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1748 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-04-PyStan!

meta infos for this blog

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Introduction: Stan is written in C++ and can be run from the command line and from R. We’d like for Python users to be able to run Stan as well. If anyone is interested in doing this, please let us know and we’d be happy to work with you on it. Stan, like Python, is completely free and open-source. P.S. Because Stan is open-source, it of course would also be possible for people to translate Stan into Python, or to take whatever features they like from Stan and incorporate them into a Python package. That’s fine too. But we think it would make sense in addition for users to be able to run Stan directly from Python, in the same way that it can be run from R.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Stan is written in C++ and can be run from the command line and from R. [sent-1, score-0.523]

2 We’d like for Python users to be able to run Stan as well. [sent-2, score-0.632]

3 If anyone is interested in doing this, please let us know and we’d be happy to work with you on it. [sent-3, score-0.41]

4 Stan, like Python, is completely free and open-source. [sent-4, score-0.186]

5 Because Stan is open-source, it of course would also be possible for people to translate Stan into Python, or to take whatever features they like from Stan and incorporate them into a Python package. [sent-7, score-0.682]

6 But we think it would make sense in addition for users to be able to run Stan directly from Python, in the same way that it can be run from R. [sent-9, score-1.14]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('python', 0.685), ('stan', 0.53), ('run', 0.265), ('users', 0.188), ('command', 0.132), ('translate', 0.126), ('able', 0.122), ('incorporate', 0.116), ('features', 0.089), ('addition', 0.081), ('please', 0.071), ('happy', 0.07), ('anyone', 0.067), ('directly', 0.066), ('completely', 0.065), ('free', 0.064), ('written', 0.063), ('line', 0.063), ('whatever', 0.062), ('fine', 0.06), ('like', 0.057), ('possible', 0.053), ('interested', 0.051), ('course', 0.049), ('let', 0.049), ('take', 0.045), ('us', 0.044), ('sense', 0.041), ('would', 0.038), ('work', 0.03), ('make', 0.028), ('know', 0.028), ('way', 0.027), ('people', 0.024), ('also', 0.023), ('think', 0.019)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 1748 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-04-PyStan!

Introduction: Stan is written in C++ and can be run from the command line and from R. We’d like for Python users to be able to run Stan as well. If anyone is interested in doing this, please let us know and we’d be happy to work with you on it. Stan, like Python, is completely free and open-source. P.S. Because Stan is open-source, it of course would also be possible for people to translate Stan into Python, or to take whatever features they like from Stan and incorporate them into a Python package. That’s fine too. But we think it would make sense in addition for users to be able to run Stan directly from Python, in the same way that it can be run from R.

2 0.33840775 1475 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-30-A Stan is Born

Introduction: Stan 1.0.0 and RStan 1.0.0 It’s official. The Stan Development Team is happy to announce the first stable versions of Stan and RStan. What is (R)Stan? Stan is an open-source package for obtaining Bayesian inference using the No-U-Turn sampler, a variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. It’s sort of like BUGS, but with a different language for expressing models and a different sampler for sampling from their posteriors. RStan is the R interface to Stan. Stan Home Page Stan’s home page is: It links everything you need to get started running Stan from the command line, from R, or from C++, including full step-by-step install instructions, a detailed user’s guide and reference manual for the modeling language, and tested ports of most of the BUGS examples. Peruse the Manual If you’d like to learn more, the Stan User’s Guide and Reference Manual is the place to start.

3 0.26792127 2124 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-05-Stan (quietly) passes 512 people on the users list

Introduction: Stan is alive and well. We’re up to 523 people on the users list . [We're sure there are many more than 523 actual users, since it's easy to download and use Stan directly without joining the list.] We’re working on a v2.1.0 release now and we hope to release it in within the next couple of weeks.

4 0.26701081 2291 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-14-Transitioning to Stan

Introduction: Kevin Cartier writes: I’ve been happily using R for a number of years now and recently came across Stan. Looks big and powerful, so I’d like to pick an appropriate project and try it out. I wondered if you could point me to a link or document that goes into the motivation for this tool (aside from the Stan user doc)? What I’d like to understand is, at what point might you look at an emergent R project and advise, “You know, that thing you’re trying to do would be a whole lot easier/simpler/more straightforward to implement with Stan.” (or words to that effect). My reply: For my collaborators in political science, Stan has been most useful for models where the data set is not huge (e.g., we might have 10,000 data points or 50,000 data points but not 10 million) but where the model is somewhat complex (for example, a model with latent time series structure). The point is that the model has enough parameters and uncertainty that you’ll want to do full Bayes (rather than some sort

5 0.23778529 1580 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-16-Stantastic!

Introduction: Richard McElreath writes: I’ve been translating a few ongoing data analysis projects into Stan code, mostly with success. The most important for me right now has been a hierarchical zero-inflated gamma problem. This a “hurdle” model, in which a bernoulli GLM produces zeros/nonzeros, and then a gamma GLM produces the nonzero values, using varying effects correlated with those in the bernoulli process. The data are 20 years of human foraging returns from a subsistence hunting population in Paraguay (the Ache), comprising about 15k hunts in total (Hill & Kintigh. 2009. Current Anthropology 50:369-377). Observed values are kilograms of meat returned to camp. The more complex models contain a 147-by-9 matrix of varying effects (147 unique hunters), as well as imputation of missing values. Originally, I had written the sampler myself in raw R code. It was very slow, but I knew what it was doing at least. Just before Stan version 1.0 was released, I had managed to get JAGS to do it a

6 0.23537582 2161 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-07-My recent debugging experience

7 0.22519818 1950 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-22-My talks that were scheduled for Tues at the Data Skeptics meetup and Wed at the Open Statistical Programming meetup

8 0.22002137 1036 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-30-Stan uses Nuts!

9 0.19815502 2150 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-27-(R-Py-Cmd)Stan 2.1.0

10 0.19603889 1855 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-13-Stan!

11 0.19264582 2209 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-13-CmdStan, RStan, PyStan v2.2.0

12 0.18922023 2096 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-10-Schiminovich is on The Simpsons

13 0.18028325 1886 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-07-Robust logistic regression

14 0.177725 2325 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-07-Stan users meetup next week

15 0.17671029 1627 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-17-Stan and RStan 1.1.0

16 0.16556402 1528 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-10-My talk at MIT on Thurs 11 Oct

17 0.16295359 1296 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-03-Google Translate for code, and an R help-list bot

18 0.1571641 1131 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-20-Stan: A (Bayesian) Directed Graphical Model Compiler

19 0.15246056 1472 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-28-Migrating from dot to underscore

20 0.14880124 712 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-14-The joys of working in the public domain

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.084), (1, 0.024), (2, -0.059), (3, 0.084), (4, 0.108), (5, 0.101), (6, 0.012), (7, -0.277), (8, -0.116), (9, -0.155), (10, -0.193), (11, -0.016), (12, -0.104), (13, -0.06), (14, 0.096), (15, -0.036), (16, -0.042), (17, 0.071), (18, -0.023), (19, 0.028), (20, -0.051), (21, -0.017), (22, -0.072), (23, 0.006), (24, -0.014), (25, 0.001), (26, 0.064), (27, -0.058), (28, -0.127), (29, 0.001), (30, 0.046), (31, -0.017), (32, -0.006), (33, 0.006), (34, -0.043), (35, 0.077), (36, 0.05), (37, 0.038), (38, 0.006), (39, -0.041), (40, 0.029), (41, -0.028), (42, -0.008), (43, -0.042), (44, -0.011), (45, -0.012), (46, 0.024), (47, -0.032), (48, -0.024), (49, 0.062)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.98799098 1748 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-04-PyStan!

Introduction: Stan is written in C++ and can be run from the command line and from R. We’d like for Python users to be able to run Stan as well. If anyone is interested in doing this, please let us know and we’d be happy to work with you on it. Stan, like Python, is completely free and open-source. P.S. Because Stan is open-source, it of course would also be possible for people to translate Stan into Python, or to take whatever features they like from Stan and incorporate them into a Python package. That’s fine too. But we think it would make sense in addition for users to be able to run Stan directly from Python, in the same way that it can be run from R.

2 0.98252279 712 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-14-The joys of working in the public domain

Introduction: Stan will make a total lifetime profit of $0, so we can’t be sued !

3 0.96008742 1475 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-30-A Stan is Born

Introduction: Stan 1.0.0 and RStan 1.0.0 It’s official. The Stan Development Team is happy to announce the first stable versions of Stan and RStan. What is (R)Stan? Stan is an open-source package for obtaining Bayesian inference using the No-U-Turn sampler, a variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. It’s sort of like BUGS, but with a different language for expressing models and a different sampler for sampling from their posteriors. RStan is the R interface to Stan. Stan Home Page Stan’s home page is: It links everything you need to get started running Stan from the command line, from R, or from C++, including full step-by-step install instructions, a detailed user’s guide and reference manual for the modeling language, and tested ports of most of the BUGS examples. Peruse the Manual If you’d like to learn more, the Stan User’s Guide and Reference Manual is the place to start.

4 0.9272123 2124 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-05-Stan (quietly) passes 512 people on the users list

Introduction: Stan is alive and well. We’re up to 523 people on the users list . [We're sure there are many more than 523 actual users, since it's easy to download and use Stan directly without joining the list.] We’re working on a v2.1.0 release now and we hope to release it in within the next couple of weeks.

5 0.92271435 2209 andrew gelman stats-2014-02-13-CmdStan, RStan, PyStan v2.2.0

Introduction: The Stan Development Team is happy to announce CmdStan, RStan, and PyStan v2.2.0. As usual, more info is available on the Stan Home Page . This is a minor release with a mix of bug fixes and features. For a full list of changes, please see the v2.2.0 milestone on stan-dev/stan’s issue tracker. Some of the bug fixes and issues are listed below. Bug Fixes increment_log_prob is now vectorized and compiles with vector arguments multinomial random number generator used the wrong size for the return value fixed memory leaks in auto-diff implementation variables can start with the prefix ‘inf’ fixed parameter output order for arrays when using optimization RStan compatibility issue with latest Rcpp 0.11.0 Features suppress command line output with refresh <= 0 added 1 to treedepth to match usual definition of treedepth added distance, squared_distance, diag_pre_multiply, diag_pre_multiply to Stan modeling lnaguage added a ‘fixed_param’ sampler for

6 0.9046796 2150 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-27-(R-Py-Cmd)Stan 2.1.0

7 0.88368458 2325 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-07-Stan users meetup next week

8 0.85585165 1580 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-16-Stantastic!

9 0.84499967 1576 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-13-Stan at NIPS 2012 Workshop on Probabilistic Programming

10 0.83328801 1627 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-17-Stan and RStan 1.1.0

11 0.82797247 2096 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-10-Schiminovich is on The Simpsons

12 0.82697862 1855 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-13-Stan!

13 0.81217951 2161 andrew gelman stats-2014-01-07-My recent debugging experience

14 0.80456263 2318 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-04-Stan (& JAGS) Tutorial on Linear Mixed Models

15 0.78550947 1472 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-28-Migrating from dot to underscore

16 0.77932107 2291 andrew gelman stats-2014-04-14-Transitioning to Stan

17 0.71710843 1036 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-30-Stan uses Nuts!

18 0.71597272 1131 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-20-Stan: A (Bayesian) Directed Graphical Model Compiler

19 0.69761056 2242 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-10-Stan Model of the Week: PK Calculation of IV and Oral Dosing

20 0.67694223 1528 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-10-My talk at MIT on Thurs 11 Oct

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(16, 0.09), (21, 0.029), (24, 0.139), (65, 0.027), (73, 0.333), (99, 0.177)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 0.87036884 655 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-10-“Versatile, affordable chicken has grown in popularity”

Introduction: Awhile ago I was cleaning out the closet and found some old unread magazines. Good stuff. As we’ve discussed before , lots of things are better read a few years late. Today I was reading the 18 Nov 2004 issue of the London Review of Books, which contained (among other things) the following: - A review by Jenny Diski of a biography of Stanley Milgram. Diski appears to want to debunk: Milgram was a whiz at devising sexy experiments, but barely interested in any theoretical basis for them. They all have the same instant attractiveness of style, and then an underlying emptiness. Huh? Michael Jordan couldn’t hit the curveball and he was reportedly an easy mark for golf hustlers but that doesn’t diminish his greatness on the basketball court. She also criticizes Milgram for being “no help at all” for solving international disputes. OK, fine. I haven’t solved any international disputes either. Milgram, though, . . . he conducted an imaginative experiment whose results stu

2 0.862252 1925 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-04-“Versatile, affordable chicken has grown in popularity”

Introduction: From two years ago : Awhile ago I was cleaning out the closet and found some old unread magazines. Good stuff. As we’ve discussed before , lots of things are better read a few years late. Today I was reading the 18 Nov 2004 issue of the London Review of Books, which contained (among other things) the following: - A review by Jenny Diski of a biography of Stanley Milgram. Diski appears to want to debunk: Milgram was a whiz at devising sexy experiments, but barely interested in any theoretical basis for them. They all have the same instant attractiveness of style, and then an underlying emptiness. Huh? Michael Jordan couldn’t hit the curveball and he was reportedly an easy mark for golf hustlers but that doesn’t diminish his greatness on the basketball court. She also criticizes Milgram for being “no help at all” for solving international disputes. OK, fine. I haven’t solved any international disputes either. Milgram, though, . . . he conducted an imaginative exp

3 0.84271061 1099 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-05-Approaching harmonic convergence

Introduction: Check out comment #9 here . All we need is for Steven Levitt, David Runciman, and some Reader in Management somewhere to weigh in and we’ll be all set.

4 0.83707225 917 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-20-Last post on Hipmunk

Introduction: There was some confusion on my last try , so let me explain one more time . . . The flights I where Hipmunk failed (see here for background) were not obscure itineraries. One of them was a nonstop from New York to Cincinnati; another was from NY to Durham, North Carolina; and yet another was a trip to Midway in Chicago. In that last case, Hipmunk showed no nonstops at all—which will come as a surprise to the passengers on the Southwest Airlines flight I was on a couple days ago! In these cases, Hipmunk didn’t even do the courtesy of flashing a message telling me to try elsewhere. I don’t understand. How hard would it be for the program to automatically do a Kayak search and find all the flights? Hipmunk’s graphics are great, though. Lee Wilkinson reports: Check out the figure below from The Grammar of Graphics. Dan Rope invented this graphic and programmed it in Java in the late 1990′s. We shopped this graph around to Orbitz and Expedia but they weren’t interested. So I

same-blog 5 0.83027774 1748 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-04-PyStan!

Introduction: Stan is written in C++ and can be run from the command line and from R. We’d like for Python users to be able to run Stan as well. If anyone is interested in doing this, please let us know and we’d be happy to work with you on it. Stan, like Python, is completely free and open-source. P.S. Because Stan is open-source, it of course would also be possible for people to translate Stan into Python, or to take whatever features they like from Stan and incorporate them into a Python package. That’s fine too. But we think it would make sense in addition for users to be able to run Stan directly from Python, in the same way that it can be run from R.

6 0.79180688 794 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-09-The quest for the holy graph

7 0.78542817 2238 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-09-Hipmunk worked

8 0.77743614 379 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-29-Could someone please set this as the new R default in base graphics?

9 0.75919443 497 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-02-Hipmunk update

10 0.75716144 2346 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-24-Buzzfeed, Porn, Kansas…That Can’t Be Good

11 0.73550212 7 andrew gelman stats-2010-04-27-Should Mister P be allowed-encouraged to reside in counter-factual populations?

12 0.73471349 280 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-16-Meet Hipmunk, a really cool flight-finder that doesn’t actually work

13 0.70027083 801 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-13-On the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter

14 0.69184941 161 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-24-Differences in color perception by sex, also the Bechdel test for women in movies

15 0.68711662 2020 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-12-Samplers for Big Science: emcee and BAT

16 0.67186153 2325 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-07-Stan users meetup next week

17 0.6711688 1511 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-26-What do statistical p-values mean when the sample = the population?

18 0.66868186 894 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-07-Hipmunk FAIL: Graphics without content is not enough

19 0.6596061 931 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-29-Hamiltonian Monte Carlo stories

20 0.64929837 2249 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-15-Recently in the sister blog