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948 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-10-Combining data from many sources

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Introduction: Mark Grote writes: I’d like to request general feedback and references for a problem of combining disparate data sources in a regression model. We’d like to model log crop yield as a function of environmental predictors, but the observations come from many data sources and are peculiarly structured. Among the issues are: 1. Measurement precision in predictors and outcome varies widely with data sources. Some observations are in very coarse units of measurement, due to rounding or even observer guesswork. 2. There are obvious clusters of observations arising from studies in which crop yields were monitored over successive years in spatially proximate communities. Thus some variables may be constant within clusters–this is true even for log yield, probably due to rounding of similar yields. 3. Cluster size and intra-cluster association structure (temporal, spatial or both) vary widely across the dataset. My [Grote's] intuition is that we can learn about central tendency

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Mark Grote writes: I’d like to request general feedback and references for a problem of combining disparate data sources in a regression model. [sent-1, score-0.465]

2 We’d like to model log crop yield as a function of environmental predictors, but the observations come from many data sources and are peculiarly structured. [sent-2, score-0.917]

3 Measurement precision in predictors and outcome varies widely with data sources. [sent-4, score-0.396]

4 Some observations are in very coarse units of measurement, due to rounding or even observer guesswork. [sent-5, score-0.861]

5 There are obvious clusters of observations arising from studies in which crop yields were monitored over successive years in spatially proximate communities. [sent-7, score-1.46]

6 Thus some variables may be constant within clusters–this is true even for log yield, probably due to rounding of similar yields. [sent-8, score-0.578]

7 Cluster size and intra-cluster association structure (temporal, spatial or both) vary widely across the dataset. [sent-10, score-0.326]

8 My [Grote's] intuition is that we can learn about central tendency even by fitting models that deal only superficially with sample structure (e. [sent-11, score-0.332]

9 But I wonder if we could do better, while still keeping the analysis relatively simple. [sent-14, score-0.069]

10 Although multi-level modeling might appeal, many of the clusters are singletons, which gives me [Grote] pause. [sent-15, score-0.52]

11 It’s no problem doing multilevel modeling when many (or even most) of the clusters are singletons. [sent-17, score-0.693]

12 I don’t think robust standard errors will get you anywhere. [sent-19, score-0.308]

13 It sounds like you want a model with different error variances for different data points. [sent-21, score-0.084]

14 That’s easy enough to do in Bugs/Jags or if programming by hand, possibly doable in Stata’s multilevel modeling functions, not so easy do to in lmer in R without some additional programming. [sent-22, score-0.737]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('grote', 0.395), ('clusters', 0.395), ('crop', 0.24), ('observations', 0.197), ('rounding', 0.179), ('yield', 0.143), ('log', 0.141), ('robust', 0.137), ('programming', 0.133), ('widely', 0.128), ('modeling', 0.125), ('doable', 0.12), ('coarse', 0.12), ('disparate', 0.12), ('proximate', 0.12), ('spatially', 0.12), ('sources', 0.12), ('structure', 0.118), ('measurement', 0.118), ('predictors', 0.113), ('successive', 0.113), ('due', 0.112), ('temporal', 0.108), ('monitored', 0.108), ('observer', 0.101), ('multilevel', 0.1), ('errors', 0.096), ('lmer', 0.091), ('easy', 0.084), ('variances', 0.084), ('arising', 0.084), ('yields', 0.083), ('varies', 0.082), ('cluster', 0.08), ('spatial', 0.08), ('units', 0.079), ('feedback', 0.078), ('request', 0.076), ('stata', 0.076), ('environmental', 0.076), ('standard', 0.075), ('precision', 0.073), ('constant', 0.073), ('even', 0.073), ('appeal', 0.072), ('tendency', 0.072), ('combining', 0.071), ('keeping', 0.069), ('intuition', 0.069), ('functions', 0.066)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0 948 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-10-Combining data from many sources

Introduction: Mark Grote writes: I’d like to request general feedback and references for a problem of combining disparate data sources in a regression model. We’d like to model log crop yield as a function of environmental predictors, but the observations come from many data sources and are peculiarly structured. Among the issues are: 1. Measurement precision in predictors and outcome varies widely with data sources. Some observations are in very coarse units of measurement, due to rounding or even observer guesswork. 2. There are obvious clusters of observations arising from studies in which crop yields were monitored over successive years in spatially proximate communities. Thus some variables may be constant within clusters–this is true even for log yield, probably due to rounding of similar yields. 3. Cluster size and intra-cluster association structure (temporal, spatial or both) vary widely across the dataset. My [Grote's] intuition is that we can learn about central tendency

2 0.18135644 107 andrew gelman stats-2010-06-24-PPS in Georgia

Introduction: Lucy Flynn writes: I’m working at a non-profit organization called CRRC in the Republic of Georgia. I’m having a methodological problem and I saw the syllabus for your sampling class online and thought I might be able to ask you about it? We do a lot of complex surveys nationwide; our typical sample design is as follows: - stratify by rural/urban/capital - sub-stratify the rural and urban strata into NE/NW/SE/SW geographic quadrants - select voting precincts as PSUs - select households as SSUs - select individual respondents as TSUs I’m relatively new here, and past practice has been to sample voting precincts with probability proportional to size. It’s desirable because it’s not logistically feasible for us to vary the number of interviews per precinct with precinct size, so it makes the selection probabilities for households more even across precinct sizes. However, I have a complex sampling textbook (Lohr 1999), and it explains how complex it is to calculate sel

3 0.14040053 1966 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-03-Uncertainty in parameter estimates using multilevel models

Introduction: David Hsu writes: I have a (perhaps) simple question about uncertainty in parameter estimates using multilevel models — what is an appropriate threshold for measure parameter uncertainty in a multilevel model? The reason why I ask is that I set out to do a crossed two-way model with two varying intercepts, similar to your flight simulator example in your 2007 book. The difference is that I have a lot of predictors specific to each cell (I think equivalent to airport and pilot in your example), and I find after modeling this in JAGS, I happily find that the predictors are much less important than the variability by cell (airport and pilot effects). Happily because this is what I am writing a paper about. However, I then went to check subsets of predictors using lm() and lmer(). I understand that they all use different estimation methods, but what I can’t figure out is why the errors on all of the coefficient estimates are *so* different. For example, using JAGS, and th

4 0.13107619 1248 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-06-17 groups, 6 group-level predictors: What to do?

Introduction: Yi-Chun Ou writes: I am using a multilevel model with three levels. I read that you wrote a book about multilevel models, and wonder if you can solve the following question. The data structure is like this: Level one: customer (8444 customers) Level two: companys (90 companies) Level three: industry (17 industries) I use 6 level-three variables (i.e. industry characteristics) to explain the variance of the level-one effect across industries. The question here is whether there is an over-fitting problem since there are only 17 industries. I understand that this must be a problem for non-multilevel models, but is it also a problem for multilevel models? My reply: Yes, this could be a problem. I’d suggest combining some of your variables into a common score, or using only some of the variables, or using strong priors to control the inferences. This is an interesting and important area of statistics research, to do this sort of thing systematically. There’s lots o

5 0.12686406 295 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-25-Clusters with very small numbers of observations

Introduction: James O’Brien writes: How would you explain, to a “classically-trained” hypothesis-tester, that “It’s OK to fit a multilevel model even if some groups have only one observation each”? I [O'Brien] think I understand the logic and the statistical principles at work in this, but I’ve having trouble being clear and persuasive. I also feel like I’m contending with some methodological conventional wisdom here. My reply: I’m so used to this idea that I find it difficult to defend it in some sort of general conceptual way. So let me retreat to a more functional defense, which is that multilevel modeling gives good estimates, especially when the number of observations per group is small. One way to see this in any particular example in through cross-validation. Another way is to consider the alternatives. If you try really hard you can come up with a “classical hypothesis testing” approach which will do as well as the multilevel model. It would just take a lot of work. I’d r

6 0.12638265 939 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-03-DBQQ rounding for labeling charts and communicating tolerances

7 0.112813 753 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-09-Allowing interaction terms to vary

8 0.11039933 773 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-18-Should we always be using the t and robit instead of the normal and logit?

9 0.086132564 1934 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-11-Yes, worry about generalizing from data to population. But multilevel modeling is the solution, not the problem

10 0.085711733 1506 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-21-Building a regression model . . . with only 27 data points

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same-blog 1 0.95327336 948 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-10-Combining data from many sources

Introduction: Mark Grote writes: I’d like to request general feedback and references for a problem of combining disparate data sources in a regression model. We’d like to model log crop yield as a function of environmental predictors, but the observations come from many data sources and are peculiarly structured. Among the issues are: 1. Measurement precision in predictors and outcome varies widely with data sources. Some observations are in very coarse units of measurement, due to rounding or even observer guesswork. 2. There are obvious clusters of observations arising from studies in which crop yields were monitored over successive years in spatially proximate communities. Thus some variables may be constant within clusters–this is true even for log yield, probably due to rounding of similar yields. 3. Cluster size and intra-cluster association structure (temporal, spatial or both) vary widely across the dataset. My [Grote's] intuition is that we can learn about central tendency

2 0.8879658 1248 andrew gelman stats-2012-04-06-17 groups, 6 group-level predictors: What to do?

Introduction: Yi-Chun Ou writes: I am using a multilevel model with three levels. I read that you wrote a book about multilevel models, and wonder if you can solve the following question. The data structure is like this: Level one: customer (8444 customers) Level two: companys (90 companies) Level three: industry (17 industries) I use 6 level-three variables (i.e. industry characteristics) to explain the variance of the level-one effect across industries. The question here is whether there is an over-fitting problem since there are only 17 industries. I understand that this must be a problem for non-multilevel models, but is it also a problem for multilevel models? My reply: Yes, this could be a problem. I’d suggest combining some of your variables into a common score, or using only some of the variables, or using strong priors to control the inferences. This is an interesting and important area of statistics research, to do this sort of thing systematically. There’s lots o

3 0.84409314 1934 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-11-Yes, worry about generalizing from data to population. But multilevel modeling is the solution, not the problem

Introduction: A sociologist writes in: Samuel Lucas has just published a paper in Quality and Quantity arguing that anything less than a full probability sample of higher levels in HLMs yields biased and unusable results. If I follow him correctly, he is arguing that not only are the SEs too small, but the parameter estimates themselves are biased and we cannot say in advance whether the bias is positive or negative. Lucas has thrown down a big gauntlet, advising us throw away our data unless the sample of macro units is right and ignore the published results that fail this standard. Extreme. Is there another conclusion to be drawn? Other advice to be given? A Bayesian path out of the valley? Heres’s the abstract to Lucas’s paper: The multilevel model has become a staple of social research. I textually and formally explicate sample design features that, I contend, are required for unbiased estimation of macro-level multilevel model parameters and the use of tools for statistical infe

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Introduction: There are a few things I want to do: 1. Understand a fitted model using tools such as average predictive comparisons , R-squared, and partial pooling factors . In defining these concepts, Iain and I came up with some clever tricks, including (but not limited to): - Separating the inputs and averaging over all possible values of the input not being altered (for average predictive comparisons); - Defining partial pooling without referring to a raw-data or maximum-likelihood or no-pooling estimate (these don’t necessarily exist when you’re fitting logistic regression with sparse data); - Defining an R-squared for each level of a multilevel model. The methods get pretty complicated, though, and they have some loose ends–in particular, for average predictive comparisons with continuous input variables. So now we want to implement these in R and put them into arm along with bglmer etc. 2. Setting up coefplot so it works more generally (that is, so the graphics look nice

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Introduction: Someone who doesn’t want his name shared (for the perhaps reasonable reason that he’ll “one day not be confused, and would rather my confusion not live on online forever”) writes: I’m exploring HLMs and stan, using your book with Jennifer Hill as my field guide to this new territory. I think I have a generally clear grasp on the material, but wanted to be sure I haven’t gone astray. The problem in working on involves a multi-nation survey of students, and I’m especially interested in understanding the effects of country, religion, and sex, and the interactions among those factors (using IRT to estimate individual-level ability, then estimating individual, school, and country effects). Following the basic approach laid out in chapter 13 for such interactions between levels, I think I need to create a matrix of indicator variables for religion and sex. Elsewhere in the book, you recommend against indicator variables in favor of a single index variable. Am I right in thinking t

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