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1267 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-17-Hierarchical-multilevel modeling with “big data”

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Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I make extensive use of random effects models in my academic and industry research, as they are very often appropriate. However, with very large data sets, I am not sure what to do. Say I have thousands of levels of a grouping factor, and the number of observations totals in the billions. Despite having lots of observations, I am often either dealing with (a) small effects or (b) trying to fit models with many predictors. So I would really like to use a random effects model to borrow strength across the levels of the grouping factor, but I am not sure how to practically do this. Are you aware of any approaches to fitting random effects models (including approximations) that work for very large data sets? For example, applying a procedure to each group, and then using the results of this to shrink each fit in some appropriate way. Just to clarify, here I am only worried about the non-crossed and in fact single-level case. I don’t see any easy route for cross

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Dean Eckles writes: I make extensive use of random effects models in my academic and industry research, as they are very often appropriate. [sent-1, score-0.651]

2 Say I have thousands of levels of a grouping factor, and the number of observations totals in the billions. [sent-3, score-0.587]

3 Despite having lots of observations, I am often either dealing with (a) small effects or (b) trying to fit models with many predictors. [sent-4, score-0.403]

4 So I would really like to use a random effects model to borrow strength across the levels of the grouping factor, but I am not sure how to practically do this. [sent-5, score-1.201]

5 Are you aware of any approaches to fitting random effects models (including approximations) that work for very large data sets? [sent-6, score-0.672]

6 For example, applying a procedure to each group, and then using the results of this to shrink each fit in some appropriate way. [sent-7, score-0.172]

7 I don’t see any easy route for crossed random effects, which is why we have been content to just get reasonable estimates uncertainty estimates for means, etc. [sent-9, score-0.9]

8 (Some extra details: In one case, I am fitting a propensity score model where there are really more than 2e8 somewhat similar treatments. [sent-13, score-0.328]

9 One approach is to go totally unpooled (your secret weapon), but I think variance will be a problem here sense there are so many features. [sent-15, score-0.284]

10 Another approach is to use some other kind of shrinkage, like the lasso or the grouped lasso. [sent-16, score-0.286]

11 My reply: I’ve been thinking about this problem for awhile . [sent-18, score-0.081]

12 It seems likely to me that some Gibbs-like and EM-like solutions should be possible. [sent-19, score-0.083]

13 (And if there’s an EM solution, there should be a variational Bayes solution too. [sent-20, score-0.211]

14 - Speeding things up by analyzing subsets of the data. [sent-22, score-0.099]

15 , “California”) but not in the sparser groups (“Rhode Island,” etc. [sent-25, score-0.124]

16 This has a bit of the feel of particle filtering. [sent-28, score-0.097]

17 - My guess is that the way to go is to get this working for a particular problem of interest, then could think about how to implement it efficiently in Stan etc. [sent-29, score-0.167]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('random', 0.234), ('effects', 0.23), ('grouping', 0.223), ('crossed', 0.215), ('em', 0.182), ('observations', 0.135), ('group', 0.134), ('estimates', 0.127), ('rhode', 0.124), ('sparser', 0.124), ('speeding', 0.124), ('unpooled', 0.124), ('model', 0.122), ('sets', 0.121), ('levels', 0.118), ('factor', 0.117), ('grouped', 0.117), ('fitting', 0.115), ('solution', 0.112), ('totals', 0.111), ('uncertainty', 0.109), ('eckles', 0.108), ('envision', 0.102), ('subsets', 0.099), ('borrow', 0.099), ('variational', 0.099), ('particle', 0.097), ('fed', 0.095), ('weapon', 0.095), ('practically', 0.094), ('island', 0.094), ('extensive', 0.094), ('appreciated', 0.094), ('models', 0.093), ('shrink', 0.092), ('propensity', 0.091), ('lasso', 0.09), ('route', 0.088), ('shrinkage', 0.087), ('approximations', 0.087), ('efficiently', 0.086), ('dean', 0.084), ('gibbs', 0.083), ('solutions', 0.083), ('units', 0.082), ('problem', 0.081), ('strength', 0.081), ('fit', 0.08), ('approach', 0.079), ('including', 0.078)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.9999997 1267 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-17-Hierarchical-multilevel modeling with “big data”

Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I make extensive use of random effects models in my academic and industry research, as they are very often appropriate. However, with very large data sets, I am not sure what to do. Say I have thousands of levels of a grouping factor, and the number of observations totals in the billions. Despite having lots of observations, I am often either dealing with (a) small effects or (b) trying to fit models with many predictors. So I would really like to use a random effects model to borrow strength across the levels of the grouping factor, but I am not sure how to practically do this. Are you aware of any approaches to fitting random effects models (including approximations) that work for very large data sets? For example, applying a procedure to each group, and then using the results of this to shrink each fit in some appropriate way. Just to clarify, here I am only worried about the non-crossed and in fact single-level case. I don’t see any easy route for cross

2 0.20441678 1644 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-30-Fixed effects, followed by Bayes shrinkage?

Introduction: Stuart Buck writes: I have a question about fixed effects vs. random effects . Amongst economists who study teacher value-added, it has become common to see people saying that they estimated teacher fixed effects (via least squares dummy variables, so that there is a parameter for each teacher), but that they then applied empirical Bayes shrinkage so that the teacher effects are brought closer to the mean. (See this paper by Jacob and Lefgren, for example.) Can that really be what they are doing? Why wouldn’t they just run random (modeled) effects in the first place? I feel like there’s something I’m missing. My reply: I don’t know the full story here, but I’m thinking there are two goals, first to get an unbiased estimate of an overall treatment effect (and there the econometricians prefer so-called fixed effects; I disagree with them on this but I know where they’re coming from) and second to estimate individual teacher effects (and there it makes sense to use so-called

3 0.17655671 2086 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-03-How best to compare effects measured in two different time periods?

Introduction: I received the following email from someone who wishes to remain anonymous: My colleague and I are trying to understand the best way to approach a problem involving measuring a group of individuals’ abilities across time, and are hoping you can offer some guidance. We are trying to analyze the combined effect of two distinct groups of people (A and B, with no overlap between A and B) who collaborate to produce a binary outcome, using a mixed logistic regression along the lines of the following. Outcome ~ (1 | A) + (1 | B) + Other variables What we’re interested in testing was whether the observed A random effects in period 1 are predictive of the A random effects in the following period 2. Our idea being create two models, each using a different period’s worth of data, to create two sets of A coefficients, then observe the relationship between the two. If the A’s have a persistent ability across periods, the coefficients should be correlated or show a linear-ish relationshi

4 0.16174182 653 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-08-Multilevel regression with shrinkage for “fixed” effects

Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I remember reading on your blog that you were working on some tools to fit multilevel models that also include “fixed” effects — such as continuous predictors — that are also estimated with shrinkage (for example, an L1 or L2 penalty). Any new developments on this front? I often find myself wanting to fit a multilevel model to some data, but also needing to include a number of “fixed” effects, mainly continuous variables. This makes me wary of overfitting to these predictors, so then I’d want to use some kind of shrinkage. As far as I can tell, the main options for doing this now is by going fully Bayesian and using a Gibbs sampler. With MCMCglmm or BUGS/JAGS I could just specify a prior on the fixed effects that corresponds to a desired penalty. However, this is pretty slow, especially with a large data set and because I’d like to select the penalty parameter by cross-validation (which is where this isn’t very Bayesian I guess?). My reply: We allow info

5 0.15948689 472 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-17-So-called fixed and random effects

Introduction: Someone writes: I am hoping you can give me some advice about when to use fixed and random effects model. I am currently working on a paper that examines the effect of . . . by comparing states . . . It got reviewed . . . by three economists and all suggest that we run a fixed effects model. We ran a hierarchial model in the paper that allow the intercept and slope to vary before and after . . . My question is which is correct? We have ran it both ways and really it makes no difference which model you run, the results are very similar. But for my own learning, I would really like to understand which to use under what circumstances. Is the fact that we use the whole population reason enough to just run a fixed effect model? Perhaps you can suggest a good reference to this question of when to run a fixed vs. random effects model. I’m not always sure what is meant by a “fixed effects model”; see my paper on Anova for discussion of the problems with this terminology: http://w

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same-blog 1 0.96274799 1267 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-17-Hierarchical-multilevel modeling with “big data”

Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I make extensive use of random effects models in my academic and industry research, as they are very often appropriate. However, with very large data sets, I am not sure what to do. Say I have thousands of levels of a grouping factor, and the number of observations totals in the billions. Despite having lots of observations, I am often either dealing with (a) small effects or (b) trying to fit models with many predictors. So I would really like to use a random effects model to borrow strength across the levels of the grouping factor, but I am not sure how to practically do this. Are you aware of any approaches to fitting random effects models (including approximations) that work for very large data sets? For example, applying a procedure to each group, and then using the results of this to shrink each fit in some appropriate way. Just to clarify, here I am only worried about the non-crossed and in fact single-level case. I don’t see any easy route for cross

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Introduction: I received the following email from someone who wishes to remain anonymous: My colleague and I are trying to understand the best way to approach a problem involving measuring a group of individuals’ abilities across time, and are hoping you can offer some guidance. We are trying to analyze the combined effect of two distinct groups of people (A and B, with no overlap between A and B) who collaborate to produce a binary outcome, using a mixed logistic regression along the lines of the following. Outcome ~ (1 | A) + (1 | B) + Other variables What we’re interested in testing was whether the observed A random effects in period 1 are predictive of the A random effects in the following period 2. Our idea being create two models, each using a different period’s worth of data, to create two sets of A coefficients, then observe the relationship between the two. If the A’s have a persistent ability across periods, the coefficients should be correlated or show a linear-ish relationshi

3 0.87301767 269 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-10-R vs. Stata, or, Different ways to estimate multilevel models

Introduction: Cyrus writes: I [Cyrus] was teaching a class on multilevel modeling, and we were playing around with different method to fit a random effects logit model with 2 random intercepts—one corresponding to “family” and another corresponding to “community” (labeled “mom” and “cluster” in the data, respectively). There are also a few regressors at the individual, family, and community level. We were replicating in part some of the results from the following paper : Improved estimation procedures for multilevel models with binary response: a case-study, by G Rodriguez, N Goldman. (I say “replicating in part” because we didn’t include all the regressors that they use, only a subset.) We were looking at the performance of estimation via glmer in R’s lme4 package, glmmPQL in R’s MASS package, and Stata’s xtmelogit. We wanted to study the performance of various estimation methods, including adaptive quadrature methods and penalized quasi-likelihood. I was shocked to discover that glmer

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