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1992 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-21-Workshop for Women in Machine Learning

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Introduction: This might interest some of you: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Workshop for Women in Machine Learning Co-located with NIPS 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA December 5, 2013 Deadline for abstract submissions: September 16, 2013 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Workshop for Women in Machine Learning is a day-long event taking place on the first day of NIPS. The workshop aims to showcase the research of women in machine learning and to strengthen their community. The event brings together female faculty, graduate students, and research scientists for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. While all presenters will be female, all genders are invited to attend. Scholarships will be provided to female students and postdoctoral attendees with accepted abstracts to partially offset travel costs. Workshop

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 org Deadline for abstract submissions: September 16, 2013 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Workshop for Women in Machine Learning is a day-long event taking place on the first day of NIPS. [sent-3, score-0.238]

2 The workshop aims to showcase the research of women in machine learning and to strengthen their community. [sent-4, score-1.419]

3 The event brings together female faculty, graduate students, and research scientists for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. [sent-5, score-0.348]

4 Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. [sent-6, score-0.701]

5 While all presenters will be female, all genders are invited to attend. [sent-7, score-0.233]

6 Scholarships will be provided to female students and postdoctoral attendees with accepted abstracts to partially offset travel costs. [sent-8, score-0.836]

7 WORKSHOP FORMAT The one-day workshop will consist of invited talks by established female researchers, oral presentations, a poster session, a panel discussion to address current research trends and career choices in machine learning, and mentoring meetings. [sent-10, score-1.626]

8 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION We strongly encourage women in all areas of machine learning to submit an abstract (500 words or less) describing either new or previously published research. [sent-12, score-0.766]

9 Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work in the poster session. [sent-13, score-0.614]

10 A few authors will be selected to give oral presentations (15 minutes). [sent-14, score-0.327]

11 Abstracts should be submitted via the workshop website: http://www. [sent-15, score-0.543]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('workshop', 0.543), ('machine', 0.256), ('abstracts', 0.245), ('learning', 0.203), ('female', 0.199), ('deadline', 0.181), ('wiml', 0.174), ('intel', 0.159), ('invited', 0.158), ('women', 0.155), ('abstract', 0.152), ('oral', 0.143), ('presentations', 0.125), ('poster', 0.123), ('registration', 0.123), ('december', 0.121), ('submission', 0.119), ('september', 0.102), ('accepted', 0.088), ('event', 0.086), ('scholarships', 0.079), ('tahoe', 0.079), ('notification', 0.079), ('lake', 0.075), ('nips', 0.075), ('genders', 0.075), ('nevada', 0.072), ('mentoring', 0.072), ('showcase', 0.072), ('http', 0.071), ('meals', 0.069), ('offset', 0.069), ('strengthen', 0.069), ('consist', 0.069), ('attendees', 0.067), ('organizers', 0.065), ('research', 0.063), ('undergraduates', 0.063), ('underrepresented', 0.061), ('authors', 0.059), ('postdoctoral', 0.058), ('pursuing', 0.058), ('aims', 0.058), ('minorities', 0.058), ('dates', 0.058), ('usa', 0.056), ('submissions', 0.055), ('partially', 0.055), ('session', 0.055), ('travel', 0.055)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1992 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-21-Workshop for Women in Machine Learning

Introduction: This might interest some of you: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Workshop for Women in Machine Learning Co-located with NIPS 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA December 5, 2013 Deadline for abstract submissions: September 16, 2013 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Workshop for Women in Machine Learning is a day-long event taking place on the first day of NIPS. The workshop aims to showcase the research of women in machine learning and to strengthen their community. The event brings together female faculty, graduate students, and research scientists for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. While all presenters will be female, all genders are invited to attend. Scholarships will be provided to female students and postdoctoral attendees with accepted abstracts to partially offset travel costs. Workshop

2 0.31948921 1576 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-13-Stan at NIPS 2012 Workshop on Probabilistic Programming

Introduction: If you need an excuse to go skiing in Tahoe next month, our paper on Stan as a probabilistic programming language was accepted for: Workshop on Probabilistic Programming NIPS 2012 7–8 December, 2012, Lake Tahoe, Nevada The workshop is organized by the folks behind the probabilistic programming language Church and has a great lineup of invited speakers (Chris Bishop, Josh Tennenbaum, and Stuart Russell). And in case you’re interested in the main conference, here’s the list of accepted NIPS 2012 papers and posters . To learn more about Stan, check out the links to the manual on the Stan Home Page We’ll put up a link to our final NIPS workshop paper there when we finish it.

3 0.28728554 1687 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-21-Workshop on science communication for graduate students

Introduction: Nathan Sanders writes: Applications are now open for the Communicating Science 2013 workshop (, to be held in Cambridge, MA on June 13-15th, 2013. Graduate students at US institutions in all fields of science and engineering are encouraged to apply – funding is available for travel expenses and accommodations. The application can be found here: Participants will build the communication skills that technical professionals need to express complex ideas to their peers, experts in other fields, and the general public. There will be panel discussions on the following topics: * Engaging Non-Scientific Audiences * Science Writing for a Cause * Communicating Science Through Fiction * Sharing Science with Scientists * The World of Non-Academic Publishing * Communicating using Multimedia and the Web In addition to these discussions, ample time is allotted for interacting with the experts and with att

4 0.19986323 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

Introduction: One thing we do here at the Applied Statistics Center is hold mini-conferences. The next one looks really cool. It’s organized by Sharad Goel and Jake Hofman (Microsoft Research, formerly at Yahoo Research), David Park (Columbia University), and Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google). As with our other conferences, one of our goals is to mix the academic and nonacademic research communities. Here’s the website for the workshop, and here’s the announcement from the organizers: With an explosion of data on every aspect of our everyday existence — from what we buy, to where we travel, to who we know — we are able to observe human behavior with granularity largely thought impossible just a decade ago. The growth of such online activity has further facilitated the design of web-based experiments, enhancing both the scale and efficiency of traditional methods. Together these advances have created an unprecedented opportunity to address longstanding questions in the social sciences, rang

5 0.17659378 1911 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-23-AI Stats conference on Stan etc.

Introduction: Jaakko Peltonen writes: The Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ( will be next April in Reykjavik, Iceland. AISTATS is an interdisciplinary conference at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. ============================================================================== AISTATS 2014 Call for Papers Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics April 22 – 25, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland Colocated with a MLSS Machine Learning Summer School ============================================================================== AISTATS is an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the primary goal of AISTATS has been to broaden research in the

6 0.16271034 1740 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-“Is machine learning a subset of statistics?”

7 0.15230809 1131 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-20-Stan: A (Bayesian) Directed Graphical Model Compiler

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10 0.10958575 1630 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-18-Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research – NYC

11 0.10746825 1126 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-18-Bob on Stan

12 0.10713884 1297 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-New New York data research organizations

13 0.10167338 172 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-30-Why don’t we have peer reviewing for oral presentations?

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18 0.091495365 165 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-27-Nothing is Linear, Nothing is Additive: Bayesian Models for Interactions in Social Science

19 0.085758552 1902 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-17-Job opening at new “big data” consulting firm!

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.98659647 1992 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-21-Workshop for Women in Machine Learning

Introduction: This might interest some of you: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Workshop for Women in Machine Learning Co-located with NIPS 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA December 5, 2013 Deadline for abstract submissions: September 16, 2013 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Workshop for Women in Machine Learning is a day-long event taking place on the first day of NIPS. The workshop aims to showcase the research of women in machine learning and to strengthen their community. The event brings together female faculty, graduate students, and research scientists for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. While all presenters will be female, all genders are invited to attend. Scholarships will be provided to female students and postdoctoral attendees with accepted abstracts to partially offset travel costs. Workshop

2 0.76077187 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

Introduction: One thing we do here at the Applied Statistics Center is hold mini-conferences. The next one looks really cool. It’s organized by Sharad Goel and Jake Hofman (Microsoft Research, formerly at Yahoo Research), David Park (Columbia University), and Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google). As with our other conferences, one of our goals is to mix the academic and nonacademic research communities. Here’s the website for the workshop, and here’s the announcement from the organizers: With an explosion of data on every aspect of our everyday existence — from what we buy, to where we travel, to who we know — we are able to observe human behavior with granularity largely thought impossible just a decade ago. The growth of such online activity has further facilitated the design of web-based experiments, enhancing both the scale and efficiency of traditional methods. Together these advances have created an unprecedented opportunity to address longstanding questions in the social sciences, rang

3 0.69729125 1651 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-03-Faculty Position in Visualization, Visual Analytics, Imaging, and Human Centered Computing

Introduction: David Ebert sends this along: Purdue University School of ECE Faculty Position in Human-Centered Computing The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a faculty position at any level in human-centered computing, including but not limited to visualization, visual analytics, human-computer interaction (HCI), imaging, and graphics. . . . Applications should consist of a cover letter, a CV, research and teaching statements, names and contact information for at least three references, and URLs for three to five online papers. . . . We will consider applications through March 2013. It’s great to see this sort of thing. P.S. Amusingly enough, the Purdue Visualization and Analytics Center has an ugly, bureaucratic, text-heavy webpage . Not that I’m one to talk, the Columbia stat dept has an ugly webpage too (although I think we’ll be switching soon to something better).

4 0.68960249 412 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-13-Time to apply for the hackNY summer fellows program

Introduction: Chris Wiggins writes of an interesting-looking summer program that undergraduate or graduate students can apply to: The hackNY Fellows program is an initiative to mentor the next generation of technology innovators in New York, focusing on tech startups. Last summer’s class of fellows was paired with NYC startups which demonstrated they could provide a mentoring environment (a clear project, a person who could work with the Fellow, and sufficient stability to commit to 10 weeks of compensation for the Fellow). hackNY, with the support of the Kauffman foundation and the Internet Society of New York, provided shared housing in NYU dorms in Union Square, and organized a series of pedagogical lectures. hackNY was founded by Hilary Mason, chief scientist at, Evan Korth, professor of CS at NYU, and Chris Wiggins, professor of applied mathematics at Columbia. Each of us has spent thousands of student-hours teaching and mentoring, and is committed to help build a strong communi

5 0.66911203 1911 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-23-AI Stats conference on Stan etc.

Introduction: Jaakko Peltonen writes: The Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ( will be next April in Reykjavik, Iceland. AISTATS is an interdisciplinary conference at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. ============================================================================== AISTATS 2014 Call for Papers Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics April 22 – 25, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland Colocated with a MLSS Machine Learning Summer School ============================================================================== AISTATS is an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the primary goal of AISTATS has been to broaden research in the

6 0.65336466 903 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-13-Duke postdoctoral fellowships in nonparametric Bayes & high-dimensional data

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17 0.5874055 1904 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-18-Job opening! Come work with us!

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.95223272 1992 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-21-Workshop for Women in Machine Learning

Introduction: This might interest some of you: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Workshop for Women in Machine Learning Co-located with NIPS 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA December 5, 2013 Deadline for abstract submissions: September 16, 2013 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Workshop for Women in Machine Learning is a day-long event taking place on the first day of NIPS. The workshop aims to showcase the research of women in machine learning and to strengthen their community. The event brings together female faculty, graduate students, and research scientists for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. While all presenters will be female, all genders are invited to attend. Scholarships will be provided to female students and postdoctoral attendees with accepted abstracts to partially offset travel costs. Workshop

2 0.91517383 1174 andrew gelman stats-2012-02-18-Not as ugly as you look

Introduction: Kaiser asks the interesting question: How do you measure what restaurants are “overrated”? You can’t just ask people, right? There’s some sort of social element here, that “overrated” implies that someone’s out there doing the rating.

3 0.90920591 1098 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-04-Bayesian Page Rank?

Introduction: Loren Maxwell writes: I am trying to do some studies on the PageRank algorithm with applying a Bayesian technique. If you are not familiar with PageRank, it is the basis for how Google ranks their pages. It basically treats the internet as a large social network with each link conferring some value onto the page it links to. For example, if I had a webpage that had only one link to it, say from my friend’s webpage, then its PageRank would be dependent on my friend’s PageRank, presumably quite low. However, if the one link to my page was off the Google search page, then my PageRank would be quite high since there are undoubtedly millions of pages linking to Google and few pages that Google links to. The end result of the algorithm, however, is that all the PageRank values of the nodes in the network sum to one and the PageRank of a specific node is the probability that a “random surfer” will end up on that node. For example, in the attached spreadsheet, Column D shows e

4 0.86042869 1507 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-22-Grade inflation: why weren’t the instructors all giving all A’s already??

Introduction: My upstairs colleague Blattman writes : The trend is unsurprising. Schools have every incentive to move to the highest four or five piles [grades] possible. . . . Then grade inflation will stop because . . there will be nowhere to go. . . . So why resist the new equilibrium? I don’t have any argument for resisting, but I don’t think everything’s quite so simple as Chris is saying. First, you can easily get compression so that almost everyone gets the same grade (“A”). So, no four or five piles. Second, the incentives for grading high have been there for awhile. To me, the more interesting question is: how is it that grade inflation hasn’t gone faster? Why would it take so many decades to reach a natural and obvious equilibrium? Here’s what I wrote last year : As a teacher who, like many others, assigns grades in an unregulated environment (that is, we have no standardized tests and no rules on how we should grade), all the incentives to toward giving only A’s: Wh

5 0.85927987 136 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-09-Using ranks as numbers

Introduction: David Shor writes: I’m dealing with a situation where I have two datasets, one that assigns each participant a discrete score out of five for a set of particular traits (Dog behavior characteristics by breed), and another from an independent source that ranks each breed by each characteristic. It’s also possible to obtain the results of a survey, where experts were asked to rank 7 randomly picked breeds by characteristics. I’m interested in obtaining estimates for each trait, and intuitively, it seems clear that the second and third dataset provide a lot of information. But it’s unclear how to incorporate them to infer latent variables, since only sample ranks are observed. This seems like it is a common problem, do you have any suggestions? My quick answer is that you can treat ranks as numbers (a point we make somewhere in Bayesian Data Analysis, I believe) and just fit an item-response model from there. Val Johnson wrote an article on this in Jasa a few years ago, “Bayesia

6 0.85634202 629 andrew gelman stats-2011-03-26-Is it plausible that 1% of people pick a career based on their first name?

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10 0.84975064 784 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-01-Weighting and prediction in sample surveys

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