risk of deviating from the standards of close reading, this requires some context”

Introduction: Mark Palko waxes indignant about corporate postmodernism.

3 0.094029859 46 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-21-Careers, one-hit wonders, and an offer of a free book

Introduction: J. Robert Lennon writes : At the moment I [Lennon] am simultaneously working on two magazine articles, each requiring me to assess not just a book, but (briefly) a writer’s entire career. The writers in question are both prominent, both widely published, read, and appreciated. And yet neither, I think, enjoys a full appreciation of their career–its real scope, with all its twists and turns, its eccentricities intact. In one case, the writer had one smash hit, and one notorious book everyone hates. In the other, the writer has somehow become known as the author of one really serious book that gets taught a lot in college classes, and a bunch of other stuff generally thought to be a little bit frivolous. But close readings of each (hell, not even that close) reveals these reputations to be woefully inadequate. Both writers are much more interesting than their hits and bombs would suggest. This naturally got me thinking about statisticians. Some statisticians are famous (within

4 0.08230412 17 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-05-Taking philosophical arguments literally

Introduction: Aaron Swartz writes the following, as a lead-in to an argument in favor of vegetarianism: Imagine you were an early settler of what is now the United States. It seems likely you would have killed native Americans. After all, your parents killed them, your siblings killed them, your friends killed them, the leaders of the community killed them, the President killed them. Chances are, you would have killed them too . . . Or if you see nothing wrong with killing native Americans, take the example of slavery. Again, everyone had slaves and probably didn’t think too much about the morality of it. . . . Are these statements true, though? It’s hard for me to believe that most early settlers (from the context, it looks like Swartz is discussing the 1500s-1700s here) killed native Americans. That is, if N is the number of early settlers, and Y is the number of these settlers who killed at least one Indian, I suspect Y/N is much closer to 0 than to 1. Similarly, it’s not even cl

5 0.077939369 1423 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-21-Optimizing software in C++

Introduction: Matt3 pointed us to this helpful document by Agner Fog, “Optimizing software in C++ An optimization guide for Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.” More here . Enjoy!

6 0.077633135 940 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-03-It depends upon what the meaning of the word “firm” is.

7 0.068632923 1671 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-13-Preregistration of Studies and Mock Reports

8 0.059403412 1463 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-19-It is difficult to convey intonation in typed speech

9 0.0574577 1050 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-10-Presenting at the econ seminar

10 0.05433882 477 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-Costless false beliefs

11 0.052166276 204 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-12-Sloppily-written slam on moderately celebrated writers is amusing nonetheless

12 0.051592425 792 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-08-The virtues of incoherence?

13 0.050558537 531 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-22-Third-party Dream Ticket

14 0.048227835 147 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-15-Quote of the day: statisticians and defaults

15 0.047514658 1016 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-17-I got 99 comparisons but multiplicity ain’t one

16 0.045739017 87 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-15-Statistical analysis and visualization of the drug war in Mexico

17 0.0433238 1257 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-10-Statisticians’ abbreviations are even less interesting than these!

18 0.042559948 1131 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-20-Stan: A (Bayesian) Directed Graphical Model Compiler

19 0.042421076 1182 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-24-Untangling the Jeffreys-Lindley paradox

20 0.041883722 1488 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-08-Annals of spam

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.041), (1, -0.019), (2, -0.012), (3, 0.005), (4, -0.012), (5, 0.0), (6, 0.004), (7, -0.022), (8, -0.005), (9, -0.021), (10, 0.009), (11, 0.002), (12, 0.002), (13, -0.012), (14, -0.002), (15, 0.004), (16, -0.002), (17, 0.001), (18, 0.007), (19, 0.001), (20, -0.01), (21, 0.004), (22, 0.022), (23, -0.011), (24, 0.003), (25, -0.012), (26, -0.012), (27, 0.006), (28, -0.001), (29, -0.009), (30, -0.009), (31, -0.017), (32, 0.005), (33, -0.017), (34, 0.003), (35, -0.001), (36, -0.004), (37, 0.006), (38, 0.025), (39, 0.025), (40, -0.035), (41, 0.006), (42, 0.002), (43, 0.019), (44, 0.003), (45, 0.013), (46, -0.053), (47, 0.009), (48, 0.01), (49, 0.009)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.96273142 330 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-09-What joker put seven dog lice in my Iraqi fez box?

Introduction: New Sentences For The Testing Of Typewriters (from John Lennon ): Fetching killjoy Mavis Wax was probed on the quay. “Yo, never mix Zoloft with Quik,” gabs Doc Jasper. One zany quaff is vodka mixed with grape juice and blood. Zitty Vicki smugly quipped in her journal, “Fay waxes her butt.” Hot Wendy gave me quasi-Kreutzfeld-Jacob pox. Jack’s pervy moxie quashed Bob’s new Liszt fugue. I backed Zevy’s qualms over Janet’s wig of phlox. Tipsy Bangkok panjandrums fix elections with quivering zeal. Mexican juntas, viewed in fog, piqued Zachary, killed Rob. Jaywalking Zulu chieftains vex probate judge Marcy Quinn. Twenty-six Excedrin helped give Jocko quite a firm buzz. Racy pics of bed hijinx with glam queen sunk Val. Why Paxil? Jim’s Bodega stocked no quince-flavor Pez. Wavy-haired quints of El Paz mock Jorge by fax. Two phony quacks of God bi-exorcize evil mojo.

2 0.63154095 59 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-30-Extended Binary Format Support for Mac OS X

Introduction: Rodney Sparapani writes: My Windows buddies have been bugging me about BRUGS and how great it is. Now, running BRUGS on OS X may be possible. Check out this new amazing software by Amit Singh. Personally, I’d go with R2jags , but I thought I’d pass this on in case others are interested.

3 0.60004866 1514 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-28-AdviseStat 47% Campaign Ad

Introduction: Lee Wilkinson sends me this amusing ad for his new software, AdviseStat: The ad is a parody, but the software is real !

4 0.55866051 181 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-03-MCMC in Python

Introduction: John Salvatier forwards a note from Anand Patil that a paper on PyMC has appeared in the Journal of Statistical Software, We’ll have to check this out.

5 0.54258937 1088 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-28-Argument in favor of Ddulites

Introduction: Mark Palko defines a Ddulite as follows: A preference for higher tech solutions even in cases where lower tech alternatives have greater and more appropriate functionality; a person of ddulite tendencies. Though Ddulites are the opposite of Luddites with respect to attitudes toward technology, they occupy more or less the same point with respect to functionality. As a sometime Luddite myself (no cell phone, tv, microwave oven, etc.), I should in fairness point out the logic in favor of being a Ddulite. Old technology is typically pretty stable; new technology is improving. It can make sense to switch early (before the new technology actually performs better than the old) to get the benefits of being familiar with the new technology once it does take off.

6 0.54011768 1683 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-19-“Confirmation, on the other hand, is not sexy”

7 0.53641099 158 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-22-Tenants and landlords

8 0.51462847 141 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-12-Dispute over counts of child deaths in Iraq due to sanctions

9 0.5129571 1798 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-11-Continuing conflict over conflict statistics

10 0.51121938 1463 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-19-It is difficult to convey intonation in typed speech

11 0.5053286 1446 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-06-“And will pardon Paul Claudel, Pardons him for writing well”

12 0.50459093 681 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-26-Worst statistical graphic I have seen this year

13 0.50200373 1211 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-13-A personal bit of spam, just for me!

14 0.49742424 1784 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-01-Wolfram on Mandelbrot

15 0.4935298 419 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-18-Derivative-based MCMC as a breakthrough technique for implementing Bayesian statistics

16 0.48796806 290 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-22-Data Thief

17 0.48538983 806 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-17-6 links

18 0.48501518 457 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-07-Whassup with phantom-limb treatment?

19 0.4831264 434 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-28-When Small Numbers Lead to Big Errors

20 0.48261338 1505 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-20-“Joseph Anton”

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(2, 0.022), (5, 0.026), (11, 0.044), (16, 0.011), (24, 0.044), (27, 0.041), (40, 0.02), (41, 0.028), (43, 0.036), (47, 0.032), (53, 0.025), (55, 0.035), (82, 0.019), (85, 0.362), (89, 0.021), (90, 0.023), (99, 0.097)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.92404544 330 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-09-What joker put seven dog lice in my Iraqi fez box?

Introduction: New Sentences For The Testing Of Typewriters (from John Lennon ): Fetching killjoy Mavis Wax was probed on the quay. “Yo, never mix Zoloft with Quik,” gabs Doc Jasper. One zany quaff is vodka mixed with grape juice and blood. Zitty Vicki smugly quipped in her journal, “Fay waxes her butt.” Hot Wendy gave me quasi-Kreutzfeld-Jacob pox. Jack’s pervy moxie quashed Bob’s new Liszt fugue. I backed Zevy’s qualms over Janet’s wig of phlox. Tipsy Bangkok panjandrums fix elections with quivering zeal. Mexican juntas, viewed in fog, piqued Zachary, killed Rob. Jaywalking Zulu chieftains vex probate judge Marcy Quinn. Twenty-six Excedrin helped give Jocko quite a firm buzz. Racy pics of bed hijinx with glam queen sunk Val. Why Paxil? Jim’s Bodega stocked no quince-flavor Pez. Wavy-haired quints of El Paz mock Jorge by fax. Two phony quacks of God bi-exorcize evil mojo.

2 0.9232353 1899 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-14-Turing chess tournament!

Introduction: Daniel Murrell is organizing a run-around-the-house chess tournament in Cambridge, England, on 23 Jun 2013. Maybe Niall Ferguson will show up, given his interest in the history of mid-twentieth-century gay English heroes.

3 0.80514681 2169 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-12-“At the risk of deviating from the standards of close reading, this requires some context”

Introduction: Mark Palko waxes indignant about corporate postmodernism.

4 0.66483545 1318 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-13-Stolen jokes

Introduction: Fun stories here (from Kliph Nesteroff, link from Mark Palko).

5 0.64082074 1790 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-06-Calling Jenny Davidson . . .

Introduction: Now that you have some free time again, you’ll have to check out these books and tell us if they’re worth reading. Claire Kirch reports : Lizzie Skurnick Books launches in September with the release of Debutante Hill by Lois Duncan. The novel, which was originally published by Dodd, Mead, in 1958, has been out of print for about three decades. The other books on the initial list, all reissues, are A Long Day in November by Ernest J. Gaines (originally published in 1971), Happy Endings Are All Alike by Sandra Scoppettone (1979), I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me by M.E. Kerr (1977), Secret Lives by Berthe Amoss (1979), To All My Fans, With Love, From Sylvie by Ellen Conford (1982), and Me and Fat Glenda by Lila Perl (1972). . . . Noting that many of the books of that era beloved by teen boys are still in print – such as Isaac Asimov’s novels and The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier – Skurnick pointed out that, in contrast, many of the books that were embraced by teen gir

6 0.62078714 58 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-29-Stupid legal crap

7 0.59178084 1534 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-15-The strange reappearance of Matthew Klam

8 0.57581258 912 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-15-n = 2

9 0.5376327 842 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-07-Hey, I’m just like Picasso (but without all the babes)!

10 0.49997887 533 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-23-The scalarization of America

11 0.49038923 843 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-07-Non-rant

12 0.48090932 2300 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-21-Ticket to Baaaath

13 0.48089594 417 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-17-Clutering and variance components

14 0.47457322 734 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-28-Funniest comment ever

15 0.43799752 1374 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-11-Convergence Monitoring for Non-Identifiable and Non-Parametric Models

16 0.42725194 375 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-28-Matching for preprocessing data for causal inference

17 0.42464298 1614 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-09-The pretty picture is just the beginning of the data exploration. But the pretty picture is a great way to get started. Another example of how a puzzle can make a graph appealing

18 0.41651782 1187 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-27-“Apple confronts the law of large numbers” . . . huh?

19 0.41590622 2290 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-14-On deck this week

20 0.41249263 610 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-13-Secret weapon with rare events