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124 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-02-Note to the quals

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Introduction: See here for latest rant.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('rant', 0.796), ('latest', 0.586), ('see', 0.152)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 124 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-02-Note to the quals

Introduction: See here for latest rant.

2 0.16571489 928 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-27-Hey, look over here! Another rant!

Introduction: Bigshot establishment dude Peter Orszag thinks bigshot establishment dudes don’t have enough power. (Also politically related but not a rant: Joe McCarthy Versus Powerman and the Debt-Ceiling Destroyers, Part One. )

3 0.15228179 90 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-16-Oil spill and corn production

Introduction: See here .

4 0.14627542 1437 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-31-Paying survey respondents

Introduction: I agree with Casey Mulligan that participants in government surveys should be paid, and I think it should be part of the code of ethics for commercial pollsters to compensate their respondents also. As Mulligan points out, if a survey is worth doing, it should be worth compensating the participants for their time and effort. P.S. Just to clarify, I do not recommend that Census surveys be made voluntary, I just think that respondents (who can be required to participate) should be paid a small amount. P.P.S. More rant here .

5 0.11977585 342 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-14-Trying to be precise about vagueness

Introduction: I recently saw this article that Stephen Senn wrote a couple of years ago, criticizing Bayesian sensitivity analyses that relied on vague prior distributions. I’m moving more and more toward the idea that Bayesian analysis should include actual prior information, so I generally agree with his points. As I used to say when teaching Bayesian data analysis, a Bayesian model is modular, and different pieces can be swapped in and out as needed. So you might start with an extremely weak prior distribution, but if it makes a difference it’s time to bite the bullet and include more information. My only disagreement with Senn’s paper is in its recommendation to try the so-called fixed-effects analysis. Beyond the difficulties with terminology (the expressions “fixed” and “random” effects are defined in different ways by different people in the literature; see here for a rant on the topic which made its way into some of my articles and books), there is the problem that, when a model ge

6 0.10874875 868 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-24-Blogs vs. real journalism

7 0.10423578 2363 andrew gelman stats-2014-06-07-“Does researching casual marijuana use cause brain abnormalities?”

8 0.096674055 285 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-18-Fiction is not for tirades? Tell that to Saul Bellow!

9 0.092755534 207 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-14-Pourquoi Google search est devenu plus raisonnable?

10 0.089230426 316 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-03-Suggested reading for a prospective statistician?

11 0.085052557 421 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-19-Just chaid

12 0.083883435 1432 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-27-“Get off my lawn”-blogging

13 0.077476256 141 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-12-Dispute over counts of child deaths in Iraq due to sanctions

14 0.069493949 321 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-05-Racism!

15 0.065877222 1808 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-17-Excel-bashing

16 0.064644232 1175 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-19-Factual – a new place to find data

17 0.063428186 1411 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-10-Defining ourselves arbitrarily

18 0.062042158 1608 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-06-Confusing headline and capitalization leads to hopes raised, then dashed

19 0.059317391 2243 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-11-The myth of the myth of the myth of the hot hand

20 0.049943205 84 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-14-Is it 1930?

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.019), (1, -0.005), (2, -0.003), (3, 0.011), (4, 0.001), (5, -0.008), (6, 0.008), (7, -0.002), (8, 0.006), (9, 0.008), (10, -0.012), (11, -0.001), (12, 0.005), (13, -0.002), (14, 0.004), (15, 0.022), (16, -0.015), (17, 0.008), (18, -0.009), (19, 0.008), (20, 0.001), (21, 0.015), (22, -0.007), (23, -0.015), (24, -0.016), (25, -0.002), (26, 0.003), (27, -0.016), (28, -0.012), (29, -0.011), (30, 0.002), (31, 0.013), (32, -0.006), (33, -0.02), (34, -0.005), (35, -0.0), (36, 0.001), (37, -0.015), (38, -0.002), (39, 0.025), (40, 0.014), (41, 0.016), (42, 0.021), (43, 0.012), (44, 0.013), (45, -0.009), (46, 0.027), (47, -0.042), (48, 0.019), (49, 0.0)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.8848682 124 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-02-Note to the quals

Introduction: See here for latest rant.

2 0.72662616 90 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-16-Oil spill and corn production

Introduction: See here .

3 0.67372215 1314 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-12-More on Uncle Woody

Introduction: Here . See also here . He did Wacky Packs!

4 0.53117639 348 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-17-Joanne Gowa scooped me by 22 years in my criticism of Axelrod’s Evolution of Cooperation

Introduction: See page 179 here for Gowa’s review from 1986. And here’s my version (from 2008).

5 0.53060341 349 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-18-Bike shelf

Introduction: Susan points me to this . But I don’t really see the point. Simply leaning the bike against the wall seems like a better option to me.

6 0.52184421 408 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-11-Incumbency advantage in 2010

7 0.517088 1791 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-07-Scatterplot charades!

8 0.51065427 1232 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-27-Banned in NYC school tests

9 0.50904524 843 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-07-Non-rant

10 0.48241001 1694 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-26-Reflections on ethicsblogging

11 0.48121783 234 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-25-Modeling constrained parameters

12 0.47621042 1290 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-30-I suppose it’s too late to add Turing’s run-around-the-house-chess to the 2012 London Olympics?

13 0.46831113 443 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-02-Automating my graphics advice

14 0.46601552 1360 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-02-Helpful on happiness

15 0.46438721 437 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-29-The mystery of the U-shaped relationship between happiness and age

16 0.462275 2203 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-08-“Guys who do more housework get less sex”

17 0.44879854 1808 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-17-Excel-bashing

18 0.44851542 1727 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-19-Beef with data

19 0.44775304 741 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-02-At least he didn’t prove a false theorem

20 0.44705427 1785 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-02-So much artistic talent

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(42, 0.549), (99, 0.064)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.83342993 124 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-02-Note to the quals

Introduction: See here for latest rant.

2 0.80657977 1233 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-27-Pushback against internet self-help gurus

Introduction: Having been annoyed for awhile at those in-your-face internet gurus such as Seth Godin, Clay Shirky, Philip Greenspun, Jeff Jarvis, I was happy to come across this bit of Godin-bashing from Tom Slee. I’m sure Godin has some valuable insights, but I hate that in-your-face style, and I’m glad to see someone go to the trouble of pointing out all the nonsensical bits.

3 0.56304765 1002 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-10-“Venetia Orcutt, GWU med school professor, quits after complaints of no-show class”

Introduction: She was assigned to teach a class in “evidence-based medicine”! ( link from my usual news source). I wonder what was in the syllabus? If anyone has a copy, feel free to send to me and I will post it here. My favorite part of the story, though, is this: Almost all physician assistant students refused to comment to a reporter Tuesday, saying they’d been told by the department not to talk to media. Talk about obedience to authority! They’re studying in a program that offers nonexistent courses, but then they follow the department’s gag order.

4 0.54940796 1791 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-07-Scatterplot charades!

Introduction: What are the x and y-axes here ? P.S. Popeye nails it (see comments).

5 0.51961273 808 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-18-The estimated effect size is implausibly large. Under what models is this a piece of evidence that the true effect is small?

Introduction: Paul Pudaite writes in response to my discussion with Bartels regarding effect sizes and measurement error models: You [Gelman] wrote: “I actually think there will be some (non-Gaussian) models for which, as y gets larger, E(x|y) can actually go back toward zero.” I [Pudaite] encountered this phenomenon some time in the ’90s. See this graph which shows the conditional expectation of X given Z, when Z = X + Y and the probability density functions of X and Y are, respectively, exp(-x^2) and 1/(y^2+1) (times appropriate constants). As the magnitude of Z increases, E[X|Z] shrinks to zero. I wasn’t sure it was worth the effort to try to publish a two paragraph paper. I suspect that this is true whenever the tail of one distribution is ‘sufficiently heavy’ with respect to the tail of the other. Hmm, I suppose there might be enough substance in a paper that attempted to characterize this outcome for, say, unimodal symmetric distributions. Maybe someone can do this? I think i

6 0.48884189 1775 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-23-In which I disagree with John Maynard Keynes

7 0.44200701 307 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-29-“Texting bans don’t reduce crashes; effects are slight crash increases”

8 0.39898288 1535 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-16-Bayesian analogue to stepwise regression?

9 0.39571798 590 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-25-Good introductory book for statistical computation?

10 0.38334906 60 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-30-What Auteur Theory and Freshwater Economics have in common

11 0.38012925 713 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-15-1-2 social scientist + 1-2 politician = ???

12 0.36824682 1060 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-15-Freakonomics: What went wrong?

13 0.36587626 1104 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-07-A compelling reason to go to London, Ontario??

14 0.3611998 483 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-23-Science, ideology, and human origins

15 0.35772318 1138 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-25-Chris Schmid on Evidence Based Medicine

16 0.34090257 111 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-26-Tough love as a style of writing

17 0.33630246 2164 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-09-Hermann Goering and Jane Jacobs, together at last!

18 0.32117477 492 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-30-That puzzle-solving feeling

19 0.31933337 1726 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-18-What to read to catch up on multivariate statistics?

20 0.31742144 2356 andrew gelman stats-2014-06-02-On deck this week