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788 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-06-Early stopping and penalized likelihood

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Introduction: Maximum likelihood gives the beat fit to the training data but in general overfits, yielding overly-noisy parameter estimates that don’t perform so well when predicting new data. A popular solution to this overfitting problem takes advantage of the iterative nature of most maximum likelihood algorithms by stopping early. In general, an iterative optimization algorithm goes from a starting point to the maximum of some objective function. If the starting point has some good properties, then early stopping can work well, keeping some of the virtues of the starting point while respecting the data. This trick can be performed the other way, too, starting with the data and then processing it to move it toward a model. That’s how the iterative proportional fitting algorithm of Deming and Stephan (1940) works to fit multivariate categorical data to known margins. In any case, the trick is to stop at the right point–not so soon that you’re ignoring the data but not so late that you en

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Maximum likelihood gives the beat fit to the training data but in general overfits, yielding overly-noisy parameter estimates that don’t perform so well when predicting new data. [sent-1, score-0.309]

2 A popular solution to this overfitting problem takes advantage of the iterative nature of most maximum likelihood algorithms by stopping early. [sent-2, score-1.143]

3 In general, an iterative optimization algorithm goes from a starting point to the maximum of some objective function. [sent-3, score-0.96]

4 If the starting point has some good properties, then early stopping can work well, keeping some of the virtues of the starting point while respecting the data. [sent-4, score-0.908]

5 This trick can be performed the other way, too, starting with the data and then processing it to move it toward a model. [sent-5, score-0.31]

6 That’s how the iterative proportional fitting algorithm of Deming and Stephan (1940) works to fit multivariate categorical data to known margins. [sent-6, score-0.37]

7 In any case, the trick is to stop at the right point–not so soon that you’re ignoring the data but not so late that you end up with something too noisy. [sent-7, score-0.357]

8 Here’s an example of what you might want: The trouble is, you don’t actually know the true value so you can’t directly use this sort of plot to make a stopping decision. [sent-8, score-0.355]

9 Everybody knows that early stopping of an iterative maximum likelihood estimate is approximately equivalent to maximum penalized likelihood estimation (that is, the posterior mode) under some prior distribution centered at the starting point. [sent-9, score-2.287]

10 By stopping early, you’re compromising between the prior and the data estimates. [sent-10, score-0.485]

11 Early stopping is a simple implementation but I prefer thinking about the posterior mode because I can better understand an algorithm if I can interpret it as optimizing some objective function. [sent-11, score-0.758]

12 For example, one appealing rule for maximum likelihood is to stop when the chi-squared discrepancy between data and fitted model is below some preset level such as its unconditional expected value. [sent-14, score-1.003]

13 Such a procedure, however, is not the same as penalized maximum likelihood with a fixed prior, as it represents a different way of setting the tuning parameter. [sent-16, score-0.694]

14 I discussed this in my very first statistics paper, “Constrained maximum entropy methods in an image reconstruction problem” (follow the link above). [sent-17, score-0.644]

15 The topic of early stopping came up in conversation not long ago and so I think this might be worth posting. [sent-18, score-0.576]

16 In 1986 or 1987 I was browsing the statistics section of the once-great Stanford bookstore and noticed (and bought) an interesting-looking book on maximum entropy and Bayesian methods. [sent-22, score-0.786]

17 Some months later I saw an announcement of a maximum entropy conference to be held in Cambridge, England, in the summer of 1988. [sent-24, score-0.798]

18 The participants at the conference were very pleasant. [sent-29, score-0.281]

19 ) The other thing I remember from the conference was that many of the participants were politically conservative. [sent-36, score-0.339]

20 Somebody else told me that the organizers of the conference were extreme Thatcherites. [sent-38, score-0.396]

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Introduction: Maximum likelihood gives the beat fit to the training data but in general overfits, yielding overly-noisy parameter estimates that don’t perform so well when predicting new data. A popular solution to this overfitting problem takes advantage of the iterative nature of most maximum likelihood algorithms by stopping early. In general, an iterative optimization algorithm goes from a starting point to the maximum of some objective function. If the starting point has some good properties, then early stopping can work well, keeping some of the virtues of the starting point while respecting the data. This trick can be performed the other way, too, starting with the data and then processing it to move it toward a model. That’s how the iterative proportional fitting algorithm of Deming and Stephan (1940) works to fit multivariate categorical data to known margins. In any case, the trick is to stop at the right point–not so soon that you’re ignoring the data but not so late that you en

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Introduction: David Hogg pointed me to this post by Larry Wasserman: 1. The Horwitz-Thompson estimator    satisfies the following condition: for every   , where   — the parameter space — is the set of all functions  . (There are practical improvements to the Horwitz-Thompson estimator that we discussed in our earlier posts but we won’t revisit those here.) 2. A Bayes estimator requires a prior   for  . In general, if   is not a function of   then (1) will not hold. . . . 3. If you let   be a function if  , (1) still, in general, does not hold. 4. If you make   a function if   in just the right way, then (1) will hold. . . . There is nothing wrong with doing this, but in our opinion this is not in the spirit of Bayesian inference. . . . 7. This example is only meant to show that Bayesian estimators do not necessarily have good frequentist properties. This should not be surprising. There is no reason why we should in general expect a Bayesian method to have a frequentist property

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Introduction: Maximum likelihood gives the beat fit to the training data but in general overfits, yielding overly-noisy parameter estimates that don’t perform so well when predicting new data. A popular solution to this overfitting problem takes advantage of the iterative nature of most maximum likelihood algorithms by stopping early. In general, an iterative optimization algorithm goes from a starting point to the maximum of some objective function. If the starting point has some good properties, then early stopping can work well, keeping some of the virtues of the starting point while respecting the data. This trick can be performed the other way, too, starting with the data and then processing it to move it toward a model. That’s how the iterative proportional fitting algorithm of Deming and Stephan (1940) works to fit multivariate categorical data to known margins. In any case, the trick is to stop at the right point–not so soon that you’re ignoring the data but not so late that you en

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Introduction: Maximum likelihood gives the beat fit to the training data but in general overfits, yielding overly-noisy parameter estimates that don’t perform so well when predicting new data. A popular solution to this overfitting problem takes advantage of the iterative nature of most maximum likelihood algorithms by stopping early. In general, an iterative optimization algorithm goes from a starting point to the maximum of some objective function. If the starting point has some good properties, then early stopping can work well, keeping some of the virtues of the starting point while respecting the data. This trick can be performed the other way, too, starting with the data and then processing it to move it toward a model. That’s how the iterative proportional fitting algorithm of Deming and Stephan (1940) works to fit multivariate categorical data to known margins. In any case, the trick is to stop at the right point–not so soon that you’re ignoring the data but not so late that you en

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