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1630 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-18-Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research – NYC

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Introduction: Sharad Goel sends this in: Microsoft Research NYC [ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas: * Computational social science: * Online experimental social science: * Algorithmic economics and market design: * Machine learning: We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. Additional information about these areas is included below. Please submit all application materials by January 11, 2013. ———- COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE With an increasing amount of data on every aspect of our daily activities — from what we buy, to wh

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 com/newyork/ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. [sent-3, score-0.297]

2 We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas: * Computational social science: http://research. [sent-4, score-0.59]

3 com/mlnyc/ We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. [sent-12, score-0.557]

4 Lying at the intersection of computer science, statistics and the social sciences, the emerging field of computational social science uses large-scale demographic, behavioral and network data to address longstanding questions in sociology, economics, politics, and beyond. [sent-18, score-1.083]

5 We seek postdoc applicants with a diverse set of skills, including experience with large-scale data, scalable statistical and machine learning methods, and knowledge of a substantive social science field, such as sociology, economics, psychology, political science, or marketing. [sent-19, score-1.675]

6 com/oess_nyc Online experimental social science involves using the web, including crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, to study human behavior in “virtual lab” environments. [sent-22, score-0.924]

7 We seek postdoc applicants with a diverse mix of skills, including awareness of the theoretical and experimental social science literature, and experience with experimental design, as well as demonstrated statistical modeling and programming expertise. [sent-24, score-2.015]

8 Specific experience running experiments on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk or related crowdsourcing websites, as well as managing virtual participant pools is also desirable, as is evidence of UI design ability. [sent-25, score-0.563]

9 com/algorithmic-economics/ Market design, the engineering arm of economics, benefits from an understanding of computation: complexity, algorithms, engineering practice, and data. [sent-28, score-0.148]

10 Conversely, computer science in a networked world benefits from a solid foundation in economics: incentives and game theory. [sent-29, score-0.381]

11 We seek applicants who embody a diverse mix of skills, including a background in computer science (e. [sent-31, score-1.084]

12 , artificial intelligence or theory) or related field, and knowledge of the theoretical and experimental economics literature. [sent-33, score-0.492]

13 Experience building prototype systems, and a comfort level with modern programming paradigms (e. [sent-34, score-0.102]

14 com/mlnyc/ Machine learning is the discipline of designing efficient algorithms for making accurate predictions and optimal decisions in the face of uncertainty. [sent-39, score-0.267]

15 It combines tools and techniques from computer science, signal processing, statistics and optimization. [sent-40, score-0.117]

16 Microsoft offers a unique opportunity to work with extremely diverse data sources, both big and small, while also offering a very stimulating environment for cutting-edge theoretical research. [sent-41, score-0.301]

17 We seek postdoc applicants who have demonstrated ability to do independent research, have a strong publication record at top research venues and thrive in a multidisciplinary environment. [sent-42, score-0.778]

18 On the plus side, you get to work with brilliant, brilliant researchers in an environment full of innovation. [sent-43, score-0.143]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('applicants', 0.297), ('http', 0.249), ('social', 0.229), ('science', 0.193), ('economics', 0.173), ('experimental', 0.172), ('machine', 0.165), ('diverse', 0.158), ('seek', 0.157), ('learning', 0.157), ('virtual', 0.156), ('market', 0.132), ('design', 0.125), ('postdoc', 0.124), ('computer', 0.117), ('crowdsourcing', 0.116), ('platforms', 0.116), ('algorithmic', 0.116), ('algorithms', 0.11), ('online', 0.109), ('programming', 0.102), ('skills', 0.1), ('including', 0.098), ('experience', 0.097), ('computational', 0.093), ('turk', 0.09), ('amazon', 0.089), ('areas', 0.082), ('mechanical', 0.082), ('behavioral', 0.08), ('microsoft', 0.08), ('brilliant', 0.078), ('theoretical', 0.078), ('demonstrated', 0.074), ('engineering', 0.074), ('field', 0.072), ('incentives', 0.071), ('network', 0.07), ('related', 0.069), ('rely', 0.069), ('sociology', 0.069), ('systems', 0.068), ('lab', 0.068), ('relationship', 0.067), ('environment', 0.065), ('record', 0.064), ('mix', 0.064), ('retrieval', 0.062), ('multidisciplinary', 0.062), ('programmatic', 0.062)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1630 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-18-Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research – NYC

Introduction: Sharad Goel sends this in: Microsoft Research NYC [ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas: * Computational social science: * Online experimental social science: * Algorithmic economics and market design: * Machine learning: We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. Additional information about these areas is included below. Please submit all application materials by January 11, 2013. ———- COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE With an increasing amount of data on every aspect of our daily activities — from what we buy, to wh

2 0.31699041 1904 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-18-Job opening! Come work with us!

Introduction: Postdoctoral position in statistical modeling of social networks A full-time postdoctoral position is available beginning Fall 2014 in the research group of Tian Zheng and Andrew Gelman working on statistical analysis and modeling of social network data, in close cooperation with our experimental collaborators. Four key papers of this project so far are: Requirements: The work is highly interdisciplinary, and applicants must have strong statistical and computational skills. Social science research skills are preferred but not necessary. Preferred educational background is a PhD in statistics, computer science, political science, sociology, or a related field. Expertise in Bayesian modeling and computing is required. Prev

3 0.2064034 1902 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-17-Job opening at new “big data” consulting firm!

Introduction: David Shor sends along a job announcement for Civis Analytics, which he describes as “basically Obama’s Analytics team reconstituted as a company”: Data Scientist Position Overview Data Scientists are responsible for providing the fundamental data science that powers our work – including predictive analytics, data mining, experimental design and ad-hoc statistical analysis. As a Data Scientist, you will join our Chicago-based data science team, working closely and collaboratively with analysts and engineers to identify, quantify and solve big, meaningful problems. Data Scientists will have the opportunity to dive deeply into big problems and work in a variety of areas. Civis Analytics has opportunities for applicants who are seasoned professionals, brilliant new comers, and anywhere in between. Qualifications · Master’s degree in statistics, machine learning, computer science with heavy quant focus, a related subject, or a Bachelor’s degree and significant work ex

4 0.20471016 1961 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-29-Postdocs in probabilistic modeling! With David Blei! And Stan!

Introduction: David Blei writes: I have two postdoc openings for basic research in probabilistic modeling . The thrusts are (a) scalable inference and (b) model checking. We will be developing new methods and implementing them in probabilistic programming systems. I am open to applicants interested in many kinds of applications and from any field. “Scalable inference” means black-box VB and related ideas, and “probabilistic programming systems” means Stan! (You might be familiar with Stan as an implementation of Nuts for posterior sampling, but Stan is also an efficient program for computing probability densities and their gradients, and as such is an ideal platform for developing scalable implementations of variational inference and related algorithms.) And you know I like model checking. Here’s the full ad: ===== POSTDOC POSITIONS IN PROBABILISTIC MODELING ===== We expect to have two postdoctoral positions available for January 2014 (or later). These positions are in D

5 0.20040357 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

Introduction: One thing we do here at the Applied Statistics Center is hold mini-conferences. The next one looks really cool. It’s organized by Sharad Goel and Jake Hofman (Microsoft Research, formerly at Yahoo Research), David Park (Columbia University), and Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google). As with our other conferences, one of our goals is to mix the academic and nonacademic research communities. Here’s the website for the workshop, and here’s the announcement from the organizers: With an explosion of data on every aspect of our everyday existence — from what we buy, to where we travel, to who we know — we are able to observe human behavior with granularity largely thought impossible just a decade ago. The growth of such online activity has further facilitated the design of web-based experiments, enhancing both the scale and efficiency of traditional methods. Together these advances have created an unprecedented opportunity to address longstanding questions in the social sciences, rang

6 0.19724077 978 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-28-Cool job opening with brilliant researchers at Yahoo

7 0.16961507 1110 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-10-Jobs in statistics research! In New Jersey!

8 0.16484053 361 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-21-Tenure-track statistics job at Teachers College, here at Columbia!

9 0.16473351 1740 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-26-“Is machine learning a subset of statistics?”

10 0.15578288 1482 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Model checking and model understanding in machine learning

11 0.14877303 1909 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-21-Job openings at conservative political analytics firm!

12 0.14787547 1952 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-23-Christakis response to my comment on his comments on social science (or just skip to the P.P.P.S. at the end)

13 0.14630073 40 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-18-What visualization is best?

14 0.1455317 537 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #1: Missing-Data Imputation, Diagnostics, and Applications

15 0.14189893 1297 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-New New York data research organizations

16 0.13338199 538 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-25-Postdoc Position #2: Hierarchical Modeling and Statistical Graphics

17 0.13264333 62 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-01-Two Postdoc Positions Available on Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling

18 0.13084184 1131 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-20-Stan: A (Bayesian) Directed Graphical Model Compiler

19 0.12856722 1911 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-23-AI Stats conference on Stan etc.

20 0.12411376 557 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-05-Call for book proposals

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topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.188), (1, -0.034), (2, -0.112), (3, -0.049), (4, -0.014), (5, 0.157), (6, -0.185), (7, -0.068), (8, -0.133), (9, 0.152), (10, -0.088), (11, -0.043), (12, -0.0), (13, -0.044), (14, -0.1), (15, 0.023), (16, 0.011), (17, -0.059), (18, 0.029), (19, -0.079), (20, 0.057), (21, -0.021), (22, -0.009), (23, 0.056), (24, -0.004), (25, -0.0), (26, 0.103), (27, 0.001), (28, 0.005), (29, -0.013), (30, -0.0), (31, -0.042), (32, -0.022), (33, -0.081), (34, 0.05), (35, 0.008), (36, -0.014), (37, -0.029), (38, 0.013), (39, -0.027), (40, -0.021), (41, 0.014), (42, 0.02), (43, 0.099), (44, -0.051), (45, 0.053), (46, 0.082), (47, 0.019), (48, 0.007), (49, 0.026)]

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same-blog 1 0.98741573 1630 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-18-Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research – NYC

Introduction: Sharad Goel sends this in: Microsoft Research NYC [ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas: * Computational social science: * Online experimental social science: * Algorithmic economics and market design: * Machine learning: We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. Additional information about these areas is included below. Please submit all application materials by January 11, 2013. ———- COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE With an increasing amount of data on every aspect of our daily activities — from what we buy, to wh

2 0.86132842 978 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-28-Cool job opening with brilliant researchers at Yahoo

Introduction: Duncan Watts writes: The Human Social Dynamics Group in Yahoo Research is seeking highly qualified candidates for a post-doctoral research scientist position. The Human and Social Dynamics group is devoted to understanding the interplay between individual-level behavior (e.g. how people make decisions about what music they like, which dates to go on, or which groups to join) and the social environment in which individual behavior necessarily plays itself out. In particular, we are interested in: * Structure and evolution of social groups and networks * Decision making, social influence, diffusion, and collective decisions * Networking and collaborative problem solving. The intrinsically multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting nature of the subject demands an eclectic range of researchers, both in terms of domain-expertise (e.g. decision sciences, social psychology, sociology) and technical skills (e.g. statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, computer simulations, design o

3 0.85156476 1481 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-04-Cool one-day miniconference at Columbia Fri 12 Oct on computational and online social science

Introduction: One thing we do here at the Applied Statistics Center is hold mini-conferences. The next one looks really cool. It’s organized by Sharad Goel and Jake Hofman (Microsoft Research, formerly at Yahoo Research), David Park (Columbia University), and Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google). As with our other conferences, one of our goals is to mix the academic and nonacademic research communities. Here’s the website for the workshop, and here’s the announcement from the organizers: With an explosion of data on every aspect of our everyday existence — from what we buy, to where we travel, to who we know — we are able to observe human behavior with granularity largely thought impossible just a decade ago. The growth of such online activity has further facilitated the design of web-based experiments, enhancing both the scale and efficiency of traditional methods. Together these advances have created an unprecedented opportunity to address longstanding questions in the social sciences, rang

4 0.84146714 1909 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-21-Job openings at conservative political analytics firm!

Introduction: After posting that announcement about Civis Analytics, I wrote, “If a reconstituted Romney Analytics team is hiring, let me know and I’ll post that ad too.” Adam Schaeffer obliged : Not sure about Romney’s team, but Evolving Strategies is looking for sharp folks who lean right: Evolving Strategies is a political communications research firm specializing in randomized controlled experiments in the “lab” and in the “field.” ES is bringing a scientific revolution to free-market/conservative politics. We are looking for people who are obsessive about getting things right and creative in their work. A ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the academic literature in their field, highly developed skills, a commitment to academic rigor, but an intuitive understanding of practical political concerns and objectives as well. We’re looking for new talent to help with our fast-growing portfolio in these areas: High-level data processing, statistical analysis and modelin

5 0.80008274 1904 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-18-Job opening! Come work with us!

Introduction: Postdoctoral position in statistical modeling of social networks A full-time postdoctoral position is available beginning Fall 2014 in the research group of Tian Zheng and Andrew Gelman working on statistical analysis and modeling of social network data, in close cooperation with our experimental collaborators. Four key papers of this project so far are: Requirements: The work is highly interdisciplinary, and applicants must have strong statistical and computational skills. Social science research skills are preferred but not necessary. Preferred educational background is a PhD in statistics, computer science, political science, sociology, or a related field. Expertise in Bayesian modeling and computing is required. Prev

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same-blog 1 0.97401524 1630 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-18-Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research – NYC

Introduction: Sharad Goel sends this in: Microsoft Research NYC [ ] seeks outstanding applicants for 2-year postdoctoral researcher positions. We welcome applicants with a strong academic record in one of the following areas: * Computational social science: * Online experimental social science: * Algorithmic economics and market design: * Machine learning: We will also consider applicants in other focus areas of the lab, including information retrieval, and behavioral & empirical economics. Additional information about these areas is included below. Please submit all application materials by January 11, 2013. ———- COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE With an increasing amount of data on every aspect of our daily activities — from what we buy, to wh

2 0.96369725 1990 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-20-Job opening at an organization that promotes reproducible research!

Introduction: I was told about an organization called Reproducibility Initiative. They tell me they are trying to make what was described in our “50 shades of gray” post standard across all of science, particularly areas like cancer research. I don’t know anything else about them, but that sounds like a good start! Here’s the ad: Data Scientist: Science Exchange, Palo Alto, CA Science Exchange is an innovative start-up with a mission to improve the efficiency and quality of scientific research. This Data Science position is critical to our mission. Our ideal candidate has the ability to collect and normalize data from multiple sources. This information will be used to drive marketing and product decisions, as well as fuel many of the features of Science Exchange. Desired Skills & Experience Experience with text mining, entity extraction and natural language processing is essential Experience scripting with either Python or R Experience running complex statistical analyses on l

3 0.9570452 166 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-27-The Three Golden Rules for Successful Scientific Research

Introduction: A famous computer scientist, Edsger W. Dijkstra, was writing short memos on a daily basis for most of his life. His memo archives contains a little over 1300 memos. I guess today he would be writing a blog, although his memos do tend to be slightly more profound than what I post. Here are the rules (follow link for commentary), which I tried to summarize: Pursue quality and challenge, avoid routine. (“Raise your quality standards as high as you can live with, avoid wasting your time on routine problems, and always try to work as closely as possible at the boundary of your abilities. Do this, because it is the only way of discovering how that boundary should be moved forward.”) When pursuing social relevance, never compromise on scientific soundness. (“We all like our work to be socially relevant and scientifically sound. If we can find a topic satisfying both desires, we are lucky; if the two targets are in conflict with each other, let the requirement of scientific sou

4 0.94979477 1961 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-29-Postdocs in probabilistic modeling! With David Blei! And Stan!

Introduction: David Blei writes: I have two postdoc openings for basic research in probabilistic modeling . The thrusts are (a) scalable inference and (b) model checking. We will be developing new methods and implementing them in probabilistic programming systems. I am open to applicants interested in many kinds of applications and from any field. “Scalable inference” means black-box VB and related ideas, and “probabilistic programming systems” means Stan! (You might be familiar with Stan as an implementation of Nuts for posterior sampling, but Stan is also an efficient program for computing probability densities and their gradients, and as such is an ideal platform for developing scalable implementations of variational inference and related algorithms.) And you know I like model checking. Here’s the full ad: ===== POSTDOC POSITIONS IN PROBABILISTIC MODELING ===== We expect to have two postdoctoral positions available for January 2014 (or later). These positions are in D

5 0.94836545 505 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-05-Wacky interview questions: An exploration into the nature of evidence on the internet

Introduction: Gayle Laackmann reports ( link from Felix Salmon) that Microsoft, Google, etc. don’t actually ask brain-teasers in their job interviews. The actually ask a lot of questions about programming. (I looked here and was relieved to see that the questions aren’t very hard. I could probably get a job as an entry-level programmer if I needed to.) Laackmann writes: Let’s look at the very widely circulated “15 Google Interview Questions that will make you feel stupid” list [ here's the original list , I think, from Lewis Lin] . . . these questions are fake. Fake fake fake. How can you tell that they’re fake? Because one of them is “Why are manhole covers round?” This is an infamous Microsoft interview question that has since been so very, very banned at both companies . I find it very hard to believe that a Google interviewer asked such a question. We’ll get back to the manhole question in a bit. Lacakmann reports that she never saw any IQ tests in three years of interviewi

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