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1777 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-26-Data Science for Social Good summer fellowship program

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Introduction: Juan-Pablo Velez writes: I’m helping with a  Data Science for Social Good  summer fellowship program at the University of Chicago. The goal is to train data scientists that can tackle problems in education, healthcare, energy, transportation, and more. Working with full-time mentors from academia, industry, and the  Obama campaign , fellows will build high-impact analytics projects using statistics, machine learning, data mining, and big data technologies. For fellows, we’re looking for grad students, advanced undergrads, and professionals in computer science, machine learning, statistics, and the computational and quantitative sciences. For mentors, we’re looking for folks with practical data science experience. Fellows and mentors will be paid competitively and housed in Chicago for duration of the program, from early June to late August. Rayid Ghani , former Chief Scientist of the Obama 2012 campaign, is leading the program.  Eric Sch

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Juan-Pablo Velez writes: I’m helping with a  Data Science for Social Good  summer fellowship program at the University of Chicago. [sent-1, score-0.082]

2 The goal is to train data scientists that can tackle problems in education, healthcare, energy, transportation, and more. [sent-2, score-0.295]

3 Working with full-time mentors from academia, industry, and the  Obama campaign , fellows will build high-impact analytics projects using statistics, machine learning, data mining, and big data technologies. [sent-3, score-1.751]

4 For fellows, we’re looking for grad students, advanced undergrads, and professionals in computer science, machine learning, statistics, and the computational and quantitative sciences. [sent-4, score-0.682]

5 For mentors, we’re looking for folks with practical data science experience. [sent-5, score-0.432]

6 Fellows and mentors will be paid competitively and housed in Chicago for duration of the program, from early June to late August. [sent-6, score-0.828]

7 Rayid Ghani , former Chief Scientist of the Obama 2012 campaign, is leading the program. [sent-7, score-0.132]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('mentors', 0.585), ('fellows', 0.438), ('campaign', 0.156), ('machine', 0.143), ('porway', 0.133), ('undergrads', 0.133), ('obama', 0.129), ('schmidt', 0.125), ('fellowship', 0.116), ('jake', 0.116), ('program', 0.115), ('learning', 0.113), ('transportation', 0.112), ('tackle', 0.11), ('duration', 0.107), ('chief', 0.101), ('professionals', 0.099), ('analytics', 0.099), ('healthcare', 0.098), ('science', 0.097), ('folks', 0.097), ('train', 0.095), ('mining', 0.091), ('data', 0.09), ('june', 0.09), ('academia', 0.087), ('april', 0.086), ('looking', 0.086), ('industry', 0.083), ('helping', 0.082), ('summer', 0.082), ('chicago', 0.08), ('grad', 0.08), ('advanced', 0.079), ('projects', 0.076), ('eric', 0.076), ('energy', 0.074), ('build', 0.074), ('contact', 0.073), ('late', 0.07), ('former', 0.07), ('computational', 0.067), ('paid', 0.066), ('quantitative', 0.065), ('computer', 0.063), ('applications', 0.063), ('due', 0.062), ('practical', 0.062), ('leading', 0.062), ('google', 0.06)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999988 1777 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-26-Data Science for Social Good summer fellowship program

Introduction: Juan-Pablo Velez writes: I’m helping with a  Data Science for Social Good  summer fellowship program at the University of Chicago. The goal is to train data scientists that can tackle problems in education, healthcare, energy, transportation, and more. Working with full-time mentors from academia, industry, and the  Obama campaign , fellows will build high-impact analytics projects using statistics, machine learning, data mining, and big data technologies. For fellows, we’re looking for grad students, advanced undergrads, and professionals in computer science, machine learning, statistics, and the computational and quantitative sciences. For mentors, we’re looking for folks with practical data science experience. Fellows and mentors will be paid competitively and housed in Chicago for duration of the program, from early June to late August. Rayid Ghani , former Chief Scientist of the Obama 2012 campaign, is leading the program.  Eric Sch

2 0.18435806 412 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-13-Time to apply for the hackNY summer fellows program

Introduction: Chris Wiggins writes of an interesting-looking summer program that undergraduate or graduate students can apply to: The hackNY Fellows program is an initiative to mentor the next generation of technology innovators in New York, focusing on tech startups. Last summer’s class of fellows was paired with NYC startups which demonstrated they could provide a mentoring environment (a clear project, a person who could work with the Fellow, and sufficient stability to commit to 10 weeks of compensation for the Fellow). hackNY, with the support of the Kauffman foundation and the Internet Society of New York, provided shared housing in NYU dorms in Union Square, and organized a series of pedagogical lectures. hackNY was founded by Hilary Mason, chief scientist at, Evan Korth, professor of CS at NYU, and Chris Wiggins, professor of applied mathematics at Columbia. Each of us has spent thousands of student-hours teaching and mentoring, and is committed to help build a strong communi

3 0.1612412 1902 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-17-Job opening at new “big data” consulting firm!

Introduction: David Shor sends along a job announcement for Civis Analytics, which he describes as “basically Obama’s Analytics team reconstituted as a company”: Data Scientist Position Overview Data Scientists are responsible for providing the fundamental data science that powers our work – including predictive analytics, data mining, experimental design and ad-hoc statistical analysis. As a Data Scientist, you will join our Chicago-based data science team, working closely and collaboratively with analysts and engineers to identify, quantify and solve big, meaningful problems. Data Scientists will have the opportunity to dive deeply into big problems and work in a variety of areas. Civis Analytics has opportunities for applicants who are seasoned professionals, brilliant new comers, and anywhere in between. Qualifications · Master’s degree in statistics, machine learning, computer science with heavy quant focus, a related subject, or a Bachelor’s degree and significant work ex

4 0.13920106 211 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-17-Deducer update

Introduction: A year ago we blogged about Ian Fellows’s R Gui called Deducer (oops, my bad, I meant to link to this ). Fellows sends in this update: Since version 0.1, I [Fellows] have added: 1. A nice plug-in interface, so that people can extend Deducer’s capability without leaving the comfort of R. (see: ) 2. Several new dialogs. 3. A one-step installer for windows. 4. A plug-in package (DeducerExtras) which extends the scope of analyses covered. 5. A plotting GUI that can create anything from simple histograms to complex custom graphics. Deducer is designed to be a free easy to use alternative to proprietary data analysis software such as SPSS, JMP, and Minitab. It has a menu system to do common data manipulation and analysis tasks, and an excel-like spreadsheet in which to view and edit data frames. The goal of the project is two fold. Provide an intuitive interface so that non-technical users can learn and p

5 0.12151803 1545 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-23-Two postdoc opportunities to work with our research group!! (apply by 15 Nov 2012)

Introduction: (1) Hop the Q-Train ! That is, the Columbia/NYU Quantitative Training Program, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences to create a cohort of postdoctoral scholars both to develop the new statistical methods required to meet future research challenges and to effectively train and consult with other education researchers. You’ll be working with Jennifer Hill, Marc Scott, and me on our exciting research projects, some of which are here ! Candidates must be United States citizens or permanent residents. For best consideration applications must be submitted before 15 Nov 2012. Please direct administrative inquiries to Jonathan Winters at and substantive inquiries to Jennifer or me. (2) The Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellows program ! Every year a select group of recent Ph.D.s in a variety of fields come to the Earth Institute for this two-year research fellowship. I’d love to see more statisticians applying. To apply, candidates must compl

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.93395823 1777 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-26-Data Science for Social Good summer fellowship program

Introduction: Juan-Pablo Velez writes: I’m helping with a  Data Science for Social Good  summer fellowship program at the University of Chicago. The goal is to train data scientists that can tackle problems in education, healthcare, energy, transportation, and more. Working with full-time mentors from academia, industry, and the  Obama campaign , fellows will build high-impact analytics projects using statistics, machine learning, data mining, and big data technologies. For fellows, we’re looking for grad students, advanced undergrads, and professionals in computer science, machine learning, statistics, and the computational and quantitative sciences. For mentors, we’re looking for folks with practical data science experience. Fellows and mentors will be paid competitively and housed in Chicago for duration of the program, from early June to late August. Rayid Ghani , former Chief Scientist of the Obama 2012 campaign, is leading the program.  Eric Sch

2 0.8030262 1902 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-17-Job opening at new “big data” consulting firm!

Introduction: David Shor sends along a job announcement for Civis Analytics, which he describes as “basically Obama’s Analytics team reconstituted as a company”: Data Scientist Position Overview Data Scientists are responsible for providing the fundamental data science that powers our work – including predictive analytics, data mining, experimental design and ad-hoc statistical analysis. As a Data Scientist, you will join our Chicago-based data science team, working closely and collaboratively with analysts and engineers to identify, quantify and solve big, meaningful problems. Data Scientists will have the opportunity to dive deeply into big problems and work in a variety of areas. Civis Analytics has opportunities for applicants who are seasoned professionals, brilliant new comers, and anywhere in between. Qualifications · Master’s degree in statistics, machine learning, computer science with heavy quant focus, a related subject, or a Bachelor’s degree and significant work ex

3 0.79088789 1297 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-New New York data research organizations

Introduction: In a single day, New York City obtained two data analysis/statistics/machine learning organizations: Microsoft Research New York City with John Langford (machine learning), Duncan Watts (networks), and Dave Pennock (algorithmic economics). eBay technology center focusing on data – led by Chris Dixon , the co-founder of the recommendation engine company Hunch, which has recently been acquired by eBay. New York already has Facebook’s engineering unit , Twitter’s East Coast headquarters , and Google’s second-largest engineering office. The data community here is on an upswing, and it might be one of the best places to be if you’re into applied statistics, machine learning or data analysis. Post by Aleks Jakulin . P.S. (from Andrew): The formerly-Yahoo-now-Microsoft researchers have a more-or-less formal connection to Columbia, through the Applied Statistics Center, where some of them will be organizing occasional mini-conferences and workshops!

4 0.76211321 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

Introduction: One thing we do here at the Applied Statistics Center is hold mini-conferences. The next one looks really cool. It’s organized by Sharad Goel and Jake Hofman (Microsoft Research, formerly at Yahoo Research), David Park (Columbia University), and Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google). As with our other conferences, one of our goals is to mix the academic and nonacademic research communities. Here’s the website for the workshop, and here’s the announcement from the organizers: With an explosion of data on every aspect of our everyday existence — from what we buy, to where we travel, to who we know — we are able to observe human behavior with granularity largely thought impossible just a decade ago. The growth of such online activity has further facilitated the design of web-based experiments, enhancing both the scale and efficiency of traditional methods. Together these advances have created an unprecedented opportunity to address longstanding questions in the social sciences, rang

5 0.7567305 1630 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-18-Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research – NYC

Introduction: Sharad Goel sends this in: Microsoft Research NYC [ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas: * Computational social science: * Online experimental social science: * Algorithmic economics and market design: * Machine learning: We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. Additional information about these areas is included below. Please submit all application materials by January 11, 2013. ———- COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE With an increasing amount of data on every aspect of our daily activities — from what we buy, to wh

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1 0.91424245 253 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-03-Gladwell vs Pinker

Introduction: I just happened to notice this from last year. Eric Loken writes : Steven Pinker reviewed Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book and criticized him rather harshly for several shortcomings. Gladwell appears to have made things worse for himself in a letter to the editor of the NYT by defending a manifestly weak claim from one of his essays – the claim that NFL quarterback performance is unrelated to the order they were drafted out of college. The reason w [Loken and his colleagues] are implicated is that Pinker identified an earlier blog post of ours as one of three sources he used to challenge Gladwell (yay us!). But Gladwell either misrepresented or misunderstood our post in his response, and admonishes Pinker by saying “we should agree that our differences owe less to what can be found in the scientific literature than they do to what can be found on Google.” Well, here’s what you can find on Google. Follow this link to request the data for NFL quarterbacks drafted between 1980 and

2 0.90811729 873 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-26-Luck or knowledge?

Introduction: Joan Ginther has won the Texas lottery four times. First, she won $5.4 million, then a decade later, she won $2million, then two years later $3million and in the summer of 2010, she hit a $10million jackpot. The odds of this has been calculated at one in eighteen septillion and luck like this could only come once every quadrillion years. According to Forbes, the residents of Bishop, Texas, seem to believe God was behind it all. The Texas Lottery Commission told Mr Rich that Ms Ginther must have been ‘born under a lucky star’, and that they don’t suspect foul play. Harper’s reporter Nathanial Rich recently wrote an article about Ms Ginther, which calls the the validity of her ‘luck’ into question. First, he points out, Ms Ginther is a former math professor with a PhD from Stanford University specialising in statistics. More at Daily Mail. [Edited Saturday] In comments, C Ryan King points to the original article at Harper’s and Bill Jefferys to Wired .

same-blog 3 0.9069798 1777 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-26-Data Science for Social Good summer fellowship program

Introduction: Juan-Pablo Velez writes: I’m helping with a  Data Science for Social Good  summer fellowship program at the University of Chicago. The goal is to train data scientists that can tackle problems in education, healthcare, energy, transportation, and more. Working with full-time mentors from academia, industry, and the  Obama campaign , fellows will build high-impact analytics projects using statistics, machine learning, data mining, and big data technologies. For fellows, we’re looking for grad students, advanced undergrads, and professionals in computer science, machine learning, statistics, and the computational and quantitative sciences. For mentors, we’re looking for folks with practical data science experience. Fellows and mentors will be paid competitively and housed in Chicago for duration of the program, from early June to late August. Rayid Ghani , former Chief Scientist of the Obama 2012 campaign, is leading the program.  Eric Sch

4 0.90476716 1530 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-11-Migrating your blog from Movable Type to WordPress

Introduction: Cord Blomquist, who did a great job moving us from horrible Movable Type to nice nice WordPress, writes: I [Cord] wanted to share a little news with you related to the original work we did for you last year. When ReadyMadeWeb converted your Movable Type blog to WordPress, we got a lot of other requestes for the same service, so we started thinking about a bigger market for such a product. After a bit of research, we started work on automating the data conversion, writing rules, and exceptions to the rules, on how Movable Type and TypePad data could be translated to WordPress. After many months of work, we’re getting ready to announce , a service that converts Movable Type and TypePad export files to WordPress import files, so anyone who wants to migrate to WordPress can do so easily and without losing permalinks, comments, images, or other files. By automating our service, we’ve been able to drop the price to just $99. I recommend it (and, no, Cord is not paying m

5 0.90204084 1718 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-11-Toward a framework for automatic model building

Introduction: Patrick Caldon writes: I saw your recent blog post where you discussed in passing an iterative-chain-of models approach to AI. I essentially built such a thing for my PhD thesis – not in a Bayesian context, but in a logic programming context – and proved it had a few properties and showed how you could solve some toy problems. The important bit of my framework was that at various points you also go and get more data in the process – in a statistical context this might be seen as building a little univariate model on a subset of the data, then iteratively extending into a better model with more data and more independent variables – a generalized forward stepwise regression if you like. It wrapped a proper computational framework around E.M. Gold’s identification/learning in the limit based on a logic my advisor (Eric Martin) had invented. What’s not written up in the thesis is a few months of failed struggle trying to shoehorn some simple statistical inference into this

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