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1776 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-25-The harm done by tests of significance

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Introduction: After seeing this recent discussion , Ezra Hauer sent along an article of his from the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, describing three examples from accident research in which null hypothesis significance testing led researchers astray. Hauer writes: The problem is clear. Researchers obtain real data which, while noisy, time and again point in a certain direction. However, instead of saying: “here is my estimate of the safety effect, here is its precision, and this is how what I found relates to previous findings”, the data is processed by NHST, and the researcher says, correctly but pointlessly: “I cannot be sure that the safety effect is not zero”. Occasionally, the researcher adds, this time incorrectly and unjustifiably, a statement to the effect that: “since the result is not statistically significant, it is best to assume the safety effect to be zero”. In this manner, good data are drained of real content, the direction of empirical conclusions reversed, and ord

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 After seeing this recent discussion , Ezra Hauer sent along an article of his from the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, describing three examples from accident research in which null hypothesis significance testing led researchers astray. [sent-1, score-0.621]

2 Researchers obtain real data which, while noisy, time and again point in a certain direction. [sent-3, score-0.281]

3 However, instead of saying: “here is my estimate of the safety effect, here is its precision, and this is how what I found relates to previous findings”, the data is processed by NHST, and the researcher says, correctly but pointlessly: “I cannot be sure that the safety effect is not zero”. [sent-4, score-1.247]

4 Occasionally, the researcher adds, this time incorrectly and unjustifiably, a statement to the effect that: “since the result is not statistically significant, it is best to assume the safety effect to be zero”. [sent-5, score-0.962]

5 In this manner, good data are drained of real content, the direction of empirical conclusions reversed, and ordinary human and scientific reasoning is turned on its head for the sake of a venerable ritual. [sent-6, score-0.622]

6 As to the habit of subjecting the data from each study to the NHST separately, as if no pre- vious knowledge existed, Edwards (1976, p. [sent-7, score-0.345]

7 180) notes that “it is like trying to sink a battleship by firing lead shot at it for a long time”. [sent-8, score-0.358]

8 Indeed, when I say that a Bayesian wants other researchers to be non-Bayesian, what I mean is that I want people to give me their data or their summary statistics, unpolluted by any prior distributions. [sent-9, score-0.243]

9 But I certainly don’t want them to discard all their numbers in exchange for a simple yes/no statement on statistical significance. [sent-10, score-0.318]

10 P-values as data summaries can be really misleading, and unfortunately this sort of thing is often encouraged (explicitly or implicitly) by standard statistics books. [sent-11, score-0.303]

11 Maybe an even better title would be, “The harm done by tests of significance and by analyzing datasets in isolation. [sent-14, score-0.379]

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[('hauer', 0.31), ('safety', 0.28), ('nhst', 0.254), ('accident', 0.211), ('effect', 0.167), ('pointlessly', 0.141), ('unjustifiably', 0.141), ('firing', 0.141), ('subjecting', 0.141), ('edwards', 0.133), ('drained', 0.133), ('researchers', 0.128), ('sink', 0.127), ('ezra', 0.127), ('significance', 0.125), ('statement', 0.123), ('prevention', 0.123), ('researcher', 0.121), ('reversed', 0.119), ('sake', 0.116), ('processed', 0.116), ('data', 0.115), ('discard', 0.113), ('zero', 0.112), ('incorrectly', 0.104), ('existed', 0.101), ('encouraged', 0.096), ('ordinary', 0.096), ('harm', 0.095), ('summaries', 0.092), ('relates', 0.091), ('shot', 0.09), ('habit', 0.089), ('separately', 0.088), ('manner', 0.088), ('obtain', 0.086), ('precision', 0.086), ('datasets', 0.083), ('adds', 0.083), ('head', 0.082), ('exchange', 0.082), ('noisy', 0.081), ('implicitly', 0.08), ('real', 0.08), ('occasionally', 0.08), ('null', 0.079), ('describing', 0.078), ('correctly', 0.077), ('explicitly', 0.076), ('analyzing', 0.076)]

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 1776 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-25-The harm done by tests of significance

Introduction: After seeing this recent discussion , Ezra Hauer sent along an article of his from the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, describing three examples from accident research in which null hypothesis significance testing led researchers astray. Hauer writes: The problem is clear. Researchers obtain real data which, while noisy, time and again point in a certain direction. However, instead of saying: “here is my estimate of the safety effect, here is its precision, and this is how what I found relates to previous findings”, the data is processed by NHST, and the researcher says, correctly but pointlessly: “I cannot be sure that the safety effect is not zero”. Occasionally, the researcher adds, this time incorrectly and unjustifiably, a statement to the effect that: “since the result is not statistically significant, it is best to assume the safety effect to be zero”. In this manner, good data are drained of real content, the direction of empirical conclusions reversed, and ord

2 0.16677989 2183 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-23-Discussion on preregistration of research studies

Introduction: Chris Chambers and I had an enlightening discussion the other day at the blog of Rolf Zwaan, regarding the Garden of Forking Paths ( go here and scroll down through the comments). Chris sent me the following note: I’m writing a book at the moment about reforming practices in psychological research (focusing on various bad practices such as p-hacking, HARKing, low statistical power, publication bias, lack of data sharing etc. – and posing solutions such as pre-registration, Bayesian hypothesis testing, mandatory data archiving etc.) and I am arriving at rather unsettling conclusion: that null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) simply isn’t valid for observational research. If this is true then most of the psychological literature is statistically flawed. I was wonder what your thoughts were on this, both from a statistical point of view and from your experience working in an observational field. We all know about the dangers of researcher degrees of freedom. We also know

3 0.14419022 643 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-02-So-called Bayesian hypothesis testing is just as bad as regular hypothesis testing

Introduction: Steve Ziliak points me to this article by the always-excellent Carl Bialik, slamming hypothesis tests. I only wish Carl had talked with me before so hastily posting, though! I would’ve argued with some of the things in the article. In particular, he writes: Reese and Brad Carlin . . . suggest that Bayesian statistics are a better alternative, because they tackle the probability that the hypothesis is true head-on, and incorporate prior knowledge about the variables involved. Brad Carlin does great work in theory, methods, and applications, and I like the bit about the prior knowledge (although I might prefer the more general phrase “additional information”), but I hate that quote! My quick response is that the hypothesis of zero effect is almost never true! The problem with the significance testing framework–Bayesian or otherwise–is in the obsession with the possibility of an exact zero effect. The real concern is not with zero, it’s with claiming a positive effect whe

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same-blog 1 0.9569025 1776 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-25-The harm done by tests of significance

Introduction: After seeing this recent discussion , Ezra Hauer sent along an article of his from the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, describing three examples from accident research in which null hypothesis significance testing led researchers astray. Hauer writes: The problem is clear. Researchers obtain real data which, while noisy, time and again point in a certain direction. However, instead of saying: “here is my estimate of the safety effect, here is its precision, and this is how what I found relates to previous findings”, the data is processed by NHST, and the researcher says, correctly but pointlessly: “I cannot be sure that the safety effect is not zero”. Occasionally, the researcher adds, this time incorrectly and unjustifiably, a statement to the effect that: “since the result is not statistically significant, it is best to assume the safety effect to be zero”. In this manner, good data are drained of real content, the direction of empirical conclusions reversed, and ord

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Introduction: Chris Chambers and I had an enlightening discussion the other day at the blog of Rolf Zwaan, regarding the Garden of Forking Paths ( go here and scroll down through the comments). Chris sent me the following note: I’m writing a book at the moment about reforming practices in psychological research (focusing on various bad practices such as p-hacking, HARKing, low statistical power, publication bias, lack of data sharing etc. – and posing solutions such as pre-registration, Bayesian hypothesis testing, mandatory data archiving etc.) and I am arriving at rather unsettling conclusion: that null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) simply isn’t valid for observational research. If this is true then most of the psychological literature is statistically flawed. I was wonder what your thoughts were on this, both from a statistical point of view and from your experience working in an observational field. We all know about the dangers of researcher degrees of freedom. We also know

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Introduction: After seeing this recent discussion , Ezra Hauer sent along an article of his from the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, describing three examples from accident research in which null hypothesis significance testing led researchers astray. Hauer writes: The problem is clear. Researchers obtain real data which, while noisy, time and again point in a certain direction. However, instead of saying: “here is my estimate of the safety effect, here is its precision, and this is how what I found relates to previous findings”, the data is processed by NHST, and the researcher says, correctly but pointlessly: “I cannot be sure that the safety effect is not zero”. Occasionally, the researcher adds, this time incorrectly and unjustifiably, a statement to the effect that: “since the result is not statistically significant, it is best to assume the safety effect to be zero”. In this manner, good data are drained of real content, the direction of empirical conclusions reversed, and ord

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