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1383 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-18-Hierarchical modeling as a framework for extrapolation

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Introduction: Phil recently posted on the challenge of extrapolation of inferences to new data. After telling the story of a colleague who flat-out refused to make predictions from his model of buildings to new data, Phil wrote, “This is an interesting problem because it is sort of outside the realm of statistics, and into some sort of meta-statistical area. How can you judge whether your results can be extrapolated to the ‘real world,’ if you cant get a real-world sample to compare to?” In reply, I wrote: I agree that this is an important and general problem, but I don’t think it is outside the realm of statistics! I think that one useful statistical framework here is multilevel modeling. Suppose you are applying a procedure to J cases and want to predict case J+1 (in this case, the cases are buildings and J=52). Let the parameters be theta_1,…,theta_{J+1}, with data y_1,…,y_{J+1}, and case-level predictors X_1,…,X_{J+1}. The question is how to generalize from (theta_1,…,theta_J) to theta_{

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Phil recently posted on the challenge of extrapolation of inferences to new data. [sent-1, score-0.719]

2 After telling the story of a colleague who flat-out refused to make predictions from his model of buildings to new data, Phil wrote, “This is an interesting problem because it is sort of outside the realm of statistics, and into some sort of meta-statistical area. [sent-2, score-1.435]

3 How can you judge whether your results can be extrapolated to the ‘real world,’ if you cant get a real-world sample to compare to? [sent-3, score-0.466]

4 ” In reply, I wrote: I agree that this is an important and general problem, but I don’t think it is outside the realm of statistics! [sent-4, score-0.58]

5 I think that one useful statistical framework here is multilevel modeling. [sent-5, score-0.152]

6 Suppose you are applying a procedure to J cases and want to predict case J+1 (in this case, the cases are buildings and J=52). [sent-6, score-0.978]

7 Let the parameters be theta_1,…,theta_{J+1}, with data y_1,…,y_{J+1}, and case-level predictors X_1,…,X_{J+1}. [sent-7, score-0.07]

8 The question is how to generalize from (theta_1,…,theta_J) to theta_{J+1}. [sent-8, score-0.095]

9 This can be framed in a hierarchical model in which the J cases in your training set are a sample from population 1 and your new case is drawn from population 2. [sent-9, score-1.417]

10 Now you need to model how much the thetas can vary from one population to another, but this should be possible. [sent-10, score-0.514]

11 And, as with hierarchical models in general, the more information you have in the observed X’s, the less variation you would hope to have in the thetas. [sent-12, score-0.403]

12 Unfortunately, I posted this response in the comments and it seems to have gotten lost. [sent-13, score-0.224]

13 Or so I am guessing given that the long thread that followed included very little discussion of hierarchical modeling as a framework for extrapolation. [sent-14, score-0.725]

14 Instead, there was lots of general discussion of bias, extrapolation, randomization, and statistical foundations. [sent-15, score-0.263]

15 General principles are fine but I like my above suggestion to frame the extrapolation problem as a hierarchical model because it points a way forward, linking general concerns about out-of-sample predictions to information that could be available in a specific problem. [sent-16, score-1.703]

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.99999994 1383 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-18-Hierarchical modeling as a framework for extrapolation

Introduction: Phil recently posted on the challenge of extrapolation of inferences to new data. After telling the story of a colleague who flat-out refused to make predictions from his model of buildings to new data, Phil wrote, “This is an interesting problem because it is sort of outside the realm of statistics, and into some sort of meta-statistical area. How can you judge whether your results can be extrapolated to the ‘real world,’ if you cant get a real-world sample to compare to?” In reply, I wrote: I agree that this is an important and general problem, but I don’t think it is outside the realm of statistics! I think that one useful statistical framework here is multilevel modeling. Suppose you are applying a procedure to J cases and want to predict case J+1 (in this case, the cases are buildings and J=52). Let the parameters be theta_1,…,theta_{J+1}, with data y_1,…,y_{J+1}, and case-level predictors X_1,…,X_{J+1}. The question is how to generalize from (theta_1,…,theta_J) to theta_{

2 0.30224949 1425 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-23-Examples of the use of hierarchical modeling to generalize to new settings

Introduction: In a link to our back-and-forth on causal inference and the use of hierarchical models to bridge between different inferential settings, Elias Bareinboim (a computer scientist who is working with Judea Pearl) writes : In the past week, I have been engaged in a discussion with Andrew Gelman and his blog readers regarding causal inference, selection bias, confounding, and generalizability. I was trying to understand how his method which he calls “hierarchical modeling” would handle these issues and what guarantees it provides. . . . If anyone understands how “hierarchical modeling” can solve a simple toy problem (e.g., M-bias, control of confounding, mediation, generalizability), please share with us. In his post, Bareinboim raises a direct question about hierarchical modeling and also indirectly brings up larger questions about what is convincing evidence when evaluating a statistical method. As I wrote earlier, Bareinboim believes that “The only way investigators can decide w

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Introduction: This post is by Phil. Psychologists perform experiments on Canadian undergraduate psychology students and draws conclusions that (they believe) apply to humans in general; they publish in Science. A drug company decides to embark on additional trials that will cost tens of millions of dollars based on the results of a careful double-blind study….whose patients are all volunteers from two hospitals. A movie studio holds 9 screenings of a new movie for volunteer viewers and, based on their survey responses, decides to spend another $8 million to re-shoot the ending.  A researcher interested in the effect of ventilation on worker performance conducts a months-long study in which ventilation levels are varied and worker performance is monitored…in a single building. In almost all fields of research, most studies are based on convenience samples, or on random samples from a larger population that is itself a convenience sample. The paragraph above gives just a few examples.  The benefit

4 0.18386543 1418 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-16-Long discussion about causal inference and the use of hierarchical models to bridge between different inferential settings

Introduction: Elias Bareinboim asked what I thought about his comment on selection bias in which he referred to a paper by himself and Judea Pearl, “Controlling Selection Bias in Causal Inference.” I replied that I have no problem with what he wrote, but that from my perspective I find it easier to conceptualize such problems in terms of multilevel models. I elaborated on that point in a recent post , “Hierarchical modeling as a framework for extrapolation,” which I think was read by only a few people (I say this because it received only two comments). I don’t think Bareinboim objected to anything I wrote, but like me he is comfortable working within his own framework. He wrote the following to me: In some sense, “not ad hoc” could mean logically consistent. In other words, if one agrees with the assumptions encoded in the model, one must also agree with the conclusions entailed by these assumptions. I am not aware of any other way of doing mathematics. As it turns out, to get causa

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Introduction: David Radwin asks a question which comes up fairly often in one form or another: How should one respond to requests for statistical hypothesis tests for population (or universe) data? I [Radwin] first encountered this issue as an undergraduate when a professor suggested a statistical significance test for my paper comparing roll call votes between freshman and veteran members of Congress. Later I learned that such tests apply only to samples because their purpose is to tell you whether the difference in the observed sample is likely to exist in the population. If you have data for the whole population, like all members of the 103rd House of Representatives, you do not need a test to discern the true difference in the population. Sometimes researchers assume some sort of superpopulation like “all possible Congresses” or “Congresses across all time” and that the members of any given Congress constitute a sample. In my current work in education research, it is sometimes asserted t

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same-blog 1 0.97114319 1383 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-18-Hierarchical modeling as a framework for extrapolation

Introduction: Phil recently posted on the challenge of extrapolation of inferences to new data. After telling the story of a colleague who flat-out refused to make predictions from his model of buildings to new data, Phil wrote, “This is an interesting problem because it is sort of outside the realm of statistics, and into some sort of meta-statistical area. How can you judge whether your results can be extrapolated to the ‘real world,’ if you cant get a real-world sample to compare to?” In reply, I wrote: I agree that this is an important and general problem, but I don’t think it is outside the realm of statistics! I think that one useful statistical framework here is multilevel modeling. Suppose you are applying a procedure to J cases and want to predict case J+1 (in this case, the cases are buildings and J=52). Let the parameters be theta_1,…,theta_{J+1}, with data y_1,…,y_{J+1}, and case-level predictors X_1,…,X_{J+1}. The question is how to generalize from (theta_1,…,theta_J) to theta_{

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Introduction: In a link to our back-and-forth on causal inference and the use of hierarchical models to bridge between different inferential settings, Elias Bareinboim (a computer scientist who is working with Judea Pearl) writes : In the past week, I have been engaged in a discussion with Andrew Gelman and his blog readers regarding causal inference, selection bias, confounding, and generalizability. I was trying to understand how his method which he calls “hierarchical modeling” would handle these issues and what guarantees it provides. . . . If anyone understands how “hierarchical modeling” can solve a simple toy problem (e.g., M-bias, control of confounding, mediation, generalizability), please share with us. In his post, Bareinboim raises a direct question about hierarchical modeling and also indirectly brings up larger questions about what is convincing evidence when evaluating a statistical method. As I wrote earlier, Bareinboim believes that “The only way investigators can decide w

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