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1865 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-20-What happened that the journal Psychological Science published a paper with no identifiable strengths?

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Introduction: The other day we discussed that paper on ovulation and voting (you may recall that the authors reported a scattered bunch of comparisons, significance tests, and p-values, and I recommended that they would’ve done better to simply report complete summaries of their data, so that readers could see the comparisons of interest in full context), and I was thinking a bit more about why I was so bothered that it was published in Psychological Science, which I’d thought of as a serious research journal. My concern isn’t just that that the paper is bad—after all, lots of bad papers get published—but rather that it had nothing really going for it, except that it was headline bait. It was a survey done on Mechanical Turk, that’s it. No clever design, no clever questions, no care in dealing with nonresponse problems, no innovative data analysis, no nothing. The paper had nothing to offer, except that it had no obvious flaws. Psychology is a huge field full of brilliant researchers.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 My concern isn’t just that that the paper is bad—after all, lots of bad papers get published—but rather that it had nothing really going for it, except that it was headline bait. [sent-2, score-0.797]

2 The paper had nothing to offer, except that it had no obvious flaws. [sent-5, score-0.443]

3 Its top journal can choose among so many papers. [sent-7, score-0.534]

4 To pick this one, a paper that had nothing to offer, that seems to me like a sign of a serious problem. [sent-8, score-0.487]

5 Just to be clear: I’m really really really really not trying to censor such work, and I’m really really really really not saying this work should not be published. [sent-13, score-0.937]

6 What I’m saying is that the top journal in a field should not be publishing such routine work. [sent-14, score-0.826]

7 And, once you decide to start publishing mediocre papers in your top journal, you’re asking for trouble. [sent-19, score-0.784]

8 This was published in top journals and was later found to have some serious methodological issues. [sent-22, score-0.693]

9 OK, they made some mistakes, but I can’t fault a leading journal for publishing this work. [sent-25, score-0.505]

10 The difference is that Kanazawa’s papers were published in a middling place—the Journal of Theoretical Biology—not in a top journal of their field. [sent-34, score-0.948]

11 This paper had a gaping hole (not adjusting for the selection effect arising from less well-funded students dropping out) and I think it was a mistake for it to be published as is—but that’s just something the reviewers didn’t catch. [sent-38, score-0.557]

12 My point is that, in all these cases of the publication of flawed work (and one could add the work of Mark Hauser and Bruno Frey as well), the published papers either had clear strengths or else were not published in top journals. [sent-42, score-1.358]

13 When an interesting, exciting, but flawed paper (such as those by Bem, Hauser, etc) is published in a top journal, that’s too bad, but it’s understandable. [sent-43, score-0.954]

14 When a possibly interesting paper (such as those by Kanazawa) is published in an OK journal, that makes sense too. [sent-44, score-0.492]

15 But when a mediocre paper (which also happens to have serious methodological flaws) is published in a top journal, there’s something seriously wrong going on. [sent-46, score-1.242]

16 There are lots of things that can make a research paper special, and this paper had none of those things (unless anything combining voting and sex in an election year is considered special). [sent-47, score-0.696]

17 In fact, I’ve refrained linking to the paper here, just to give the authors a break. [sent-51, score-0.416]

18 I’ve done lots of little studies that happened to be flawed, and sometimes my flawed work gets published. [sent-54, score-0.487]

19 I’m criticizing the journal for publishing a mediocre paper with little to offer. [sent-57, score-1.13]

20 That’s not just a retrospective mistake; it seems like a problem with their policies that they would think that such an unremarkable paper could even be seriously considered for publication in the top journal of their field. [sent-58, score-0.992]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('journal', 0.296), ('paper', 0.266), ('top', 0.238), ('published', 0.226), ('flawed', 0.224), ('mediocre', 0.216), ('publishing', 0.209), ('kanazawa', 0.185), ('methodological', 0.121), ('papers', 0.121), ('hamilton', 0.12), ('ovulation', 0.12), ('methodologically', 0.117), ('strengths', 0.114), ('nothing', 0.113), ('mistakes', 0.111), ('serious', 0.108), ('really', 0.108), ('nonresponse', 0.103), ('voting', 0.102), ('hauser', 0.1), ('special', 0.092), ('bem', 0.091), ('clever', 0.088), ('flaws', 0.087), ('field', 0.083), ('claiming', 0.081), ('criticizing', 0.08), ('authors', 0.079), ('editors', 0.078), ('work', 0.073), ('ok', 0.073), ('ve', 0.072), ('refrained', 0.071), ('mturk', 0.071), ('schoolyard', 0.067), ('middling', 0.067), ('seriously', 0.067), ('offer', 0.065), ('mistake', 0.065), ('done', 0.065), ('except', 0.064), ('bad', 0.063), ('publication', 0.063), ('little', 0.063), ('lots', 0.062), ('unremarkable', 0.062), ('scattered', 0.062), ('comparisons', 0.06), ('study', 0.059)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1865 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-20-What happened that the journal Psychological Science published a paper with no identifiable strengths?

Introduction: The other day we discussed that paper on ovulation and voting (you may recall that the authors reported a scattered bunch of comparisons, significance tests, and p-values, and I recommended that they would’ve done better to simply report complete summaries of their data, so that readers could see the comparisons of interest in full context), and I was thinking a bit more about why I was so bothered that it was published in Psychological Science, which I’d thought of as a serious research journal. My concern isn’t just that that the paper is bad—after all, lots of bad papers get published—but rather that it had nothing really going for it, except that it was headline bait. It was a survey done on Mechanical Turk, that’s it. No clever design, no clever questions, no care in dealing with nonresponse problems, no innovative data analysis, no nothing. The paper had nothing to offer, except that it had no obvious flaws. Psychology is a huge field full of brilliant researchers.

2 0.31238997 1928 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-06-How to think about papers published in low-grade journals?

Introduction: We’ve had lots of lively discussions of fatally-flawed papers that have been published in top, top journals such as the American Economic Review or the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology or the American Sociological Review or the tabloids . And we also know about mistakes that make their way into mid-ranking outlets such as the Journal of Theoretical Biology. But what about results that appear in the lower tier of legitimate journals? I was thinking about this after reading a post by Dan Kahan slamming a paper that recently appeared in PLOS-One. I won’t discuss the paper itself here because that’s not my point. Rather, I had some thoughts regarding Kahan’s annoyance that a paper with fatal errors was published at all. I commented as follows: Read between the lines. The paper originally was released in 2009 and was published in 2013 in PLOS-One, which is one step above appearing on Arxiv. PLOS-One publishes some good things (so does Arxiv) but it’s the place

3 0.27593288 1139 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-26-Suggested resolution of the Bem paradox

Introduction: There has been an increasing discussion about the proliferation of flawed research in psychology and medicine, with some landmark events being John Ioannides’s article , “Why most published research findings are false” (according to Google Scholar, cited 973 times since its appearance in 2005), the scandals of Marc Hauser and Diederik Stapel, two leading psychology professors who resigned after disclosures of scientific misconduct, and Daryl Bem’s dubious recent paper on ESP, published to much fanfare in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, one of the top journals in the field. Alongside all this are the plagiarism scandals, which are uninteresting from a scientific context but are relevant in that, in many cases, neither the institutions housing the plagiarists nor the editors and publishers of the plagiarized material seem to care. Perhaps these universities and publishers are more worried about bad publicity (and maybe lawsuits, given that many of the plagiarism cas

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Introduction: In my comments on academic cheating , I briefly discussed the question of how some of these papers could’ve been published in the first place, given that they tend to be of low quality. (It’s rare that people plagiarize the good stuff, and, when they do—for example when a senior scholar takes credit for a junior researcher’s contributions without giving proper credit—there’s not always a paper trail, and there can be legitimate differences of opinion about the relative contributions of the participants.) Anyway, to get back to the cases at hand: how did these rulebreakers get published in the first place? The question here is not how did they get away with cheating but how is it that top journals were publishing mediocre research? In the case of the profs who falsified data (Diederik Stapel) or did not follow scientific protocol (Mark Hauser), the answer is clear: By cheating, they were able to get the sort of too-good-to-be-true results which, if they were true, would be

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.99057931 1865 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-20-What happened that the journal Psychological Science published a paper with no identifiable strengths?

Introduction: The other day we discussed that paper on ovulation and voting (you may recall that the authors reported a scattered bunch of comparisons, significance tests, and p-values, and I recommended that they would’ve done better to simply report complete summaries of their data, so that readers could see the comparisons of interest in full context), and I was thinking a bit more about why I was so bothered that it was published in Psychological Science, which I’d thought of as a serious research journal. My concern isn’t just that that the paper is bad—after all, lots of bad papers get published—but rather that it had nothing really going for it, except that it was headline bait. It was a survey done on Mechanical Turk, that’s it. No clever design, no clever questions, no care in dealing with nonresponse problems, no innovative data analysis, no nothing. The paper had nothing to offer, except that it had no obvious flaws. Psychology is a huge field full of brilliant researchers.

2 0.94667459 1928 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-06-How to think about papers published in low-grade journals?

Introduction: We’ve had lots of lively discussions of fatally-flawed papers that have been published in top, top journals such as the American Economic Review or the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology or the American Sociological Review or the tabloids . And we also know about mistakes that make their way into mid-ranking outlets such as the Journal of Theoretical Biology. But what about results that appear in the lower tier of legitimate journals? I was thinking about this after reading a post by Dan Kahan slamming a paper that recently appeared in PLOS-One. I won’t discuss the paper itself here because that’s not my point. Rather, I had some thoughts regarding Kahan’s annoyance that a paper with fatal errors was published at all. I commented as follows: Read between the lines. The paper originally was released in 2009 and was published in 2013 in PLOS-One, which is one step above appearing on Arxiv. PLOS-One publishes some good things (so does Arxiv) but it’s the place

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.9719733 1865 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-20-What happened that the journal Psychological Science published a paper with no identifiable strengths?

Introduction: The other day we discussed that paper on ovulation and voting (you may recall that the authors reported a scattered bunch of comparisons, significance tests, and p-values, and I recommended that they would’ve done better to simply report complete summaries of their data, so that readers could see the comparisons of interest in full context), and I was thinking a bit more about why I was so bothered that it was published in Psychological Science, which I’d thought of as a serious research journal. My concern isn’t just that that the paper is bad—after all, lots of bad papers get published—but rather that it had nothing really going for it, except that it was headline bait. It was a survey done on Mechanical Turk, that’s it. No clever design, no clever questions, no care in dealing with nonresponse problems, no innovative data analysis, no nothing. The paper had nothing to offer, except that it had no obvious flaws. Psychology is a huge field full of brilliant researchers.

2 0.96828246 2353 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-30-I posted this as a comment on a sociology blog

Introduction: I discussed two problems: 1. An artificial scarcity applied to journal publication, a scarcity which I believe is being enforced based on a monetary principle of not wanting to reduce the value of publication. The problem is that journals don’t just spread information and improve communication, they also represent chits for hiring and promotion. I’d prefer to separate these two aspects of publication. To keep these functions tied together seems to me like a terrible mistake. It would be as if, instead of using dollar bills as currency, we were to just use paper , and then if the government kept paper artificially scarce to retain the value of money, so that we were reduced to scratching notes to each other on walls and tables. 2. The discontinuous way in which unpublished papers and submissions to journals are taken as highly suspect and requiring a strong justification of all methods and assumptions, but once a paper becomes published its conclusions are taken as true unless

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