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801 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-13-On the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter

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Introduction: Nick Polson and James Scott write : We generalize the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter to the wider class of hypergeometric inverted-beta priors. We derive expressions for posterior moments and marginal densities when these priors are used for a top-level normal variance in a Bayesian hierarchical model. Finally, we prove a result that characterizes the frequentist risk of the Bayes estimators under all priors in the class. These arguments provide an alternative, classical justification for the use of the half-Cauchy prior in Bayesian hierarchical models, complementing the arguments in Gelman (2006). This makes me happy, of course. It’s great to be validated. The only think I didn’t catch is how they set the scale parameter for the half-Cauchy prior. In my 2006 paper I frame it as a weakly informative prior and recommend that the scale be set based on actual prior knowledge. But Polson and Scott are talking about a default choice. I used to think that such a

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Nick Polson and James Scott write : We generalize the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter to the wider class of hypergeometric inverted-beta priors. [sent-1, score-0.997]

2 We derive expressions for posterior moments and marginal densities when these priors are used for a top-level normal variance in a Bayesian hierarchical model. [sent-2, score-1.187]

3 Finally, we prove a result that characterizes the frequentist risk of the Bayes estimators under all priors in the class. [sent-3, score-0.7]

4 These arguments provide an alternative, classical justification for the use of the half-Cauchy prior in Bayesian hierarchical models, complementing the arguments in Gelman (2006). [sent-4, score-0.897]

5 The only think I didn’t catch is how they set the scale parameter for the half-Cauchy prior. [sent-7, score-0.515]

6 In my 2006 paper I frame it as a weakly informative prior and recommend that the scale be set based on actual prior knowledge. [sent-8, score-0.988]

7 But Polson and Scott are talking about a default choice. [sent-9, score-0.245]

8 I used to think that such a default would not really be possible but given our recent success with automatic priors for regularized point estimates, now I’m thinking that a reasonable default might be possible in the full Bayes case too. [sent-10, score-1.296]

9 I found the above article while looking on Polson’s site for this excellent paper , which considers in a more theoretical way some of the themes that Jennifer, Masanao, and I are exploring in our research on hierarchical models and multiple comparisons. [sent-13, score-0.749]

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tfidf for this blog:

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[('polson', 0.444), ('default', 0.245), ('priors', 0.22), ('prior', 0.213), ('hierarchical', 0.203), ('scale', 0.201), ('scott', 0.187), ('hypergeometric', 0.157), ('arguments', 0.149), ('bayes', 0.138), ('regularized', 0.137), ('parameter', 0.136), ('masanao', 0.121), ('expressions', 0.119), ('estimators', 0.117), ('derive', 0.117), ('densities', 0.112), ('considers', 0.111), ('moments', 0.11), ('justification', 0.11), ('nick', 0.108), ('automatic', 0.107), ('characterizes', 0.106), ('wider', 0.105), ('frame', 0.102), ('exploring', 0.102), ('themes', 0.1), ('generalize', 0.1), ('weakly', 0.098), ('prove', 0.096), ('possible', 0.096), ('set', 0.089), ('catch', 0.089), ('frequentist', 0.088), ('marginal', 0.086), ('global', 0.085), ('jennifer', 0.083), ('site', 0.082), ('bayesian', 0.082), ('models', 0.079), ('used', 0.076), ('james', 0.074), ('success', 0.074), ('risk', 0.073), ('normal', 0.073), ('classical', 0.073), ('alternative', 0.072), ('informative', 0.072), ('excellent', 0.072), ('variance', 0.071)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0 801 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-13-On the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter

Introduction: Nick Polson and James Scott write : We generalize the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter to the wider class of hypergeometric inverted-beta priors. We derive expressions for posterior moments and marginal densities when these priors are used for a top-level normal variance in a Bayesian hierarchical model. Finally, we prove a result that characterizes the frequentist risk of the Bayes estimators under all priors in the class. These arguments provide an alternative, classical justification for the use of the half-Cauchy prior in Bayesian hierarchical models, complementing the arguments in Gelman (2006). This makes me happy, of course. It’s great to be validated. The only think I didn’t catch is how they set the scale parameter for the half-Cauchy prior. In my 2006 paper I frame it as a weakly informative prior and recommend that the scale be set based on actual prior knowledge. But Polson and Scott are talking about a default choice. I used to think that such a

2 0.29973304 846 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-09-Default priors update?

Introduction: Ryan King writes: I was wondering if you have a brief comment on the state of the art for objective priors for hierarchical generalized linear models (generalized linear mixed models). I have been working off the papers in Bayesian Analysis (2006) 1, Number 3 (Browne and Draper, Kass and Natarajan, Gelman). There seems to have been continuous work for matching priors in linear mixed models, but GLMMs less so because of the lack of an analytic marginal likelihood for the variance components. There are a number of additional suggestions in the literature since 2006, but little robust practical guidance. I’m interested in both mean parameters and the variance components. I’m almost always concerned with logistic random effect models. I’m fascinated by the matching-priors idea of higher-order asymptotic improvements to maximum likelihood, and need to make some kind of defensible default recommendation. Given the massive scale of the datasets (genetics …), extensive sensitivity a

3 0.26372305 1092 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-29-More by Berger and me on weakly informative priors

Introduction: A couple days ago we discussed some remarks by Tony O’Hagan and Jim Berger on weakly informative priors. Jim followed up on Deborah Mayo’s blog with this: Objective Bayesian priors are often improper (i.e., have infinite total mass), but this is not a problem when they are developed correctly. But not every improper prior is satisfactory. For instance, the constant prior is known to be unsatisfactory in many situations. The ‘solution’ pseudo-Bayesians often use is to choose a constant prior over a large but bounded set (a ‘weakly informative’ prior), saying it is now proper and so all is well. This is not true; if the constant prior on the whole parameter space is bad, so will be the constant prior over the bounded set. The problem is, in part, that some people confuse proper priors with subjective priors and, having learned that true subjective priors are fine, incorrectly presume that weakly informative proper priors are fine. I have a few reactions to this: 1. I agree

4 0.22342274 779 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-25-Avoiding boundary estimates using a prior distribution as regularization

Introduction: For awhile I’ve been fitting most of my multilevel models using lmer/glmer, which gives point estimates of the group-level variance parameters (maximum marginal likelihood estimate for lmer and an approximation for glmer). I’m usually satisfied with this–sure, point estimation understates the uncertainty in model fitting, but that’s typically the least of our worries. Sometimes, though, lmer/glmer estimates group-level variances at 0 or estimates group-level correlation parameters at +/- 1. Typically, when this happens, it’s not that we’re so sure the variance is close to zero or that the correlation is close to 1 or -1; rather, the marginal likelihood does not provide a lot of information about these parameters of the group-level error distribution. I don’t want point estimates on the boundary. I don’t want to say that the unexplained variance in some dimension is exactly zero. One way to handle this problem is full Bayes: slap a prior on sigma, do your Gibbs and Metropolis

5 0.21863645 1474 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-29-More on scaled-inverse Wishart and prior independence

Introduction: I’ve had a couple of email conversations in the past couple days on dependence in multivariate prior distributions. Modeling the degrees of freedom and scale parameters in the t distribution First, in our Stan group we’ve been discussing the choice of priors for the degrees-of-freedom parameter in the t distribution. I wrote that also there’s the question of parameterization. It does not necessarily make sense to have independent priors on the df and scale parameters. In some sense, the meaning of the scale parameter changes with the df. Prior dependence between correlation and scale parameters in the scaled inverse-Wishart model The second case of parameterization in prior distribution arose from an email I received from Chris Chatham pointing me to this exploration by Matt Simpson of the scaled inverse-Wishart prior distribution for hierarchical covariance matrices. Simpson writes: A popular prior for Σ is the inverse-Wishart distribution [ not the same as the

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same-blog 1 0.98796171 801 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-13-On the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter

Introduction: Nick Polson and James Scott write : We generalize the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter to the wider class of hypergeometric inverted-beta priors. We derive expressions for posterior moments and marginal densities when these priors are used for a top-level normal variance in a Bayesian hierarchical model. Finally, we prove a result that characterizes the frequentist risk of the Bayes estimators under all priors in the class. These arguments provide an alternative, classical justification for the use of the half-Cauchy prior in Bayesian hierarchical models, complementing the arguments in Gelman (2006). This makes me happy, of course. It’s great to be validated. The only think I didn’t catch is how they set the scale parameter for the half-Cauchy prior. In my 2006 paper I frame it as a weakly informative prior and recommend that the scale be set based on actual prior knowledge. But Polson and Scott are talking about a default choice. I used to think that such a

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Introduction: David Kessler, Peter Hoff, and David Dunson write : Marginally specified priors for nonparametric Bayesian estimation Prior specification for nonparametric Bayesian inference involves the difficult task of quantifying prior knowledge about a parameter of high, often infinite, dimension. Realistically, a statistician is unlikely to have informed opinions about all aspects of such a parameter, but may have real information about functionals of the parameter, such the population mean or variance. This article proposes a new framework for nonparametric Bayes inference in which the prior distribution for a possibly infinite-dimensional parameter is decomposed into two parts: an informative prior on a finite set of functionals, and a nonparametric conditional prior for the parameter given the functionals. Such priors can be easily constructed from standard nonparametric prior distributions in common use, and inherit the large support of the standard priors upon which they are based. Ad

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Introduction: Ryan King writes: I was wondering if you have a brief comment on the state of the art for objective priors for hierarchical generalized linear models (generalized linear mixed models). I have been working off the papers in Bayesian Analysis (2006) 1, Number 3 (Browne and Draper, Kass and Natarajan, Gelman). There seems to have been continuous work for matching priors in linear mixed models, but GLMMs less so because of the lack of an analytic marginal likelihood for the variance components. There are a number of additional suggestions in the literature since 2006, but little robust practical guidance. I’m interested in both mean parameters and the variance components. I’m almost always concerned with logistic random effect models. I’m fascinated by the matching-priors idea of higher-order asymptotic improvements to maximum likelihood, and need to make some kind of defensible default recommendation. Given the massive scale of the datasets (genetics …), extensive sensitivity a

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Introduction: Giorgio Corani writes: Your work on weakly informative priors is close to some research I [Corani] did (together with Prof. Zaffalon) in the last years using the so-called imprecise probabilities. The idea is to work with a set of priors (containing even very different priors); to update them via Bayes’ rule and then compute a set of posteriors. The set of priors is convex and the priors are Dirichlet (thus, conjugate to the likelihood); this allows to compute the set of posteriors exactly and efficiently. I [Corani] have used this approach for classification, extending naive Bayes and TAN to imprecise probabilities. Classifiers based on imprecise probabilities return more classes when they find that the most probable class is prior-dependent, i.e., if picking different priors in the convex set leads to identify different classes as the most probable one. Instead of returning a single (unreliable) prior-dependent class, credal classifiers in this case preserve reliability by

5 0.85835415 1092 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-29-More by Berger and me on weakly informative priors

Introduction: A couple days ago we discussed some remarks by Tony O’Hagan and Jim Berger on weakly informative priors. Jim followed up on Deborah Mayo’s blog with this: Objective Bayesian priors are often improper (i.e., have infinite total mass), but this is not a problem when they are developed correctly. But not every improper prior is satisfactory. For instance, the constant prior is known to be unsatisfactory in many situations. The ‘solution’ pseudo-Bayesians often use is to choose a constant prior over a large but bounded set (a ‘weakly informative’ prior), saying it is now proper and so all is well. This is not true; if the constant prior on the whole parameter space is bad, so will be the constant prior over the bounded set. The problem is, in part, that some people confuse proper priors with subjective priors and, having learned that true subjective priors are fine, incorrectly presume that weakly informative proper priors are fine. I have a few reactions to this: 1. I agree

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Introduction: Nick Polson and James Scott write : We generalize the half-Cauchy prior for a global scale parameter to the wider class of hypergeometric inverted-beta priors. We derive expressions for posterior moments and marginal densities when these priors are used for a top-level normal variance in a Bayesian hierarchical model. Finally, we prove a result that characterizes the frequentist risk of the Bayes estimators under all priors in the class. These arguments provide an alternative, classical justification for the use of the half-Cauchy prior in Bayesian hierarchical models, complementing the arguments in Gelman (2006). This makes me happy, of course. It’s great to be validated. The only think I didn’t catch is how they set the scale parameter for the half-Cauchy prior. In my 2006 paper I frame it as a weakly informative prior and recommend that the scale be set based on actual prior knowledge. But Polson and Scott are talking about a default choice. I used to think that such a

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